        public static void TestAllPermutations()
            PlayerFile file = Game.Persistence.playerFile;
            List <GirlPairDefinition> allPairs    = Game.Data.GirlPairs.GetAllBySpecial(false);
            List <int>            possiblePairs   = new List <int>();
            Dictionary <int, int> occurences      = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            Dictionary <int, int> phaseoccurences = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            phaseoccurences.Add((int)ClockDaytimeType.MORNING, 0);
            phaseoccurences.Add((int)ClockDaytimeType.AFTERNOON, 0);
            phaseoccurences.Add((int)ClockDaytimeType.EVENING, 0);
            phaseoccurences.Add((int)ClockDaytimeType.NIGHT, 0);
            Dictionary <GirlDefinition, bool> impossibleGirls = new Dictionary <GirlDefinition, bool>();

            foreach (GirlPairDefinition p in allPairs)
                //ignore pairs that have a girl I'm currently with
                if (file.girlPairDefinition && (file.girlPairDefinition.girlDefinitionOne == p.girlDefinitionOne || file.girlPairDefinition.girlDefinitionTwo == p.girlDefinitionOne ||
                                                file.girlPairDefinition.girlDefinitionOne == p.girlDefinitionTwo || file.girlPairDefinition.girlDefinitionTwo == p.girlDefinitionTwo))
                //ignore pairs who meet where i'm at currently
                if (file.GetPlayerFileGirlPair(p).relationshipType == GirlPairRelationshipType.UNKNOWN && p.meetingLocationDefinition == file.locationDefinition)
                //ignore pairs with no known girl
                if (!file.GetPlayerFileGirl(p.girlDefinitionOne).playerMet&& !file.GetPlayerFileGirl(p.girlDefinitionTwo).playerMet)
                //ignore lovers, and attracted pairs that can't f**k
                if (file.GetPlayerFileGirlPair(p).relationshipType == GirlPairRelationshipType.LOVERS)
                if (file.GetPlayerFileGirlPair(p).relationshipType == GirlPairRelationshipType.ATTRACTED && (file.daytimeElapsed + 1) % 4 != (int)p.sexDaytime)
                //non-intro pairs require us to have met both girls
                if (!p.introductionPair && (!file.GetPlayerFileGirl(p.girlDefinitionOne).playerMet || !file.GetPlayerFileGirl(p.girlDefinitionTwo).playerMet))
                //in the end our pair list should have: DTF pairs, valid intro and new pairs, and compatible pairs
                occurences.Add(p.id, 0);
            //we now have the shuffled list of every order of girl pairs that could possibly exist. (line 17 of populatefinderslots, but smaller)
            //now just check through each like the game does
            //11 pairs = 39,916,800 permutations. This is too much
            if (possiblePairs.Count >= 9)
                Logger.LogMessage("Number of possible pairs is too large to permute! (" + possiblePairs.Count + ")");
            IList <IList <int> > permutations = Permute(possiblePairs.ToArray());

            Logger.LogMessage("Total permutations: " + permutations.Count);
            string str = "\n";

            foreach (IList <int> i in permutations)
                //convert the permutated ints back into a girl pair list
                List <PlayerFileGirlPair> list = new List <PlayerFileGirlPair>();
                foreach (int j in i)
                //blank lists used to keep track of selected pairs and definitions
                List <GirlPairDefinition> list2 = new List <GirlPairDefinition>();
                List <LocationDefinition> list3 = new List <LocationDefinition>();

                //this code has some extraneous checks removed, because we already handled those checks earlier
                //like if we've met either girl or if the attracted pair is DTF
                for (int l = 0; l < list.Count; l++)
                    if (list[l].relationshipType == GirlPairRelationshipType.ATTRACTED)
                        l = AddToFinderLists(list2, list3, list[l].girlPairDefinition, null, list);
                for (int m = 0; m < list.Count; m++)
                    if (list[m].relationshipType == GirlPairRelationshipType.UNKNOWN && list[m].girlPairDefinition.introductionPair && !list3.Contains(list[m].girlPairDefinition.meetingLocationDefinition))
                        m = AddToFinderLists(list2, list3, list[m].girlPairDefinition, list[m].girlPairDefinition.meetingLocationDefinition, list);
                for (int n = 0; n < list.Count; n++)
                    if ((list[n].relationshipType == GirlPairRelationshipType.UNKNOWN && !list[n].girlPairDefinition.introductionPair && !list3.Contains(list[n].girlPairDefinition.meetingLocationDefinition)) || list[n].relationshipType == GirlPairRelationshipType.COMPATIBLE)
                        n = AddToFinderLists(list2, list3, list[n].girlPairDefinition, (list[n].relationshipType == GirlPairRelationshipType.UNKNOWN) ? list[n].girlPairDefinition.meetingLocationDefinition : null, list);

                //list2 is now all the girls
                string testOutput = "";
                int[]  foundtimes = new int[4];
                foreach (GirlPairDefinition gpd in list2)
                    testOutput        += gpd.girlDefinitionOne.girlName + "&" + gpd.girlDefinitionTwo.girlName + ", ";
                    occurences[gpd.id] = occurences[gpd.id] + 1;
                    //i think the sex daytime info is only useful if it's not a DTF pair
                    if (file.GetPlayerFileGirlPair(gpd).relationshipType != GirlPairRelationshipType.ATTRACTED)
                        foundtimes[(int)gpd.sexDaytime] += 1;
                for (int t = 0; t <= 3; t++)
                    if (foundtimes[t] > 0)
                        phaseoccurences[t] = phaseoccurences[t] + 1;
            //this is so lazy lol
            for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
                if (occurences.ContainsKey(i) && occurences[i] > 0)
                    str += Game.Data.GirlPairs.Get(i).girlDefinitionOne.girlName + " & " + Game.Data.GirlPairs.Get(i).girlDefinitionTwo.girlName +
                           //" (" + file.GetPlayerFileGirlPair(Game.Data.GirlPairs.Get(i)).relationshipType + ")" +
                           ": " + occurences[i] + "/" + permutations.Count + " (" + ((occurences[i] / (float)permutations.Count) * 100).ToString("F") + "%)\n";
            str += "\n";
            for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
                str += "New " + (ClockDaytimeType)i + " Sex Pair Chance: " +
                       phaseoccurences[i] + "/" + permutations.Count + " (" + ((phaseoccurences[i] / (float)permutations.Count) * 100).ToString("F") + "%)\n";
