public void addNToX() { n = n + 10; Monitor.Enter(synObj); try { MessageBox.Show(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " is adding " + n + " to X values"); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { MessageBox.Show(points.ToString(), "X t2"); PointCollection newPoints = new PointCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < points.Count(); i++) { Point newPoint = points[i]; newPoint.X = newPoint.X + n; newPoints.Add(newPoint); } points = newPoints; MessageBox.Show(points.ToString()); }); Monitor.Pulse(synObj); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } finally { Monitor.Exit(synObj); } }
/// <summary> /// Draws lines amd calculates values for polygon /// </summary> private void DrawLines() { double StartCircleDiameter = 10.0; if (points.Count() > 0) { // make a circle to draw Ellipse el = new Ellipse(); el.Width = StartCircleDiameter; el.Height = StartCircleDiameter; // set the colour el.Fill = Brushes.Green; el.Stroke = Brushes.Blue; el.StrokeThickness = 1; // work out where to put it, only was is using the margin to place it double left = points[0].X - (StartCircleDiameter / 2); double top = points[0].Y - (StartCircleDiameter / 2); el.Margin = new Thickness(left, top, 0, 0); // draw it myCanvas.Children.Add(el); } Polyline polyline = new Polyline(); polyline.Stroke = Brushes.Black; polyline.StrokeThickness = 2; polyline.Points = points; myCanvas.Children.Add(polyline); CalculateGridValues(); }
public static bool IsPointInPolygon4(PointCollection polygon, Point testPoint) { bool result = false; int j = polygon.Count() - 1; for (int i = 0; i < polygon.Count(); i++) { if (polygon[i].Y < testPoint.Y && polygon[j].Y >= testPoint.Y || polygon[j].Y < testPoint.Y && polygon[i].Y >= testPoint.Y) { if (polygon[i].X + (testPoint.Y - polygon[i].Y) / (polygon[j].Y - polygon[i].Y) * (polygon[j].X - polygon[i].X) < testPoint.X) { result = !result; } } j = i; } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Calculate the area of a polygon /// /// </summary> private double AreaOfPolygon(PointCollection points) { if (points.Count() < 2) { return(0.0); } points.Add(points[0]); var area = Math.Abs(points.Take(points.Count - 1) .Select((p, i) => (points[i + 1].X - p.X) * (points[i + 1].Y + p.Y)) .Sum() / 2); return(area); }
public override bool AddPoint(PointWithID GraphPoint) { if (GraphPoint.NamePrefix != PointNamePrefix || PointCollection.Count(i1 => i1.ID == GraphPoint.ID) > 0) throw new Exception(String.Format("Point {0} not compatible from this graph or already contains in collection points.", GraphPoint)); else { if (HashSetPoints.Add(GraphPoint)) { PointIncrementalCounter = PointCollection.Count(); return true; } else return false; } }
private PointCollection GetDeformedKoch1Shape(PointCollection inputPoints, uint sizeModifier) { PointCollection kochPoints = new PointCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < inputPoints.Count(); i++) { System.Windows.Point start = inputPoints[i]; System.Windows.Point end; if (i + 1 == inputPoints.Count()) { end = inputPoints[0]; } else { end = inputPoints[i + 1]; } var differenceX = end.X - start.X; var differenceY = end.Y - start.Y; var modifierXSpaceToKoch = differenceX / sizeModifier; var modifierYSpaceToKoch = differenceY / sizeModifier; var point1 = new System.Windows.Point(start.X + modifierXSpaceToKoch, start.Y + modifierYSpaceToKoch); var point2 = new System.Windows.Point(end.X - modifierXSpaceToKoch, end.Y - modifierYSpaceToKoch); var point1And2DifferenceX = point2.X - point1.X; var point1And2DifferenceY = point2.Y - point1.Y; var middlePoint = new System.Windows.Point(point1.X + point1And2DifferenceX, point1.Y + point1And2DifferenceY); var degreesOfKoch = 60; middlePoint = RotateAroundPointAntiClockwise(point1, middlePoint, degreesOfKoch); kochPoints.Add(start); kochPoints.Add(middlePoint); kochPoints.Add(point2); } return(kochPoints); }
public static VVector[] TransformPoints(this MIRSRegistration mirsReg, PointCollection sourcePoints) { VVector[] transformedPoints = new VVector[sourcePoints.Count()]; int index = 0; if (mirsReg is MIRSRigidRegistration) { foreach (VVector p in sourcePoints) { transformedPoints[index++] = ((MIRSRigidRegistration)mirsReg).RigidRegistration.TransformPoint(p); } } else if (mirsReg is MIRSNonRigidRegistration) { foreach (VVector p in sourcePoints) { transformedPoints[index++] = ((MIRSNonRigidRegistration)mirsReg).NonRigidRegistration.TransformPoint(p); } } return(transformedPoints); }
public void gestureCompleted() { // Minimum number of frames of no motion to be segmented as a gesture int motion_threshold = 3; //originally 5 // Minimum length of time after a gesture is completed before another gesture can be started. int ignore_threshold = 10; // If users are still reseting their hands, ignore all the movements and clear all buffers. if (ignoreFrames <= ignore_threshold) { motion_free = 0; readyforgesture = false; colorBox.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); gesture_started = false; //Clear the buffers foreach (List <int> sublist in history) { sublist.Clear(); } foreach (List <int> sublist in inverse_history) { sublist.Clear(); } pointHist.Clear(); } if (gesture_started && ignoreFrames > ignore_threshold && motion_free > motion_threshold && selectedChannels >= 2) { // Use LINQ to remove all the frames at the end that correspond to the motion free periods. pointHist = new PointCollection(pointHist.Reverse().Skip(motion_threshold).Reverse()); S = new StylusPointCollection(S.Reverse().Skip(motion_threshold).Reverse()); for (int i = 0; i < history.Count; i++) { history[i] = new List <int>(history[i].Reverse <int>().Skip(motion_threshold).Reverse <int>()); inverse_history[i] = new List <int>(inverse_history[i].Reverse <int>().Skip(motion_threshold).Reverse <int>()); } //If we are in detect mode, pass it to WEKA for classification. if (detectMode.IsChecked.Value && pointHist.Count > 9) { //Call function to find features and test with weka machine if (selectedChannels == 2) { float[] speakers = { (float)KF[0].speakerTheta, (float)KF[1].speakerTheta }; //temp stores the string identifier of the gesture string temp = WekaHelper.Classify(false, pointHist.Count() * waveIn.BufferMilliseconds, true, new List <float>(speakers), pointHist, S, history, inverse_history); //switch statement to rename up/down gestures to forward/back when displaying in the application switch (temp) { case "swipe_up": temp = "swipe_forward"; break; case "swipe_down": temp = "swipe_back"; break; case "tap_up": temp = "tap_forward"; break; case "tap_down": temp = "tap_back"; break; } gestureDetected.Text = temp; //TODO Put interaction with other applications in this switch statement // Allows for changing between workspaces in windows 10. if (shellIntegration.IsChecked.Value) { switch (temp) { case "swipe_forward": sim.Keyboard.KeyDown(VirtualKeyCode.LWIN); sim.Keyboard.KeyPress(VirtualKeyCode.TAB); sim.Keyboard.KeyUp(VirtualKeyCode.LWIN); break; case "swipe_back": break; case "swipe_left": if (!chrome) { sim.Keyboard.KeyDown(VirtualKeyCode.LWIN); sim.Keyboard.KeyDown(VirtualKeyCode.LCONTROL); sim.Keyboard.KeyPress(VirtualKeyCode.LEFT); sim.Keyboard.KeyUp(VirtualKeyCode.LWIN); sim.Keyboard.KeyUp(VirtualKeyCode.LCONTROL); } else { sim.Keyboard.KeyDown(VirtualKeyCode.LCONTROL); sim.Keyboard.KeyDown(VirtualKeyCode.LSHIFT); sim.Keyboard.KeyPress(VirtualKeyCode.TAB); sim.Keyboard.KeyUp(VirtualKeyCode.LSHIFT); sim.Keyboard.KeyUp(VirtualKeyCode.LCONTROL); } break; case "swipe_right": if (!chrome) { sim.Keyboard.KeyDown(VirtualKeyCode.LWIN); sim.Keyboard.KeyDown(VirtualKeyCode.LCONTROL); sim.Keyboard.KeyPress(VirtualKeyCode.RIGHT); sim.Keyboard.KeyUp(VirtualKeyCode.LWIN); sim.Keyboard.KeyUp(VirtualKeyCode.LCONTROL); } else { sim.Keyboard.KeyDown(VirtualKeyCode.LCONTROL); sim.Keyboard.KeyPress(VirtualKeyCode.TAB); sim.Keyboard.KeyUp(VirtualKeyCode.LCONTROL); } break; case "tap_forward": chrome = true; break; case "tap_back": chrome = false; break; case "tap_left": break; case "tap_right": break; } } } ignoreFrames = 0; } // Clear the buffers foreach (List <int> sublist in history) { sublist.Clear(); } foreach (List <int> sublist in inverse_history) { sublist.Clear(); } pointHist.Clear(); // Prepare for next gesture (might need a button press) readyforgesture = false; colorBox.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); gesture_started = false; motion_free = 0; } }
public MyWindow() { Width = 1536; Height = 768; Title = "My window"; Background = BGBrush; int MoveX = 200; int MoveY = 200; Point bufferPoint = new Point(); Content = myGrid; //Считываю строку с точками из файла //PointCollection readPoints = PointCollection.Parse(ReadPoints()); //Так как строку с точками мы больше не считываем из файла, строка будет храниться в таком виде, сразу считаем количество PointCollection readPoints = PointCollection.Parse("20,20 846,20 868,40 42,40 912,40 934,60 956,80 868,80 846,60 64,60 86,80 980,80 1002,100 1024,120 868,120 846,100 108,100 130,120 920,120 894,140 152,140 868,160 460,160 438,140"); int pCount = readPoints.Count(); //Этот цикл тут для того, чтобы можно было двигать всю структуру. for (int i = 0; i < pCount;) { bufferPoint.X = readPoints[i].X + MoveX; bufferPoint.Y = readPoints[i].Y + MoveY; points.Add(bufferPoint); i++; } fillComboBox.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; fillComboBox.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; colorComboBox.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; colorComboBox.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; //Быстрый способ заполнить комбобоксы, сразу зададим выбор по умолчанию for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { colorComboBox.Items.Add("Цвет " + (i + 1)); } colorComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; colorComboBox.Margin = new Thickness(100, 0, 0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { fillComboBox.Items.Add("Заливка " + (i + 1)); } fillComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; //Просто текст. Отображается текст из комбобокса с вариантом заливки. label1.Content = fillComboBox.Text; label1.FontSize = 20; label1.Foreground = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Black; label1.Margin = new Thickness(550 + MoveX, 60 + MoveY, 0, 0); //Рисуем всё myGrid.Children.Add(fillComboBox); myGrid.Children.Add(colorComboBox); myGrid.Children.Add(label1); DrawLines(); DrawDots(); //Обрабатываем события при изменении выбранного пункта комбобоксов fillComboBox.SelectionChanged += new SelectionChangedEventHandler(Event_Fill); colorComboBox.SelectionChanged += new SelectionChangedEventHandler(Event_Select_Color); }
private void findAndDeleteStrikethrough(InkAnalyzer inkAnalyzer, InkCanvas canvas, List <Stroke> horizontalLines, ContextNodeCollection contextNodeCollection) { List <ContextNode> deletedNodes = new List <ContextNode>(); List <Stroke> removedHorizontalLines = new List <Stroke>(); //Find things to apply gestures to foreach (ContextNode node in contextNodeCollection) { if (node.Strokes.Count == 0) { continue; } Rect strikethroughBounds = node.Strokes.GetBounds(); strikethroughBounds.Height *= 0.75d; if (node is InkWordNode) { PointCollection bl = (node as InkWordNode).GetBaseline(); if (bl != null && bl.Count() > 0) { double baseline = bl[0].Y; strikethroughBounds.Height = baseline - strikethroughBounds.Y; } } for (int j = 0; j < horizontalLines.Count; j++) { if (node.Strokes[0] == horizontalLines[j]) { break; } Stroke horizontalLine = horizontalLines[j]; Rect horizontalLineBounds = horizontalLine.GetBounds(); double sideBuffer = (1 - Constants.LINE_WORD_OVERLAPSE_RATIO) / 2; double strikethroughBoundLeft = strikethroughBounds.X + strikethroughBounds.Width * sideBuffer; double strikethroughBoundRight = strikethroughBounds.X + strikethroughBounds.Width * (1 - sideBuffer); if (strikethroughBounds.IntersectsWith(horizontalLineBounds) && strikethroughBoundLeft > horizontalLineBounds.X && strikethroughBoundRight < horizontalLineBounds.X + horizontalLineBounds.Width) { //Delete strikethrough deletedNodes.Add(node); removedHorizontalLines.Add(horizontalLine); } } } foreach (Stroke stroke in removedHorizontalLines) { horizontalLines.Remove(stroke); canvas.Strokes.Remove(stroke); inkAnalyzer.RemoveStroke(stroke); } //Final step to apply the gestures, commit changes for (int i = deletedNodes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ContextNode node = deletedNodes[i]; try { Rect bounds = node.Strokes.GetBounds(); double nodeX = bounds.X; ContextNode parent = node.ParentNode; double closestX = double.MaxValue; foreach (ContextNode sibling in parent.SubNodes) { double siblingX = sibling.Strokes.GetBounds().X; if (siblingX > nodeX && siblingX < closestX) { closestX = siblingX; } } double dx = nodeX - closestX; foreach (ContextNode sibling in parent.SubNodes) { //Nodes right side of current if (sibling.Strokes.GetBounds().X > nodeX) { InkUtils.transposeStrokes(inkAnalyzer, sibling.Strokes, dx, 0d); } } canvas.Strokes.Remove(node.Strokes); inkAnalyzer.RemoveStrokes(node.Strokes); } catch (Exception e) { //Ignore already deleted error } } }
public void Start() { canvas1.Children.Clear(); points = new PointCollection(PointCount); GetParameters(); Polygon poly = new Polygon() { Stroke = Brushes.White, StrokeThickness = 2.0 }; double R; double X; double Y; double minX = double.MaxValue; double maxX = 0.0; double minY = double.MaxValue; double maxY = 0.0; for (double Angle = 0; Angle <= 2 * Math.PI; Angle += 2 * Math.PI / PointCount) { R = SuperShape(Angle); X = R * Math.Cos(Angle); if (X > maxX) { maxX = X; } if (X < minX) { minX = X; } Y = R * Math.Sin(Angle); if (Y > maxY) { maxY = Y; } if (Y < minY) { minY = Y; } points.Add(new Point(X, Y)); } //Determine the Scale to fit the Polygon inside the canvas if (maxX - minX > maxY - minY) { Scale = (canvas1.ActualWidth - 100) / (maxX - minX); } else { Scale = (canvas1.ActualHeight - 100) / (maxY - minY); } minX = Scale * minX; maxX = Scale * maxX; minY = Scale * minY; maxY = Scale * maxY; for (int I = 0; I < points.Count(); I++) { points[I] = new Point(Scale * points[I].X + (canvas1.ActualWidth - minX - maxX) / 2, Scale * points[I].Y + (canvas1.ActualHeight - minY - maxY) / 2); } poly.Points = points; canvas1.Children.Add(poly); }
public void writeTo2DFile() { string DataPath = GestureTests.Config.DataPath + userDirectory.Text + "\\";// @"..\..\..\data\a001\"; string searchPattern = gestureSelector.Text + "???"; DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(DataPath); FileInfo[] files = di.GetFiles(searchPattern); int file_index = files.Length; string filename = DataPath + gestureSelector.Text + file_index; gestureDetected.Text = gestureSelector.Text + file_index; StreamWriter file = File.CreateText(filename); file.WriteLine("GestureName: " + gestureSelector.Text); file.WriteLine("Duration(ms): " + pointHist.Count() * waveIn.BufferMilliseconds); file.WriteLine("Handedness: " + handSelector.Text); file.WriteLine(); file.WriteLine("SpeakerAngles: " + selectedChannels); for (int i = 0; i < KF.Count; i++) { file.WriteLine(KF[i].speakerTheta); } file.WriteLine(); file.WriteLine("InterpretedPoints: " + pointHist.Count()); foreach (Point p in pointHist) { file.WriteLine(p.X + "," + p.Y); } file.WriteLine(); file.WriteLine("StrokePoints: " + S.Count()); foreach (StylusPoint p in S) { file.WriteLine(p.X + "," + p.Y); } file.WriteLine(); file.WriteLine("Velocities: " + history[0].Count); for (int i = 0; i < history[0].Count; i++) { file.WriteLine(history[0][i] + "," + history[1][i]); } file.WriteLine(); file.WriteLine("InverseVelocities: " + inverse_history[0].Count); for (int i = 0; i < inverse_history[0].Count; i++) { file.WriteLine(inverse_history[0][i] + "," + inverse_history[1][i]); } file.WriteLine(); file.WriteLine("RawData: " + data_history.Count); for (int i = 0; i < data_history.Count; i++) { file.WriteLine(string.Join(",", data_history[i])); } file.Flush(); file.Close(); }