private void CreateListView(PointStorage pointStorage) { listView1.Clear(); if (pointStorage == null) { return; } listView1.Columns.Add("Dimension", 75, HorizontalAlignment.Left); listView1.Columns.Add("Axis", 75, HorizontalAlignment.Left); listView1.Columns.Add("Position", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Left); for (int dimension = 0; dimension < pointStorage.Dimension; dimension++) { string dimensionName = pointStorage.DimensionName[dimension]; ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(dimensionName); if (axisMap.Contains(dimensionName)) { item.Tag = axisMap[dimensionName]; // axis object item.SubItems.Add(((IAxis)axisMap[dimensionName]).Name); // axis name item.SubItems.Add(""); } else { item.Tag = null; // axis object item.SubItems.Add("unassigned axis"); // axis name item.SubItems.Add(""); } listView1.Items.Add(item); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { pointStorage = GetComponent <PointStorage>(); if (drawVoxels) { pointStorage.voxelSet.UpdateEvent += DrawVoxels; } }
public void FillFrom(NamelessRogue.Engine.Components.Physical.Position component) { this.Point = component.Point; this.Id = component.Id == null ? null : component.Id.ToString(); this.ParentEntityId = component.ParentEntityId == null ? null : component.ParentEntityId.ToString(); }
public void FillFrom(NamelessRogue.Engine.Components.Rendering.ConsoleCamera component) { this.Position = component.Position; this.Id = component.Id == null ? null : component.Id.ToString(); this.ParentEntityId = component.ParentEntityId == null ? null : component.ParentEntityId.ToString(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { pointStorage = GetComponent <PointStorage>(); pointStorage.voxelSet.UpdateEvent += VoxelSet_UpdateEvent; particleSystem = GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); var main = particleSystem.main; main.startSize = ParticleSize; main.startColor = ParticleColor; }
public void FillFrom(NamelessRogue.Engine.Components.AI.NonPlayerCharacter.BasicAi component) { this.Route = new List <PointStorage>(component.Route.Select(x => (PointStorage)x)); this.State = (BasicAiStatesStorage)component.State; this.DestinationPoint = component.DestinationPoint; this.Id = component.Id == null ? null : component.Id.ToString(); this.ParentEntityId = component.ParentEntityId == null ? null : component.ParentEntityId.ToString(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { pointStorage = GetComponent <PointStorage>(); if (drawMesh) { pointStorage.voxelSet.NewActivePointsEvent += VoxelSet_NewActivePointsEvent; } smartUpdate = pointStorage.smartUpdate; IPDMeshCreator = new IPDMeshCreator(pointStorage.voxelSet, smartUpdate, influenceRegion2, energyFunction2, regionAngle); ReadFle(); //AddRandomPoints(500000); }
public void FillFrom(NamelessRogue.Engine.Generation.World.WorldTile component) { this.Terrain = (TerrainTypesStorage)component.Terrain; this.Biome = (BiomesStorage)component.Biome; this.Building = component.Building; this.Artifact = component.Artifact; this.Affinity = component.Affinity; this.Owner = component.Owner; this.Continent = component.Continent; this.LandmarkRegion = component.LandmarkRegion; this.Settlement = component.Settlement; this.WorldBoardPosiiton = component.WorldBoardPosiiton; }
void Start() { Screen.sleepTimeout = SleepTimeout.NeverSleep; rayManager = FindObjectOfType <ARRaycastManager>(); objects = new List <GameObject>(); storage = new PointStorage(); enabled = false; can_add = true; models = modelsManager.GetModels(); modelIndex = 0; SetUpArrows(false); if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("rooms")) { string jsonString = PlayerPrefs.GetString("rooms"); Debug.Log("\n\nRooms" + jsonString + "\n\n"); rooms = JsonUtility.FromJson <Rooms>(jsonString); } else { Debug.Log("\n\nRooms are empty\n\n"); rooms = new Rooms(); rooms.Storages = new List <PointStorage>(); } }
public void FillFrom(NamelessRogue.Engine.Generation.World.ConcreteSettlement component) { this.Center = component.Center; }
public void Enable(int index) { storage = rooms.Storages[index]; StartCoroutine(SetImage()); menuInstance.SetActive(true); }
void Update() { if (current != null) { Destroy(current); } if (!can_add) { return; } if (Input.touchCount > 0 && Input.touches[0].phase == TouchPhase.Began) { if (Input.GetTouch(0).position.x < Screen.width * 0.1) { OnLeft(); return; } if (Input.GetTouch(0).position.x > Screen.width * 0.9) { OnRight(); return; } if (Input.GetTouch(0).position.y < Screen.height * 0.2) { return; } List <ARRaycastHit> hits = new List <ARRaycastHit>(); // Vector2 pos = Input.GetTouch(0).position; Vector2 pos = new Vector2(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2); rayManager.Raycast(pos, hits, TrackableType.PlaneWithinPolygon); if (hits.Count == 0) { return; } GameObject currentObject = Instantiate(models[modelIndex], hits[0].pose.position, hits[0].pose.rotation); editor.EditObject(currentObject, (GameObject obj) => { can_add = true; SetUpArrows(true); if (storage == null) { storage = new PointStorage(); } storage.AddPoint(obj, modelIndex); }); SetUpArrows(false); can_add = false; } else { Vector2 pos = new Vector2(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2); List <ARRaycastHit> hits = new List <ARRaycastHit>(); rayManager.Raycast(pos, hits, TrackableType.PlaneWithinPolygon); if (hits.Count == 0) { info.text = "Move your device to scan planes"; return; } info.text = "Tap on the center of the screen to put object"; current = Instantiate(models[modelIndex], hits[0].pose.position, hits[0].pose.rotation); } }