/// <summary> /// Creates a plugin from the discovered plugin. /// We firstly check the cache for the operation claims for the given request key. /// If there is a valid cache entry, and it does contain the requested operation claim, then we start the plugin, and if need be update the cache value itself. /// If there is a valid cache entry, and it does NOT contain the requested operation claim, then we return a null. /// If there is no valid cache entry or an invalid one, we start the plugin as normally, return an active plugin even if the requested claim is not available, and write a cache entry. /// </summary> /// <param name="result">plugin discovery result</param> /// <param name="requestedOperationClaim">The requested operation claim</param> /// <param name="requestKey">plugin request key</param> /// <param name="packageSourceRepository">package source repository</param> /// <param name="serviceIndex">service index</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">cancellation token</param> /// <returns>A plugin creation result, null if the requested plugin cannot handle the given operation claim</returns> private async Task <Tuple <bool, PluginCreationResult> > TryCreatePluginAsync( PluginDiscoveryResult result, OperationClaim requestedOperationClaim, PluginRequestKey requestKey, string packageSourceRepository, JObject serviceIndex, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { PluginCreationResult pluginCreationResult = null; var cacheEntry = new PluginCacheEntry(_pluginsCacheDirectory.Value, result.PluginFile.Path, requestKey.PackageSourceRepository); return(await ConcurrencyUtilities.ExecuteWithFileLockedAsync( cacheEntry.CacheFileName, action : async lockedToken => { if (cacheEntry.OperationClaims == null || cacheEntry.OperationClaims.Contains(requestedOperationClaim)) { if (result.PluginFile.State.Value == PluginFileState.Valid) { var plugin = await _pluginFactory.GetOrCreateAsync( result.PluginFile.Path, PluginConstants.PluginArguments, new RequestHandlers(), _connectionOptions, cancellationToken); var utilities = await PerformOneTimePluginInitializationAsync(plugin, cancellationToken); // We still make the GetOperationClaims call even if we have the operation claims cached. This is a way to self-update the cache. var operationClaims = await _pluginOperationClaims.GetOrAdd( requestKey, key => new Lazy <Task <IReadOnlyList <OperationClaim> > >(() => GetPluginOperationClaimsAsync( plugin, packageSourceRepository, serviceIndex, cancellationToken))).Value; if (!EqualityUtility.SequenceEqualWithNullCheck(operationClaims, cacheEntry.OperationClaims)) { cacheEntry.OperationClaims = operationClaims; await cacheEntry.UpdateCacheFileAsync(); } pluginCreationResult = new PluginCreationResult( plugin, utilities.Value, operationClaims); } else { pluginCreationResult = new PluginCreationResult(result.Message); } } return new Tuple <bool, PluginCreationResult>(pluginCreationResult != null, pluginCreationResult); }, token : cancellationToken )); }
public async Task PluginCacheEntry_DoesNotDeleteAnOpenedFile() { var list = new List <OperationClaim>() { OperationClaim.Authentication }; using (var testDirectory = TestDirectory.Create()) { var entry = new PluginCacheEntry(testDirectory.Path, "a", "b"); entry.LoadFromFile(); entry.OperationClaims = list; await entry.UpdateCacheFileAsync(); var CacheFileName = Path.Combine( Path.Combine(testDirectory.Path, CachingUtility.RemoveInvalidFileNameChars(CachingUtility.ComputeHash("a", false))), CachingUtility.RemoveInvalidFileNameChars(CachingUtility.ComputeHash("b", false)) + ".dat"); Assert.True(File.Exists(CacheFileName)); using (var fileStream = new FileStream( CacheFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None, CachingUtility.BufferSize, useAsync: true)) { list.Add(OperationClaim.DownloadPackage); entry.OperationClaims = list; await entry.UpdateCacheFileAsync(); // this should not update } entry.LoadFromFile(); Assert.True(EqualityUtility.SequenceEqualWithNullCheck(entry.OperationClaims, new List <OperationClaim>() { OperationClaim.Authentication })); } }
public async Task PluginCacheEntry_RoundTripsValuesAsync(string[] values) { var list = new List <OperationClaim>(); foreach (var val in values) { Enum.TryParse(val, out OperationClaim result); list.Add(result); } using (var testDirectory = TestDirectory.Create()) { var entry = new PluginCacheEntry(testDirectory.Path, "a", "b"); entry.LoadFromFile(); entry.OperationClaims = list; await entry.UpdateCacheFileAsync(); var newEntry = new PluginCacheEntry(testDirectory.Path, "a", "b"); newEntry.LoadFromFile(); Assert.True(EqualityUtility.SequenceEqualWithNullCheck(entry.OperationClaims, newEntry.OperationClaims)); } }