        private Image RotateImage(Image inputImg, double degreeAngle)
            //Corners of the image
            PointF[] rotationPoints = { new PointF(0,                            0),
                                        new PointF(inputImg.Width,               0),
                                        new PointF(0,              inputImg.Height),
                                        new PointF(inputImg.Width, inputImg.Height) };

            //Rotate the corners
            PointMath.RotatePoints(rotationPoints, new PointF(inputImg.Width / 2.0f, inputImg.Height / 2.0f), degreeAngle);

            //Get the new bounds given from the rotation of the corners
            //(avoid clipping of the image)
            Rectangle bounds = PointMath.GetBounds(rotationPoints);

            //An empy bitmap to draw the rotated image
            Bitmap rotatedBitmap = new Bitmap(bounds.Width, bounds.Height);

            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(rotatedBitmap))
                g.SmoothingMode     = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;

                //Transformation matrix
                Matrix m = new Matrix();
                m.RotateAt((float)degreeAngle, new PointF(inputImg.Width / 2.0f, inputImg.Height / 2.0f));
                m.Translate(-bounds.Left, -bounds.Top, MatrixOrder.Append); //shift to compensate for the rotation

                g.Transform = m;
                g.DrawImage(inputImg, 0, 0);
        private void drawRotatedArrow(GraphicsPlus graphics)
            Debug.WriteLine("drawRotatedArrow: " + this.rotationAngle, this.ToString());

            Point center = new Point(this.Width / 2, this.Height / 2);

            int arWidthHalf = ARROW_WIDTH / 2;

            //int arHeightHalf = ARROW_HEIGHT / 2;

            Point[] arrowPoints =
                new Point(center.X,                       center.Y - arWidthHalf),
                new Point(center.X - 2 * arWidthHalf / 3, center.Y + arWidthHalf),
                new Point(center.X + 2 * arWidthHalf / 3, center.Y + arWidthHalf),
                new Point(center.X,                       center.Y + arWidthHalf / 2)
            Debug.WriteLine("drawRotatedArrow: points "
                            + PointUtil.pointsStr(arrowPoints), this.ToString());

            PointMath.RotatePoints(arrowPoints, center, this.rotationAngle);
            Debug.WriteLine("drawRotatedArrow: points "
                            + PointUtil.pointsStr(arrowPoints), this.ToString());


            PenPlus pen = new PenPlus(ARROW_COLOR, 3);


            graphics.DrawLine(pen, new GpPoint(arrowPoints[0].X, arrowPoints[0].Y),
                              new GpPoint(arrowPoints[1].X, arrowPoints[1].Y));
            graphics.DrawLine(pen, new GpPoint(arrowPoints[1].X, arrowPoints[1].Y),
                              new GpPoint(arrowPoints[3].X, arrowPoints[3].Y));
            graphics.DrawLine(pen, new GpPoint(arrowPoints[3].X, arrowPoints[3].Y),
                              new GpPoint(arrowPoints[2].X, arrowPoints[2].Y));
            graphics.DrawLine(pen, new GpPoint(arrowPoints[2].X, arrowPoints[2].Y),
                              new GpPoint(arrowPoints[0].X, arrowPoints[0].Y));