public PointOfContactModel(PointOfContact entity) { FirstName = entity.FirstName; LastName = entity.LastName; Title = entity.Title; Address = new SystemAddressModel(entity.Address); PhoneNumber = new SystemPhoneNumberModel(entity.PhoneNumber); EmailAddress = new SystemEmailAddressModel(entity.EmailAddress); }
public ActionResult Details(string id) { if (id == "") { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } PointOfContact pointOfContact = db.PointOfContacts.Find(id); if (pointOfContact == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(pointOfContact)); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(string id) { PointOfContact pointOfContact = db.PointOfContacts.Find(id); db.PointOfContacts.Remove(pointOfContact); try { db.SaveChanges(); TempData["SuccessOHMsg"] = "Point of Contact " + pointOfContact.POCName + " deleted"; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch { TempData["DangerOHMsg"] = "Problem deleting the Point of Contact " + pointOfContact.POCName; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "POCName,Notes")] PointOfContact pointOfContact) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(pointOfContact).State = EntityState.Modified; try { db.SaveChanges(); TempData["SuccessOHMsg"] = "Point of Contact " + pointOfContact.POCName + " edited"; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch { TempData["DangerOHMsg"] = "Problem editing the Point of Contact " + pointOfContact.POCName; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } } return(View(pointOfContact)); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "POCName,Notes")] PointOfContact pointOfContact) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.PointOfContacts.Add(pointOfContact); try { db.SaveChanges(); TempData["SuccessOHMsg"] = "Point of Contact " + pointOfContact.POCName + " created"; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch { TempData["DangerOHMsg"] = "Problem creating the Point of Contact " + pointOfContact.POCName; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } } return(View(pointOfContact)); }
public bool IsHalfDistance() { return(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PointOfContact) ? false : PointOfContact.ToLower() == "half-distance"); }
public bool IsAtTheTable() { return(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PointOfContact) ? false : PointOfContact.ToLower() == "behind"); }
public ActionResult HelpDeskForm([Bind(Include = "SDReqID,VIPID,LicenseTypeID,ProductID,POCName,POCNotes,Qty")] HelpDeskFormViewModel helpDeskForm) { ViewBag.VIPList = new SelectList(db.VIPs.OrderBy(x => x.VIPID), "VIPID", "VIPName"); ViewBag.LicenseTypeList = new SelectList(db.LicenseTypes.OrderBy(x => x.LicenseTypeID), "LicenseTypeID", "LicenseTypeDesc"); ViewBag.ProductList = new SelectList(db.Products.OrderBy(x => x.ProductID), "ProductID", "ProductDesc"); if (ModelState.IsValid) { // ServiceDesk Request ID should not exist already if (db.ServiceDeskRequests.Any(o => o.ServiceDeskRequestID == helpDeskForm.SDReqID)) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "ServiceDesk Request ID exists already."); return(View()); } // If Point of Contact doesn't already exist, create it. PointOfContact poc; if (!db.PointOfContacts.Any(o => o.POCName == helpDeskForm.POCName)) { poc = new PointOfContact(); poc.POCName = helpDeskForm.POCName; poc.Notes = helpDeskForm.POCNotes; db.PointOfContacts.Add(poc); db.SaveChanges(); TempData["SuccessOHMsg"] = "Point of Contact " + poc.POCName + " created"; } else { poc = db.PointOfContacts.Find(helpDeskForm.POCName); } // Get objects from tables VIP vip = db.VIPs.Find(helpDeskForm.VIPID); LicenseType licenseType = db.LicenseTypes.Find(helpDeskForm.LicenseTypeID); Product product = db.Products.Find(helpDeskForm.ProductID); // Create new ServiceDesk Request ServiceDeskRequest sdReq = new ServiceDeskRequest(); sdReq.ServiceDeskRequestID = helpDeskForm.SDReqID; // Create new Purchase Order PurchaseOrder po = new PurchaseOrder(); po.Qty = helpDeskForm.Qty; po.PODate = new DateTime(1753, 1, 1); // Minimum date for SQL // Create new Request Request req = new Request(); req.PurchaseOrder = po; req.VIP = vip; req.LicenseType = licenseType; req.Product = product; req.PointOfContact = poc; // Add Request to other models' virtual or ICollection sdReq.Request = req; po.Request = req; po.RequestID = req.RequestID; poc.Requests.Add(req); vip.Requests.Add(req); licenseType.Requests.Add(req); product.Requests.Add(req); // Add new records to database tables db.Requests.Add(req); // Also adds Purchase Orders to table because of 1 to 1 relationship db.SaveChanges(); db.ServiceDeskRequests.Add(sdReq); db.SaveChanges(); TempData["SuccessOHMsg"] = "ServiceDesk Request " + sdReq.ServiceDeskRequestID + ", Purchase Order " + po.PurchaseOrderID + ", and Request " + req.RequestID + " created"; return(RedirectToAction("HelpDeskForm")); } ModelState.AddModelError("", "Problem Submitting the form. Model state is not valid."); return(View()); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "RequestID,PurchaseOrderID,VIPID,LicenseTypeID,ProductID,POCName")] RequestEditViewModel reqEdit) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { Request req = db.Requests.Find(reqEdit.RequestID); // If there is a difference in the VIPs if (req.VIP.VIPID != reqEdit.VIPID) { // Assumes that the VIP already exists because it came from a drop down list VIP vip = db.VIPs.Find(reqEdit.VIPID); // Remove request from old VIP req.VIP.Requests.Remove(req); // Add request to new VIP vip.Requests.Add(req); // Point the request to the new VIP req.VIP = vip; } // If there is a difference in the LicenseTypes if (req.LicenseType.LicenseTypeID != reqEdit.LicenseTypeID) { // Assumes that the LicenseType already exists because it came from a drop down list LicenseType licenseType = db.LicenseTypes.Find(reqEdit.LicenseTypeID); // Remove request from old VIP req.LicenseType.Requests.Remove(req); // Add request to new VIP licenseType.Requests.Add(req); // Point the request to the new VIP req.LicenseType = licenseType; } // If there is a difference in the Products if (req.Product.ProductID != reqEdit.ProductID) { // Assumes that the VIP already exists because it came from a drop down list Product product = db.Products.Find(reqEdit.ProductID); // Remove request from old VIP req.Product.Requests.Remove(req); // Add request to new VIP product.Requests.Add(req); // Point the request to the new VIP req.Product = product; } // If there is a difference in the Point of Contacts if (req.PointOfContact.POCName != reqEdit.POCName) { // Assumes that the VIP already exists because it came from a drop down list //VIP vip = db.VIPs.Find(reqEdit.VIPID); PointOfContact poc; // If the Point of Contact already exists if (db.PointOfContacts.Any(o => o.POCName == reqEdit.POCName)) { poc = db.PointOfContacts.Find(reqEdit.POCName); } else { // Create new Point of Contact poc = new PointOfContact(); poc.POCName = reqEdit.POCName; } // Remove request from old Point of Contact req.PointOfContact.Requests.Remove(req); // Add request to new Point of Contact poc.Requests.Add(req); // Point the request to the new Point of Contact req.PointOfContact = poc; } db.Entry(req).State = EntityState.Modified; try { db.SaveChanges(); TempData["SuccessOHMsg"] = "Request " + req.RequestID + " edited"; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch { TempData["DangerOHMsg"] = "Problem editing the Request " + req.RequestID; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } } ViewBag.VIPList = new SelectList(db.VIPs.OrderBy(x => x.VIPID), "VIPID", "VIPName"); ViewBag.LicenseTypeList = new SelectList(db.LicenseTypes.OrderBy(x => x.LicenseTypeID), "LicenseTypeID", "LicenseTypeDesc"); ViewBag.ProductList = new SelectList(db.Products.OrderBy(x => x.ProductID), "ProductID", "ProductDesc"); return(View(reqEdit)); }