public CreateFacebookPlayer(Guid playerId, string userName, PlayerSource source, long facebookUid, string authToken) : base(playerId, userName) { Source = source; FacebookUid = facebookUid; AuthToken = authToken; }
private void playerName_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { UpdateButtonVisibility(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(playerName.Text) || !playerName.IsFocused) { SimilarPlayers.Clear(); suggestionPopup.IsOpen = false; return; } if (SelectedPlayer != null && SelectedPlayer.Name != playerName.Text) { SelectedPlayer = null; } List <Player> similar = PlayerSource.Where((p) => p.Name.StartsWith(playerName.Text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList(); foreach (Player p in SimilarPlayers.ToList()) { if (!similar.Contains(p)) { SimilarPlayers.Remove(p); } } similar.ForEach((p) => { if (!SimilarPlayers.Contains(p)) { SimilarPlayers.Add(p); } }); suggestionPopup.IsOpen = SimilarPlayers.Count > 0; }
private async Task <StreamContext> GetStreamContextFromWatchPageAsync(VideoId videoId) { var watchPage = await WatchPage.GetAsync(_httpClient, videoId); var playerConfig = watchPage.TryGetPlayerConfig(); var playerResponse = playerConfig?.GetPlayerResponse() ?? watchPage.TryGetPlayerResponse() ?? throw VideoUnplayableException.Unplayable(videoId); var previewVideoId = playerResponse.TryGetPreviewVideoId(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(previewVideoId)) { throw VideoRequiresPurchaseException.Preview(videoId, previewVideoId); } var playerSourceUrl = watchPage.TryGetPlayerSourceUrl() ?? playerConfig?.GetPlayerSourceUrl(); var playerSource = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(playerSourceUrl) ? await PlayerSource.GetAsync(_httpClient, playerSourceUrl) : null; var cipherOperations = playerSource?.GetCipherOperations().ToArray() ?? Array.Empty <ICipherOperation>(); if (!playerResponse.IsVideoPlayable()) { throw VideoUnplayableException.Unplayable(videoId, playerResponse.TryGetVideoPlayabilityError()); } if (playerResponse.IsLive()) { throw VideoUnplayableException.LiveStream(videoId); } var streamInfoProviders = new List <IStreamInfoProvider>(); // Streams from player config if (playerConfig != null) { streamInfoProviders.AddRange(playerConfig.GetStreams()); } // Streams from player response streamInfoProviders.AddRange(playerResponse.GetStreams()); // Streams from DASH manifest var dashManifestUrl = playerResponse.TryGetDashManifestUrl(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dashManifestUrl)) { var dashManifest = await GetDashManifestAsync(dashManifestUrl, cipherOperations); streamInfoProviders.AddRange(dashManifest.GetStreams()); } return(new StreamContext(streamInfoProviders, cipherOperations)); }
public IUserActions Get(PlayerSource type) { switch (type) { case PlayerSource.Facebook: return new FacebookUserActions(_facebookClientProvider, _playerReadModel, _playerSession, _bus); case PlayerSource.Native: return new NativeUserActions(_playerSession, _bus, _playerReadModel); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("type", "Not a supported player source type."); } }
//========================== Create New Player Data ============================= public void CreateNewPlayerData() { PlayerSource NewPlayer = new PlayerSource(); NewPlayer.CurrentStore = 0; NewPlayer.Money = Random.Range(600, 800) * 5; NewPlayer.If_Tutorial = true; NewPlayer.Step_Of_Tutorial = 1; SlaveDoll AddSlv = new SlaveDoll(); AddSlv.Skin = Random.Range(1, 6); AddSlv.Health = Random.Range(50, 90) * 5; AddSlv.FullHealth = AddSlv.Health; AddSlv.Damage = Random.Range(4, 12) * 5; AddSlv.Accuracy = Random.Range(3, 10); AddSlv.Start_Fhp = AddSlv.FullHealth; AddSlv.Start_Dmg = AddSlv.Damage; AddSlv.Start_Acc = AddSlv.Accuracy; AddSlv.Heal_Units = 3; AddSlv.Shot_Units = 5; AddSlv.Rush_Units = 3; AddSlv.Level = 1; NewPlayer.Slaves.Add(AddSlv); for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++) { ItemDoll Item = new ItemDoll(); Item.TypeOfItem = "Stuff"; Item.Name = "Water"; Item.Skin = 2; Item.Liters = 100; Item.Price = 100; NewPlayer.Items[a] = Item; } ItemDoll wpn = new ItemDoll(); wpn.TypeOfItem = "Weapon"; wpn.Skin = Random.Range(1, 11); wpn.Condition = Random.Range(1, 5); wpn.Price = 30; NewPlayer.Items[2] = wpn; string PlayerToStr = JsonUtility.ToJson(NewPlayer); StreamWriter WriteData = new StreamWriter(Application.persistentDataPath + "/PlayerData.json"); WriteData.Write(PlayerToStr); WriteData.Close(); }
public override void OnNavigatedTo(object paramter) { if (paramter is Uri) // 直接是视频地址 { PlayerSource = paramter as Uri; Title = PlayerSource.ToString(); } else if (paramter is Tuple <Uri, string> ) // 视频地址 + 标题 { var tpar = paramter as Tuple <Uri, string>; PlayerSource = tpar.Item1; Title = tpar.Item2; } }
public CriAtomExPlayer GetPlayer(Guid trackId) { if (this.playerTable.ContainsKey(trackId)) { return(this.playerTable[trackId].player); } else { PlayerSource playerSource = new PlayerSource(this.listener3d); try { this.playerTable.Add(trackId, playerSource); } catch (Exception e) { /* impossible */ Debug.LogError("[CRIWARE] Timeline Previewer: Failed adding preview player (" + e.Message + ")"); } return(playerSource.player); /* return the created player anyway */ } }
private async Task <PlayerSource> GetVideoPlayerSourceAsync(string sourceUrl) { // Try to resolve from cache first var playerSource = _playerSourceCache.GetOrDefault(sourceUrl); if (playerSource != null) { return(playerSource); } // Get parser var parser = await GetPlayerSourceParserAsync(sourceUrl).ConfigureAwait(false); // Extract cipher operations var operations = parser.ParseCipherOperations(); return(_playerSourceCache[sourceUrl] = new PlayerSource(operations)); }
private void UnscrambleVideoInfo(PlayerSource playerSource, VideoInfo videoInfo) { if (playerSource == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(playerSource)); } if (videoInfo == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(videoInfo)); } if (!videoInfo.NeedsDeciphering) { throw new Exception("Given video info does not need to be deciphered"); } // Decipher streams foreach (var streamInfo in videoInfo.Streams.Where(s => s.NeedsDeciphering)) { string sig = streamInfo.Signature; string newSig = playerSource.Unscramble(sig); streamInfo.Url = streamInfo.Url.SetQueryStringParameter("signature", newSig); streamInfo.NeedsDeciphering = false; } }
//======================================================= LOAD INVENTORY =========================================================== public void LoadAll() { string json = File.ReadAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + "/PlayerData.json").ToString(); PlayerSource LoadData = JsonUtility.FromJson <PlayerSource>(json); PlayInv.Money = LoadData.Money; PlayInv.StoreID = LoadData.CurrentStore; PlayInv.If_Tutorial = LoadData.If_Tutorial; PlayInv.Step_Of_Tutorial = LoadData.Step_Of_Tutorial; int GetSlave = 0; foreach (SlaveDoll LoadSlave in LoadData.Slaves) { if (LoadSlave.StatusEmpty == false) { GameObject Slave = Instantiate(Resources.Load("HeroPrefab")) as GameObject; = "Slv_" + GetSlave; SlaveProperties SlvProp = Slave.GetComponent <SlaveProperties>(); SlvProp.Number = LoadSlave.Number; SlvProp.Health = LoadSlave.Health; SlvProp.FullHealth = LoadSlave.FullHealth; SlvProp.Damage = LoadSlave.Damage; SlvProp.Accuracy = LoadSlave.Accuracy; SlvProp.Battles = LoadSlave.Battles; SlvProp.Level = LoadSlave.Level; SlvProp.Skin = LoadSlave.Skin; SlvProp.Price = LoadSlave.Price; SlvProp.Efficiency = LoadSlave.Efficiency; SlvProp.WeaponSkin = LoadSlave.WeaponSkin; SlvProp.HaveGun = LoadSlave.HaveGun; SlvProp.FullPackage = LoadSlave.FullPackage; SlvProp.Start_Fhp = LoadSlave.Start_Fhp; SlvProp.Start_Dmg = LoadSlave.Start_Dmg; SlvProp.Start_Acc = LoadSlave.Start_Acc; SlvProp.Shot_Units = LoadSlave.Shot_Units; SlvProp.Heal_Units = LoadSlave.Heal_Units; SlvProp.Rush_Units = LoadSlave.Rush_Units; GameObject Pack = SlvProp.InventoryPack.gameObject; int PackPlace = 0; foreach (ItemDoll Item in LoadSlave.Package) { if (Item != null) { if (Item.TypeOfItem == "Weapon") { GameObject Wpn = Instantiate(Resources.Load("WeaponDoll")) as GameObject; WeaponProperties WpnProp = Wpn.GetComponent <WeaponProperties>(); WpnProp.Skin = Item.Skin; WpnProp.WeapName = Item.Name; WpnProp.Damage = Item.Damage; WpnProp.Condition = Item.Condition; WpnProp.Bullets = Item.Bullets; WpnProp.Efficiency = Item.Efficiency; WpnProp.Price = Item.Price; WpnProp.Bought = true; = WpnProp.WeapName + PackPlace; Wpn.transform.SetParent(Pack.transform.GetChild(PackPlace).transform); Wpn.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); SlvProp.WeaponXRef = Wpn; } if (Item.TypeOfItem == "Stuff") { GameObject Stuff = Instantiate(Resources.Load("OtherStuff")) as GameObject; OtherStuff StfProp = Stuff.GetComponent <OtherStuff>(); StfProp.Skin = Item.Skin; StfProp.Name = Item.Name; StfProp.Liters = Item.Liters; StfProp.Price = Item.Price; StfProp.Bought = true; = StfProp.Name + PackPlace; Stuff.transform.SetParent(Pack.transform.GetChild(PackPlace).transform); Stuff.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); } } PackPlace += 1; } PlayInv.SlavePlace[GetSlave] = Slave; Slave.transform.SetParent(SlaveSource.transform); } GetSlave += 1; } if (ItemsSource != null) { int NumItem = 0; foreach (ItemDoll Item in LoadData.Items) { if (Item != null) { if (Item.TypeOfItem == "Weapon") { GameObject Wpn = Instantiate(Resources.Load("WeaponDoll")) as GameObject; WeaponProperties WpnProp = Wpn.GetComponent <WeaponProperties>(); WpnProp.Skin = Item.Skin; WpnProp.WeapName = Item.Name; WpnProp.Damage = Item.Damage; WpnProp.Condition = Item.Condition; WpnProp.Bullets = Item.Bullets; WpnProp.Efficiency = Item.Efficiency; WpnProp.Price = Item.Price; WpnProp.Bought = true; = WpnProp.WeapName + NumItem; PlayInv.Package[NumItem] = Wpn; Wpn.transform.SetParent(ItemsSource.transform); Wpn.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); } if (Item.TypeOfItem == "Stuff") { GameObject Stuff = Instantiate(Resources.Load("OtherStuff")) as GameObject; OtherStuff StfProp = Stuff.GetComponent <OtherStuff>(); StfProp.Skin = Item.Skin; StfProp.Name = Item.Name; StfProp.Liters = Item.Liters; StfProp.Price = Item.Price; StfProp.Bought = true; = StfProp.Name + NumItem; PlayInv.Package[NumItem] = Stuff; Stuff.transform.SetParent(ItemsSource.transform); Stuff.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); } } NumItem += 1; } } }
private async Task <PlayerSource> GetVideoPlayerSourceAsync(string sourceUrl) { // Original code credit: // // No copyright, MIT license // Regexes found in this method have been sourced by contributors and from other projects // Try to resolve from cache first var playerSource = _playerSourceCache.GetOrDefault(sourceUrl); if (playerSource != null) { return(playerSource); } // Get player source code var sourceRaw = await _httpClient.GetStringAsync(sourceUrl).ConfigureAwait(false); // Find the name of the function that handles deciphering var entryPoint = Regex.Match(sourceRaw, @"(\w+)&&(\w+)\.set\(\w+,(\w+)\(\1\)\);return\s+\2").Groups[3].Value; if (entryPoint.IsBlank()) { throw new ParseException("Could not find the entry function for signature deciphering."); } // Find the body of the function var entryPointPattern = @"(?!h\.)" + Regex.Escape(entryPoint) + @"=function\(\w+\)\{(.*?)\}"; var entryPointBody = Regex.Match(sourceRaw, entryPointPattern, RegexOptions.Singleline).Groups[1].Value; if (entryPointBody.IsBlank()) { throw new ParseException("Could not find the signature decipherer function body."); } var entryPointLines = entryPointBody.Split(";").ToArray(); // Identify cipher functions string reverseFuncName = null; string sliceFuncName = null; string charSwapFuncName = null; var operations = new List <ICipherOperation>(); // Analyze the function body to determine the names of cipher functions foreach (var line in entryPointLines) { // Break when all functions are found if (reverseFuncName.IsNotBlank() && sliceFuncName.IsNotBlank() && charSwapFuncName.IsNotBlank()) { break; } // Get the function called on this line var calledFuncName = Regex.Match(line, @"\w+(?:.|\[)(\""?\w+(?:\"")?)\]?\(").Groups[1].Value; if (calledFuncName.IsBlank()) { continue; } // Find cipher function names if (Regex.IsMatch(sourceRaw, $@"{Regex.Escape(calledFuncName)}:\bfunction\b\(\w+\)")) { reverseFuncName = calledFuncName; } else if (Regex.IsMatch(sourceRaw, $@"{Regex.Escape(calledFuncName)}:\bfunction\b\([a],b\).(\breturn\b)?.?\w+\.")) { sliceFuncName = calledFuncName; } else if (Regex.IsMatch(sourceRaw, $@"{Regex.Escape(calledFuncName)}:\bfunction\b\(\w+\,\w\).\bvar\b.\bc=a\b")) { charSwapFuncName = calledFuncName; } } // Analyze the function body again to determine the operation set and order foreach (var line in entryPointLines) { // Get the function called on this line var calledFuncName = Regex.Match(line, @"\w+(?:.|\[)(\""?\w+(?:\"")?)\]?\(").Groups[1].Value; if (calledFuncName.IsBlank()) { continue; } // Swap operation if (calledFuncName == charSwapFuncName) { var index = Regex.Match(line, @"\(\w+,(\d+)\)").Groups[1].Value.ParseInt(); operations.Add(new SwapCipherOperation(index)); } // Slice operation else if (calledFuncName == sliceFuncName) { var index = Regex.Match(line, @"\(\w+,(\d+)\)").Groups[1].Value.ParseInt(); operations.Add(new SliceCipherOperation(index)); } // Reverse operation else if (calledFuncName == reverseFuncName) { operations.Add(new ReverseCipherOperation()); } } return(_playerSourceCache[sourceUrl] = new PlayerSource(operations)); }
private async Task <PlayerSource> GetPlayerSourceAsync(string version) { // Original code credit: Decipherer class of // Try to resolve from cache first var playerSource = _playerSourceCache.GetOrDefault(version); if (playerSource != null) { return(playerSource); } // Get player source code string request = $"{version}/base.js"; string response = await _httpService.GetStringAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false); // Find the name of the function that handles deciphering string funcName = Regex.Match(response, @"\""signature"",\s?([a-zA-Z0-9\$]+)\(").Groups[1].Value; if (funcName.IsBlank()) { throw new ParseException("Could not find the entry function for signature deciphering"); } // Find the body of the function string funcPattern = @"(?!h\.)" + Regex.Escape(funcName) + @"=function\(\w+\)\{(.*?)\}"; string funcBody = Regex.Match(response, funcPattern, RegexOptions.Singleline).Groups[1].Value; if (funcBody.IsBlank()) { throw new ParseException("Could not find the signature decipherer function body"); } var funcLines = funcBody.Split(";").ToArray(); // Identify cipher functions string reverseFuncName = null; string sliceFuncName = null; string charSwapFuncName = null; var operations = new List <ICipherOperation>(); // Analyze the function body to determine the names of cipher functions foreach (string line in funcLines) { // Break when all functions are found if (reverseFuncName.IsNotBlank() && sliceFuncName.IsNotBlank() && charSwapFuncName.IsNotBlank()) { break; } // Get the function called on this line string calledFunctionName = Regex.Match(line, @"\w+\.(\w+)\(").Groups[1].Value; if (calledFunctionName.IsBlank()) { continue; } // Find cipher function names if (Regex.IsMatch(response, $@"{Regex.Escape(calledFunctionName)}:\bfunction\b\(\w+\)")) { reverseFuncName = calledFunctionName; } else if (Regex.IsMatch(response, $@"{Regex.Escape(calledFunctionName)}:\bfunction\b\([a],b\).(\breturn\b)?.?\w+\.")) { sliceFuncName = calledFunctionName; } else if (Regex.IsMatch(response, $@"{Regex.Escape(calledFunctionName)}:\bfunction\b\(\w+\,\w\).\bvar\b.\bc=a\b")) { charSwapFuncName = calledFunctionName; } } // Analyze the function body again to determine the operation set and order foreach (string line in funcLines) { // Get the function called on this line string calledFunctionName = Regex.Match(line, @"\w+\.(\w+)\(").Groups[1].Value; if (calledFunctionName.IsBlank()) { continue; } // Swap operation if (calledFunctionName == charSwapFuncName) { int index = Regex.Match(line, @"\(\w+,(\d+)\)").Groups[1].Value.ParseInt(); operations.Add(new SwapCipherOperation(index)); } // Slice operation else if (calledFunctionName == sliceFuncName) { int index = Regex.Match(line, @"\(\w+,(\d+)\)").Groups[1].Value.ParseInt(); operations.Add(new SliceCipherOperation(index)); } // Reverse operation else if (calledFunctionName == reverseFuncName) { operations.Add(new ReverseCipherOperation()); } } return(_playerSourceCache[version] = new PlayerSource(version, operations)); }
private void Apply(PlayerCreated e) { _id = e.Id; _userName = e.UserName; _source = e.Source; _externalId = e.ExternalId; }
public Player(Guid id, string userName, PlayerSource source, string externalId) { ApplyChange(new PlayerCreated(id, userName, source, externalId)); }
//======================================================= LOAD STORE ITEMS =========================================================== public void LoadStoreInfo(int StoreID) { if (File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/StoresStack.json")) { if (File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/PlayerData.json")) { string GetPlayInfo = File.ReadAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + "/PlayerData.json"); PlayerSource GetPlaySource = JsonUtility.FromJson <PlayerSource>(GetPlayInfo); string GetStoresInfo = File.ReadAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + "/StoresStack.json"); StoreStack GetStore = JsonUtility.FromJson <StoreStack>(GetStoresInfo); PlayInv.StoreID = GetPlaySource.CurrentStore; PlayInv.Money = GetPlaySource.Money; int SlaveNum = 0; int WeaponNum = 0; int BulletNum = 0; int StuffNum = 0; foreach (StorePoint Store in GetStore.storePoint) { if (Store.StoreID == PlayInv.StoreID) { PlayInv.TypeOfStore = Store.TypeOfStore; foreach (SlvLot Slave in Store.Lot1) { GameObject Slv = Instantiate(Resources.Load("HeroPrefab")) as GameObject; = "Slv_" + SlaveNum; SlaveProperties SlvProp = Slv.GetComponent <SlaveProperties>(); SlvProp.Skin = Slave.Skin; SlvProp.FullHealth = Slave.FullHealth; SlvProp.Health = Slave.Health; SlvProp.Damage = Slave.Damage; SlvProp.Accuracy = Slave.Accuracy; SlvProp.Price = Slave.Price; SlvProp.Level = Slave.Level; SlvProp.Start_Fhp = Slave.St_Health; SlvProp.Start_Dmg = Slave.St_Damage; SlvProp.Start_Acc = Slave.St_Accuracy; SlvProp.Shot_Units = Slave.Shot_Units; SlvProp.Heal_Units = Slave.Heal_Units; SlvProp.Rush_Units = Slave.Rush_Units; PlayInv.Items.Add(Slv); SlaveNum += 1; } foreach (WpnLot Weapon in Store.Lot2) { GameObject Wpn = Instantiate(Resources.Load("WeaponDoll")) as GameObject; = "Wpn_" + WeaponNum; WeaponProperties WpnProp = Wpn.GetComponent <WeaponProperties>(); WpnProp.WeapName = Weapon.Name; WpnProp.Skin = Weapon.Skin; WpnProp.Price = Weapon.Price; WpnProp.Damage = Weapon.Damage; WpnProp.Condition = Weapon.Condition; WpnProp.Bullets = Weapon.Bullets; PlayInv.Items.Add(Wpn); WeaponNum += 1; } foreach (BulLot Bullets in Store.Lot3) { GameObject Bul = Instantiate(Resources.Load("BulletsDoll")) as GameObject; = "Bul_" + BulletNum; BulletsProperties BulProp = Bul.GetComponent <BulletsProperties>(); BulProp.Name = Bullets.Name; BulProp.Skin = Bullets.Skin; BulProp.Count = Bullets.Count; BulProp.Price = Bullets.Price; PlayInv.Items.Add(Bul); BulletNum += 1; } foreach (StffLot Stuff in Store.Lot4) { GameObject Stf = Instantiate(Resources.Load("OtherStuff")) as GameObject; = "Stf_" + StuffNum; OtherStuff StfProp = Stf.GetComponent <OtherStuff>(); StfProp.Skin = Stuff.Skin; StfProp.Price = Stuff.Price; StfProp.Liters = Stuff.Liters; PlayInv.Items.Add(Stf); StuffNum += 1; } } } } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { _playersource = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ZeroPlayer").GetComponent <PlayerSource>(); }
//======================================================= SAVE INVENTORY =========================================================== public void SaveAll() { PlayerSource newInventory = new PlayerSource(); newInventory.Money = PlayInv.Money; newInventory.CurrentStore = PlayInv.StoreID; newInventory.If_Tutorial = PlayInv.If_Tutorial; newInventory.Step_Of_Tutorial = Tutor.Steps; foreach (GameObject Slave in PlayInv.SlavePlace) { SlaveDoll newSlave = new SlaveDoll(); if (Slave != null) { SlaveProperties GetSlv = Slave.GetComponent <SlaveProperties>(); newSlave.StatusEmpty = false; newSlave.Number = GetSlv.Number; newSlave.Health = GetSlv.Health; newSlave.FullHealth = GetSlv.FullHealth; newSlave.Damage = GetSlv.Damage; newSlave.Accuracy = GetSlv.Accuracy; newSlave.Battles = GetSlv.Battles; newSlave.Level = GetSlv.Level; newSlave.Skin = GetSlv.Skin; newSlave.Price = GetSlv.Price; newSlave.Efficiency = GetSlv.Efficiency; newSlave.WeaponSkin = GetSlv.WeaponSkin; newSlave.HaveGun = GetSlv.HaveGun; newSlave.FullPackage = GetSlv.FullPackage; newSlave.Start_Fhp = GetSlv.Start_Fhp; newSlave.Start_Dmg = GetSlv.Start_Dmg; newSlave.Start_Acc = GetSlv.Start_Acc; newSlave.Heal_Units = GetSlv.Heal_Units; newSlave.Shot_Units = GetSlv.Shot_Units; newSlave.Rush_Units = GetSlv.Rush_Units; int GetStuffPlace = 0; = true; foreach (Transform Place in GetSlv.InventoryPack.transform) { if (Place.transform.childCount != 0) { GameObject GetItem = Place.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject; if (GetItem.GetComponent <WeaponProperties>() != null) { ItemDoll GetPlace = new ItemDoll(); WeaponProperties GetWpn = GetItem.GetComponent <WeaponProperties>(); GetPlace.TypeOfItem = "Weapon"; GetPlace.Skin = GetWpn.Skin; GetPlace.Name = GetWpn.WeapName; GetPlace.Damage = GetWpn.Damage; GetPlace.Condition = GetWpn.Condition; GetPlace.Efficiency = GetWpn.Efficiency; GetPlace.Price = GetWpn.Price; GetPlace.Bullets = GetWpn.Bullets; newSlave.Package[Place.transform.GetSiblingIndex()] = GetPlace; } if (GetItem.GetComponent <OtherStuff>() != null) { ItemDoll GetPlace = new ItemDoll(); OtherStuff GetStf = GetItem.GetComponent <OtherStuff>(); GetPlace.TypeOfItem = "Stuff"; GetPlace.Skin = GetStf.Skin; GetPlace.Price = GetStf.Price; GetPlace.Liters = GetStf.Liters; GetPlace.Name = GetStf.Name; newSlave.Package[Place.transform.GetSiblingIndex()] = GetPlace; } } } } else { newSlave.StatusEmpty = true; } newInventory.Slaves.Add(newSlave); } int NumPlace = 0; foreach (GameObject Item in PlayInv.Package) { if (Item != null) { if (Item.GetComponent <WeaponProperties>() != null) { ItemDoll GetPlace = new ItemDoll(); WeaponProperties GetWpn = Item.GetComponent <WeaponProperties>(); GetPlace.TypeOfItem = "Weapon"; GetPlace.Skin = GetWpn.Skin; GetPlace.Name = GetWpn.WeapName; GetPlace.Damage = GetWpn.Damage; GetPlace.Condition = GetWpn.Condition; GetPlace.Efficiency = GetWpn.Efficiency; GetPlace.Price = GetWpn.Price; GetPlace.Bullets = GetWpn.Bullets; newInventory.Items[NumPlace] = GetPlace; } if (Item.GetComponent <OtherStuff>() != null) { ItemDoll GetPlace = new ItemDoll(); OtherStuff GetStf = Item.GetComponent <OtherStuff>(); GetPlace.TypeOfItem = "Stuff"; GetPlace.Skin = GetStf.Skin; GetPlace.Price = GetStf.Price; GetPlace.Liters = GetStf.Liters; GetPlace.Name = GetStf.Name; newInventory.Items[NumPlace] = GetPlace; } } NumPlace += 1; } string SaveData = JsonUtility.ToJson(newInventory); StreamWriter WriteData = new StreamWriter(Application.persistentDataPath + "/PlayerData.json"); WriteData.Write(SaveData); WriteData.Close(); }
public PlayerCreated(Guid id, string userName, PlayerSource source, string externalId) { Id = id; UserName = userName; Source = source; ExternalId = externalId; }