        /// <summary>
        /// If fakeThinking parameter is true, AI will wait random amount of time
        /// between MIN_THINKING_TIME and MAX_THINKING_TIME measured in milliseconds before the execution continues.
        /// </summary>
        async Task <MoveData> CalculateMove()
            // How to make a game-changing move in 3 steps:
            // 1. choose a random card from your deck
            int fromSlotNumber = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, _myDeck.Count);

            // 2. excellent choice, now pick randomly a line
            PlayerLine line = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2) == 0
                ? PlayerLine.Backline
                : PlayerLine.Frontline;

            // 3. brilliant! Finally choose a random slot and play that card there
            int maxSlotNumber    = line == PlayerLine.Backline ? _myBackline.Count : _myFrontline.Count;
            int targetSlotNumber = maxSlotNumber == 0
                ? 0
                : UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, maxSlotNumber);

            if (_fakeThinking) // pretend it took you some time to come up with such an amazing idea
                await Task.Delay(UnityEngine.Random.Range(MIN_THINKING_TIME, MAX_THINKING_TIME));

            int c = _gameLogic.GetLine(_myIndicator, line).Count;

            if (targetSlotNumber > c || targetSlotNumber < 0)
                targetSlotNumber = 0;

            return(new MoveData(_myDeck[fromSlotNumber], _myIndicator, fromSlotNumber, line, targetSlotNumber));
        internal LineIndicator MapPlayerLine(PlayerIndicator player, PlayerLine line)
            if (player == PlayerIndicator.Top)
                switch (line)
                case PlayerLine.Deck: return(LineIndicator.TopDeck);

                case PlayerLine.Backline: return(LineIndicator.TopBackline);

                case PlayerLine.Frontline: return(LineIndicator.TopFrontline);
            else if (player == PlayerIndicator.Bot)
                switch (line)
                case PlayerLine.Deck: return(LineIndicator.BotDeck);

                case PlayerLine.Backline: return(LineIndicator.BotBackline);

                case PlayerLine.Frontline: return(LineIndicator.BotFrontline);

            throw new Exception("Unreachable code reached! "
                                + "PlayerIndicator or PlayerLine enumerator must have been extended without extending the MapPlayerLine function.");
    void SerializeJson()
        //Get all the presentation lines fitting with the current scene
        string scene = Application.loadedLevelName;
        string json = DataReader.GetAllText ("Assets/"+ scene +"cs.json");
        //Convert the lines data to a managable format
        JSONNode data = JSON.Parse (json);

        var cutsjs = data ["scenes"];
        _cutscenes = new Dictionary<string, SceneModel> ();
        //Loop trough all sentences and place them in the _lines member
        for (int i = 0; i < cutsjs.Count; i++)
            var cutscenejs = cutsjs [i];

            string key = cutscenejs["SceneName"];
            var cutscene = new List<Interaction>();
            var interactions = cutscenejs["Interaction"];

            //Loop through interactions
            for(int j = 0; j < interactions.Count; j++)
                var interaction = interactions[j];
                //Check what kind of interaction it is
                Interaction part = null;
                switch (interaction["Type"])
                case "Event":
                    part = SceneEvent.GetScript(interaction["ScriptKey"], interaction["Duration"].AsFloat);
                case "NPCLine":
                    part = new NPCLine(interaction["NpcName"], interaction["VoiceKey"], interaction["Duration"].AsFloat);
                case "PlayerLine":
                    part = new PlayerLine(interaction["Hint"], interaction["Duration"].AsFloat, GoToNextPart);
                if(part == null)
                    throw new Exception("JSON format exception in cutscene controller. Unknown type used. Input: " + interaction["Type"]);
                if(part != null)
            _cutscenes.Add(key, new SceneModel(cutscenejs["Range"].AsFloat ,cutscene));
文件: Dialog.cs 项目: rogerdv/keyw
    public Dictionary<string, PlayerLine> GetAnswers(string alist)
        Dictionary<string, PlayerLine> choices;	// Player lines
        choices = new Dictionary<string, PlayerLine> ();

        var answers= alist.Split(' ');
        XmlNodeList answlist = doc.SelectNodes ("dialog/answer");
        int count = 0;
        choices.Clear ();
        foreach (XmlNode answnode in answlist) {
            //Debug.Log("Checking "+answnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("id").Value);
            foreach (string answer in answers){
                //is this one of the answers Im loking for?
                if (answnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("id").Value==answer) {
                    //Debug.Log("Found answer "+answer);
                    PlayerLine l = new PlayerLine();
                    var anschoices = answnode.ChildNodes;
                    foreach (XmlNode cnode in anschoices) {
                        if (cnode.Name== "option") { //it is text
                            l.text = cnode.InnerText;
                            l.link = cnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("link").Value;
                        } else if (cnode.Name== "action") { //action description
                            Action a = new Action();
                            a.ActionType = cnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("type").Value;
                            a.id = cnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("id").Value;
                            a.value = cnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("value").Value;
                    //Debug.Log("answer text is "+anschoices.Item(0).InnerText);

                    choices.Add(answnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("id").Value, l);
            }//for each answer
        } //foreach answer list
        return choices;
    public void CreateLine(GameObject linePrefab, LineDataClass lineAsset)
        playerLine = Instantiate(linePrefab).GetComponent <PlayerLine>();
        playerLine.transform.parent = gameObject.transform;

        if (lineAsset)

        if (playerBall)
            Renderer ballRenderer = playerBall.GetComponent <Renderer>();
            float    ballWidth    = ballRenderer.bounds.size.x;
            float    lineX        = playerBall.transform.position.x;
            float    lineY        = playerBall.transform.position.y - ballWidth / 2;
            if (lineData)
                lineX += lineData.startBallOffset.x;
                lineY += lineData.startBallOffset.y;
            playerLine.transform.position = new Vector3(lineX, lineY, playerLine.transform.position.z);
 internal LineIndicator GetLineIndicator(PlayerIndicator player, PlayerLine line)
 => player == PlayerIndicator.Top
         ? (LineIndicator)(int)line
         : (LineIndicator)(5 - (int)line);
 internal List <CardModel> GetLine(PlayerIndicator player, PlayerLine line)
 => player == PlayerIndicator.Top
         ? _lines[(int)line]
         : _lines[5 - (int)line];
        // AI uses abstractions and requires mapping
        public MoveData(CardModel card, PlayerIndicator playerIndicator, int fromSlotNumber, PlayerLine targetLine, int targetSlotNumber)
            Card       = card;
            FromLine   = playerIndicator == PlayerIndicator.Top ? LineIndicator.TopDeck : LineIndicator.BotDeck;
            TargetLine = playerIndicator == PlayerIndicator.Bot
                ? (LineIndicator)(5 - (int)targetLine)
                : (LineIndicator)(int)targetLine;

            FromSlotNumber   = fromSlotNumber;
            TargetSlotNumber = targetSlotNumber;