        public override void Draw(SharpGL.OpenGL gl)
            if ( _trail > 1)
                for ( int t = 0; t<_trail;t++ )
                    PointFloat trailPos = GetPosition();
                    PointFloat vel = GetVelocity();
                    PointFloat dit = new PointFloat(trailPos.x - vel.x*t, trailPos.y - vel.y*t);
                    PointFloat[] pointData = RenderLogics.RectPoint(dit, GetSize(), GetRotation());

                    byte[] col = GetColor();
                    gl.Color(col[0], col[1], col[2]);
                    gl.TexCoord(0, 0);
                    gl.Vertex(pointData[1].x, pointData[1].y);
                    gl.TexCoord(0, 1);
                    gl.Vertex(pointData[0].x, pointData[0].y);
                    gl.TexCoord(1, 1);
                    gl.Vertex(pointData[3].x, pointData[3].y);
                    gl.TexCoord(1, 0);
                    gl.Vertex(pointData[2].x, pointData[2].y);
        public static List <PointFloat[][]> stringToCorner(string[] lines)
            var res = new List <PointFloat[][]>();

            while (lines.Length > 0)
                int len      = Convert.ToInt32(lines[0]);
                var curLines = new PointFloat[len][];
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                    var line = lines[i + 1];
                    var segs = line.Split(' ');
                    var pts  = new List <PointFloat>();
                    foreach (var seg in segs)
                        if (seg.Trim() == "")
                        var ps = seg.Split(',');
                        pts.Add(new PointFloat(Convert.ToSingle(ps[0]), Convert.ToSingle(ps[1])));
                    curLines[i] = pts.ToArray();
                lines = lines.Skip(len + 1).ToArray();
        public override void Draw(SharpGL.OpenGL gl)
            if (_trail > 1)
                for (int t = 0; t < _trail; t++)
                    PointFloat   trailPos  = GetPosition();
                    PointFloat   vel       = GetVelocity();
                    PointFloat   dit       = new PointFloat(trailPos.x - vel.x * t, trailPos.y - vel.y * t);
                    PointFloat[] pointData = RenderLogics.RectPoint(dit, GetSize(), GetRotation());

                    byte[] col = GetColor();
                    gl.Color(col[0], col[1], col[2]);
                    gl.TexCoord(0, 0);
                    gl.Vertex(pointData[1].x, pointData[1].y);
                    gl.TexCoord(0, 1);
                    gl.Vertex(pointData[0].x, pointData[0].y);
                    gl.TexCoord(1, 1);
                    gl.Vertex(pointData[3].x, pointData[3].y);
                    gl.TexCoord(1, 0);
                    gl.Vertex(pointData[2].x, pointData[2].y);
 private void RenderSelection(IDrawingContext dc, float scale, PointFloat offset, SelectionRenderParameters renderParams, Result <IGeometry> lazyGeometry, IBrush interiorBrush, IBrush outlineBrush, IStrokeStyle outlineStrokeStyle, AntialiasMode antialiasMode)
     using (dc.UseScaleTransform(scale, scale, MatrixMultiplyOrder.Prepend))
         using (dc.UseTranslateTransform(offset.X, offset.Y, MatrixMultiplyOrder.Prepend))
             if (renderParams.IsInteriorFilled && (interiorBrush != null))
                 using (dc.UseAntialiasMode(AntialiasMode.Aliased))
                     dc.FillGeometry(lazyGeometry.Value, interiorBrush, null);
             if (renderParams.IsOutlineEnabled && (outlineBrush != null))
                 float strokeWidth = this.outlineStrokeWidthPx / scale;
                 using (dc.UseAntialiasMode(antialiasMode))
                     using (dc.UseTranslateTransform(0.5f, 0.5f, MatrixMultiplyOrder.Append))
                         dc.DrawGeometry(lazyGeometry.Value, outlineBrush, strokeWidth, outlineStrokeStyle);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Living"/> base class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="health"></param>
 /// <param name="movementSpeed"></param>
 protected Living(int health, float movementSpeed, Point location)
     this.Health   = new Util.Attribute32(health);
     this.Movement = new AttributeFloat(movementSpeed);
     Living.LivingCreated(this, new LivingEventArg(this, location));
     this.MapLocation    = location;
     this.ScreenLocation = new PointFloat(location.X, location.Y);
 public PointDescriptionFloat(PointFloat point, PointFloat unitTangentVector, int endSegment, int endFigure, float lengthToEndSegment)
     this.point              = point;
     this.unitTangentVector  = unitTangentVector;
     this.endSegment         = endSegment;
     this.endFigure          = endFigure;
     this.lengthToEndSegment = lengthToEndSegment;
        private PointFloat MoveBackward(PointFloat vel)
            float xAdd = (float)Math.Sin((double)GetRotation());
            float yAdd = (float)Math.Cos((double)GetRotation());

            vel.x = vel.x + (-xAdd - vel.x) / 100;
            vel.y = vel.y + (-yAdd - vel.y) / 100;
        private PointFloat MoveForward(PointFloat vel)
            float xAdd = (float)Math.Sin((double)GetRotation());
            float yAdd = (float)Math.Cos((double)GetRotation());

            vel.x = vel.x + (xAdd - vel.x) / 100;
            vel.y = vel.y + (yAdd - vel.y) / 100;
            engineFirePar.Blow(0.4f, 2, false);
        static PointFloat[] convertToPF(PointF[] p)
            var res = new PointFloat[p.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < p.Length; i++)
                res[i] = new PointFloat(p[i].X, p[i].Y);
 public TimedCannon(float posx, float posy, int[] times)
     _times = times.ToList();
     _color = new byte[3] { (byte)r.Next(255), (byte)r.Next(255), (byte)r.Next(255) };
     _pos = new PointFloat(posx, posy);
     _firePar.SetLifeTime(3, 6);
     _firePar.SetColor(255, 255, 100);
        private ShowNodesEventParameter CreateShowNodesEventParameter(PointFloat pnt, bool singleSelect, DiagramShape currentShape)
            var para = new ShowNodesEventParameter();

            para.MouseClickPoint = pnt;
            para.Application     = Application;
            para.CreateShape     = (x) =>
                var rst = new DiagramShapeEx(SDLDiagramShapes.Procedure, x.X, x.Y, x.Width, x.Height);
                rst.Image = x.GetImage();
            para.ObjectSpace   = _os;
            para.SelectedForms = _diagram.Items.OfType <DiagramShape>().Select(x => (x.Tag as IFlowNode)).ToArray();
            para.Shape         = currentShape;
            para.SingleSelect  = singleSelect;
            para.UpdateShape   = (node, shape) =>
                var s = shape as DiagramShape;
                s.Content = node.Caption;
                s.Tag     = node;

            para.DoShowNavigationItem = (x) =>
                var snc   = Application.MainWindow.GetController <SubSystemNavigationController>();
                var sname = x.Split('/');
                if (sname.Length > 3)
                var ctrl   = Application.MainWindow.GetController <ShowNavigationItemController>().ShowNavigationItemAction;
                var toItem = FindChoiceActionItemByModelPath(ctrl.Items, x);
                ctrl.SelectedItem = toItem;


            if (currentShape != null)
                para.SelectedNode = currentShape.Tag as IFlowNode;

            para.DeletSelectedNode = () => { _diagram.DeleteSelectedItems(); };
            para.ViewParameter     = new ShowViewParameters();
 public TimedCannon(float posx, float posy, int[] times)
     _times = times.ToList();
     _color = new byte[3] {
         (byte)r.Next(255), (byte)r.Next(255), (byte)r.Next(255)
     _pos = new PointFloat(posx, posy);
     _firePar.SetLifeTime(3, 6);
     _firePar.SetSize(0.1f, 0.1f);
     _firePar.SetRandomSpeed(true, 0.5f);
     _firePar.SetColor(255, 255, 100);
        /// <summary>
        /// Rotates the bitmap by the specified angle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="b">Bitmap</param>
        /// <param name="point">Float point</param>
        /// <param name="angle">Angle in degrees</param>
        /// <returns>Bitmap</returns>
        public static Bitmap Rotate(this Bitmap b, PointFloat point, float angle)
            Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(b.Width, b.Height);

            bmp.SetResolution(b.HorizontalResolution, b.VerticalResolution);
            Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);

            graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBilinear;
            graphics.TranslateTransform(point.X, point.Y);
            graphics.TranslateTransform(-point.X, -point.Y);
            graphics.DrawImage(b, new PointF(0, 0));
        private LineSlop GetEpLineABC(PointFloat pts, PointSide side, GMatrix f)
            if (side == PointSide.Right)
                f = f.tranpose();
            var gm = f.dot(new GMatrix(new double[3, 1] {
                { pts.X }, { pts.Y }, { 1 }
            var ms = gm.storage;
            var a  = ms[0][0];
            var b  = ms[1][0];
            var c  = ms[2][0];

            return(new LineSlop(a, b, c));
        public override void Draw(OpenGL gl)
            PointFloat _size = GetSize();

            PointFloat[] pointData = RenderLogics.RectPoint(GetPosition(), _size, GetRotation());
            byte[]       color     = GetColor();
            gl.Color(color[0], color[1], color[2]);
            gl.TexCoord(0, 0);
            gl.Vertex(pointData[1].x, pointData[1].y);
            gl.TexCoord(0, 1);
            gl.Vertex(pointData[0].x, pointData[0].y);
            gl.TexCoord(1, 1);
            gl.Vertex(pointData[3].x, pointData[3].y);
            gl.TexCoord(1, 0);
            gl.Vertex(pointData[2].x, pointData[2].y);
        public override void Update(GameSettings settings)
            _dir.x = 0;
            _dir.y = 0;
            PointFloat selfPos = GetPosition();

            foreach (GameObject obj in TomatoMainEngine.GameObjects)
                if (obj.Type == Type && obj != this)
                    PointFloat objPos = obj.GetPosition();
                    float      x      = selfPos.x - objPos.x;
                    float      y      = selfPos.y - objPos.y;
                    float      h      = -(float)Math.Atan2(x, y);
                    h    = h + GetVelocity().GetSpeed() * 2;
                    _dir = _dir - Helpers.PhysicsAndPositions.GetDirection(h);
            float x0 = selfPos.x;
            float y0 = selfPos.y;
            float h0 = -(float)Math.Atan2(x0, y0);

            h0   = h0 + GetVelocity().GetSpeed() * 2;
            _dir = _dir - Helpers.PhysicsAndPositions.GetDirection(h0);
            SetVelocityAdd(_dir / 500);

            _fire.Blow(0.03f, 4, false);
            if (_timer < 0)
                SetVelocityAdd(Helpers.PhysicsAndPositions.GetDirection(GetRotation()) / 10.0f);
                _timer = 900;
            if (ControlKeys.IsKeyDown("e"))
                SetVelocityAdd(Helpers.PhysicsAndPositions.GetDirection(GetRotation()) / 10.0f);
        public override void Update(GameSettings settings)
            PointFloat vel  = GetVelocity();
            float      rotV = GetRotationVelocity();

            rotV = rotV - (rotV / 50);
            if (ControlKeys.IsKeyDown("s"))
                vel = MoveBackward(vel);
            if (ControlKeys.IsKeyDown("w"))
                vel = MoveForward(vel);
                //Console.WriteLine(GetPosition().x + " " + GetPosition().y);

            if (ControlKeys.IsKeyDown("d"))
                rotV = rotV + (0.05f - rotV);
            if (ControlKeys.IsKeyDown("a"))
                rotV = rotV + (-0.05f - rotV);
            if (ControlKeys.IsKeyDown("e"))
                gun.SetPos(Helpers.PhysicsAndPositions.OffsetPosition(GetPosition(), 2.0f, GetRotation() + (float)Math.PI * 0.5f));
                gun.SetSpread(Helpers.PhysicsAndPositions.PI * 2);
                gun.SetLifeTime(100, 200);
                gun.Blow(1f, 100, false);
            engineFirePar.SetPos(Helpers.PhysicsAndPositions.OffsetPosition(GetPosition(), 1.0f, GetRotation() + (float)Math.PI * 1.5f));
            engineFirePar.SetRot(GetRotation() + 3.14f);
        public FireWork(PointFloat pos, byte[] color) : base("FireWork")
            float velx = (float)(r.NextDouble() - 0.5);
            float vely = (float)(r.NextDouble()) + 3.0f;

            SetVelocity(velx / 10f, vely / 6.0f);
            SetSize(0.2f, 0.2f);
            _explosion.SetRandomSpeed(true, 0.01f);
            _explosion.SetSpread(Helpers.PhysicsAndPositions.PI * 2);
            _explosion.SetLifeTime(30, 100);
            _color = color;
            _smoke.SetSize(0.05f, 0.05f);
            SetRotationVelocity((float)r.Next(20, 60) / 100f);
            time = r.Next(50, 100);
 public FireWork(PointFloat pos, byte[] color)
     : base("FireWork")
     float velx = (float)( r.NextDouble() -0.5);
     float vely = (float)( r.NextDouble() ) + 3.0f;
     SetVelocity(velx / 10f, vely / 6.0f);
     _explosion.SetSpread(Helpers.PhysicsAndPositions.PI * 2);
     _color = color;
     SetRotationVelocity( (float)r.Next(20, 60) / 100f );
     time = r.Next(50,100);
        public override void Update(GameSettings settings)
            _dir.x = 0;
            _dir.y = 0;
            PointFloat selfPos = GetPosition();
            foreach(GameObject obj in TomatoMainEngine.GameObjects){
                if(obj.Type == Type && obj != this){

                    PointFloat objPos = obj.GetPosition();
                    float x = selfPos.x - objPos.x;
                    float y = selfPos.y - objPos.y;
                    float h = -(float)Math.Atan2(x, y);
                    h = h + GetVelocity().GetSpeed() * 2;
                    _dir = _dir - Helpers.PhysicsAndPositions.GetDirection(h);
            float x0 = selfPos.x;
            float y0 = selfPos.y;
            float h0 = -(float)Math.Atan2(x0, y0);
            h0 = h0 + GetVelocity().GetSpeed() * 2;
            _dir = _dir - Helpers.PhysicsAndPositions.GetDirection(h0);
            SetVelocityAdd(_dir / 500);

            _fire.Blow(0.03f,4, false);
            if (_timer  < 0)
                SetVelocityAdd(Helpers.PhysicsAndPositions.GetDirection(GetRotation()) / 10.0f);
                _timer = 900;
                SetVelocityAdd(Helpers.PhysicsAndPositions.GetDirection(GetRotation()) / 10.0f);
        private void DrawEpl(Mat img, LineSlop m, MCvScalar clr, PointFloat rpts)
            var a = m.a;
            var b = m.b;
            var c = m.c;

            if (Math.Abs(a) > Math.Abs(b))
                Func <System.Drawing.Point, System.Drawing.Point> fixv = vv =>
                    //vv.X = Math.Abs(vv.X);
                Func <int, System.Drawing.Point> toX = y => new System.Drawing.Point((int)((-c - (b * y)) / a), y);
                var p1  = fixv(toX(0));
                var p2  = fixv(toX(img.Height));
                var sum = (rpts.X * a) + (rpts.Y * b) + c;
                //Console.WriteLine($"Drawinga {p1.X},{p1.Y}      {p2.X},{p2.Y}     {sum}");
                CvInvoke.Line(img, p1, p2, clr, 2);
                Func <System.Drawing.Point, System.Drawing.Point> fixv = vv =>
                    //vv.Y = Math.Abs(vv.Y);
                Func <int, System.Drawing.Point> toY = x => new System.Drawing.Point(x, (int)((-c - (a * x)) / b));
                var p1  = fixv(toY(0));
                var p2  = fixv(toY(img.Width));
                var sum = (rpts.X * a) + (rpts.Y * b) + c;
                CvInvoke.Line(img, p1, p2, clr, 2);
                //Console.WriteLine($"Drawingb {p1.X},{p1.Y}      {p2.X},{p2.Y}         {sum}");
 public static PointFloat OffsetPosition(PointFloat pos, float distance, float angle)
     _pointfloat.x = pos.x + ( (float)Math.Cos(-angle) * -distance );
     _pointfloat.y = pos.y + ( (float)Math.Sin(-angle) * -distance );
     return _pointfloat;
 public void SetPos(PointFloat pos)
     _pos.x = pos.x;
     _pos.y = pos.y;
 public bool FillContainsPoint(PointFloat point, Matrix3x2Float?worldTransform, float?flatteningTolerance) =>
 base.innerRefT.FillContainsPoint(point, worldTransform, flatteningTolerance);
 public void DrawLine(PointFloat point0, PointFloat point1, IBrush brush, float strokeWidth, IStrokeStyle strokeStyle)
     base.innerRefT.DrawLine(point0, point1, brush, strokeWidth, strokeStyle);
 private PointFloat MoveBackward(PointFloat vel)
     float xAdd = (float)Math.Sin((double)GetRotation());
     float yAdd = (float)Math.Cos((double)GetRotation());
     vel.x = vel.x + ( -xAdd - vel.x )/100;
     vel.y = vel.y + ( -yAdd - vel.y )/100;
     return vel;
 public void SetPosAdd(PointFloat add)
     _pos.x = _pos.x + add.x;
     _pos.y = _pos.y + add.y;
 public void SetPos(PointFloat pos)
     _pos.x = pos.x;
     _pos.y = pos.y;
 public void SetSize(PointFloat size)
     _size.x = size.x;
     _size.y = size.y;
 public void BeginFigure(PointFloat startPoint, FigureBegin figureBegin)
     base.innerRefT.BeginFigure(startPoint, figureBegin);
 public static float GetSpeed(PointFloat vel)
     return (float)Math.Pow(vel.x + vel.y,2);
        public MainWindow()

            var al = new List <PointFloat>();
            var ar = new List <PointFloat>();
            List <StereoPoints> allPts  = new List <StereoPoints>();
            PointFloat          imgSize = null;

            foreach (var iii in images)
                var left = CvInvoke.Imread($"{imageDir}\\Left_{iii}.jpg");
                imgSize = new PointFloat(left.Width, left.Height);
                var right = CvInvoke.Imread($"{imageDir}\\Right_{iii}.jpg");
                var corl  = convertToPF(netCvLib.calib3d.Calib.findConers(left.ToImage <Gray, Byte>()));
                var corr = convertToPF(netCvLib.calib3d.Calib.findConers(right.ToImage <Gray, Byte>()));

                allPts.Add(new StereoPoints {
                    Left = corl, Right = corr
                File.WriteAllLines($"{imageDir}\\Left_{iii}.txt", cornerToString(corl));
                File.WriteAllLines($"{imageDir}\\Right_{iii}.txt", cornerToString(corr));
                var ff = com.veda.LinearAlg.Calib.CalcFundm((corl), (corr));
            F = com.veda.LinearAlg.Calib.CalcFundm(al.ToArray(), ar.ToArray());

            calres = CalibRect.Rectify(allPts, imgSize);
            Console.WriteLine(calres.el.X.ToString("0.00") + " " + calres.el.Y.ToString("0.00"));

            var rtl = calres.GetRT(calres.E);

            Console.WriteLine("RT from left");

            who = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < cbs.Length; i++)
                var cb = new CheckBox();
                cb.Name       = "chkEpl_" + i;
                cb.IsChecked  = false;
                cb.Checked   += Cb_Checked;
                cb.Unchecked += Cb_Checked;
                cbs[i]        = cb;
                onChecks[i]   = false;
            foreach (var cb in cbs)
        protected void convertToPdfButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the server IP and port
            String serverIP   = textBoxServerIP.Text;
            uint   serverPort = uint.Parse(textBoxServerPort.Text);

            // Create a HTML to PDF converter object with default settings
            HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter(serverIP, serverPort);

            // Set optional service password
            if (textBoxServicePassword.Text.Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.ServicePassword = textBoxServicePassword.Text;

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Set an adddional delay in seconds to wait for JavaScript or AJAX calls after page load completed
            // Set this property to 0 if you don't need to wait for such asynchcronous operations to finish
            htmlToPdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 2;

            // Convert a HTML page to a PDF document object
            Document pdfDocument = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertUrlToPdfDocumentObject(urlTextBox.Text);

            int goToPageNumber = int.Parse(pageNumberTextBox.Text);

            // Get destination PDF page
            PdfPage goToPage = pdfDocument.GetPage(goToPageNumber - 1);

            // Get the destination point in PDF page
            float goToX = float.Parse(xLocationTextBox.Text);
            float goToY = float.Parse(yLocationTextBox.Text);

            PointFloat goToLocation = new PointFloat(goToX, goToY);

            // Get the destination view mode
            DestinationViewMode viewMode = SelectedViewMode();

            // Create the destination in PDF document
            ExplicitDestination goToDestination = new ExplicitDestination(goToPage, goToLocation, viewMode);

            // Set the zoom level when the destination is displayed
            if (viewMode == DestinationViewMode.XYZ)
                goToDestination.ZoomPercentage = int.Parse(zoomLevelTextBox.Text);

            // Set the document Go To open action
            pdfDocument.OpenAction = new PdfActionGoTo(goToDestination);

            // Save the PDF document in a memory buffer
            byte[] outPdfBuffer = pdfDocument.Save();

            // Send the PDF as response to browser

            // Set response content type
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");

            // Instruct the browser to open the PDF file as an attachment or inline
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=Set_Initial_Zoom_Level.pdf; size={0}", outPdfBuffer.Length.ToString()));

            // Write the PDF document buffer to HTTP response

            // End the HTTP response and stop the current page processing
 public void SetSize(PointFloat size)
     _size.x = size.x;
     _size.y = size.y;
        protected void createPdfButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the server IP and port
            String serverIP   = textBoxServerIP.Text;
            uint   serverPort = uint.Parse(textBoxServerPort.Text);

            // Create a PDF document
            Document pdfDocument = new Document(serverIP, serverPort);

            // Set optional service password
            if (textBoxServicePassword.Text.Length > 0)
                pdfDocument.ServicePassword = textBoxServicePassword.Text;

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            pdfDocument.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // The titles font used to mark various sections of the PDF document
            PdfFont titleFont = new PdfFont("Times New Roman", 12, true);

            titleFont.Bold = true;

            // Create a PDF page in PDF document
            PdfPage pdfPage = pdfDocument.AddPage();

            // Line Elements

            // Add section title
            TextElement titleTextElement = new TextElement(5, 5, "Line Elements", titleFont);

            titleTextElement.ForeColor = RgbColor.Black;

            // Add a line with default properties
            LineElement lineElement = new LineElement(0, 0, 50, 0);

            pdfDocument.AddElement(lineElement, 10);

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            // Line Join Styles

            // Add section title
            titleTextElement           = new TextElement(0, 0, "Line Join and Cap Styles", titleFont);
            titleTextElement.ForeColor = RgbColor.Black;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(titleTextElement, 5, false, 10, true);

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            PathElement miterJoinPath = new PathElement(new PointFloat(0, 50));

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            miterJoinPath.AddLineSegment(new PointFloat(50, 50));
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            PathElement roundJoinPath = new PathElement(new PointFloat(0, 50));

            // Add path lines
            roundJoinPath.AddLineSegment(new PointFloat(25, 0));
            roundJoinPath.AddLineSegment(new PointFloat(50, 50));
            // Set path style
            roundJoinPath.LineStyle.LineWidth     = 5;
            roundJoinPath.LineStyle.LineCapStyle  = LineCapStyle.RoundCap;
            roundJoinPath.LineStyle.LineJoinStyle = LineJoinStyle.RoundJoin;
            roundJoinPath.ForeColor = RgbColor.Coral;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(roundJoinPath, 20, true, false, 0, true, false);

            // Add graphic path with bevel join line style
            PathElement bevelJoinPath = new PathElement(new PointFloat(0, 50));

            // Add lines to path
            bevelJoinPath.AddLineSegment(new PointFloat(25, 0));
            bevelJoinPath.AddLineSegment(new PointFloat(50, 50));
            // Set path style
            bevelJoinPath.LineStyle.LineWidth     = 5;
            bevelJoinPath.LineStyle.LineCapStyle  = LineCapStyle.ButtCap;
            bevelJoinPath.LineStyle.LineJoinStyle = LineJoinStyle.BevelJoin;
            bevelJoinPath.ForeColor = RgbColor.Coral;
            // Add element to document
            pdfDocument.AddElement(bevelJoinPath, 20, true, false, 0, true, false);

            // Add a polygon with miter join line style
            PointFloat[] polygonPoints = new PointFloat[] {
                new PointFloat(0, 50),
                new PointFloat(25, 0),
                new PointFloat(50, 50)
            PolygonElement miterJoinPolygon = new PolygonElement(polygonPoints);

            // Set polygon style
            miterJoinPolygon.LineStyle.LineWidth     = 5;
            miterJoinPolygon.LineStyle.LineJoinStyle = LineJoinStyle.MiterJoin;
            miterJoinPolygon.ForeColor = RgbColor.Green;
            miterJoinPolygon.BackColor = RgbColor.AliceBlue;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(miterJoinPolygon, 20, true, false, 0, true, false);

            // Add a polygon with round join line style
            polygonPoints = new PointFloat[] {
                new PointFloat(0, 50),
                new PointFloat(25, 0),
                new PointFloat(50, 50)
            PolygonElement roundJoinPolygon = new PolygonElement(polygonPoints);

            // Set polygon style
            roundJoinPolygon.LineStyle.LineWidth     = 5;
            roundJoinPolygon.LineStyle.LineJoinStyle = LineJoinStyle.RoundJoin;
            roundJoinPolygon.ForeColor = RgbColor.Green;
            roundJoinPolygon.BackColor = RgbColor.Blue;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(roundJoinPolygon, 20, true, false, 0, true, false);

            // Add a polygon with bevel join line style
            polygonPoints = new PointFloat[] {
                new PointFloat(0, 50),
                new PointFloat(25, 0),
                new PointFloat(50, 50)
            PolygonElement bevelJoinPolygon = new PolygonElement(polygonPoints);

            // Set polygon style
            bevelJoinPolygon.LineStyle.LineWidth     = 5;
            bevelJoinPolygon.LineStyle.LineJoinStyle = LineJoinStyle.BevelJoin;
            bevelJoinPolygon.ForeColor = RgbColor.Green;
            bevelJoinPolygon.BackColor = RgbColor.Blue;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(bevelJoinPolygon, 20, true, false, 0, true, false);

            // Add a Graphics Path Element

            // Add section title
            titleTextElement           = new TextElement(0, 0, "Path Elements", titleFont);
            titleTextElement.ForeColor = RgbColor.Black;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(titleTextElement, 5, false, 10, true);

            // Create the path
            PathElement graphicsPath = new PathElement(new PointFloat(0, 0));

            // Add line and Bezier curve segments
            graphicsPath.AddLineSegment(new PointFloat(50, 50));
            graphicsPath.AddBezierCurveSegment(new PointFloat(100, 0), new PointFloat(200, 100), new PointFloat(250, 50));
            graphicsPath.AddLineSegment(new PointFloat(300, 0));
            // Close path
            graphicsPath.ClosePath = true;
            // Set path style
            graphicsPath.LineStyle.LineWidth     = 3;
            graphicsPath.LineStyle.LineJoinStyle = LineJoinStyle.MiterJoin;
            graphicsPath.LineStyle.LineCapStyle  = LineCapStyle.RoundCap;
            graphicsPath.ForeColor = RgbColor.Green;
            //graphicsPath.BackColor = Color.Green;
            graphicsPath.Gradient = new GradientColor(GradientDirection.Vertical, RgbColor.LightGreen, RgbColor.Blue);
            // Add element to document
            pdfDocument.AddElement(graphicsPath, 5, false, 10, true);

            // Add Circle Elements

            // Add section title
            titleTextElement           = new TextElement(0, 0, "Circle Elements", titleFont);
            titleTextElement.ForeColor = RgbColor.Black;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(titleTextElement, 5, false, 10, true);

            // Add a Circle Element with default settings
            CircleElement circleElement = new CircleElement(30, 30, 30);

            pdfDocument.AddElement(circleElement, 10);

            // Add dotted circle element
            CircleElement dottedCircleElement = new CircleElement(30, 30, 30);

            dottedCircleElement.ForeColor = RgbColor.Green;
            dottedCircleElement.LineStyle.LineDashStyle = LineDashStyle.Dot;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(dottedCircleElement, 10, true, false, 0, true, false);

            // Add a disc
            CircleElement discElement = new CircleElement(30, 30, 30);

            discElement.ForeColor = RgbColor.Green;
            discElement.BackColor = RgbColor.LightGray;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(discElement, 10, true, false, 0, true, false);

            // Add disc with bold border
            CircleElement discWithBoldBorder = new CircleElement(30, 30, 30);

            discWithBoldBorder.LineStyle.LineWidth = 5;
            discWithBoldBorder.BackColor           = RgbColor.Coral;
            discWithBoldBorder.ForeColor           = RgbColor.Blue;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(discWithBoldBorder, 10, true, false, 0, true, false);

            // Add colored disc with bold border
            for (int i = 30; i > 0; i = i - 3)
                CircleElement coloredDisc = new CircleElement(30, 30, i);
                coloredDisc.LineStyle.LineWidth = 3;
                switch ((i / 3) % 7)
                case 0:
                    coloredDisc.BackColor = RgbColor.Red;

                case 1:
                    coloredDisc.BackColor = RgbColor.Orange;

                case 2:
                    coloredDisc.BackColor = RgbColor.Yellow;

                case 3:
                    coloredDisc.BackColor = RgbColor.Green;

                case 4:
                    coloredDisc.BackColor = RgbColor.Blue;

                case 5:
                    coloredDisc.BackColor = RgbColor.Indigo;

                case 6:
                    coloredDisc.BackColor = RgbColor.Violet;

                if (i == 30)
                    pdfDocument.AddElement(coloredDisc, 10, true, false, 0, true, false);
                    pdfDocument.AddElement(coloredDisc, 3, true, true, 3, true, false);

            // Add a doughnut
            CircleElement exteriorNoBorderDisc = new CircleElement(30, 30, 30);

            exteriorNoBorderDisc.BackColor = RgbColor.Coral;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(exteriorNoBorderDisc, 40, true, false, -30, true, false);

            CircleElement interiorNoBorderDisc = new CircleElement(30, 30, 15);

            interiorNoBorderDisc.BackColor = RgbColor.White;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(interiorNoBorderDisc, 15, true, true, 15, true, false);

            // Add a simple disc
            CircleElement simpleDisc = new CircleElement(30, 30, 30);

            simpleDisc.BackColor = RgbColor.Green;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(simpleDisc, 25, true, false, -15, true, false);

            // Add Ellipse Elements

            // Add section title
            titleTextElement           = new TextElement(0, 0, "Ellipse Elements", titleFont);
            titleTextElement.ForeColor = RgbColor.Black;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(titleTextElement, 5, false, 10, true);

            // Add an Ellipse Element with default settings
            EllipseElement ellipseElement = new EllipseElement(50, 30, 50, 30);

            pdfDocument.AddElement(ellipseElement, 5, false, 10, true);

            // Add an Ellipse Element with background color and line color
            EllipseElement ellipseWithBackgroundAndBorder = new EllipseElement(50, 30, 50, 30);

            ellipseWithBackgroundAndBorder.BackColor = RgbColor.LightGray;
            ellipseWithBackgroundAndBorder.ForeColor = RgbColor.Green;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(ellipseWithBackgroundAndBorder, 10, true, false, 0, true, false);

            // Create an ellipse from multiple Ellipse Arc Elements
            EllipseArcElement ellipseArcElement1 = new EllipseArcElement(0, 0, 100, 60, 0, 100);

            ellipseArcElement1.ForeColor           = RgbColor.Coral;
            ellipseArcElement1.LineStyle.LineWidth = 3;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(ellipseArcElement1, 10, true, false, 0, true, false);

            EllipseArcElement ellipseArcElement2 = new EllipseArcElement(0, 0, 100, 60, 100, 100);

            ellipseArcElement2.ForeColor           = RgbColor.Blue;
            ellipseArcElement2.LineStyle.LineWidth = 3;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(ellipseArcElement2, 0, true, true, 0, true, false);

            EllipseArcElement ellipseArcElement3 = new EllipseArcElement(0, 0, 100, 60, 180, 100);

            ellipseArcElement3.ForeColor           = RgbColor.Green;
            ellipseArcElement3.LineStyle.LineWidth = 3;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(ellipseArcElement3, 0, true, true, 0, true, false);

            EllipseArcElement ellipseArcElement4 = new EllipseArcElement(0, 0, 100, 60, 270, 100);

            ellipseArcElement4.ForeColor           = RgbColor.Violet;
            ellipseArcElement4.LineStyle.LineWidth = 3;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(ellipseArcElement4, 0, true, true, 0, true, false);

            // Create an ellipse from multiple Ellipse Slice Elements
            EllipseSliceElement ellipseSliceElement1 = new EllipseSliceElement(0, 0, 100, 60, 0, 90);

            ellipseSliceElement1.BackColor = RgbColor.Coral;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(ellipseSliceElement1, 10, true, false, 0, true, false);

            EllipseSliceElement ellipseSliceElement2 = new EllipseSliceElement(0, 0, 100, 60, 90, 90);

            ellipseSliceElement2.BackColor = RgbColor.Blue;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(ellipseSliceElement2, 0, true, true, 0, true, false);

            EllipseSliceElement ellipseSliceElement3 = new EllipseSliceElement(0, 0, 100, 60, 180, 90);

            ellipseSliceElement3.BackColor = RgbColor.Green;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(ellipseSliceElement3, 0, true, true, 0, true, false);

            EllipseSliceElement ellipseSliceElement4 = new EllipseSliceElement(0, 0, 100, 60, 270, 90);

            ellipseSliceElement4.BackColor = RgbColor.Violet;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(ellipseSliceElement4, 0, true, true, 0, true, false);

            // Add an Ellipse Element with background
            EllipseElement ellipseWithBackground = new EllipseElement(0, 0, 50, 30);

            ellipseWithBackground.BackColor = RgbColor.Green;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(ellipseWithBackground, 10, true, false, 0, true, false);

            // Add Rectangle Elements

            // Add section title
            titleTextElement           = new TextElement(0, 0, "Rectangle Elements", titleFont);
            titleTextElement.ForeColor = RgbColor.Black;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(titleTextElement, 5, false, 10, true);

            // Add a Rectangle Element with default settings
            RectangleElement rectangleElement = new RectangleElement(0, 0, 100, 60);

            pdfDocument.AddElement(rectangleElement, 10);

            // Add a Rectangle Element with background color and dotted line
            RectangleElement rectangleElementWithDottedLine = new RectangleElement(0, 0, 100, 60);

            rectangleElementWithDottedLine.BackColor = RgbColor.LightGray;
            rectangleElementWithDottedLine.ForeColor = RgbColor.Green;
            rectangleElementWithDottedLine.LineStyle.LineDashStyle = LineDashStyle.Dot;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(rectangleElementWithDottedLine, 10, true, false, 0, true, false);

            // Add a Rectangle Element with background color without border
            RectangleElement rectangleElementWithoutBorder = new RectangleElement(0, 0, 100, 60);

            rectangleElementWithoutBorder.BackColor = RgbColor.Green;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(rectangleElementWithoutBorder, 10, true, false, 0, true, false);

            // Add a Rectangle Element with background color, bold border line and rounded corners
            RectangleElement rectangleElementWithRoundedCorners = new RectangleElement(0, 0, 100, 60);

            rectangleElementWithRoundedCorners.BackColor               = RgbColor.Coral;
            rectangleElementWithRoundedCorners.ForeColor               = RgbColor.Blue;
            rectangleElementWithRoundedCorners.LineStyle.LineWidth     = 5;
            rectangleElementWithRoundedCorners.LineStyle.LineJoinStyle = LineJoinStyle.RoundJoin;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(rectangleElementWithRoundedCorners, 10, true, false, 0, true, false);

            // Add Polygon Elements

            // Add section title
            titleTextElement           = new TextElement(0, 0, "Polygon Elements", titleFont);
            titleTextElement.ForeColor = RgbColor.Black;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(titleTextElement, 5, false, 10, true);

            PointFloat[] polygonElementPoints = new PointFloat[] {
                new PointFloat(0, 50),
                new PointFloat(50, 0),
                new PointFloat(100, 50),
                new PointFloat(50, 100)

            // Add a Polygon Element with default settings
            PolygonElement polygonElement = new PolygonElement(polygonElementPoints);

            pdfDocument.AddElement(polygonElement, 10);

            polygonElementPoints = new PointFloat[] {
                new PointFloat(0, 50),
                new PointFloat(50, 0),
                new PointFloat(100, 50),
                new PointFloat(50, 100)

            // Add a Polygon Element with background color and border
            polygonElement           = new PolygonElement(polygonElementPoints);
            polygonElement.BackColor = RgbColor.LightGray;
            polygonElement.ForeColor = RgbColor.Green;
            polygonElement.LineStyle.LineDashStyle = LineDashStyle.Dot;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(polygonElement, 10, true, false, 0, true, false);

            polygonElementPoints = new PointFloat[] {
                new PointFloat(0, 50),
                new PointFloat(50, 0),
                new PointFloat(100, 50),
                new PointFloat(50, 100)

            // Add a Polygon Element with background color
            polygonElement           = new PolygonElement(polygonElementPoints);
            polygonElement.BackColor = RgbColor.Green;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(polygonElement, 10, true, false, 0, true, false);

            PointFloat[] polyFillPoints = new PointFloat[] {
                new PointFloat(0, 50),
                new PointFloat(50, 0),
                new PointFloat(100, 50),
                new PointFloat(50, 100)

            // Add a Polygon Element with background color and rounded line joins
            PolygonElement polygonElementWithBackgruondColorAndBorder = new PolygonElement(polyFillPoints);

            polygonElementWithBackgruondColorAndBorder.ForeColor               = RgbColor.Blue;
            polygonElementWithBackgruondColorAndBorder.BackColor               = RgbColor.Coral;
            polygonElementWithBackgruondColorAndBorder.LineStyle.LineWidth     = 5;
            polygonElementWithBackgruondColorAndBorder.LineStyle.LineCapStyle  = LineCapStyle.RoundCap;
            polygonElementWithBackgruondColorAndBorder.LineStyle.LineJoinStyle = LineJoinStyle.RoundJoin;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(polygonElementWithBackgruondColorAndBorder, 10, true, false, 0, true, false);

            // Add Bezier Curve Elements

            // Add section title
            titleTextElement           = new TextElement(0, 0, "Bezier Curve Elements", titleFont);
            titleTextElement.ForeColor = RgbColor.Black;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(titleTextElement, 5, false, 10, true);

            // Add a Bezier Curve Element with normal style

            BezierCurveElement bezierCurveElement = new BezierCurveElement(0, 50, 50, 0, 100, 100, 150, 50);

            bezierCurveElement.ForeColor           = RgbColor.Blue;
            bezierCurveElement.LineStyle.LineWidth = 3;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(bezierCurveElement, 10);

            // Add a Bezier Curve Element with dotted line using the controlling points above

            bezierCurveElement           = new BezierCurveElement(0, 50, 50, 0, 100, 100, 150, 50);
            bezierCurveElement.ForeColor = RgbColor.Green;
            bezierCurveElement.LineStyle.LineDashStyle = LineDashStyle.Dot;
            bezierCurveElement.LineStyle.LineWidth     = 1;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(bezierCurveElement, 30, true, false, 0, true, false);

            // Mark the points controlling the Bezier curve
            CircleElement controlPoint1 = new CircleElement(0, 0, 10);

            controlPoint1.BackColor = RgbColor.Violet;
            controlPoint1.Opacity   = 75;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(controlPoint1, -10, true, true, 40, true, false);

            CircleElement controlPoint2 = new CircleElement(0, 0, 10);

            controlPoint2.BackColor = RgbColor.Violet;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(controlPoint2, 50, true, true, -50, true, false);

            CircleElement controlPoint3 = new CircleElement(0, 0, 10);

            controlPoint3.BackColor = RgbColor.Violet;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(controlPoint3, 50, true, true, 100, true, false);

            CircleElement controlPoint4 = new CircleElement(0, 0, 10);

            controlPoint4.BackColor = RgbColor.Violet;
            pdfDocument.AddElement(controlPoint4, 50, true, true, -50, true, false);

            // Save the PDF document in a memory buffer
            byte[] outPdfBuffer = pdfDocument.Save();

            // Send the PDF as response to browser

            // Set response content type
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");

            // Instruct the browser to open the PDF file as an attachment or inline
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=Graphic_Elements.pdf; size={0}", outPdfBuffer.Length.ToString()));

            // Write the PDF document buffer to HTTP response

            // End the HTTP response and stop the current page processing
 public void SetPosAdd(PointFloat add)
     _pos.x = _pos.x + add.x;
     _pos.y = _pos.y + add.y;
 private PointFloat MoveForward(PointFloat vel)
     float xAdd = (float)Math.Sin((double)GetRotation());
     float yAdd = (float)Math.Cos((double)GetRotation());
     vel.x = vel.x + ( xAdd - vel.x )/100;
     vel.y = vel.y + ( yAdd - vel.y )/100;
     engineFirePar.Blow(0.4f, 2, false);
     return vel;
        private ShowNodesEventParameter CreateShowNodesEventParameter(PointFloat pnt,bool singleSelect,DiagramShape currentShape)
            var para = new ShowNodesEventParameter();
            para.MouseClickPoint = pnt;
            para.Application = Application;
            para.CreateShape = (x) =>
                var rst = new DiagramShapeEx(SDLDiagramShapes.Procedure, x.X, x.Y, x.Width, x.Height);
                rst.Image = x.GetImage();
                return rst;
            para.ObjectSpace = _os;
            para.SelectedForms = _diagram.Items.OfType<DiagramShape>().Select(x => (x.Tag as IFlowNode)).ToArray();
            para.Shape = currentShape;
            para.SingleSelect = singleSelect;
            para.UpdateShape = (node, shape) =>
                var s = shape as DiagramShape;
                s.Content = node.Caption;
                s.Tag = node;

            para.DoShowNavigationItem = (x) =>
                var snc = Application.MainWindow.GetController<SubSystemNavigationController>();
                var sname = x.Split('/');
                if (sname.Length > 3)
                var ctrl = Application.MainWindow.GetController<ShowNavigationItemController>().ShowNavigationItemAction;
                var toItem = FindChoiceActionItemByModelPath(ctrl.Items, x);
                ctrl.SelectedItem = toItem;


            if (currentShape != null)
                para.SelectedNode = currentShape.Tag as IFlowNode;

            para.DeletSelectedNode = () => { _diagram.DeleteSelectedItems(); };
            para.ViewParameter = new ShowViewParameters();
            return para;
 public void DrawTextLayout(PointFloat origin, ITextLayout textLayout, IBrush defaultForegroundBrush, DrawTextOptions options)
     base.innerRefT.DrawTextLayout(origin, textLayout, defaultForegroundBrush, options);
 public HitTestTextPositionResult(PointFloat point, PaintDotNet.DirectWrite.HitTestMetrics hitTestMetrics)
     this.point          = point;
     this.hitTestMetrics = hitTestMetrics;
 public bool StrokeContainsPoint(PointFloat point, float strokeWidth, IStrokeStyle strokeStyle, Matrix3x2Float?worldTransform, float?flatteningTolerance) =>
 base.innerRefT.StrokeContainsPoint(point, strokeWidth, strokeStyle, worldTransform, flatteningTolerance);
        private void RedrawOnBackgroundThread()
            if (base.CheckAccess())
            if (this.redrawThreadFactory == null)
                this.redrawThreadFactory = new Direct2DFactory(Direct2DFactoryType.MultiThreaded, DebugLevel.None);
            if ((this.redrawThreadGeometryCache == null) || (this.redrawThreadGeometryCache.SelectionSnapshot != this.redrawRenderParams.SelectionSnapshot))
                DisposableUtil.Free <SelectionGeometryCache>(ref this.redrawThreadGeometryCache);
                this.redrawThreadGeometryCache = new SelectionGeometryCache(this.redrawThreadFactory, this.redrawRenderParams.SelectionSnapshot);
            double      scaleRatio           = this.redrawRenderParams.ScaleRatio;
            PointDouble location             = this.redrawRenderParams.ViewportCanvasBounds.Location;
            SizeDouble  viewportSize         = this.redrawRenderParams.ViewportSize;
            SizeInt32   num5                 = SizeDouble.Ceiling(viewportSize);
            RectDouble  b                    = RectDouble.Inflate(CanvasCoordinateConversions.ConvertExtentToViewport(CanvasCoordinateConversions.ConvertCanvasToExtent(this.redrawRenderParams.SelectionSnapshot.GeometryList.Value.Bounds, scaleRatio), scaleRatio, location), (double)this.outlineStrokeWidthPx, (double)this.outlineStrokeWidthPx);
            RectDouble  a                    = new RectDouble(PointDouble.Zero, viewportSize);
            RectDouble  renderViewportBounds = RectDouble.Intersect(a, b);
            RectInt32   viewportRect         = renderViewportBounds.Int32Bound;
            RectDouble  extentRect           = CanvasCoordinateConversions.ConvertViewportToExtent(viewportRect, scaleRatio, location);
            RectDouble  renderCanvasBounds   = CanvasCoordinateConversions.ConvertExtentToCanvas(extentRect, scaleRatio);

            if (!viewportRect.HasPositiveArea)
                base.SyncContext.Post((SendOrPostCallback)(_ => this.EndRedraw(renderViewportBounds, RectFloat.Zero, null, null)));
                IBitmap <ColorAlpha8> interiorMask;
                float                   scale;
                PointFloat              offset;
                Result <IGeometry>      lazyGeometry;
                IBitmap <ColorAlpha8>[] dashedOutlineMasks;
                RectFloat               maskSourceRect;
                SelectionSnapshot       selectionSnapshot         = this.redrawRenderParams.SelectionSnapshot;
                SelectionGeometryCache  redrawThreadGeometryCache = this.redrawThreadGeometryCache;
                bool flag = this.redrawRenderParams.SelectionRenderingQuality == SelectionRenderingQuality.Aliased;
                if (!flag)
                    lazyGeometry = redrawThreadGeometryCache.Geometry;
                    bool flag3 = selectionSnapshot.IsRectilinear.Value;
                    bool flag4 = selectionSnapshot.IsPixelated.Value;
                    if (flag3 & flag4)
                        lazyGeometry = redrawThreadGeometryCache.Geometry;
                        lazyGeometry = redrawThreadGeometryCache.PixelatedGeometry;
                bool          flag2         = !flag && this.redrawRenderParams.IsOutlineAntialiased;
                AntialiasMode antialiasMode = ((flag || !flag2) || selectionSnapshot.IsRectilinear.Value) ? AntialiasMode.Aliased : AntialiasMode.PerPrimitive;
                if (this.CanContinueRedrawing(null, null))
                    scale = (float)this.redrawRenderParams.ScaleRatio;
                    float x = -((float)renderCanvasBounds.X);
                    float y = -((float)renderCanvasBounds.Y);
                    offset       = new PointFloat(x, y);
                    interiorMask = BitmapAllocator.Alpha8.Allocate(viewportRect.Size, AllocationOptions.ZeroFillNotRequired);
                        RetryManager.RunMemorySensitiveOperation(delegate {
                            using (IDrawingContext context = DrawingContext.FromBitmap(this.redrawThreadFactory, interiorMask))
                                IBrush interiorBrush = context.GetCachedOrCreateResource <IBrush>(whiteBrush);
                                this.RenderSelection(context, scale, offset, this.redrawRenderParams, lazyGeometry, interiorBrush, null, null, antialiasMode);
                    catch (OutOfMemoryException)
                    if (this.CanContinueRedrawing(interiorMask, null))
                        int num15;
                        dashedOutlineMasks = new IBitmap <ColorAlpha8> [SelectionCanvasLayer.DashLength];
                        for (int i = 0; i < dashedOutlineMasks.Length; i = num15)
                            if ((!this.redrawRenderParams.IsOutlineAnimated && (i != 0)) && (i != (SelectionCanvasLayer.DashLength / 2)))
                                dashedOutlineMasks[i] = null;
                                dashedOutlineMasks[i] = BitmapAllocator.Alpha8.Allocate(viewportRect.Size, AllocationOptions.ZeroFillNotRequired);
                                    RetryManager.RunMemorySensitiveOperation(delegate {
                                        using (IDrawingContext context = DrawingContext.FromBitmap(this.redrawThreadFactory, dashedOutlineMasks[i]))
                                            StrokeStyle resourceSource      = SelectionCanvasLayer.GetDashedStrokeStyle(i);
                                            IStrokeStyle outlineStrokeStyle = context.GetCachedOrCreateResource <IStrokeStyle>(resourceSource);
                                            IBrush cachedOrCreateResource   = context.GetCachedOrCreateResource <IBrush>(whiteBrush);
                                            this.RenderSelection(context, scale, offset, this.redrawRenderParams, lazyGeometry, null, cachedOrCreateResource, outlineStrokeStyle, antialiasMode);
                                catch (OutOfMemoryException)
                                if (!this.CanContinueRedrawing(interiorMask, dashedOutlineMasks))
                            num15 = i + 1;
                        maskSourceRect = new RectFloat(PointFloat.Zero, interiorMask.Size);
                        base.SyncContext.Post(_ => this.EndRedraw(renderCanvasBounds, maskSourceRect, interiorMask, dashedOutlineMasks), null);