        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the control is initially loaded. We populate our controls here.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">Event arguments.</param>
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

            // First load list of plugins to display in the listbox for the base
            // plugin. We only load default and COM plugins for this since we
            // don't want a pipeline plugin to be based off another (for now at least).
            List <Plugin> plugins;

            using (UserSettings settings = new UserSettings()) {
                plugins = PluginsRegistry.GetPluginsInDefaultOrder(settings, false);

            // Add all plugins to the list box.

            // Validate base plugin ID.
            Guid?basePluginId = element.PluginID;

            if (plugins.Find(pl => pl.Id == basePluginId) == null)
                // Invalid, clear it so that we'll fall back
                // on the default below.
                basePluginId = null;

            // If we didn't find a base plugin ID yet, use the "Long Path" plugin ID.
            if (basePluginId == null)
                basePluginId = new Guid(Resources.LONG_PATH_PLUGIN_ID);

            // Scan list of plugins to select the base plugin.
            for (int i = 0; i < BasePluginLst.Items.Count; ++i)
                if (!(BasePluginLst.Items[i] is SeparatorPlugin) &&
                    ((Plugin)BasePluginLst.Items[i]).Id == basePluginId)
                    // This is the default plugin, select it and break.
                    BasePluginLst.SelectedIndex = i;
            Debug.Assert(BasePluginLst.SelectedIndex != -1);
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the form is loaded. We use this opportunity to populate
        /// the controls with info about a plugin we're editing, if we have one.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Event sender.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event arguments.</param>
        private void PipelinePluginForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // First load list of plugins to display in the listbox for the base
            // plugin. We only load default and COM plugins for this since we
            // don't want a pipeline plugin to be based off another (for now at least).
            List <Plugin> plugins = PluginsRegistry.GetPluginsInDefaultOrder(Settings, false);

            // Add all plugins to the list box.

            // Check if we have a plugin info to load.
            Guid?basePluginId = null;

            if (oldPluginInfo != null)
                Debug.Assert(oldPipeline != null);

                // Populate our controls.
                NameTxt.Text = oldPluginInfo.Description;
                PipelineElement element = oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is ApplyPluginPipelineElement);
                if (element != null)
                    basePluginId = ((ApplyPluginPipelineElement)element).PluginID;
                if (oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is OptionalQuotesPipelineElement) != null)
                    QuotesChk.Checked         = true;
                    OptionalQuotesChk.Checked = true;
                else if (oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is QuotesPipelineElement) != null)
                    QuotesChk.Checked = true;
                EmailLinksChk.Checked = oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is EmailLinksPipelineElement) != null;
                if (oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is EncodeURICharsPipelineElement) != null)
                    EncodeURIWhitespaceChk.Checked = true;
                    EncodeURICharsChk.Checked      = true;
                else if (oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is EncodeURIWhitespacePipelineElement) != null)
                    EncodeURIWhitespaceChk.Checked = true;
                RemoveExtChk.Checked = oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is RemoveExtPipelineElement) != null;
                if (oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is BackToForwardSlashesPipelineElement) != null)
                    BackToForwardSlashesRadio.Checked = true;
                else if (oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is ForwardToBackslashesPipelineElement) != null)
                    ForwardToBackslashesRadio.Checked = true;
                element = oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is RegexPipelineElement);
                if (element != null)
                    UseRegexChk.Checked   = true;
                    IgnoreCaseChk.Enabled = true;
                    TestRegexBtn.Enabled  = true;
                    RegexPipelineElement regexElement = (RegexPipelineElement)element;
                    FindTxt.Text          = regexElement.Regex;
                    ReplaceTxt.Text       = regexElement.Format;
                    IgnoreCaseChk.Checked = regexElement.IgnoreCase;
                    element = oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is FindReplacePipelineElement);
                    if (element != null)
                        FindTxt.Text    = ((FindReplacePipelineElement)element).OldValue;
                        ReplaceTxt.Text = ((FindReplacePipelineElement)element).NewValue;

                // "Copy on same line" is a little special since it could be any string.
                element           = oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is PathsSeparatorPipelineElement);
                oldPathsSeparator = (element as PathsSeparatorPipelineElement)?.PathsSeparator;
                if (oldPathsSeparator == PipelinePluginEditor.PATHS_SEPARATOR_ON_SAME_LINE)
                    CopyOnSameLineChk.Checked = true;
                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(oldPathsSeparator))
                    CopyOnSameLineChk.Enabled = false;

                element = oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is ExecutablePipelineElement);
                if (element != null)
                    LaunchExecutableChk.Checked = true;
                    ExecutableTxt.Text          = ((ExecutablePipelineElement)element).Executable;
                    element = oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is ExecutableWithFilelistPipelineElement);
                    if (element != null)
                        LaunchExecutableChk.Checked = true;
                        WithFilelistChk.Checked     = true;
                        ExecutableTxt.Text          = ((ExecutableWithFilelistPipelineElement)element).Executable;

            // Validate base plugin ID if found.
            if (basePluginId != null)
                if (plugins.Find(pl => pl.Id == basePluginId) == null)
                    // Invalid, clear it so that we'll fall back
                    // on the default below.
                    basePluginId = null;

            // If we didn't find a base plugin ID yet, use the "Long Path" plugin ID.
            if (basePluginId == null)
                basePluginId = new Guid(Resources.LONG_PATH_PLUGIN_ID);

            // Scan list of plugins to select the base plugin.
            for (int i = 0; i < BasePluginLst.Items.Count; ++i)
                if (!(BasePluginLst.Items[i] is SeparatorPlugin) &&
                    ((Plugin)BasePluginLst.Items[i]).Id == basePluginId)
                    // This is the default plugin, select it and break.
                    BasePluginLst.SelectedIndex = i;
            Debug.Assert(BasePluginLst.SelectedIndex != -1);

            // Immediately update plugin info so that preview box is initially filled.
        static MockingContext()
            MockingContext.Plugins = new PluginsRegistry();
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload += CurrentDomain_DomainUnload;

                var clrVersion = Environment.Version;
                if (clrVersion.Major >= 4 && clrVersion.Minor >= 0 &&
                    clrVersion.Build >= 30319 && clrVersion.Revision >= 42000)
                    var debugWindowEnabledEnv           = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("JUSTMOCK_DEBUG_VIEW_ENABLED");
                    var debugWindowServicesStringEnv    = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("JUSTMOCK_DEBUG_VIEW_SERVICES");
                    var debugWindowAssemblyDirectoryEnv = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("JUSTMOCK_DEBUG_VIEW_PLUGIN_DIRECTORY");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(debugWindowEnabledEnv) &&
                        !string.IsNullOrEmpty(debugWindowServicesStringEnv) &&
                        !string.IsNullOrEmpty(debugWindowAssemblyDirectoryEnv) &&
                        debugWindowEnabledEnv == "1" && Directory.Exists(debugWindowAssemblyDirectoryEnv))
                        if (Regex.IsMatch(RuntimeInformation.FrameworkDescription, NET_CORE_DESC_PATTERN))
                            // append .NET Core suffix if necessary
                            if (string.Compare(Path.GetDirectoryName(debugWindowAssemblyDirectoryEnv), NET_CORE_SUBDIR, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != 0)
                                debugWindowAssemblyDirectoryEnv = Path.Combine(debugWindowAssemblyDirectoryEnv, NET_CORE_SUBDIR);
                        var debugWindowAssemblyPath = Path.Combine(debugWindowAssemblyDirectoryEnv, DebugViewPluginAssemblyFileName);
                        MockingContext.pluginLoadHelper = new PluginLoadHelper(debugWindowAssemblyDirectoryEnv);
                        MockingContext.Plugins.Register <IDebugWindowPlugin>(
                            debugWindowAssemblyPath, new ConstructorArgument("debugWindowServicesString", debugWindowServicesStringEnv));
                        DebugView.IsRemoteTraceEnabled = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Exception thrown during plugin registration: " + e);

            if (VisualStudioPortableContextResolver.IsAvailable)
                registeredContextResolvers.Add(new VisualStudioPortableContextResolver());
            if (XamarinAndroidNUnitContextResolver.IsAvailable)
                registeredContextResolvers.Add(new XamarinAndroidNUnitContextResolver());
            if (XamarinIosNUnitContextResolver.IsAvailable)
                registeredContextResolvers.Add(new XamarinIosNUnitContextResolver());
            if (XUnit1xMockingContextResolver.IsAvailable)
                registeredContextResolvers.Add(new XUnit1xMockingContextResolver());
            if (XUnit2xMockingContextResolver.IsAvailable)
                registeredContextResolvers.Add(new XUnit2xMockingContextResolver());
            if (NUnit2xMockingContextResolver.IsAvailable)
                registeredContextResolvers.Add(new NUnit2xMockingContextResolver());
            if (NUnit3xMockingContextResolver.IsAvailable)
                registeredContextResolvers.Add(new NUnit3xMockingContextResolver());
            if (NUnit3_8_xMockingContextResolver.IsAvailable)
                registeredContextResolvers.Add(new NUnit3_8_xMockingContextResolver());
            if (MSpecContextResolver.IsAvailable)
                registeredContextResolvers.Add(new MSpecContextResolver());
            if (MbUnitContextResolver.IsAvailable)
                registeredContextResolvers.Add(new MbUnitContextResolver());
            if (MSTestMockingContextResolver.IsAvailable)
                registeredContextResolvers.Add(new MSTestMockingContextResolver());
            if (MSTestV2MockingContextResolver.IsAvailable)
                registeredContextResolvers.Add(new MSTestV2MockingContextResolver());

            foreach (var resolver in registeredContextResolvers)
                failThrower = resolver.GetFailMethod();
                if (failThrower != null)

            if (failThrower == null)
                failThrower = LocalMockingContextResolver.GetFailMethod();
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the control is initially loaded. We populate our controls here.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">Event arguments.</param>
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

            // First load list of plugins to display in the listbox for the base plugin.
            List <Plugin> plugins;

            using (UserSettings settings = new UserSettings()) {
                // If we're instructed to include pipeline plugins, we actually want *temp*
                // pipeline plugins saved by the MainForm, in order to get the most recent
                // snapshot of pipeline plugins.
                var pipelinePluginsOptions = includePipelinePlugins
                    ? PipelinePluginsOptions.FetchTempPipelinePlugins : PipelinePluginsOptions.FetchNone;
                List <Plugin> pluginsInDefaultOrder = PluginsRegistry.GetPluginsInDefaultOrder(settings, pipelinePluginsOptions);
                if (!includePipelinePlugins)
                    // Sufficient when not using pipeline plugins.
                    plugins = pluginsInDefaultOrder;
                    // Create sorted dictionary of all plugins from the list above, to be able to perform lookups.
                    SortedDictionary <Guid, Plugin> dictionaryOfAllPlugins = new SortedDictionary <Guid, Plugin>();
                    foreach (Plugin plugin in pluginsInDefaultOrder)
                        if (!dictionaryOfAllPlugins.ContainsKey(plugin.Id))
                            dictionaryOfAllPlugins.Add(plugin.Id, plugin);

                    // Use UI display order from settings to order the plugins.
                    // (See MainForm.LoadSettings for some more details on this process)
                    List <Guid> uiDisplayOrder = settings.UIDisplayOrder;
                    if (uiDisplayOrder == null)
                        // No display order, just use all plugins in default order
                        uiDisplayOrder = pluginsInDefaultOrder.Select(plugin => plugin.Id).ToList();
                    SortedSet <Guid> uiDisplayOrderAsSet = new SortedSet <Guid>(uiDisplayOrder);
                    plugins = PluginsRegistry.OrderPluginsToDisplay(dictionaryOfAllPlugins,
                                                                    uiDisplayOrder, uiDisplayOrderAsSet, pluginsInDefaultOrder);

            // Add all plugins to the list box.

            // Validate base plugin ID.
            Guid?basePluginId = element.PluginID;

            if (plugins.Find(pl => pl.Id == basePluginId) == null)
                // Invalid, clear it so that we'll fall back
                // on the default below.
                basePluginId = null;

            // If we didn't find a base plugin ID yet, use the "Long Path" plugin ID.
            if (basePluginId == null)
                basePluginId = new Guid(Resources.LONG_PATH_PLUGIN_ID);

            // Scan list of plugins to select the base plugin.
            for (int i = 0; i < BasePluginLst.Items.Count; ++i)
                if (!(BasePluginLst.Items[i] is SeparatorPlugin) &&
                    ((Plugin)BasePluginLst.Items[i]).Id == basePluginId)
                    // This is the default plugin, select it and break.
                    BasePluginLst.SelectedIndex = i;
            Debug.Assert(BasePluginLst.SelectedIndex != -1);
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the form is loaded. We use this opportunity to populate
        /// the controls with info about a plugin we're editing, if we have one.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Event sender.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event arguments.</param>
        private void PipelinePluginForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // First load list of plugins in default order for the base plugin.
            // Note: we want *temp* pipeline plugins in order to use those saved by the MainForm,
            // in order to get the most recent snapshot of pipeline plugins.
            List <Plugin> pluginsInDefaultOrder = PluginsRegistry.GetPluginsInDefaultOrder(
                Settings, PipelinePluginsOptions.FetchTempPipelinePlugins);

            // Create sorted dictionary of all plugins from the list above, to be able to perform lookups.
            SortedDictionary <Guid, Plugin> dictionaryOfAllPlugins = new SortedDictionary <Guid, Plugin>();

            foreach (Plugin plugin in pluginsInDefaultOrder)
                if (!dictionaryOfAllPlugins.ContainsKey(plugin.Id))
                    dictionaryOfAllPlugins.Add(plugin.Id, plugin);

            // Use UI display order from settings to order the plugins.
            // (See MainForm.LoadSettings for some more details on this process)
            List <Guid> uiDisplayOrder = Settings.UIDisplayOrder;

            if (uiDisplayOrder == null)
                // No display order, just use all plugins in default order
                uiDisplayOrder = pluginsInDefaultOrder.Select(plugin => plugin.Id).ToList();
            SortedSet <Guid> uiDisplayOrderAsSet = new SortedSet <Guid>(uiDisplayOrder);
            List <Plugin>    plugins             = PluginsRegistry.OrderPluginsToDisplay(dictionaryOfAllPlugins,
                                                                                         uiDisplayOrder, uiDisplayOrderAsSet, pluginsInDefaultOrder);

            // Add all plugins to the list box.

            // Check if we have a plugin info to load.
            Guid?basePluginId = null;

            if (oldPluginInfo != null)
                Debug.Assert(oldPipeline != null);

                // Populate our controls.
                NameTxt.Text = oldPluginInfo.Description;
                PipelineElement element = oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is PipelineElementWithPluginID);
                if (element != null)
                    basePluginId = ((PipelineElementWithPluginID)element).PluginID;
                if (oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is OptionalQuotesPipelineElement) != null)
                    QuotesChk.Checked         = true;
                    OptionalQuotesChk.Checked = true;
                else if (oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is QuotesPipelineElement) != null)
                    QuotesChk.Checked = true;
                EmailLinksChk.Checked = oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is EmailLinksPipelineElement) != null;
                if (oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is EncodeURICharsPipelineElement) != null)
                    EncodeURIWhitespaceChk.Checked = true;
                    EncodeURICharsChk.Checked      = true;
                else if (oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is EncodeURIWhitespacePipelineElement) != null)
                    EncodeURIWhitespaceChk.Checked = true;
                RemoveExtChk.Checked = oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is RemoveExtPipelineElement) != null;
                if (oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is BackToForwardSlashesPipelineElement) != null)
                    BackToForwardSlashesRadio.Checked = true;
                else if (oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is ForwardToBackslashesPipelineElement) != null)
                    ForwardToBackslashesRadio.Checked = true;
                element = oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is RegexPipelineElement);
                if (element != null)
                    UseRegexChk.Checked   = true;
                    IgnoreCaseChk.Enabled = true;
                    TestRegexBtn.Enabled  = true;
                    RegexPipelineElement regexElement = (RegexPipelineElement)element;
                    FindTxt.Text          = regexElement.Regex;
                    ReplaceTxt.Text       = regexElement.Format;
                    IgnoreCaseChk.Checked = regexElement.IgnoreCase;
                    element = oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is FindReplacePipelineElement);
                    if (element != null)
                        FindTxt.Text    = ((FindReplacePipelineElement)element).OldValue;
                        ReplaceTxt.Text = ((FindReplacePipelineElement)element).NewValue;
                if (oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is UnexpandEnvironmentStringsPipelineElement) != null)
                    UnexpandEnvStringsChk.Checked = true;

                // "Copy on same line" is a little special since it could be any string.
                element           = oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is PathsSeparatorPipelineElement);
                oldPathsSeparator = (element as PathsSeparatorPipelineElement)?.PathsSeparator;
                if (oldPathsSeparator == PipelinePluginEditor.PATHS_SEPARATOR_ON_SAME_LINE)
                    CopyOnSameLineChk.Checked = true;
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldPathsSeparator))
                    CopyOnSameLineChk.Enabled = false;

                RecursiveCopyChk.Checked = oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is RecursiveCopyPipelineElement) != null;
                element = oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is ExecutablePipelineElement);
                if (element != null)
                    LaunchExecutableChk.Checked = true;
                    ExecutableTxt.Text          = ((ExecutablePipelineElement)element).Executable;
                    element = oldPipeline.Elements.Find(el => el is ExecutableWithFilelistPipelineElement);
                    if (element != null)
                        LaunchExecutableChk.Checked = true;
                        WithFilelistChk.Checked     = true;
                        ExecutableTxt.Text          = ((ExecutableWithFilelistPipelineElement)element).Executable;

            // Validate base plugin ID if found.
            if (basePluginId != null)
                if (plugins.Find(pl => pl.Id == basePluginId) == null)
                    // Invalid, clear it so that we'll fall back
                    // on the default below.
                    basePluginId = null;

            // If we didn't find a base plugin ID yet, use the "Long Path" plugin ID.
            if (basePluginId == null)
                basePluginId = new Guid(Resources.LONG_PATH_PLUGIN_ID);

            // Scan list of plugins to select the base plugin.
            for (int i = 0; i < BasePluginLst.Items.Count; ++i)
                if (!(BasePluginLst.Items[i] is SeparatorPlugin) &&
                    ((Plugin)BasePluginLst.Items[i]).Id == basePluginId)
                    // This is the default plugin, select it and break.
                    BasePluginLst.SelectedIndex = i;
            Debug.Assert(BasePluginLst.SelectedIndex != -1);

            // Immediately update plugin info so that preview box is initially filled.