 /* This is the actual entry point for the engine. It can take arguments but none need to be given. */
 static void Main(string[] args)
     /* A new PokemonEngine is created, and then it is run. */
     using (PokemonEngine game = new PokemonEngine())
        /* The Player constructor takes a reference to the game, a string for the gender choice, and a Character object.
         * A World object is passed through to the Camera. */
        public Player(Game game, Character character, string gender, World worldRef)
            /* The gameRef, character and gender fields are set from the parameters passed in. */
            gameRef        = (PokemonEngine)game;
            this.character = character;
            this.gender    = gender;

            /* The camera is initialized using the window rectangle, and a zoom of two.
             * CameraFollow is set to true, since we want the camera to follow the player.
             * The team is initialized with a length of six, and the bag is also created. */
            camera = new Camera(gameRef.ScreenRectangle, 2f, worldRef);
            character.CameraFollow = true;
            team = new Pokemon[6];
            bag  = new Bag();
 /* The BaseGameState constructor takes a reference to the game and the state manager, which are both passed to the parent GameState() constructor.
  * The GameRef field is filled with a reference to the game passed in.
  * The default playerIndexInControl is set to the gamepad plugged into slot one. */
 public BaseGameState(Game game, GameStateManager manager) : base(game, manager)
     GameRef = (PokemonEngine)game;
     playerIndexInControl = PlayerIndex.One;