public BattleForm(Settings config) { InitializeComponent(); //this.Height = 342; if (!config.TieInstalled) { MessageBox.Show("TIE95 installation not found, Battle function not available", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.Close(); return; } else { _installPath = config.TiePath; // dummy bitmap to create a 256 color palette //palette definition // start with EMPIRE.PLTTstandard Pltt standard = (Pltt)(new LfdFile(_installPath + "\\RESOURCE\\EMPIRE.LFD").Resources["PLTTstandard"]); // then open up TOURDESK for the rest LfdFile tourdesk = new LfdFile(_installPath + "\\RESOURCE\\TOURDESK.LFD"); Pltt toddesk = (Pltt)tourdesk.Resources["PLTTtoddesk"]; _systemPalette = Pltt.ConvertToPalette(new Pltt[] { standard, toddesk }); Delt galaxy = (Delt)tourdesk.Resources["DELTgalaxy"]; galaxy.Palette = _systemPalette; _galaxyImage = galaxy.Image; picGalaxy.Image = _galaxyImage; picGalaxy.Size = _galaxyImage.Size; numFrameLeft.Maximum = _galaxyImage.Width - 1; numFrameTop.Maximum = _galaxyImage.Height - 1; } _battlePath = _installPath + "\\RESOURCE\\Battle1.lfd"; opnMission.InitialDirectory = _installPath + "\\MISSION"; try { loadFile(_battlePath); } catch (Exception x) { MessageBox.Show(x.Message + " Battle function not available", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } }
public OfficerPreviewForm(Questions questions) { try { string path = new Settings().TiePath + "\\RESOURCE\\"; _empire = new LfdFile(path + "EMPIRE.LFD"); _talk = new LfdFile(path + "TALK.LFD"); } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException) { MessageBox.Show("TIE resource files not found, preview unavailable", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Close(); } _questions = questions; InitializeComponent(); #region Pltt assignments Pltt standard = (Pltt)_empire.Resources["PLTTstandard"]; Pltt offcr21 = (Pltt)_talk.Resources["PLTToffcr21"]; Pltt offbak = (Pltt)_talk.Resources["PLTToffbak"]; Pltt ssrobe9 = (Pltt)_talk.Resources["PLTTssrobe9"]; Pltt ssbak = (Pltt)_talk.Resources["PLTTssbak"]; Pltt doffbak = (Pltt)_talk.Resources["PLTTdoffbak"]; Pltt dssbak = (Pltt)_talk.Resources["PLTTdssbak"]; ColorPalette brf_off = Pltt.ConvertToPalette(new Pltt[] { standard, offcr21, offbak }); ColorPalette brf_ss = Pltt.ConvertToPalette(new Pltt[] { standard, ssrobe9, ssbak }); ColorPalette dbrf_off = Pltt.ConvertToPalette(new Pltt[] { standard, offcr21, doffbak }); ColorPalette dbrf_ss = Pltt.ConvertToPalette(new Pltt[] { standard, ssrobe9, dssbak }); ((Delt)_talk.Resources["DELToffbak"]).Palette = brf_off; Delt temp = (Delt)_talk.Resources["DELTofftxt"]; temp.Palette = brf_off; temp.Image.MakeTransparent(Color.Black); ((Delt)_talk.Resources["DELTdoffbak"]).Palette = dbrf_off; temp = (Delt)_talk.Resources["DELTdofftxt"]; temp.Palette = dbrf_off; temp.Image.MakeTransparent(Color.Black); temp = (Delt)_talk.Resources["DELToffcr21"]; temp.Palette = brf_off; temp.Image.MakeTransparent(Color.Black); ((Anim)_talk.Resources["ANIMeyes"]).SetPalette(brf_off); ((Anim)_talk.Resources["ANIMmouth"]).SetPalette(brf_off); ((Delt)_talk.Resources["DELTssbak"]).Palette = brf_ss; temp = (Delt)_talk.Resources["DELTsstxt"]; temp.Palette = brf_ss; temp.Image.MakeTransparent(Color.Black); ((Delt)_talk.Resources["DELTdssbak"]).Palette = dbrf_ss; temp = (Delt)_talk.Resources["DELTdsstxt"]; temp.Palette = dbrf_ss; temp.Image.MakeTransparent(Color.Black); temp = (Delt)_talk.Resources["DELTssrobe9"]; temp.Palette = brf_ss; temp.Image.MakeTransparent(Color.Black); ((Anim)_talk.Resources["ANIMssface"]).SetPalette(brf_ss); // offcr21, eyes, mouth, ssrobe9 and ssface technically change between brf and dbrf, but not really ((LfdReader.Font)_empire.Resources[_fontID]).SetColor(_normalText); #endregion #region array declarations _opts[0] = optPreOff; _opts[1] = optPreSec; _opts[2] = optPostOff; _opts[3] = optPostSec; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { _opts[i].CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(optsArr_CheckedChanged); } _opts[0].Checked = true; #endregion }
public OfficerPreviewForm(Questions questions, int officer, int question, Settings config) { try { string path = config.TiePath + "\\RESOURCE\\"; _empire = new LfdFile(path + "EMPIRE.LFD"); _talk = new LfdFile(path + "TALK.LFD"); } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException) { MessageBox.Show("TIE resource files not found, preview unavailable", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Close(); } _questions = questions; InitializeComponent(); #region Pltt assignments Pltt standard = (Pltt)_empire.Resources["PLTTstandard"]; Pltt offcr21 = (Pltt)_talk.Resources["PLTToffcr21"]; Pltt offbak = (Pltt)_talk.Resources["PLTToffbak"]; Pltt ssrobe9 = (Pltt)_talk.Resources["PLTTssrobe9"]; Pltt ssbak = (Pltt)_talk.Resources["PLTTssbak"]; Pltt doffbak = (Pltt)_talk.Resources["PLTTdoffbak"]; Pltt dssbak = (Pltt)_talk.Resources["PLTTdssbak"]; ColorPalette brf_off = Pltt.ConvertToPalette(new Pltt[] { standard, offcr21, offbak }); ColorPalette brf_ss = Pltt.ConvertToPalette(new Pltt[] { standard, ssrobe9, ssbak }); ColorPalette dbrf_off = Pltt.ConvertToPalette(new Pltt[] { standard, offcr21, doffbak }); ColorPalette dbrf_ss = Pltt.ConvertToPalette(new Pltt[] { standard, ssrobe9, dssbak }); ((Delt)_talk.Resources["DELToffbak"]).Palette = brf_off; Delt temp = (Delt)_talk.Resources["DELTofftxt"]; temp.Palette = brf_off; temp.Image.MakeTransparent(Color.Black); ((Delt)_talk.Resources["DELTdoffbak"]).Palette = dbrf_off; temp = (Delt)_talk.Resources["DELTdofftxt"]; temp.Palette = dbrf_off; temp.Image.MakeTransparent(Color.Black); temp = (Delt)_talk.Resources["DELToffcr21"]; temp.Palette = brf_off; temp.Image.MakeTransparent(Color.Black); ((Anim)_talk.Resources["ANIMeyes"]).SetPalette(brf_off); ((Anim)_talk.Resources["ANIMmouth"]).SetPalette(brf_off); ((Delt)_talk.Resources["DELTssbak"]).Palette = brf_ss; temp = (Delt)_talk.Resources["DELTsstxt"]; temp.Palette = brf_ss; temp.Image.MakeTransparent(Color.Black); ((Delt)_talk.Resources["DELTdssbak"]).Palette = dbrf_ss; temp = (Delt)_talk.Resources["DELTdsstxt"]; temp.Palette = dbrf_ss; temp.Image.MakeTransparent(Color.Black); temp = (Delt)_talk.Resources["DELTssrobe9"]; temp.Palette = brf_ss; temp.Image.MakeTransparent(Color.Black); ((Anim)_talk.Resources["ANIMssface"]).SetPalette(brf_ss); // offcr21, eyes, mouth, ssrobe9 and ssface technically change between brf and dbrf, but not really ((LfdReader.Font)_empire.Resources[_fontID]).SetColor(_normalText); #endregion #region array declarations _opts[0] = optPreOff; _opts[1] = optPreSec; _opts[2] = optPostOff; _opts[3] = optPostSec; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { _opts[i].CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(optsArr_CheckedChanged); } #endregion _activeColor = _normalText; if (officer < 0 || officer >= 4) { officer = 0; } _opts[officer].Checked = true; if (question >= 0 && question <= 4) { _selectedIndex = -1; //Prevent "selecting" the wrong question when drawing the selection highlight. loadBackAndQuestions(); for (int i = 0; i < _indexes.Length; i++) { if (question == _indexes[i]) { displayQuestion(i); //This will set the actual _selectedIndex } } } }