public void CacheEpisodes(PlexSettings settings) { var videoHashset = new HashSet <Video>(); // Ensure Plex is setup correctly if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.PlexAuthToken)) { return; } // Get the librarys and then get the tv section var sections = PlexApi.GetLibrarySections(settings.PlexAuthToken, settings.FullUri); var tvSection = sections.Directories.FirstOrDefault(x => x.type.Equals(PlexMediaType.Show.ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); var tvSectionId = tvSection?.Key; var currentPosition = 0; int totalSize; // Get the first 25 episodes (Paged) var episodes = PlexApi.GetAllEpisodes(settings.PlexAuthToken, settings.FullUri, tvSectionId, currentPosition, ResultCount); // Parse the total amount of episodes int.TryParse(episodes.TotalSize, out totalSize); // Get all of the episodes in batches until we them all (Got'a catch 'em all!) while (currentPosition < totalSize) { videoHashset.UnionWith(PlexApi.GetAllEpisodes(settings.PlexAuthToken, settings.FullUri, tvSectionId, currentPosition, ResultCount).Video .Where(x => x.Type.Equals(PlexType, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))); currentPosition += ResultCount; } var entities = new ConcurrentDictionary <PlexEpisodes, byte>(); Parallel.ForEach(videoHashset, video => { // Get the individual episode Metadata (This is for us to get the TheTVDBId which also includes the episode number and season number) var metadata = PlexApi.GetEpisodeMetaData(settings.PlexAuthToken, settings.FullUri, video.RatingKey); // Loop through the metadata and create the model to insert into the DB foreach (var metadataVideo in metadata.Video) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(metadataVideo.GrandparentTitle)) { continue; } var epInfo = PlexHelper.GetSeasonsAndEpisodesFromPlexGuid(metadataVideo.Guid); entities.TryAdd( new PlexEpisodes { EpisodeNumber = epInfo.EpisodeNumber, EpisodeTitle = metadataVideo.Title, ProviderId = epInfo.ProviderId, RatingKey = metadataVideo.RatingKey, SeasonNumber = epInfo.SeasonNumber, ShowTitle = metadataVideo.GrandparentTitle }, 1); } }); // Delete all of the current items Repo.DeleteAll(TableName); // Insert the new items var result = Repo.BatchInsert(entities.Select(x => x.Key).ToList(), TableName, typeof(PlexEpisodes).GetPropertyNames()); if (!result) { Log.Error("Saving the Plex episodes to the DB Failed"); } }