addPntGroup(string nameGroup) { PointGroup pntGrp = null; try { using (Transaction tr = BaseObjs.startTransactionDb()) { if (_pointGroups.Contains(nameGroup)) { ObjectId grpId = _pointGroups[nameGroup]; pntGrp = (PointGroup)tr.GetObject(grpId, OpenMode.ForRead); } else { ObjectId grpId = _pointGroups.Add(nameGroup); pntGrp = (PointGroup)tr.GetObject(grpId, OpenMode.ForRead); } tr.Commit(); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { BaseObjs.writeDebug(string.Format("{0} Pnts.cs: line: 39", ex.Message)); } finally { } return(pntGrp); }
public DiffFinder(int x, int y, int width, int height) { pointDiffs = new Dictionary <Tuple <Point, Point>, int>(); colorDiffs = new Dictionary <Tuple <Point, Color>, int>(); rect = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height); group = new PointGroup(); }
private void SelectCurveType(LevelComponent inComponent, PointGroup inGroup, eCurveType inNewSelectedCurve) { eCurveType currentCurveType = inGroup.mCurveType; if (currentCurveType != inNewSelectedCurve) { // Determine the new point. switch (inNewSelectedCurve) { case eCurveType.Point: CutOrAddGroupPointsTo(inComponent, inGroup, 1); break; case eCurveType.Quadratic: CutOrAddGroupPointsTo(inComponent, inGroup, 3); break; case eCurveType.Cubic: CutOrAddGroupPointsTo(inComponent, inGroup, 4); break; } // Set it. inGroup.mCurveType = inNewSelectedCurve; } }
public static List <CogoPoint> GetCogoPoints(this PointGroup ptGroup) { CivilDocument civDoc = CivilApplication.ActiveDocument; return((from p in ptGroup.GetPointNumbers() select civDoc.CogoPoints.GetPointByPointNumber(p).GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) as CogoPoint).ToList()); }
addPntRawDescToGroup(string namePnt, string nameGroup) { try { using (Transaction tr = BaseObjs.startTransactionDoc()) { try { if (_pointGroups.Contains(nameGroup)) { ObjectId grpId = _pointGroups[nameGroup]; PointGroup pntGrp = (PointGroup)tr.GetObject(grpId, OpenMode.ForWrite); StandardPointGroupQuery query = new StandardPointGroupQuery(); query.IncludeRawDescriptions = string.Format("{0}*", nameGroup); pntGrp.SetQuery(query); pntGrp.Update(); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { BaseObjs.writeDebug(string.Format("{0} Pnt_Group.cs: line: 243", ex.Message)); } tr.Commit(); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { BaseObjs.writeDebug(string.Format("{0} Pnt_Group.cs: line: 250", ex.Message)); } }
private void SpawnItemsInLevel(LevelComponent inLevelComponent, PointGroup inGroup) { RunnerItemManager runnerItemManager = RunnerItemManager.Instance; switch (inGroup.mSpawnType) { case eSpawnType.Coins: { SpawnCoinStrip(inLevelComponent, inGroup); break; } case eSpawnType.Hazards: { HazardItem newHazard = (HazardItem)runnerItemManager.GetRandomItemOfType(typeof(HazardItem), mCurrentLevelGroup.LevelGroupID); SpawnitemtAtRandomPointInGroup(inLevelComponent, inGroup, newHazard); break; } case eSpawnType.Items: { RunnerItem newItem = (RunnerItem)runnerItemManager.GetRandomItemOfType(typeof(RunnerItem), mCurrentLevelGroup.LevelGroupID); SpawnitemtAtRandomPointInGroup(inLevelComponent, inGroup, newItem); break; } } }
updatePntGroup(string strGroupName) { try { using (Transaction tr = BaseObjs.startTransactionDoc()) { try { if (_pointGroups.Contains(strGroupName)) { ObjectId grpId = _pointGroups[strGroupName]; PointGroup pntGrp = (PointGroup)tr.GetObject(grpId, OpenMode.ForWrite); pntGrp.Update(); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { BaseObjs.writeDebug(string.Format("{0} Pnt_Group.cs: line: 339", ex.Message)); } tr.Commit(); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { BaseObjs.writeDebug(string.Format("{0} Pnt_Group.cs: line: 346", ex.Message)); } }
private void overrideLabelsForPointsIn(ObjectId pointGroupId) { PointGroup group = pointGroupId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite) as PointGroup; group.IsPointLabelStyleOverridden = true; }
updatePntGroups() { try { using (Transaction tr = BaseObjs.startTransactionDoc()) { try { foreach (ObjectId id in _pointGroups) { PointGroup pg = (PointGroup)tr.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForWrite); pg.Update(); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { BaseObjs.writeDebug(string.Format("{0} Pnt_Group.cs: line: 367", ex.Message)); } tr.Commit(); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { BaseObjs.writeDebug(string.Format("{0} Pnt_Group.cs: line: 374", ex.Message)); } }
private void ButtonImport_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List <int> SelectedGroups = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < AvailableGroups.Count; i++) { foreach (var selectedItem in ListGroups.SelectedItems) { if ((string)selectedItem == AvailableGroups[i]) { SelectedGroups.Add(i); } } } using (Stream SessionStream = File.OpenRead(SessionPath)) { XPathDocument Doc = new XPathDocument(SessionStream); XPathNavigator Reader = Doc.CreateNavigator(); Reader.MoveToRoot(); int iGroup = 0; foreach (XPathNavigator groupNav in Reader.Select("//PointGroups/Group")) { if (SelectedGroups.Contains(iGroup)) { PointGroup NewGroup = new PointGroup { Name = XMLHelper.LoadAttribute(groupNav, "Name", "Group " + (MainWindow.Options.Membrane.PointGroups.Count + 1)), Size = XMLHelper.LoadAttribute(groupNav, "Size", 10), Color = ColorHelper.LoadAttribute(groupNav, "Color", ColorHelper.SpectrumColor(MainWindow.Options.Membrane.PointGroups.Count, 0.3f)) }; NewGroup.PointCloud.GLContext = MainWindow.Options.Viewport.GetControl(); foreach (XPathNavigator pointNav in groupNav.SelectChildren("Point", "")) { int TriangleID = XMLHelper.LoadAttribute(pointNav, "ID", 0); SurfacePoint NewPoint = new SurfacePoint(OpenGLHelper.LoadAttribute(pointNav, "Position", new Vector3(0)), MainWindow.Options.Membrane.SurfaceMesh.Triangles[TriangleID < MainWindow.Options.Membrane.SurfaceMesh.Triangles.Count ? TriangleID : 0], OpenGLHelper.LoadAttribute(pointNav, "Barycentric", new Vector3(0)), XMLHelper.LoadAttribute(pointNav, "Offset", 0f), OpenGLHelper.LoadAttribute(pointNav, "Orientation", new Vector3(0)).X); NewGroup.Points.Add(NewPoint); } MainWindow.Options.Membrane.PointGroups.Add(NewGroup); NewGroup.IsVisible = XMLHelper.LoadAttribute(groupNav, "IsVisible", true); } iGroup++; } } if (SelectedGroups.Count > 0) { MainWindow.Options.Viewport.Redraw(); } Close(); }
public void SetPointGroup(PointGroup pg) { if (pg == null) // disable this control { this.Enabled = false; // some objects are rendered black even when this control is disabled, // so hide them as well this.CircleToAngleValueLabel.Visible = false; this.CircleToRadiusValueLabel.Visible = false; this.CountValueLabel.Visible = false; this.SamplePanel.Visible = false; } else { this.Enabled = true; this.CircleToAngleValueLabel.Visible = true; this.CircleToRadiusValueLabel.Visible = true; this.CountValueLabel.Visible = true; this.SamplePanel.Visible = true; this.ShapeComboBox.SelectedIndex = (int)pg.Shape; if (_editingFixedPoints) { FixedPointsValuesUIntSeqControl.Sequence = new StringBuilder(K.GetStringOfUnsignedInts(pg.Value)); CountValueLabel.Text = pg.Value.Count.ToString(); } else { StartMomentUIntControl.UnsignedInteger = new StringBuilder(pg.StartMoment.ToString()); PlanetValueUIntControl.UnsignedInteger = new StringBuilder(pg.Value[0].ToString()); } FromRadiusFloatControl.Float = new StringBuilder(pg.FromRadius.ToString()); FromAngleFloatControl.Float = new StringBuilder(pg.FromAngle.ToString()); if (ShapeComboBox.SelectedIndex == (int) { CircleToRadiusValueLabel.Visible = true; CircleToAngleValueLabel.Visible = true; ToRadiusFloatControl.Visible = false; ToAngleFloatControl.Visible = false; CircleToRadiusValueLabel.Text = pg.FromRadius.ToString(); CircleToAngleValueLabel.Text = (pg.FromAngle + 360f).ToString(); } else { CircleToRadiusValueLabel.Visible = false; CircleToAngleValueLabel.Visible = false; ToRadiusFloatControl.Visible = true; ToAngleFloatControl.Visible = true; ToRadiusFloatControl.Float = new StringBuilder(pg.ToRadius.ToString()); ToAngleFloatControl.Float = new StringBuilder(pg.ToAngle.ToString()); } RotationFloatControl.Float = new StringBuilder(pg.RotateAngle.ToString()); ShiftRadiusFloatControl.Float = new StringBuilder(pg.TranslateRadius.ToString()); ShiftAngleFloatControl.Float = new StringBuilder(pg.TranslateAngle.ToString()); VisibleCheckBox.Checked = pg.Visible; ColorComboBox.SelectedIndex = (int)pg.Color; } }
public int GetNextPointNum(PointGroup currentGroup) { if (currentGroup != null) { return(currentGroup.mPoints.Count); } return(-1); }
public void DeletePointInfo(PointGroup inParentPointGroup, PointInfo inInfoToDelete) { if (mPointGroups.Contains(inParentPointGroup) && inParentPointGroup.mPoints.Contains(inInfoToDelete)) { inParentPointGroup.mPoints.Remove(inInfoToDelete); } }
public void DeletePointGroup(PointGroup inGroupToDelete) { // Remove the group from our list if (mPointGroups.Contains(inGroupToDelete)) { mPointGroups.Remove(inGroupToDelete); } }
private void customizePointGroup(ObjectId id) { PointGroup group = id.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite) as PointGroup; CustomPointGroupQuery query = new CustomPointGroupQuery(); query.QueryString = "RawDescription='WELL*'"; group.SetQuery(query); group.UseCustomClassification(_classification); }
private static void AddPoint(Cell cell, Vector3 point) { if (!s_PointGroupsByCell.TryGetValue(cell, out PointGroup group)) { group = new PointGroup(); s_PointGroupsByCell.Add(cell, group); } group.AddPoint(point); }
public PointInfo AddNewPoint(PointGroup currentGroup, Vector3 inNewPoint) { if (currentGroup != null) { PointInfo newPoint = new PointInfo(inNewPoint); currentGroup.mPoints.Add(newPoint); return(newPoint); } return(null); }
private void renumberPoints(PointGroup group, int baseNumber) { uint[] pointNumbers = group.GetPointNumbers(); int firstNumber = (int)pointNumbers[0]; int factor = baseNumber - firstNumber; _civildoc.CogoPoints.SetPointNumber( ToEnumerableObjectId(group.GetPointNumbers()), factor); group.Update(); }
public async Task <int> Handle(CreatePointGroupCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var entity = new PointGroup(); entity.Title = request.Title; _context.GroupPoints.Add(entity); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken); return(entity.Id); }
private void CreateNewGroup(LevelComponent inSelectedLevel) { // Create new, blank data. // string defaultName = "ID" + inSelectedLevel.NextID; // PointGroup newGroup = new PointGroup(defaultName); PointGroup newGroup = new PointGroup(); inSelectedLevel.SetPointGroupInfo(newGroup); }
static public float CalculateCurveLength(PointGroup inSpawnGroup) { if (inSpawnGroup.mCurveType == eCurveType.Quadratic && inSpawnGroup.mPoints.Count < 3) { Debug.LogError("Not enough points, fix it!"); return(-1f); } if (inSpawnGroup.mCurveType == eCurveType.Cubic && inSpawnGroup.mPoints.Count < 4) { Debug.LogError("Not enough points, fix it!"); return(-1f); } // Uhh.. Determine the length? Vector3 ptA = inSpawnGroup.mPoints[0].mPosition; Vector3 ptB = inSpawnGroup.mPoints[1].mPosition; Vector3 ptC = inSpawnGroup.mPoints[2].mPosition; Vector3 ptD =; if (inSpawnGroup.mPoints.Count > 3) { ptD = inSpawnGroup.mPoints[3].mPosition; } float notExactLengthOfCurve = 0.0f; bool bPastFirst = false; Vector3 lastDTVector =; for (int dt = 0; dt < 100; dt++) { float currentDT = (float)dt / 100f; Vector3 currentDTVector; if (inSpawnGroup.mCurveType == eCurveType.Quadratic) { currentDTVector = CalculateQuadtraticPoint(currentDT, ptA, ptB, ptC); } else { currentDTVector = CalculateBezierPoint(currentDT, ptA, ptB, ptC, ptD); } if (bPastFirst) { notExactLengthOfCurve += Vector3.Distance(currentDTVector, lastDTVector); } else { bPastFirst = true; } lastDTVector = currentDTVector; } return(notExactLengthOfCurve); }
public PointGroup GetGroup(int index) { PointGroup pointGroup = null; try{ pointGroup = mPointGroups[index]; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) { pointGroup = null; } return(pointGroup); }
private void renumberPointsForGroup(string groupName, int baseNumber) { using (Transaction tr = startTransaction()) { ObjectId pointGroupId = getPointGroupIdByName(groupName); PointGroup group = pointGroupId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) as PointGroup; renumberPoints(group, baseNumber); tr.Commit(); } }
private void ButtonImport_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List<int> SelectedGroups = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < AvailableGroups.Count; i++) { foreach (var selectedItem in ListGroups.SelectedItems) if ((string)selectedItem == AvailableGroups[i]) SelectedGroups.Add(i); } using (Stream SessionStream = File.OpenRead(SessionPath)) { XPathDocument Doc = new XPathDocument(SessionStream); XPathNavigator Reader = Doc.CreateNavigator(); Reader.MoveToRoot(); int iGroup = 0; foreach (XPathNavigator groupNav in Reader.Select("//PointGroups/Group")) { if (SelectedGroups.Contains(iGroup)) { PointGroup NewGroup = new PointGroup { Name = XMLHelper.LoadAttribute(groupNav, "Name", "Group " + (MainWindow.Options.Membrane.PointGroups.Count + 1)), Size = XMLHelper.LoadAttribute(groupNav, "Size", 10), Color = ColorHelper.LoadAttribute(groupNav, "Color", ColorHelper.SpectrumColor(MainWindow.Options.Membrane.PointGroups.Count, 0.3f)) }; NewGroup.PointCloud.GLContext = MainWindow.Options.Viewport.GetControl(); foreach (XPathNavigator pointNav in groupNav.SelectChildren("Point", "")) { int TriangleID = XMLHelper.LoadAttribute(pointNav, "ID", 0); SurfacePoint NewPoint = new SurfacePoint(OpenGLHelper.LoadAttribute(pointNav, "Position", new Vector3(0)), MainWindow.Options.Membrane.SurfaceMesh.Triangles[TriangleID < MainWindow.Options.Membrane.SurfaceMesh.Triangles.Count ? TriangleID : 0], OpenGLHelper.LoadAttribute(pointNav, "Barycentric", new Vector3(0)), XMLHelper.LoadAttribute(pointNav, "Offset", 0f), OpenGLHelper.LoadAttribute(pointNav, "Orientation", new Vector3(0)).X); NewGroup.Points.Add(NewPoint); } MainWindow.Options.Membrane.PointGroups.Add(NewGroup); NewGroup.IsVisible = XMLHelper.LoadAttribute(groupNav, "IsVisible", true); } iGroup++; } } if (SelectedGroups.Count > 0) MainWindow.Options.Viewport.Redraw(); Close(); }
private void createPointGroup(string name, PointGroupQuery query) { if (_pointGroups.Contains(name)) { return; } ObjectId groupId = _pointGroups.Add(name); PointGroup group = groupId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) as PointGroup; group.SetQuery(query); }
private ObjectId findGroup(string name) { foreach (ObjectId id in _civildoc.PointGroups) { PointGroup group = id.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) as PointGroup; if (group.Name == name) { return(id); } } return(ObjectId.Null); }
public void LoadPointGroup(PointGroup pg) { if (pg.Selected) { WebClient wc = new WebClient(); wc.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(SharedLandmarksDownloadComplete); wc.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri("" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString()), pg); } else { //unload all the children frm the map layer pg.RemovePinsFromLayer(); } }
public void LoadPointGroup(PointGroup pg) { if (pg.Selected) { WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(dataElement_DownloadStringCompleted); client.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(pg.DataUrl), pg); } else { //unload all the children frm the map layer pg.RemovePinsFromLayer(); } }
private static bool PointAreInBounds(PointGroup group, Point initialPoint, int width, int height) { bool inBounds = true; foreach (var point in group.Points) { if (point.X >= initialPoint.X + width || point.Y >= initialPoint.Y + height) { inBounds = false; break; } } return(inBounds); }
public ExportPoints(PointGroupCollection PointGroups, string SourceFile) { InitializeComponent(); foreach (ObjectId group in PointGroups) { PointGroup pointGroup = (PointGroup)group.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead); if (pointGroup.Name.ToLower() != "_all points" && pointGroup.Name.ToLower() != "no display") { lbGroups.Items.Add(pointGroup.Name); } } FolderPath = SourceFile + "\\Comp"; this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; }
static SkillBar() { initialOffset = new Point(20, 26); cooldownSetPoints = new PointGroup( new Point(-17, 8), new Point(-23, 15), new Point(-7, 16) ); colorDiffMinutesCooldowns = new Dictionary <int, int>() { { 56, 2 }, //Wolf { 12, 2 }, //Prayer of god's power { 38, 7 }, //Wilderness }; }
public IEnumerable <LinePointsGroup <Sale> > LinePointGroups() { var retrievers = new PointGroup <Sale>("Retrievers"); retrievers.Add(new Sale("\"Golden\";\"2.000,00\";4;\"2018-01-01\"")); retrievers.Add(new Sale("\"Golden\";\"5.000,00\";2;\"2018-01-01\"")); retrievers.Add(new Sale("\"Golden\";\"2.000,00\";6;\"2018-01-01\"")); yield return(new LinePointsGroup <Sale>( new List <PointGroup <Sale> > { retrievers }, "Puppies" )); }
private void CutOrAddGroupPointsTo(LevelComponent inComponent, PointGroup inGroup, int inNumPoints) { List <PointInfo> groupPoints = inGroup.mPoints; // Cut our points down to the given number while (groupPoints.Count > inNumPoints) { groupPoints.RemoveAt(groupPoints.Count - 1); } // Increment our points up to the given number while (groupPoints.Count < inNumPoints) { AddNewPoint(inComponent, inGroup); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates Point groups based on the groupSize value.MinxPosition,maxXPosition and groupSize is calculated for every iteration /// All the points which fall within the groupSize are grouped.Threshold area will be the distance from minXPosition to maxXPosition /// and the process is continued till minXPosition not greater than Plotarea width. /// </summary> /// <param name="actualList">List containing actual number of points</param> /// <param name="plotXValueDistance">Width of the plot Area i.e XValue range </param> /// <param name="groupSize">An area within which all the points falling are grouped</param> /// <returns></returns> private static List<PointGroup> CreatePointGroups(List<Point> actualList, Double minXPosition, Double plotXValueDistance, Double threshold) { List<PointGroup> PointGroups = new List<PointGroup>(); Double maxXPosition = 0; Double position = minXPosition; for (; position <= (minXPosition + plotXValueDistance); position = maxXPosition) { maxXPosition = position + threshold; PointGroup pointGroup = new PointGroup() { dataPoints = (from point in actualList where point.XValue >= position && point.XValue <= maxXPosition select point).ToList() }; PointGroups.Add(pointGroup); } return PointGroups; }
private void DrawFixedDots(PointGroup pointGroup, bool inputPoints) { if (pointGroup.Visible) { pointGroup.GetFixedPointWindowsPixelCoordinates(_fieldPanelCentreX, _fieldPanelCentreY, _scale); DrawDots(pointGroup, 0, inputPoints, true, true); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new fixed point group in the outputKrystal, and a new, corresponding combobox entry in the /// editor. /// The fixed point group's default shape and comboboxIndex properties are set, and the PointGroupParameter /// block updated accordingly. /// Finally, the appropriate ComboBox.SelectedIndex is set. /// </summary> /// <param name="inputGroup"></param> private void CreateNewFixedPointGroup(bool inputGroup) { PointGroup p = new PointGroup(); if (inputGroup) { _expander.InputGamete.FixedPointGroups.Add(p); p.Shape = K.PointGroupShape.spiral; // default value for fixed input groups p.Color =; ComboBox.ObjectCollection existingGroups = FixedInputsComboBox.Items; string newGroupName = "Input Group " + (existingGroups.Count + 1).ToString(); existingGroups.Add(newGroupName); // The following assignment to FixedInputsComboBox.SelectedIndex triggers an event handler. FixedInputsComboBox.SelectedIndex = _fixedInputPointsIndex = existingGroups.Count - 1; } else // output group { _expander.OutputGamete.FixedPointGroups.Add(p); p.Shape =; // default value for fixed output groups p.Color =; // default for output points ComboBox.ObjectCollection existingGroups = FixedOutputsComboBox.Items; string newGroupName = "Output Group " + (existingGroups.Count + 1).ToString(); existingGroups.Add(newGroupName); // The following assignment to FixedInputsComboBox.SelectedIndex triggers an event handler. FixedOutputsComboBox.SelectedIndex = _fixedOutputPointsIndex = existingGroups.Count - 1; } this.PointGroupParameters.SetPointGroup(p); }
private void MapLayerAdded(PointGroup pg) { if (!pg.Loaded) { lock (m_pointGroupsLoading) m_pointGroupsLoading.Enqueue(pg); if (m_thread != null) if (m_thread.ThreadState == ThreadState.Stopped) m_thread = null; if (m_thread == null) { m_thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { while (m_pointGroupsLoading.Count > 0) { PointGroup pgItem; lock (m_pointGroupsLoading) pgItem = m_pointGroupsLoading.Dequeue(); DispatcherHelper.UIDispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { //update the loading this.LoadingText = string.Format("Loading {0} locations...",pgItem.Title); this.Loading = true; }); while (!pgItem.Loaded) Thread.Sleep(700); } DispatcherHelper.UIDispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>this.Loading = false); })); m_thread.IsBackground = true; m_thread.Name = "PGsLoadingThread"; } try { //Start the thread m_thread.Start(); } catch { } } }
/// <summary> /// An array of coordinates which control how the background line for planets is drawn. /// The number of points in this array is independent of the number of points in the point group, /// but the curve follows the other parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="p"></param> /// <returns></returns> public PointF[] ConnectingLineCoordinates(PointGroup p) { PointGroup clone = p.Clone(); clone.Count = 200; clone.GetFixedPointWindowsPixelCoordinates(_fieldPanelCentreX, _fieldPanelCentreY, _scale); return clone.WindowsPixelCoordinates; }
public PointGroup GetPointGroup() { PointGroup pGroup = new PointGroup(); pGroup.Shape = (K.PointGroupShape)ShapeComboBox.SelectedIndex; if (_editingFixedPoints) { pGroup.Value = K.GetUIntList(FixedPointsValuesUIntSeqControl.Sequence.ToString()); pGroup.Count = (uint) pGroup.Value.Count; // the number of values in the Value string } else { pGroup.StartMoment = uint.Parse(StartMomentUIntControl.UnsignedInteger.ToString()); // MidiMoments //if (pGroup.StartMoment == 0) // pGroup.StartMoment = 1; pGroup.Value = K.GetUIntList(PlanetValueUIntControl.UnsignedInteger.ToString()); //pGroup.Count = 1; // this value requires knowledge of the other pointGroups in the planet } pGroup.FromRadius = float.Parse(FromRadiusFloatControl.Float.ToString()); pGroup.FromAngle = float.Parse(FromAngleFloatControl.Float.ToString()); if (pGroup.Shape == { pGroup.ToRadius = float.Parse(CircleToRadiusValueLabel.Text); pGroup.ToAngle = float.Parse(CircleToAngleValueLabel.Text); } else { pGroup.ToRadius = float.Parse(ToRadiusFloatControl.Float.ToString()); pGroup.ToAngle = float.Parse(ToAngleFloatControl.Float.ToString()); } pGroup.RotateAngle = float.Parse(RotationFloatControl.Float.ToString()); pGroup.TranslateRadius = float.Parse(ShiftRadiusFloatControl.Float.ToString()); pGroup.TranslateAngle = float.Parse(ShiftAngleFloatControl.Float.ToString()); pGroup.Visible = VisibleCheckBox.Checked; pGroup.Color = (K.DisplayColor)ColorComboBox.SelectedIndex; return pGroup; }
/// <summary> /// Draws the dots of a point group. Use this function to draw planets. Use DrawFixedDots() to draw fixed dots. /// </summary> /// <param name="p">The point group</param> /// <param name="pointGroupIndex">For planets, this point group's index in the list of point groups. This argument is ignored when drawing fixed point groups.</param> /// <param name="inputPoints">Is this an input point?</param> /// <param name="fixedPoints">Is this a fixed point?</param> /// <param name="drawFinalDot">true if this is the last point group in a list of planet point groups. This argument is ignored when drawing fixed point groups.</param> private void DrawDots(PointGroup p, int pointGroupIndex, bool inputPoints, bool fixedPoints, bool drawFinalDot) { PointF[] points = p.WindowsPixelCoordinates; // these points are scaled and centred GetTheDotPen(p.Color); int dotsToDraw = points.Length; if (!drawFinalDot) dotsToDraw--; float _dotOffset = (_dotSize - 1) / 2; // used by both input and output points! #region draw output points if (inputPoints == false) // output points { float _ringOffset = (_ringSize - 1) / 2; for (int i = 0; i < dotsToDraw; i++) { if (_pointMarkers.Count == 0) // editing mode { if (fixedPoints || (pointGroupIndex == 0 && i == 0)) // fixed points or the first dot of an output planet { DrawDot(_theDotPen, _theRingFillBrush, points[i].X - _ringOffset, points[i].Y - _ringOffset, _ringSize); DrawLabel(points[i], p.Value[i].ToString()); } else // subsequent dots of an output planet in editing mode { DrawDot(_unusedOutputPointsPen, _unusedOutputPointsPen.Brush, points[i].X - _dotOffset, points[i].Y - _dotOffset, _dotSize); } } else // time-slice mode { bool drawn = false; foreach (PointMarker pm in _pointMarkers) // markers have been set for all fixed points if (pm.PointF.Equals(points[i])) // the output point at this moment { DrawDot(_theDotPen, _theRingFillBrush, points[i].X - _ringOffset, points[i].Y - _ringOffset, _ringSize); DrawLabel(points[i], pm.PointValue); drawn = true; break; } if (!drawn) // output planet points at other moments { DrawDot(_unusedOutputPointsPen, _unusedOutputPointsPen.Brush, points[i].X - _dotOffset, points[i].Y - _dotOffset, _dotSize); } } } } #endregion #region draw input points else // inputPoints == true { for (int i = 0; i < dotsToDraw; i++) { if (_pointMarkers.Count == 0) // editing mode { if (fixedPoints) // fixed input points { DrawDot(_theDotPen, _theDotPen.Brush, points[i].X - _dotOffset, points[i].Y - _dotOffset, _dotSize); DrawLabel(points[i], p.Value[i].ToString()); } else // input planet in editing mode { if (pointGroupIndex == 0 && i == 0) DrawLabel(points[i], p.Value[i].ToString()); if (p.Value[0] == _strandNodeList[i + ((int)p.StartMoment) - 1].strandPoint) { DrawDot(_theDotPen, _theDotPen.Brush, points[i].X - _dotOffset, points[i].Y - _dotOffset, _dotSize); } else // unused dots of an input planet in editing mode { DrawDot(_unusedInputPointsPen, _unusedInputPointsPen.Brush, points[i].X - _dotOffset, points[i].Y - _dotOffset, _dotSize); } } } else // time-slice mode { bool pointDrawn = false; foreach (PointMarker pm in _pointMarkers) // markers have been set for all fixed points if (pm.PointF.Equals(points[i])) // the input point at this moment { if (fixedPoints) // all fixed points are marked in time-slice mode! { DrawDot(_theDotPen, _theDotPen.Brush, points[i].X - _dotOffset, points[i].Y - _dotOffset, _dotSize); DrawLabel(points[i], p.Value[i].ToString()); pointDrawn = true; } else // marked planet point in time-slice mode DrawLabel(points[i], p.Value[0].ToString()); break; } if (!pointDrawn) // unmarked input planet points in time-slice mode { if (p.Value[0] == _strandNodeList[i + ((int)p.StartMoment) - 1].strandPoint) { DrawDot(_theDotPen, _theDotPen.Brush, points[i].X - _dotOffset, points[i].Y - _dotOffset, _dotSize); } else // unused dots of an input planet in editing mode { DrawDot(_unusedInputPointsPen, _unusedInputPointsPen.Brush, points[i].X - _dotOffset, points[i].Y - _dotOffset, _dotSize); } } else // marked input planet points in time-slice mode (drawn on top of planet path) { DrawDot(_theDotPen, _theDotPen.Brush, points[i].X - _dotOffset, points[i].Y - _dotOffset, _dotSize); } } } } #endregion }
public void SetPointGroup(PointGroup pg) { if (pg == null) // disable this control { this.Enabled = false; // some objects are rendered black even when this control is disabled, // so hide them as well this.CircleToAngleValueLabel.Visible = false; this.CircleToRadiusValueLabel.Visible = false; this.CountValueLabel.Visible = false; this.SamplePanel.Visible = false; } else { this.Enabled = true; this.CircleToAngleValueLabel.Visible = true; this.CircleToRadiusValueLabel.Visible = true; this.CountValueLabel.Visible = true; this.SamplePanel.Visible = true; this.ShapeComboBox.SelectedIndex = (int)pg.Shape; if (_editingFixedPoints) { FixedPointsValuesUIntSeqControl.Sequence = new StringBuilder( K.GetStringOfUnsignedInts(pg.Value)); CountValueLabel.Text = pg.Value.Count.ToString(); } else { StartMomentUIntControl.UnsignedInteger = new StringBuilder(pg.StartMoment.ToString()); PlanetValueUIntControl.UnsignedInteger = new StringBuilder(pg.Value[0].ToString()); } FromRadiusFloatControl.Float = new StringBuilder(pg.FromRadius.ToString()); FromAngleFloatControl.Float = new StringBuilder(pg.FromAngle.ToString()); if (ShapeComboBox.SelectedIndex == (int) { CircleToRadiusValueLabel.Visible = true; CircleToAngleValueLabel.Visible = true; ToRadiusFloatControl.Visible = false; ToAngleFloatControl.Visible = false; CircleToRadiusValueLabel.Text = pg.FromRadius.ToString(); CircleToAngleValueLabel.Text = (pg.FromAngle + 360f).ToString(); } else { CircleToRadiusValueLabel.Visible = false; CircleToAngleValueLabel.Visible = false; ToRadiusFloatControl.Visible = true; ToAngleFloatControl.Visible = true; ToRadiusFloatControl.Float = new StringBuilder(pg.ToRadius.ToString()); ToAngleFloatControl.Float = new StringBuilder(pg.ToAngle.ToString()); } RotationFloatControl.Float = new StringBuilder(pg.RotateAngle.ToString()); ShiftRadiusFloatControl.Float = new StringBuilder(pg.TranslateRadius.ToString()); ShiftAngleFloatControl.Float = new StringBuilder(pg.TranslateAngle.ToString()); VisibleCheckBox.Checked = pg.Visible; ColorComboBox.SelectedIndex = (int)pg.Color; } }
private void DrawConnectingLine(PointGroup p) { if (p.Visible) { PointF[] connectingLineCoordinates = ConnectingLineCoordinates(p); GetTheLinePen(p.Color); if (p.Shape == _g.DrawClosedCurve(_theDottedLinePen, connectingLineCoordinates); else _g.DrawCurve(_theDottedLinePen, connectingLineCoordinates); } }