        private static int createUnassignedLineGroup(PipingProject prjpart)
            // Create a new line group in project database
            DataLinksManager dlm = prjpart.DataLinksManager;
            PnPDatabase      db  = dlm.GetPnPDatabase();

            PnPTable tbl = db.Tables["P3dLineGroup"];

            PnPRow row = tbl.NewRow();


        // 6.8 Create a private void function named getData.
        // have it take two string parameters. Name one of the
        // parameters dcfFileName and the other tableName
        // Note: Put the closing curly brace after step 6.19
        private void getData(string dcfFileName, string tableName)
            // 6.9 Call the Clear method of the Items
            // property of the ListBox on the form. (listBox1)

            // 6.10 Use the Add method of the Items collection
            // of the ListBox. (listBox1). to add the string
            // passed into the function. (tableName) Use a string
            // similar to this: "Table Name: " +
            listBox1.Items.Add("Table Name: " + tableName);

            // 6.11 Declare a variable as a PnPDatabase. Instantiate
            // it using the Open method of PnPDatabase. Pass in
            // the dcfFileName string passed into this function.
            PnPDatabase db = PnPDatabase.Open(dcfFileName);

            // 6.12 Declare a variable as a PnPTable instantiate it
            // using the Tables collection of the PnPDatabase from step 6.11
            // Pass in the tableName string that was passed into this
            // function.
            PnPTable tbl = db.Tables[tableName];

            // 6.13 Declare an array of PnPRow. ( PnPRow[]) Name it
            // rows and make it equal to the Select method of the
            // PnPTable from step 6.12
            PnPRow[] rows = tbl.Select();

            // 6.14 use a foreach and iterate through each PnPRow
            // in the PnPRow array from step 6.13
            // Note: Put the closing curly brace after step 6.19
            foreach (PnPRow row in rows)
                // 6.15. Use another foreach and iterate throuh each PnPColumn
                // of the PnPRow from the foreach in step 6.14).
                // (use the Table.Columns collection)
                // Note: Put the closing curly brace after step 6.17
                foreach (PnPColumn col in row.Table.Columns)
                    // 6.16 Use the Add method of the Items collection
                    // of the ListBox. (listBox1) to add the Name property
                    // of the PnPColumn in the foreach loop. (step 6.15)
                    listBox1.Items.Add("Column Name = " + col.Name);

                    // 6.17 Use the Add method of the Items collection
                    // of the ListBox. (listBox1) to add the text from the row
                    // in this column. Use the row from the foreach in step 6.14
                    // Use square brackets (row[]) and the Name property of the PnPColumn
                    // from the foreach in step 6.15. (string for the Column)
                    // Use a string similar to this: "Row Value in this column = " +
                    listBox1.Items.Add("Row Value in this column = " + row[col.Name]);

                // 6.18 Use the Add method of the Items collection
                // of the ListBox. (listBox1) to add the an empty string
                // this will put a blank line between the rows
                listBox1.Items.Add(" ");

                // 6.19 Use the Add method of the Items collection
                // of the ListBox. (listBox1) to add the a string "NEXT ROW"
                // This will make the text in the list box easier to read
                listBox1.Items.Add("NEXT ROW ");
        public void AddProperties()
            //file name to save different data
            string filePath = @"C: \Users\LinP3\source\repos\Plant3DApiTester\Resource\plant_3d_AddProperties.txt";

            ///all available drawing type
            string DwgType_Piping = "Piping";
            string DwgType_PnId   = "PnId";

            //get current drawing
            Document doc = AcadApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
            Database db  = doc.Database;
            Editor   ed  = doc.Editor;

            ///create a clean file, prepare to write
            File.WriteAllText(filePath, $"{doc.Name}\n");

            //get current project
            PlantProject     mainPrj   = PlantApplication.CurrentProject;
            Project          pipingPrj = mainPrj.ProjectParts[DwgType_Piping];
            DataLinksManager dlm       = pipingPrj.DataLinksManager;

            //get current drawing type
            string dwgtype = PnPProjectUtils.GetActiveDocumentType();

            if (dwgtype != DwgType_PnId && dwgtype != DwgType_Piping)
            {  //"PnId", "Piping", "Ortho", "Iso"
                ed.WriteMessage("This drawing is not a P&ID or 3D Model in the current project.\n");

            PnPDatabase pDB       = dlm.GetPnPDatabase();
            PnPTable    pTable    = pDB.Tables["EngineeringItems"];
            string      colName   = "Api_added_Property1";
            bool        isInTable = false;

            if (pTable != null)
                ///list all columns in table
                PnPColumns columns = pTable.AllColumns;
                foreach (PnPColumn col in columns)
                    File.AppendAllText(filePath, col.Name + Environment.NewLine);
                    if (colName == col.Name)
                        isInTable = true;

                ///add new column
                    if (isInTable == false)
                        PnPColumn newCol = new PnPColumn(colName, typeof(string), 256);
                        newCol.DefaultValue = "api default value";
                catch (Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception ex) { ed.WriteMessage(ex.ToString()); }