public PokemonData(int Id, int[] regionalDex /*, string name*/, Type?type1, Type?type2, eAbility.Ability[] abilities, //eAbility.Ability? ability1, eAbility.Ability? ability2, eAbility.Ability? hiddenAbility, /*float maleRatio,*/ int catchRate, EggGroup eggGroup1, EggGroup eggGroup2, int hatchTime, float height, float weight, int baseExpYield, int levelingRate, /*int? evYieldHP, int? evYieldATK, int? evYieldDEF, int? evYieldSPA, int? evYieldSPD, int? evYieldSPE,*/ PokedexColor pokedexColor, /*int baseFriendship,* / string species, string pokedexEntry,*/ int baseStatsHP, int baseStatsATK, int baseStatsDEF, int baseStatsSPA, int baseStatsSPD, int baseStatsSPE, float luminance, /*Color lightColor,*/ int[] movesetLevels, eMoves.Move[] movesetMoves, int[] tmList, int[] evolutionID, int[] evolutionLevel, int[] evolutionMethod, /*string[] evolutionRequirements,* /*int? forms,*/ int[,] heldItem = null) {//new PokemonData(1,1,"Bulbasaur",12,4,65,null,34,45,1,7,20,7f,69f,64,4,PokemonData.PokedexColor.GREEN,"Seed","\"Bulbasaur can be seen napping in bright sunlight. There is a seed on its back. By soaking up the sun’s rays, the seed grows progressively larger.\"",45,49,49,65,65,45,0f,new int[]{1,3,7,9,13,13,15,19,21,25,27,31,33,37},new int[]{33,45,73,22,77,79,36,75,230,74,38,388,235,402},new int[]{14,15,70,76,92,104,113,148,156,164,182,188,207,213,214,216,218,219,237,241,249,263,267,290,412,447,474,496,497,590},new int[]{2},new int[]{16},new int[]{1}) PokedexTranslation translation = PokemonDatabase.GetPokedexTranslation(Id); this.ID = Id; this.regionalPokedex = regionalDex; this.Name = translation.Name; this.Species = translation.Species; this.pokedexEntry = translation.PokedexEntry; //this.forms = forms; //ToDo: need new mechanic for how this should work this.type1 = type1 != null ? (PokemonData.Type)type1 : PokemonData.Type.NONE; this.type2 = type2 != null ? (PokemonData.Type)type2 : PokemonData.Type.NONE; this.Abilities = abilities; //this.ability1Id = (eAbility.Ability)ability1; //this.ability2Id = (eAbility.Ability)ability2; //this.hiddenAbilityId = (eAbility.Ability)hiddenAbility; //this.maleRatio = maleRatio; //ToDo this.catchRate = catchRate; this.eggGroup1 = eggGroup1; this.eggGroup2 = eggGroup2; this.hatchTime = hatchTime; this.height = height; this.weight = weight; this.baseExpYield = baseExpYield; this.levelingRate = (LevelingRate)levelingRate; //== null ? (PokemonData.LevelingRate)levelingRate : PokemonData.LevelingRate.NONE; this.baseStatsHP = baseStatsHP; this.baseStatsATK = baseStatsATK; this.baseStatsDEF = baseStatsDEF; this.baseStatsSPA = baseStatsSPA; this.baseStatsSPD = baseStatsSPD; this.baseStatsSPE = baseStatsSPE; //this.baseFriendship = baseFriendship; //ToDo: forgot to implement when transfering database this.luminance = luminance; //this.lightColor = lightColor; this.pokedexColor = pokedexColor | PokemonData.PokedexColor.NONE; //ToDo: wild pokemon held items not yet implemented this.heldItem = heldItem; //[item id,% chance] this.movesetLevels = movesetLevels; this.movesetMoves = movesetMoves; //ToDo: Array Cast conversion //this.tmList = tmList; //ToDo: Need new item database array/enum for this; one that's regional/generation dependant this.evolutionID = evolutionID; //this.evolutionRequirements = evolutionRequirements; }