        private void CreateGeometry()
            Window activeWindow = Window.ActiveWindow;
            Part   mainPart     = activeWindow.Scene as Part;

            if (mainPart == null)

            List <Body> bodies = new List <Body>();

            foreach (int[,] patchData in patchIndices)
                ControlPoint[,] controlPoints = new ControlPoint[4, 4];
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                        controlPoints[i, j] = new ControlPoint(vertices[patchData[i, j] - 1], 1);

                IDictionary <string, Face> idToFace;
                IDictionary <string, Edge> idToEdge;
                bodies.Add(Body.Import(new BezierPatchForeignBody(controlPoints), out idToFace, out idToEdge));
                if (bodies[bodies.Count - 1].Faces.Count == 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                            DesignCurve.Create(mainPart, CurveSegment.Create(PointCurve.Create(vertices[patchData[i, j] - 1])));

            foreach (Body body in bodies)
                if (body.Faces.Count > 0)
                    DesignBody.Create(mainPart, "Bezier", body);

            activeWindow.InteractionMode = InteractionMode.Solid;
        protected override void OnExecute(Command command, System.Drawing.Rectangle buttonRect)
            base.OnExecute(command, buttonRect);

            foreach (Point point in controlForm.CalibrationPoints)
                DesignBody desBody = ShapeHelper.CreateSphere(point, 0.1, part);
                desBody.Layer = referenceLayer;

            foreach (VideoForm videoForm in controlForm.VideoForms)
                Point      point   = videoForm.TrackingCamera.GetLine(PointUV.Origin).Evaluate(0.2).Point;
                DesignBody desBody = ShapeHelper.CreateSphere(point, 0.1, part);
                desBody.Layer = referenceLayer;

                foreach (PointUV pointUV in videoForm.TrackingCamera.CalibrationPoints)
                    point = videoForm.TrackingCamera.GetLine(pointUV).Evaluate(0.2).Point;
                    //desBody = ShapeHelper.CreateSphere(point, 0.1, part);
                    //desBody.Layer = referenceLayer;
                    var desCurve = DesignCurve.Create(part, CurveSegment.Create(PointCurve.Create(point)));
                    desCurve.Layer = referenceLayer;

                for (int i = 0; i < videoForm.Size.Width; i += videoForm.Size.Width / 12)
                    for (int j = 0; j < videoForm.Size.Height; j += videoForm.Size.Height / 12)
                        Line line         = videoForm.TrackingCamera.GetLine(PointUV.Create(i, j));
                        var  curveSegment = CurveSegment.Create(line, Interval.Create(-3, 6));
                        var  desCurve     = DesignCurve.Create(part, curveSegment);
                        desCurve.Layer = referenceLayer;
 public static ITrimmedCurve AsITrimmedCurve(this Point point)
 public static CurveSegment AsCurveSegment(this Point point)
        protected override void OnExecute(Command command, ExecutionContext context, Rectangle buttonRect)
             * Lost Particle Location Highlighter
             * Prompt user to select the MCNP output file which contains lost particle locations
             * Read in file and store locations
             * Highlight the point/plane which the particle loss occurs

            // Instance common functions class
            InstanceClasses.CommonSpaceClaimFunctions FunctionsClass = new InstanceClasses.CommonSpaceClaimFunctions();

            // Variables
            Window window = Window.ActiveWindow;

            window.SetTool(new ToolClass());
            Document doc        = window.Document;
            Part     rootPart   = doc.MainPart;
            Part     lostPart   = Part.Create(doc, "Lost Particles");
            Part     vectorPart = Part.Create(doc, "Vector Lines");
            Part     curvePart  = Part.Create(doc, "Lost Particle Curves");

            Component lp2c = Component.Create(rootPart, curvePart);

            string filepath;
            bool   showVectors;
            bool   fileLocated = false;
            bool   maxParticlesBool;
            double maxParicles;

            int  particleCounter     = 0;
            int  particleLineCounter = 0;
            bool stopParticles       = false;
            bool stopLines           = false;

            string[] lines = null;

            string lostParticleIndicator = "x,y,z coordinates:";
            string vectorIndicator       = "u,v,w direction cosines:";

            char[] delimeterChars   = { ' ', '\t' };
            char[] secondDelimChars = { '+', '-' };

            int    pointCounter = 1;
            int    lineCounter  = 1;
            string pointName;
            string vectorName;
            string chosenColour;

            Point currentPoint = Point.Create(0, 0, 0);
            Point vectorPoint  = Point.Create(0, 0, 0);

            List <double> xValues         = new List <double>();
            List <double> yValues         = new List <double>();
            List <double> zValues         = new List <double>();
            List <Point>  vectorPointList = new List <Point>();
            List <Point>  pointList       = new List <Point>();
            List <Line>   lineList        = new List <Line>();

            // Bring up windows form

            using (var dialogue = new UI.LostParticlesForm())
                if (dialogue.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)

                var nameAndRendering = new List <KeyValuePair <string, Graphic> >();
                var partToGraphic    = new Dictionary <Part, Graphic>();

                var style = new GraphicStyle
                    EnableDepthBuffer = true

                filepath         = dialogue.FileName;
                showVectors      = dialogue.ShowVectors;
                maxParticlesBool = dialogue.MaxParticleBool;
                maxParicles      = dialogue.MaxParticle;
                chosenColour     = dialogue.ColourSelection;

            if (window == null)


                lines       = File.ReadAllLines(filepath);
                fileLocated = true;
                MessageBox.Show("File Could Not Be Located");

            // Get x,y,z coordinates of lost particle points

            if (fileLocated)
                // Check if MCNP output or text file
                if (lines[0].Contains("Code Name & Version") || lines[0].Contains(lostParticleIndicator) || lines[0].Contains(vectorIndicator))
                    //Debug.WriteLine("MCNP File");
                    // MCNP File
                    foreach (string line in lines)
                        if (line.Contains(lostParticleIndicator))
                            if (!stopParticles)
                                string[] tempWords = line.Split(delimeterChars, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                                // Convert API values in metres to cm for SpaceClaim
                                currentPoint = Point.Create(Convert.ToDouble(tempWords[2]) / 100, Convert.ToDouble(tempWords[3]) / 100, Convert.ToDouble(tempWords[4]) / 100);


                                if (particleCounter >= maxParicles && maxParticlesBool)
                                    stopParticles = true;

                        else if (line.Contains(vectorIndicator))
                            string[] tempWords = line.Split(delimeterChars, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                            //Debug.WriteLine(tempWords[3] + "  " + tempWords[4] + "  " + tempWords[5]);

                            Point     origin    = Point.Create(0, 0, 0);
                            Direction direction = Direction.Create(Convert.ToDouble(tempWords[3]), Convert.ToDouble(tempWords[4]), Convert.ToDouble(tempWords[5]));
                            vectorPoint = Point.Create(currentPoint.X + Convert.ToDouble(tempWords[3]) / 1, currentPoint.Y + Convert.ToDouble(tempWords[4]) / 1, currentPoint.Z + Convert.ToDouble(tempWords[5]) / 1);

                            if (showVectors && !stopLines)
                                vectorName = "Lost Particle " + lineCounter.ToString() + " Vector";
                                LineSegment   lineSeg  = new LineSegment(currentPoint, vectorPoint);
                                ITrimmedCurve shape    = CurveSegment.Create(lineSeg);
                                DesignCurve   desCurve = DesignCurve.Create(vectorPart, shape);
                                desCurve.Name = vectorName;
                                desCurve.SetColor(null, Color.Blue);

                                if (particleLineCounter >= maxParicles && maxParticlesBool)
                                    stopLines = true;

                            //Line vectorLine = Line.CreateThroughPoints(currentPoint, origin);
                            Line vectorLine = Line.CreateThroughPoints(currentPoint, vectorPoint);

                            //Line vectorLine = Line.Create(currentPoint, direction);

                        #region Old Code

                         * else if (lostParticleBool)
                         * {
                         *  if (line.Contains(endLostParticleIndicator))
                         *  {
                         *      //string patternOne = @"(\-|\d)\d*\.\d+";
                         *      string patternOne = @"(?<=\d)(\+|\-)";
                         *      string[] tempWords = prevLine.Split(delimeterChars, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                         *      string[] xWords = Regex.Split(tempWords[2], patternOne);
                         *      string[] yWords = Regex.Split(tempWords[3], patternOne);
                         *      string[] zWords = Regex.Split(tempWords[4], patternOne);
                         *      //Debug.WriteLine(xWords[0]);
                         *      //Debug.WriteLine(yWords[0]);
                         *      string xFinal = xWords[0] + "E" + xWords[1] + xWords[2];
                         *      string yFinal = yWords[0] + "E" + yWords[1] + yWords[2];
                         *      string zFinal = zWords[0] + "E" + zWords[1] + zWords[2];
                         *      Debug.WriteLine(xFinal);
                         *      Debug.WriteLine(yFinal);
                         *      Debug.WriteLine(zFinal);
                         *      /*
                         *      foreach (string word in xWords)
                         *      {
                         *          Debug.WriteLine(word);
                         *      }
                         *      Debug.WriteLine(" ");
                         *      foreach (string word in yWords)
                         *      {
                         *          Debug.WriteLine(word);
                         *      }
                         *      xValues.Add(Convert.ToDouble(xFinal));
                         *      yValues.Add(Convert.ToDouble(yFinal));
                         *      zValues.Add(Convert.ToDouble(zFinal));
                         *  }
                         * //prevLine = line;
                         * }



                    // Use values and highlight the positions in SpaceClaim
                    foreach (Point point in pointList)
                        pointName = "Lost Particle " + pointCounter.ToString();
                        //DatumPoint.Create(lostPart, pointName, point);
                        var           pc     = PointCurve.Create(point);
                        ITrimmedCurve shapey = CurveSegment.Create(pc);
                        DesignCurve   dcurve = DesignCurve.Create(curvePart, shapey);
                        if (chosenColour == "Blue")
                            dcurve.SetColor(null, Color.Blue);
                        else if (chosenColour == "Red")
                            dcurve.SetColor(null, Color.Red);
                        else if (chosenColour == "Green")
                            dcurve.SetColor(null, Color.Green);
                        else if (chosenColour == "Orange")
                            dcurve.SetColor(null, Color.Orange);
                        else if (chosenColour == "Black")
                            dcurve.SetColor(null, Color.Black);
                        else if (chosenColour == "Yellow")
                            dcurve.SetColor(null, Color.Yellow);
                        else if (chosenColour == "Salmon Pink")
                            dcurve.SetColor(null, Color.Salmon);

                    if (showVectors)
                         * foreach (Line line in lineList)
                         * {
                         *  vectorName = "Lost Particle " + lineCounter + " Vector";
                         *  DatumLine dLine = DatumLine.Create(vectorPart, vectorName, line);
                         *  lineCounter++;
                         * }
                        Component vectorComponent = Component.Create(rootPart, vectorPart);

                    //Component lostParticleComponent = Component.Create(rootPart, lostPart);
                    // Text file

                     * foreach (string line in lines)
                     * {
                     *  Debug.Write(String.Format("{0}\n",line));
                     * }
                    bool firstLine = true;
                    int  length    = 0;

                    foreach (string line in lines)
                        if (line.Length != 0)
                            string[] tempWords = line.Split(delimeterChars, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            if (firstLine)
                                firstLine = false;
                                length    = tempWords.Length;

                            if (length > 3)
                                currentPoint = Point.Create(Convert.ToDouble(tempWords[0]) / 100, Convert.ToDouble(tempWords[1]) / 100, Convert.ToDouble(tempWords[2]) / 100);

                                Point     origin    = Point.Create(0, 0, 0);
                                Direction direction = Direction.Create(Convert.ToDouble(tempWords[3]), Convert.ToDouble(tempWords[4]), Convert.ToDouble(tempWords[5]));
                                vectorPoint = Point.Create(currentPoint.X + Convert.ToDouble(tempWords[3]) / 1, currentPoint.Y + Convert.ToDouble(tempWords[4]) / 1, currentPoint.Z + Convert.ToDouble(tempWords[5]) / 1);

                                if (showVectors)
                                    vectorName = "Lost Particle " + lineCounter.ToString() + " Vector";
                                    LineSegment   lineSeg  = new LineSegment(currentPoint, vectorPoint);
                                    ITrimmedCurve shape    = CurveSegment.Create(lineSeg);
                                    DesignCurve   desCurve = DesignCurve.Create(vectorPart, shape);
                                    desCurve.Name = vectorName;
                                    desCurve.SetColor(null, Color.Blue);

                                //Line vectorLine = Line.CreateThroughPoints(currentPoint, origin);
                                Line vectorLine = Line.CreateThroughPoints(currentPoint, vectorPoint);

                                //Line vectorLine = Line.Create(currentPoint, direction);
                            else if (length <= 3)
                                    currentPoint = Point.Create(Convert.ToDouble(tempWords[0]) / 100, Convert.ToDouble(tempWords[1]) / 100, Convert.ToDouble(tempWords[2]) / 100);

                    foreach (Point point in pointList)
                        pointName = "Lost Particle " + pointCounter.ToString();
                        //DatumPoint.Create(lostPart, pointName, point);
                        var           pc     = PointCurve.Create(point);
                        ITrimmedCurve shapey = CurveSegment.Create(pc);
                        DesignCurve   dcurve = DesignCurve.Create(curvePart, shapey);
                        if (chosenColour == "Blue")
                            dcurve.SetColor(null, Color.Blue);
                        else if (chosenColour == "Red")
                            dcurve.SetColor(null, Color.Red);
                        else if (chosenColour == "Green")
                            dcurve.SetColor(null, Color.Green);
                        else if (chosenColour == "Orange")
                            dcurve.SetColor(null, Color.Orange);
                        else if (chosenColour == "Black")
                            dcurve.SetColor(null, Color.Black);
                        else if (chosenColour == "Yellow")
                            dcurve.SetColor(null, Color.Yellow);
                        else if (chosenColour == "Salmon Pink")
                            dcurve.SetColor(null, Color.Salmon);

                    if (showVectors)
                        Component vectorComponent = Component.Create(rootPart, vectorPart);

                    //Component lostParticleComponent = Component.Create(rootPart, lostPart);