// Use this for initialization void Start() { if (pcr == null) { pcr = gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerControllerRieles>(); } // get the transform of the main camera if (Camera.main != null) { cam = Camera.main.transform; } else { Debug.LogWarning( "Warning: no main camera found. Third person character needs a Camera tagged \"MainCamera\", for camera-relative controls.", gameObject); // we use self-relative controls in this case, which probably isn't what the user wants, but hey, we warned them! } // get the third person character ( this should never be null due to require component ) character = GetComponent <RielesCharacter>(); move = Vector3.zero; crouch = false; }
public void StartGame(bool withTime, float time, int repetitions, bool useJog, float jogThreshold, float jogTime, bool useCrouch, float crouchThreshold, bool useJump, float jumpThreshold, bool useShifts, int difficulty) { this.withTime = withTime; totalTime = time; currentTime = totalTime; totalRepetitions = repetitions; this.repetitions = totalRepetitions; JogThreshold = jogThreshold; CrouchThreshold = crouchThreshold; JumpThreshold = jumpThreshold; JumpBool = useJump; CrouchBool = useCrouch; JogBool = useJog; KinectPlayerController kinectPlayer = player.GetComponent <KinectPlayerController>(); kinectPlayer.SetParameters(useJog, jogThreshold, jogTime, useCrouch, crouchThreshold, useJump, jumpThreshold); kinectPlayer.UpdateRootPosition = useShifts; PlayerControllerRieles playerController = player.GetComponent <PlayerControllerRieles>(); playerController.UpdateX = useShifts; playerController.AutoMove = !useJog; RielesCharacter character = player.GetComponent <RielesCharacter>(); //character.SetCharacterSpeed(playerSpeed); this.difficulty = difficulty; validIndexes = new ArrayList(); if (useShifts) { validIndexes.Add(0); // trains } if (useJump) { validIndexes.Add(1); // barrels } if (useCrouch) { validIndexes.Add(2); // blocks } validIndexes.Add(3); // pickups if (useShifts) { TrackSpawner.ts.trackType = TrackSpawner.TrackType.ThreeLane; } else { TrackSpawner.ts.trackType = TrackSpawner.TrackType.SingleLane; } TrackSpawner.ts.SpawnInitialTracks(); player.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().useGravity = true; if (withTime) { timerPanel.SetActive(true); repetitionsPanel.SetActive(false); } else { textRepetitions.text = totalRepetitions.ToString(); timerPanel.SetActive(false); repetitionsPanel.SetActive(true); } mainPanel.SetActive(true); pausePanel.SetActive(true); isPlaying = true; }