        public Point[] HourLine(double hourAngleH)
            //Creates a set of points that define a line of longitude over the skyviewmap
            //Convert hour angle to spherical theta
            float hourAnglePhi = (float)Transform.HourAngleToPolarAngle(hourAngleH);
            float latR         = (float)Transform.DegreesToRadians(this.smObsLatD);

            //Create set of 100 spherical points to use
            Polar3D.Polar3[] spts = new Polar3D.Polar3[100];
            //generate a line of constant rho and latitude that goes between startha and endha
            float deltaLatR = (float)((Math.PI) / spts.Length);
            float startLat  = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < spts.Length; i++)
                float nextLatR = (float)((deltaLatR * i) + startLat);
                spts[i] = new Polar3D.Polar3((float)smRadius, nextLatR, hourAnglePhi);
                spts[i] = spts[i].RotateX(latR);
            //Project this line onto the XY surface by spherical to cartesian conversion , then scrape off the z axis

            Point[] xyArc = Polar3D.ProjectXY(spts);
            for (int i = 0; i < xyArc.Length; i++)
                xyArc[i].Offset(smCenter.X, smCenter.Y);

        public Point[] DecLine(double decAngleD)
            //Creates a set of points that define a line of longitude over the skyviewmap
            //Convert hour angle to spherical theta
            //Declines will
            float decAngleR = (float)Transform.DegreesToRadians(decAngleD);
            float latR      = (float)Transform.DegreesToRadians(this.smObsLatD);

            //Create set of 100 spherical points to use
            Polar3D.Polar3[] spts = new Polar3D.Polar3[100];
            //generate a line of constant rho and latitude that goes between startha and endha
            //set the start of the great circle to -90 so all the X values are increasing for the DrawLine function.
            float deltaPhiR = (float)((2.0 * Math.PI) / spts.Length);
            float startPhi  = -(float)(Math.PI / 2.0);

            for (int i = 0; i < spts.Length; i++)
                float nextPhiR = (float)((deltaPhiR * i) + startPhi);
                spts[i] = new Polar3D.Polar3((float)smRadius, decAngleR, nextPhiR);
                spts[i] = spts[i].RotateX(latR);
            //Project this line onto the XY surface by spherical to cartesian conversion , then scrape off the z axis
            Point[] xyArc = Polar3D.ProjectXY(spts);
            for (int i = 0; i < xyArc.Length; i++)
                xyArc[i].Offset(smCenter.X, smCenter.Y);
        public Point[] TrackLine(double startHourAngleH, double endHourAngleH, double declinationD)
            //Produces a line arc of integer X,Y points that are equidistant from the center

            //Start out with a set of spherical points which represent a great circle line on a sphere of
            //  of radius smradius
            //Convert hour angle to spherical theta
            float startAnglePhi = (float)Transform.HourAngleToPolarAngle(startHourAngleH);
            float endAnglePhi   = (float)Transform.HourAngleToPolarAngle(endHourAngleH);
            float decR          = (float)Transform.DegreesToRadians(declinationD);
            float latR          = (float)Transform.DegreesToRadians(this.smObsLatD);

            //Create set of 100 spherical points to use
            Polar3D.Polar3[] spts = new Polar3D.Polar3[100];
            //generate a line of constant rho and latitude that goes between startha and endha
            float deltaHr = (float)((Transform.NormalizeHours(endHourAngleH - startHourAngleH)) / spts.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < spts.Length; i++)
                double nextHaH  = (float)((deltaHr * i) + startHourAngleH);
                float  nextPhiR = (float)Transform.HourAngleToPolarAngle(nextHaH);
                spts[i] = new Polar3D.Polar3((float)smRadius, decR, nextPhiR);
                spts[i] = spts[i].RotateX(latR);
            //Project this line onto the XY surface by spherical to cartesian conversion , then scrape off the z axis

            Point[] xyArc = Polar3D.ProjectXY(spts);
            for (int i = 0; i < xyArc.Length; i++)
                xyArc[i].Offset(smCenter.X, smCenter.Y);
