public GBAGameSave(string filePath, GameTypes gameType = GameTypes.Any, bool japanese = false)
     this.gameType = gameType;
     this.japanese = japanese;
     //try {
     this.raw      = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
     this.saveData = new GBASaveData[2];
     if (raw.Length == 131072 || raw.Length == 139264)
         if (!ByteHelper.CompareBytes(0, ByteHelper.SubByteArray(4092, raw, 4)))
             saveData[0] = new GBASaveData(this, ByteHelper.SubByteArray(0, raw, 57344));
         if (!ByteHelper.CompareBytes(0, ByteHelper.SubByteArray(57344 + 4092, raw, 4)))
             saveData[1] = new GBASaveData(this, ByteHelper.SubByteArray(57344, raw, 57344));
         is128KbSave = true;
     else if (raw.Length == 65536)
         saveData[0] = new GBASaveData(this, ByteHelper.SubByteArray(0, raw, 57344));
         is128KbSave = false;
     if (this.gameType == GameTypes.Any)
         // The User will pick the proper game type later
         if (MostRecentSave.BlockDataCollection.GameCode == GameCodes.RubySapphire)
             this.gameType = GameTypes.Ruby;
         else if (MostRecentSave.BlockDataCollection.GameCode == GameCodes.Emerald)
             this.gameType = GameTypes.Emerald;
         else if (MostRecentSave.BlockDataCollection.GameCode == GameCodes.FireRedLeafGreen)
             this.gameType = GameTypes.FireRed;
     loaded = true;
     //catch (Exception) {
     //throw new Exception("An error occurred with the save file. It seems that the program cannot read the supplied save file. Please load a 128KB save file for Generation 3 pokemon games.");
        public PokemonBoxGameSave(string filePath, bool japanese = false)
            byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
            this.loaded     = false;
            this.hasGCIData = false;
            this.japanese   = japanese;

            if (data.Length == 483328 || data.Length == 483392)
                if (data.Length == 483392)
                    this.hasGCIData = true;
                throw new Exception("Pokemon Box saves must be either 483,328 or 483,392 bytes in length");

            int start = 0x2000 + (hasGCIData ? 64 : 0);

            this.saveData = new PokemonBoxSaveData[2];
            List <PokemonBoxBlockData> blocks = new List <PokemonBoxBlockData>();

            for (int i = 0; start + 0x2000 * (i + 1) <= data.Length; i++)
                //blocks.Add(new PokemonBoxBlockData(ByteHelper.SubByteArray(start + 0x2000 * i, data, 0x2E000)));
            if (BigEndian.ToSInt32(data, start + 0x8) != 0)
                this.saveData[0] = new PokemonBoxSaveData(this, ByteHelper.SubByteArray(start, data, 0x2E000));
            if (BigEndian.ToSInt32(data, start + 0x2E000 + 0x8) != 0)
                this.saveData[1] = new PokemonBoxSaveData(this, ByteHelper.SubByteArray(start + 0x2E000, data, 0x2E000));

            this.raw    = data;
            this.loaded = true;
        public GCGameSave(string filePath, bool japanese = false)
            byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
            this.hasGCIData = false;
            this.gameType   = GameTypes.Any;
            this.japanese   = japanese;

            // GCI Data is 64 bytes in length
            if (data.Length == 393216 || data.Length == 393280)
                if (data.Length == 393280)
                    hasGCIData = true;
                gameType = GameTypes.Colosseum;
            else if (data.Length == 352256 || data.Length == 352320)
                if (data.Length == 352320)
                    hasGCIData = true;
                gameType = GameTypes.XD;
                throw new Exception("GameCube save data must be 393,216 or 393,280 bytes in length for Colosseum, and 352,256 or 352,320 bytes in length for XD");
            // First 24,576 bytes are for the gamecube memory card manager, such as name and icon
            int start = 24576 + (hasGCIData ? 64 : 0);

            if (gameType == GameTypes.Colosseum)
                this.saveData = new GCSaveData[3];
                if (!ByteHelper.CompareBytes(255, ByteHelper.SubByteArray(start + 0x1dfec, data, 20)))
                    this.saveData[0] = new GCSaveData(this, ByteHelper.SubByteArray(start, data, 122880));
                if (!ByteHelper.CompareBytes(255, ByteHelper.SubByteArray(start + 122880 + 0x1dfec, data, 20)))
                    this.saveData[1] = new GCSaveData(this, ByteHelper.SubByteArray(start + 122880, data, 122880));
                if (!ByteHelper.CompareBytes(255, ByteHelper.SubByteArray(start + 122880 * 2 + 0x1dfec, data, 20)))
                    this.saveData[2] = new GCSaveData(this, ByteHelper.SubByteArray(start + 122880 * 2, data, 122880));
                this.saveData = new GCSaveData[2];
                if (!ByteHelper.CompareBytes(0, ByteHelper.SubByteArray(start + 0x10, data, 16)))
                    this.saveData[0] = new GCSaveData(this, ByteHelper.SubByteArray(start, data, 163840));
                if (!ByteHelper.CompareBytes(0, ByteHelper.SubByteArray(start + 163840 + 0x10, data, 16)))
                    this.saveData[1] = new GCSaveData(this, ByteHelper.SubByteArray(start + 163840, data, 163840));
            this.raw = data;
            loaded   = true;