public string GetFieldValue(PointField field) { switch (field) { case PointField.Id: return this.Id; case PointField.Coord1: return this.Coord1.Text; case PointField.Coord2: return this.Coord2.Text; case PointField.Coord3: return this.Coord3.Text; case PointField.Code: return this.Code; default: throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported field: " + field.ToString()); } }
public void SetFieldValue(PointField field, string value) { switch (field) { case PointField.Id: this.Id = value; break; case PointField.Coord1: this.Coord1.Text = value; break; case PointField.Coord2: this.Coord2.Text = value; break; case PointField.Coord3: this.Coord3.Text = value; break; case PointField.Code: this.Code = value; break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported field: " + field.ToString()); } }
public virtual string GetFieldName(PointField field) { return field.ToString(); }
public override string GetFieldName(PointField field) { switch (field) { case PointField.Coord1: return "ɸ"; case PointField.Coord2: return "λ"; case PointField.Coord3: return "H"; default: return base.GetFieldName(field); } }
// ================================================================================ Inspector public override void OnInspectorGui() { var settings = BGPrivateField.GetSettings(Curve); BGEditorUtility.HelpBox("Curve UI is disabled in settings. All handles are disabled too.", MessageType.Warning, !settings.ShowCurve); BGEditorUtility.Assign(ref customUi, () => new TableUi("Custom fields", new[] { "#", "Name", "Type", "?", "Delete" }, new[] { 5, 40, 40, 5, 10 })); BGEditorUtility.Assign(ref systemUi, () => new TableUi("System fields", new[] { "Name", "Value" }, new[] { LabelWidth, 100 - LabelWidth })); BGEditorUtility.Assign(ref systemFields, () => new[] { (SystemField) new SystemFieldPosition(settings), new SystemFieldControls(settings), new SystemFieldControlsType(settings), new SystemFieldTransform(settings), }); var fields = Curve.Fields; var hasFields = fields != null && fields.Length > 0; if (hasFields && (customFields == null || customFields.Length != fields.Length) || !hasFields && customFields != null && customFields.Length != fields.Length) { customFields = new PointField[fields.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) { customFields[i] = new PointField(fields[i], i, deleteIcon); } } //warnings BGEditorUtility.HelpBox("All handles for positions are disabled.", MessageType.Warning, settings.HandlesSettings.Disabled); BGEditorUtility.HelpBox("All handles for controls are disabled.", MessageType.Warning, settings.ControlHandlesSettings.Disabled); //====================== Custom fields customUi.Init(); //add row customUi.NextColumn(rect => EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, "Name"), 12); customUi.NextColumn(rect => newFieldName = EditorGUI.TextField(rect, newFieldName), 28); customUi.NextColumn(rect => BGEditorUtility.PopupField(rect, newFieldType, @enum => newFieldType = (BGCurvePointField.TypeEnum)@enum), 50); customUi.NextColumn(rect => { if (!GUI.Button(rect, addIcon)) { return; } if (NameHasError(Curve, newFieldName)) { return; } BGPrivateField.Invoke(Curve, BGCurve.MethodAddField, newFieldName, newFieldType, (Func <BGCurvePointField>)(() => Undo.AddComponent <BGCurvePointField>(Curve.gameObject))); GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); }, 10); customUi.NextRow(); var warning = ""; if (customFields == null || customFields.Length == 0) { customUi.NextRow("Name should be 16 chars max, starts with a letter and contain English chars and numbers only."); } else { //header customUi.DrawHeaders(); //fields var quaternionWithHandlesCount = 0; BGEditorUtility.ChangeCheck(() => { foreach (var customField in customFields) { if (customField.Field.Type == BGCurvePointField.TypeEnum.Quaternion && BGPrivateField.GetHandlesType(customField.Field) != 0) { quaternionWithHandlesCount++; } customField.Ui(customUi); } }, SceneView.RepaintAll); if (quaternionWithHandlesCount > 1) { warning = "You have more than one Quaternion field with Handles enabled. Only first field will be shown in Scene View"; } //footer customUi.NextRow("?- Show in Points Menu/Scene View"); } //inform layout manager GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(customUi.Width, customUi.Height); BGEditorUtility.HelpBox(warning, MessageType.Warning, warning.Length > 0); //====================== System fields systemUi.Init(); BGEditorUtility.ChangeCheck(() => { foreach (var field in systemFields) { field.Ui(systemUi); } }, SceneView.RepaintAll); //inform layout manager GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(systemUi.Width, systemUi.Height); GUILayout.Space(4); }
protected override void ReceiveMessage(PointCloud2 message) { uint x_offset = 0; uint y_offset = 4; uint z_offset = 8; uint color_offset = 16; bool colorEnabled = false; for (int j = 0; j < message.fields.Length; j++) { PointField field = message.fields[j]; if ( == "x") { x_offset = field.offset; } else if ( == "y") { y_offset = field.offset; } else if ( == "z") { z_offset = field.offset; } else if ( == "rgb") { color_offset = field.offset; colorEnabled = true; } } size =; int i = 0; byteArray = new byte[size]; foreach (byte temp in { byteArray[i] = temp; //byte型を取得 i++; } point_step = message.point_step; size = size / (int)point_step; // PointCloud2生データをUnity座標系の3次元点群に変換 Vector3[] pcl = new Vector3[size]; Color[] colors = new Color[size]; for (int n = 0; n < size; n++) { // yte型をfloatに変換 int x_posi = n * (int)point_step + (int)x_offset; int y_posi = n * (int)point_step + (int)y_offset; int z_posi = n * (int)point_step + (int)z_offset; int color_posi = n * (int)point_step + (int)color_offset; float x = BitConverter.ToSingle(byteArray, x_posi); float y = BitConverter.ToSingle(byteArray, y_posi); float z = BitConverter.ToSingle(byteArray, z_posi); Vector3 RosPosition = new Vector3(x, y, z); Vector3 UnityPosition = CoordinateConvert.RosToUnity(RosPosition); pcl[n] = UnityPosition; // if (colorEnabled) { byte b = byteArray[color_posi]; byte g = byteArray[color_posi + 1]; byte r = byteArray[color_posi + 2]; colors[n] = new Color(r / 255f, g / 255f, b / 255f); } } this.pointCloud = pcl; this.rgbColors = colorEnabled ? colors : null; NewPointCloudListeners.Invoke(pointCloud, rgbColors); }