public static Vector3 RotateVertexAroundAxis(float Angle, Vector3 Axis, Vector3 Vertex)
            //Rodrigues Rotation Formula
            //Efficient way of rotating a vector in space, given an axis angle of rotation.
            Vector3 rv = (Vertex * Mathf.Cos(Angle)) +
                         PlayerVector.DotProduct(Vertex, Axis) * Axis * (1 - Mathf.Cos(Angle)) +
                         EulerCalculation.VectorCrossProduct(Axis, Vertex) * Mathf.Sin(Angle);

        public static PlayerVector ScaleVector(PlayerVector Vec1, float Scaler)
            //Initialise our return value
            PlayerVector ReturnValue = new PlayerVector(0, 0);

            //Scale the vector
            ReturnValue.x = Vec1.x * Scaler;
            ReturnValue.y = Vec1.y * Scaler;
