private void DoPlayerSpell(PlayerWitch p, PlayerSpell spell) { int repeats = p.Action.GetRepeats(); if (repeats < 1) { throw new GameException("Repeat can't be zero (on " + spell.Id + ")"); } if (repeats > 1 && !spell.IsRepeatable()) { throw new GameException("Spell " + spell.Id + " is not repeatable"); } if (!spell.IsActive()) { throw new GameException("Spell " + spell.Id + " is exhausted"); } if (!p.CanAfford(spell.Recipe, repeats)) { throw new GameException("Not enough ingredients for spell " + spell.Id); } if (!p.EnoughSpace(spell.Recipe, repeats)) { throw new GameException("Not enough space in inventory for spell " + spell.Id); } //do spell for (int k = 0; k < repeats; ++k) { for (int i = 0; i < INGREDIENT_TYPE_COUNT; ++i) { p.Inventory.Add(i, spell.GetDelta()[i]); } } spell.Deactivate(); EventData e = new EventData(); e.Type = EventData.PLAYER_SPELL; e.PlayerIdx = p.Index; e.SpellId = spell.Id; e.Repeats = repeats; _viewerEvents.Add(e); }
protected override IEnumerator Attacking() { isAttacking = true; Vector3 startPos = transform.position; Quaternion startRot = transform.rotation; animator.SetBool("blocking", false); hurtbox.enabled = false; yield return(new WaitUntil(() => attackChosen)); yield return(new WaitUntil(() => TargetChosen())); battleManager.CurrentMove = currentMove; try { for (int i = 0; i < currentMove.particleEffects.Length; i++) { StartCoroutine(PlayParticles(currentMove.particleDelay[i], currentMove.particleEffects[i], spellSpawnTransforms[currentMove.particleSpawnPositionID[i]], currentMove.particleDuration[i], currentMove.releaseOnInit[i])); } } catch (NullReferenceException) { Debug.Log("particles are null"); } PlayerMelee melee = currentMove as PlayerMelee; PlayerSpell spell = currentMove as PlayerSpell; PlayerSelfBuff selfBuff = currentMove as PlayerSelfBuff; SpellProjectile projectile = null; if (melee != null) { walkingForward = true; agent.SetDestination(currentTarget.GetAttackPosition().position); agent.stoppingDistance = attackPositionOffset; yield return(new WaitUntil(() => !agent.pathPending)); yield return(new WaitUntil(() => agent.pathStatus == NavMeshPathStatus.PathComplete && agent.remainingDistance <= attackPositionOffset)); hitboxes[melee.hitboxID].enabled = true; } animator.SetTrigger(name: currentMove.animationName); yield return(new WaitUntil(() => animator.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(0)[0]; PayForAttack(); if (selfBuff != null) { Debug.Log($"{selfBuff.EnhanceDuration(this, selfBuff.buff.duration)}"); AddPerk(selfBuff.buff, selfBuff.EnhanceDuration(this, selfBuff.buff.duration)); } if (spell != null) { if (spell.type == SpellType.Areal) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(spell.delay[0])); foreach (Enemy enemy in battleManager.GetEnemies()) { for (int i = 0; i < spell.projectile.Length; i++) { //yield return new WaitForSeconds(spell.delay[i]); projectile = Instantiate(spell.projectile[i], spellSpawnTransforms[0].position, transform.rotation, transform.parent); projectile.LockOnTarget(enemy.GetProjectileTarget()); } } } else { bool isMultiple = spell.type == SpellType.Multiple; if (!isMultiple) { transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(currentTarget.transform.position - transform.position), Time.deltaTime); } Enemy[] aliveEnemies = battleManager.GetEnemies().FindAll(enemy => !enemy.IsDead()).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < spell.projectile.Length; i++) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(spell.delay[i])); projectile = Instantiate(spell.projectile[i], spellSpawnTransforms[spell.spawnTransformID].position, transform.rotation, transform); projectile.LockOnTarget(isMultiple ? aliveEnemies[Mathf.Min(aliveEnemies.Length - 1, i)].GetProjectileTarget() : currentTarget.GetProjectileTarget()); } } } yield return(new WaitUntil(() => !animator.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(0)[0]; if (melee != null) { walkingForward = false; agent.updateRotation = false; agent.SetDestination(startPos); agent.stoppingDistance = 0f; hitboxes[melee.hitboxID].enabled = false; yield return(new WaitUntil(() => !agent.pathPending)); yield return(new WaitUntil(() => agent.pathStatus == NavMeshPathStatus.PathComplete && agent.remainingDistance == 0)); agent.updateRotation = true; transform.rotation = startRot; } yield return(new WaitUntil(() => projectile == null)); attackChosen = false; bool doBlock = attributes.probabilityOfBlock + (currentMove as PlayerMove).probOfBlock > UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 1f); animator.SetBool("blocking", doBlock); hurtbox.enabled = true; yield return(base.Attacking()); }
public void SetParameters(PlayerSpell spell, SpellTitles title, int attackNumber) { this.spell = spell; this.title = title; this.attackNumber = attackNumber; }
public void CastSpell(Monster opponent, string inputName) { int index = Spellbook.FindIndex(f => f.Name == inputName); if (index != -1 && ManaPoints >= Spellbook[index].ManaCost && PlayerClass == PlayerClassType.Mage) { switch (Spellbook[index].SpellCategory) { case SpellType.Fireball: PlayerSpell.CastFireOffense(opponent, this, index); return; case SpellType.Frostbolt: PlayerSpell.CastFrostOffense(opponent, this, index); return; case SpellType.Lightning: PlayerSpell.CastArcaneOffense(opponent, this, index); return; case SpellType.Heal: PlayerSpell.CastHealing(this, index); return; case SpellType.Rejuvenate: PlayerSpell.CastHealing(this, index); return; case SpellType.Diamondskin: PlayerSpell.CastAugmentArmor(this, index); return; case SpellType.Reflect: PlayerSpell.CastReflectDamage(this, index); return; case SpellType.TownPortal: OutputHelper.Display.StoreUserOutput( Settings.FormatAttackSuccessText(), Settings.FormatDefaultBackground(), "You cannot cast a portal during combat!"); return; case SpellType.ArcaneIntellect: PlayerSpell.CastArcaneIntellect(this, index); return; case SpellType.FrostNova: PlayerSpell.CastFrostOffense(opponent, this, index); return; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } if (index != -1) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); }
void UseSpells() { //this section has a lot of repeated code //i can't think of a better way to do it right now, but ideally it would be fixed at some point if (Input.anyKeyDown) { string inString = Input.inputString.Substring(0, 1); //make sure we grab the first input only PlayerSpell toUse = null; bool useSpell = false; if (inString.Length > 0) { switch (inString) { case "j": if (JBound) { toUse = JBound; useSpell = true; if (JBound.limitedUse) { JBound.usesLeft--; if (JBound.usesLeft <= 0) { JBound = null; } } } break; case "i": if (IBound) { toUse = IBound; useSpell = true; if (IBound.limitedUse) { IBound.usesLeft--; if (IBound.usesLeft <= 0) { IBound = null; } } } break; case "k": if (KBound) { toUse = KBound; useSpell = true; if (KBound.limitedUse) { KBound.usesLeft--; if (KBound.usesLeft <= 0) { KBound = null; } } } break; case "l": if (LBound) { toUse = LBound; useSpell = true; if (LBound.limitedUse) { LBound.usesLeft--; if (LBound.usesLeft <= 0) { LBound = null; } } } break; default: break; } if (useSpell) { PlayerSpell spell = Instantiate(toUse, transform.position + new Vector3(0, 1f, 0), Quaternion.identity); } } } }
public void AddSpell(Character pChar, PlayerSpell newspell) { pChar.SpellList.Add(newspell); }
public static void SpellInfo(Player player, string[] input) { StringBuilder inputName = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 1; i < input.Length; i++) { inputName.Append(input[i]); if (i != input.Length - 1) { inputName.Append(" "); } } int index = player.Spellbook.FindIndex(f => f.Name == inputName.ToString() || f.Name == input[1] || f.Name.Contains(inputName.ToString())); TextInfo textInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo; if (index != -1 && player.PlayerClass == PlayerClassType.Mage) { OutputHelper.Display.StoreUserOutput( Settings.FormatInfoText(), Settings.FormatDefaultBackground(), textInfo.ToTitleCase(player.Spellbook[index].Name)); string rankString = $"Rank: {player.Spellbook[index].Rank}"; OutputHelper.Display.StoreUserOutput( Settings.FormatInfoText(), Settings.FormatDefaultBackground(), rankString); string manaCostString = $"Mana Cost: {player.Spellbook[index].ManaCost}"; OutputHelper.Display.StoreUserOutput( Settings.FormatInfoText(), Settings.FormatDefaultBackground(), manaCostString); switch (player.Spellbook[index].SpellCategory) { case SpellType.Fireball: PlayerSpell.FireOffenseSpellInfo(player, index); break; case SpellType.Frostbolt: PlayerSpell.FrostOffenseSpellInfo(player, index); break; case SpellType.Lightning: PlayerSpell.ArcaneOffenseSpellInfo(player, index); break; case SpellType.Heal: PlayerSpell.HealingSpellInfo(player, index); break; case SpellType.Rejuvenate: PlayerSpell.HealingSpellInfo(player, index); break; case SpellType.Diamondskin: PlayerSpell.AugmentArmorSpellInfo(player, index); break; case SpellType.TownPortal: PlayerSpell.PortalSpellInfo(); break; case SpellType.Reflect: PlayerSpell.ReflectDamageSpellInfo(player, index); break; case SpellType.ArcaneIntellect: PlayerSpell.ArcaneIntellectSpellInfo(player, index); break; case SpellType.FrostNova: PlayerSpell.FrostOffenseSpellInfo(player, index); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } else if (index != -1 && player.PlayerClass != PlayerClassType.Mage) { OutputHelper.Display.StoreUserOutput( Settings.FormatFailureOutputText(), Settings.FormatDefaultBackground(), "You're not a mage!"); } else { OutputHelper.Display.StoreUserOutput( Settings.FormatFailureOutputText(), Settings.FormatDefaultBackground(), "You don't have that spell."); } }
public void SetSpellToSpellUI(SpellTitles title, PlayerSpell spell) { editableSpell.ChangeSpell(title, spell); GameManager.UIOverlapsMouse = false; gameObject.SetActive(false); }