void Awake() { if (blackWolf) { target = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").transform; } if (Harpy) { GameObject player = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player"); //create reference for Player gameobject, and assign the variable via FindWithTag at start if (player != null) // if the playerObject gameObject-reference is not null - assigning the reference via FindWithTag at first frame - { playerScript = player.GetComponent <PlayerController>(); // - set the PlayerController-reference (called playerControllerScript) to the <script component> of the Player gameobject (via the gameObject-reference) to have access the instance of the PlayerController script } if (player == null) //for exception handling - to have the console debug the absense of a player controller script in order for this entire code, the code in the GameController to work { Debug.Log("Cannot find ScoreController script for final score referencing to GameOver - finalAcquired Label"); } } GameObject player2 = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player"); //create reference for Player gameobject, and assign the variable via FindWithTag at start if (player2 != null) // if the playerObject gameObject-reference is not null - assigning the reference via FindWithTag at first frame - { playerScript2 = player2.GetComponent <PlayerCollider>(); } if (player2 == null) //for exception handling - to have the console debug the absense of a player controller script in order for this entire code, the code in the GameController to work { Debug.Log("Cannot find ScoreController script for final score referencing to GameOver - finalAcquired Label"); } }
private void Update() { if (!m_matorCharacter) { return; } m_matorCharacter.SetFloat ( "Speed", C_SimpleMath.GetSpeed(ref m_fControllerHorizontal, ref m_fControllerVertical) ); if (PlayerCollider.GetInstance() && PlayerCollider.GetInstance().IsFalling()) { transform.position += new Vector3(0.0f, -m_fFallingSpeed, 0.0f); return; } if (m_fControllerHorizontal != 0.0f && m_fControllerVertical != 0.0f) { Vector3 vecLook = new Vector3(m_fControllerHorizontal, 0.0f, m_fControllerVertical); transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(vecLook); } }
public override void UpdateAfterCollisionCheck(PlayerCollider collider, PlayerStatus status, PlayerInput input) { if (collider.collisions.above == true) { status.SetState(PlayerStatus.fall); } }
/** * <summary> * Will be called at the start of the game. * Sets the masks of the colliders. * </summary> */ public virtual void Init(CapsuleCollider2D playerCollider, PlayerCollider wallLeft, PlayerCollider wallRight, PlayerCollider ground, LayerMask groundMask) { this.playerCollider = playerCollider; this.onGroundCollider = ground; this.wallSlideColliderLeft = wallLeft; this.wallSlideColliderRight = wallRight; this.onGroundCollider.mask = groundMask; this.wallSlideColliderLeft.mask = groundMask; this.wallSlideColliderRight.mask = groundMask; this.movementInput = 0; this.duckInput = false; this.lookUpInput = false; this.cancelInput = false; this.castInput = false; this.jumpInput = false; this.aimDirecton = Vector2.right; this.waterElementInput = false; this.fireElementInput = false; this.airElementInput = false; this.earthElementInput = false; this.settingsInput = false; this.pauseScene = this.GetComponent <SceneLoader>(); }
void Awake() { if(blackWolf) { target = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").transform; } if(Harpy) { GameObject player = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player"); //create reference for Player gameobject, and assign the variable via FindWithTag at start if (player != null) // if the playerObject gameObject-reference is not null - assigning the reference via FindWithTag at first frame - { playerScript = player.GetComponent<PlayerController>();// - set the PlayerController-reference (called playerControllerScript) to the <script component> of the Player gameobject (via the gameObject-reference) to have access the instance of the PlayerController script } if (player == null) //for exception handling - to have the console debug the absense of a player controller script in order for this entire code, the code in the GameController to work { Debug.Log("Cannot find ScoreController script for final score referencing to GameOver - finalAcquired Label"); } } GameObject player2 = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player"); //create reference for Player gameobject, and assign the variable via FindWithTag at start if (player2 != null) // if the playerObject gameObject-reference is not null - assigning the reference via FindWithTag at first frame - { playerScript2 = player2.GetComponent<PlayerCollider>(); } if (player2 == null) //for exception handling - to have the console debug the absense of a player controller script in order for this entire code, the code in the GameController to work { Debug.Log("Cannot find ScoreController script for final score referencing to GameOver - finalAcquired Label"); } }
public RustySpike(Vector2 position, int size, Directions direction) : base(position, size, direction) { switch (direction) { case Directions.Up: base.Collider = new Hitbox(size, 3f, 0f, -3f); Add(new LedgeBlocker()); break; case Directions.Down: base.Collider = new Hitbox(size, 3f); break; case Directions.Left: base.Collider = new Hitbox(3f, size, -3f); Add(new LedgeBlocker()); break; case Directions.Right: base.Collider = new Hitbox(3f, size); Add(new LedgeBlocker()); break; } Add(pc = new PlayerCollider(OnCollide)); }
public PlayerComponent( IGamepad gamepad, PlayerRigidbody playerRigidbody, PlayerSoundsComponent playerSounds, PlayerStateMachine playerStateMachine) { this.gamepad_ = gamepad; this.playerRigidbody_ = playerRigidbody; this.rigidbody_ = playerRigidbody.Rigidbody; this.playerSounds_ = playerSounds; this.stateMachine_ = playerStateMachine; this.levelGridRenderer_ = new LevelGridRenderer { LevelGrid = LevelConstants.LEVEL_GRID, }; this.motor_ = new PlayerMotor { StateMachine = this.stateMachine_, PlayerRigidbody = this.playerRigidbody_, }; this.collider_ = new PlayerCollider { StateMachine = this.stateMachine_, PlayerRigidbody = this.playerRigidbody_, }; this.boxPlayerRenderer_ = new BoxPlayerRenderer { PlayerRigidbody = this.playerRigidbody_, }; }
public Player(int id, PlayerData playerData) { if (playerData == null) { return; } m_playerData = playerData; m_id = id; GameResModuel resModuel = GameStart.GetInstance().ResModuel; GameObject player = resModuel.LoadResources <GameObject>(EResourceType.Role, playerData.m_playerResPath); player = CommonFunc.Instantiate(player); if (player != null) { player.name = playerData.m_playerName; m_avatar = player.AddComponent <PlayerAvatar>(); m_anim = new PlayerAnim(player); m_anim.InitAnimator(playerData.m_animControllerName); GameObject collider = CommonFunc.GetChild(player, "Collider"); m_collider = new PlayerCollider(playerData.m_moveArea, playerData.m_radius, playerData.m_angle, collider.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>()); MovePosition(m_playerData.m_bornPosition); } }
public override void UpdateState(Transform ball) { if (ball == null) { return; } Vector3 position = ball.position; if (position.y < m_player.GetPlayerPosition().y) { Vector3 moveDir = position - m_player.GetPlayerPosition(); moveDir = moveDir.normalized; position = m_player.GetPlayerPosition(); position += Time.deltaTime * moveDir * m_player.PlayerData.m_moveSpeed; m_player.MovePosition(position); bool checkInArea = PlayerCollider.CheckInHitBallArea(ball, m_player.Transform, m_player.PlayerData.m_radius, m_player.PlayerData.m_angle, m_player.BoxCollider); if (checkInArea && SwitchStateAction != null) { SwitchStateAction(EAIControlState.Hit); } } else { if (SwitchStateAction != null) { SwitchStateAction(EAIControlState.BackToBornPoint); } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { PlayerCollider other = player.GetComponent <PlayerCollider> (); life = other.getLife(); if (life == 0) { if (currentTime == 0f) { currentTime = delay; float vol = Random.Range(volLowRange, volHighRange); source.PlayOneShot(playerDead, vol); currentTime = 2f; } else { currentTime = 2f; } isAlive = false; gameover.gameObject.SetActive(true); //Destroy (player.GetComponent<Animator>()); } else { health.fillAmount = ((int)(life / 4) * 0.25f); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { playerCollider = FindObjectOfType <PlayerCollider>(); if (playerCollider == null) { Debug.LogError("playerCollider not found."); } }
public void Initialize() { position = new Position(); collider = new PlayerCollider(); PlayerSize = 7; position.SetPosition(38, 21); GameMap.GetInstance.SetObjectInMap("Player", PlayerSize, position); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { rigid = gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); playerCol = GetComponentInChildren <PlayerCollider>(); sliderCtrl = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameCtrl").GetComponent <SliderController>(); jumpSE = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameCtrl").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); roboAni = GetComponent <Animator>(); }
private void Start() { m_Rigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); transform.position = new Vector3(m_InitialHolder.position.x, 0, 0); m_HolderPoints = GetComponent <HolderPoints>(); m_Collider = GetComponent <PlayerCollider>(); m_LifeState = ELifeStates.LIVE; }
public override void UpdateAfterCollisionCheck(PlayerCollider collider, PlayerStatus status, PlayerInput input) { if (collider.IsGrounded() == false) { status.SetState(PlayerStatus.fall); status.framesInDelayCount = 0; } }
public override void UpdateAfterCollisionCheck(PlayerCollider collider, PlayerStatus status, PlayerInput input) { if (collider.collisions.below == true) { status.SetState(PlayerStatus.idle); // status.SetInitialModelRotation(); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { GameObject playerColliderObject = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player"); //to call another method from another script, reference is required if (playerColliderObject != null) { playerCollider = playerColliderObject.GetComponent<PlayerCollider>(); } }
void Start() { GameObject playerColliderObject = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player"); // allows us to pull Life Check Method from the player collider script if (playerColliderObject != null) { playerCollider = playerColliderObject.GetComponent<PlayerCollider>(); } }
public SpeedBerry(EntityData data, Vector2 offset, EntityID id, bool restored) : base(data, offset, id) { EntityData = data; new DynData <Strawberry>(this)["Golden"] = true; BronzeTime = data.Float("bronzeTime", 15f); SilverTime = data.Float("silverTime", 10f); GoldTime = data.Float("goldTime", 5f); this.restored = restored; Follower.PersistentFollow = true; var listener = new TransitionListener() { OnOutBegin = () => { SceneAs <Level>()?.Session.DoNotLoad.Add(ID); transitionStart = Position; transitionTarget = new Vector2( Calc.Clamp(transitionStart.X, SceneAs <Level>().Bounds.Left + 8f, SceneAs <Level>().Bounds.Right - 8f), Calc.Clamp(transitionStart.Y, SceneAs <Level>().Bounds.Top + 8f, SceneAs <Level>().Bounds.Bottom - 8f)); }, OnOut = percent => { if (SceneAs <Level>()?.Tracker.GetEntity <Player>()?.CollideCheck <SpeedBerryCollectTrigger>() ?? false) { // as soon as the transition is over, the berry will be collected, so be sure to drag it on the new screen // so that the player actually sees it collect. Position = Vector2.Lerp(transitionStart, transitionTarget, Ease.SineOut(percent)); forcePositionToTransitionTarget = true; } } }; Add(listener); if (P_SilverGlow == null) { P_SilverGlow = new ParticleType(P_Glow) { Color = Calc.HexToColor("B3AF9F"), Color2 = Calc.HexToColor("E6DCB5") }; P_BronzeGlow = new ParticleType(P_Glow) { Color = Calc.HexToColor("9A5B3C"), Color2 = Calc.HexToColor("ECAF66") }; P_OrigGoldGlow = P_GoldGlow; } // the speed berry most certainly shouldn't flip the "grabbed golden" switch in session. PlayerCollider collider = Get <PlayerCollider>(); Action <Player> onPlayer = collider.OnCollide; collider.OnCollide = player => { bool bakGrabbedGolden = (Scene as Level).Session.GrabbedGolden; onPlayer(player); (Scene as Level).Session.GrabbedGolden = bakGrabbedGolden; }; }
private void HitBallDelegate(Player player, Vector2 direction, float force, int id) { if (m_gameBall == null) { return; } bool checkIsHitArea = PlayerCollider.CheckInHitBallArea(m_gameBall.GetBallInstance().transform, player.Transform, player.PlayerData.m_radius, player.PlayerData.m_angle, player.BoxCollider); if (checkIsHitArea) { CameraControl.GetInstance().Trigger(); CameraControl.GetInstance().TriggerMask(); GameAudioModuel audioModuel = GameStart.GetInstance().AudioModuel; if (id == m_player.ID) { GameEventModuel meoduel = GameStart.GetInstance().EventModuel; meoduel.SendEvent(GameEventID.PLAYER_HIT_BALL, true, 0f); m_side = ESide.Player; m_contestData.AddIndex(); m_contestUI.FreshUI(m_contestData.m_heart, m_contestData.m_index); if (m_contestData != null && m_contestData.m_changeAudio && !m_change) { List <string> list = new List <string> { "lerp", "BGM_002", }; audioModuel.PlayBgAudio(list); m_change = true; } m_playerIndex++; m_playerIndex = Mathf.Clamp(m_playerIndex, 0, m_audioNameList.Count - 1); audioModuel.PlayAudio(m_audioNameList[m_playerIndex]); } else { m_side = ESide.AI; m_aiIndex++; m_aiIndex = Mathf.Clamp(m_aiIndex, 0, m_audioNameList.Count - 1); audioModuel.PlayAudio(m_audioNameList[m_aiIndex]); } if (m_gameBall != null) { ESide side = (id == m_player.ID) ? ESide.Player : ESide.AI; m_gameBall.SetVelocity(direction, force, side); m_gameBall.ChangeEffectDir(side); } } }
public RechargePlatform(Vector2 Position) : base(Position, 24, 4, true) { Add(sprite = BatteriesModule.SpriteBank.Create("recharge_platform")); Collider.BottomCenter = Vector2.Zero; Add(playerCollider = new PlayerCollider(OnPlayerCollide, nc = Collider.Clone())); nc.Width += 2; nc.Height += 3; nc.CenterX -= 1; nc.CenterY -= 3; }
public AngryOshiroRight(Vector2 position, bool fromCutscene = false) : base(position) { Add(Sprite = GFX.SpriteBank.Create("oshiro_boss")); Sprite.Play("idle"); Add(lightning = GFX.SpriteBank.Create("oshiro_boss_lightning")); lightning.Visible = false; lightning.OnFinish = s => lightningVisible = false; Collider = new Circle(14f); Collider.Position = colliderTargetPosition = new Vector2(-3f, 4f); Add(sine = new SineWave(0.5f)); Add(bounceCollider = new PlayerCollider(OnPlayerBounce, new Hitbox(28f, 6f, -17f, -11f))); Add(new PlayerCollider(OnPlayer)); Depth = -12500; Visible = false; Add(light = new VertexLight(Color.White, 1f, 32, 64)); Add(shaker = new Shaker(false)); state = new StateMachine(); state.SetCallbacks(StChase, ChaseUpdate, ChaseCoroutine, ChaseBegin); state.SetCallbacks(StChargeUp, ChargeUpUpdate, ChargeUpCoroutine, null, ChargeUpEnd); state.SetCallbacks(StAttack, AttackUpdate, AttackCoroutine, AttackBegin, AttackEnd); state.SetCallbacks(StDummy, null); state.SetCallbacks(StWaiting, WaitingUpdate); state.SetCallbacks(StHurt, HurtUpdate, null, HurtBegin); Add(state); if (fromCutscene) { yApproachSpeed = 0f; } this.fromCutscene = fromCutscene; Add(new TransitionListener { OnOutBegin = () => { if (X < level.Bounds.Right - Sprite.Width / 2.0) { Visible = false; } else { easeBackFromRightEdge = true; } }, OnOut = f => { lightning.Update(); if (!easeBackFromRightEdge) { return; } X += 128f * Engine.RawDeltaTime; } }); Add(prechargeSfx = new SoundSource()); Add(chargeSfx = new SoundSource()); Distort.AnxietyOrigin = new Vector2(1f, 0.5f); Sprite.Scale.X *= -1; }
public void Destroy() { if (m_avatar != null) { GameObject.Destroy(m_avatar.gameObject); } m_anim = null; m_collider = null; m_hitBallCallBack = null; }
void Start() { PhoneInput phoneInput = this.GetComponent <PhoneInput>(); phoneInput.onJumpCallback = this.onJumpCallback; phoneInput.onCrouchCallback = this.onCrouchCallback; PlayerCollider playerCollider = this.GetComponent <PlayerCollider>(); playerCollider.onCollideCallback = this.onCollideCallback; this.originalPosition = this.transform.position; }
public void CollisionDetected(PlayerCollider childScript) { if (started) { GameManager.instance.soundManager.PlayClipWithPitch(GameManager.instance.soundManager.deathSound, 0.1f, 0.8f); enabled = false; frontSRend.color = Color.black; backSRend.color = Color.black; GameManager.instance.PlayerLoss(); } }
void Start() { map = player.GetComponentInChildren<MiniMap> (); pc = player.GetComponent<PlayerCollider> (); switch (mapId) { case 1: map.InitializeMap (MapDatas.map1); break; case 2: map.InitializeMap (MapDatas.map2); break; } }
public override void UpdateAfterCollisionCheck(PlayerCollider collider, PlayerStatus status, PlayerInput input) { if (collider.IsGrounded() == false) { status.SetState(PlayerStatus.fall); status.framesInDelayCount = 0; } if ((collider.collisions.left == true && input.newInput.GetHorizontalInput() < 0) || (collider.collisions.right == true && input.newInput.GetHorizontalInput() > 0)) { status.SetState(PlayerStatus.idle); } }
public MultiplayerTriggerSpikes(Vector2 position, int size, Directions direction) : base(position) { this.size = size; this.direction = direction; switch (direction) { case Directions.Up: tentacleTextures = GFX.Game.GetAtlasSubtextures("danger/triggertentacle/wiggle_v"); outwards = new Vector2(0f, -1f); offset = new Vector2(0f, -1f); base.Collider = new Hitbox((float)size, 4f, 0f, -4f); base.Add(new SafeGroundBlocker(null)); base.Add(new LedgeBlocker(UpSafeBlockCheck)); break; case Directions.Down: tentacleTextures = GFX.Game.GetAtlasSubtextures("danger/triggertentacle/wiggle_v"); outwards = new Vector2(0f, 1f); base.Collider = new Hitbox((float)size, 4f, 0f, 0f); break; case Directions.Left: tentacleTextures = GFX.Game.GetAtlasSubtextures("danger/triggertentacle/wiggle_h"); outwards = new Vector2(-1f, 0f); base.Collider = new Hitbox(4f, (float)size, -4f, 0f); base.Add(new SafeGroundBlocker(null)); base.Add(new LedgeBlocker(SideSafeBlockCheck)); break; case Directions.Right: tentacleTextures = GFX.Game.GetAtlasSubtextures("danger/triggertentacle/wiggle_h"); outwards = new Vector2(1f, 0f); offset = new Vector2(1f, 0f); base.Collider = new Hitbox(4f, (float)size, 0f, 0f); base.Add(new SafeGroundBlocker(null)); base.Add(new LedgeBlocker(SideSafeBlockCheck)); break; } base.Add(pc = new PlayerCollider(OnCollide, null, null)); base.Add(new StaticMover { OnShake = new Action <Vector2>(OnShake), SolidChecker = new Func <Solid, bool>(IsRiding), JumpThruChecker = new Func <JumpThru, bool>(IsRiding) }); base.Add(new DustEdge(RenderSpikes)); base.Depth = -50; }
public TriggerSpikesOriginal(Vector2 position, int size, Directions direction, string overrideType, float delayTime) : base(position) { this.size = size; this.direction = direction; this.overrideType = overrideType; this.delayTime = delayTime; switch (direction) { case Directions.Up: outwards = new Vector2(0f, -1f); Collider = new Hitbox(size, 3f, 0f, -3f); Add(new SafeGroundBlocker()); Add(new LedgeBlocker(UpSafeBlockCheck)); break; case Directions.Down: outwards = new Vector2(0f, 1f); Collider = new Hitbox(size, 3f, 0f, 0f); break; case Directions.Left: outwards = new Vector2(-1f, 0f); Collider = new Hitbox(3f, size, -3f, 0f); Add(new SafeGroundBlocker()); Add(new LedgeBlocker(SideSafeBlockCheck)); break; case Directions.Right: outwards = new Vector2(1f, 0f); Collider = new Hitbox(3f, size, 0f, 0f); Add(new SafeGroundBlocker()); Add(new LedgeBlocker(SideSafeBlockCheck)); break; } Add(pc = new PlayerCollider(OnCollide)); Add(new StaticMover { OnShake = OnShake, SolidChecker = IsRiding, JumpThruChecker = IsRiding }); Depth = -50; }
//public InputTest; void Start() { i = 0; queue = new Queue <string>(); dialogueOptions.SetActive(false); playerColl = player.GetComponent <PlayerCollider>(); controls = playerColl.controls; controls.Gameplay.Next.performed += ctx => InteractDiag(); /*foreach(Transform child in dialogueOptions.transform.GetChild(i)) * { * responsesList[i] = child.GetComponent<Button>(); * i++; * }*/ }
void Start() { if (useInputAI) { playerInput = GetComponent <PlayerInputAI>(); } else { playerInput = GetComponent <PlayerInput> (); } playerStatus = GetComponent <PlayerStatus> (); playerMove = GetComponent <PlayerMove> (); playerCollider = GetComponent <PlayerCollider> (); playerAnimator = GetComponent <Animator> (); }
/// <summary> /// When enemy is touching player, then lower player's health bar until it reaches zero. /// </summary> public void Attack() { if (PlayerData.instance.GetComponent <Animator>().GetBool("isDead")) { return; } if (!Attacked) { transform.position = new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.y - 1f); GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity = Vector2.zero; PlayerCollider.GetComponent <PlayerData>().TakeDamage((short)AttackDamage); Attacked = true; AttackCoolDownTimer = 0; } }
public bool AllowHorizontalInput(PlayerStatus status, PlayerCollider collider) { if (status.IsDead()) { return(false); } if (collider.IsGrounded() == false && status.WasDead() == false) { return(true); } if (status.IsIdle() || status.IsWalk()) { return(true); } return(false); }
public override void UpdateAfterCollisionCheck(PlayerCollider collider, PlayerStatus status, PlayerInput input) { if (collider.IsGrounded() && attackFramesCount >= attackFramesDuration) { if (input.newInput.GetHorizontalInput() != 0) { status.SetState(PlayerStatus.walk); } else { status.SetState(PlayerStatus.idle); } status.attackCollider.enabled = false; status.lightningGenerator.SetActive(false); // lightning off attackFramesCount = 0; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { //if(playerScript != null) //{ //this.keepScore = playerScript.scoreValue; //} player = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player"); //create reference for Player gameobject, and assign the variable via FindWithTag at start if (player != null) // if the playerObject gameObject-reference is not null - assigning the reference via FindWithTag at first frame - { playerScript = player.GetComponent<PlayerCollider>();// - set the PlayerController-reference (called playerControllerScript) to the <script component> of the Player gameobject (via the gameObject-reference) to have access the instance of the PlayerController script } if (player == null) //for exception handling - to have the console debug the absense of a player controller script in order for this entire code, the code in the GameController to work { Debug.Log("Cannot find ScoreController script for final score referencing to GameOver - finalAcquired Label"); } this.loadLevelIndex = playerScript.loadlevel; }
void Awake() { manager = this.GetComponent<PlayerCollider> (); coinValueAnim = coinValue.GetComponent <Animator> (); coinValueText = coinValue.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text> (); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { this._rigidbody2D = gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> (); //referencing the rigidbody 2d and transform this._transform = gameObject.GetComponent<Transform> (); this._animator = gameObject.GetComponent<Animator> (); GameObject playerColliderObject = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player"); // allows us to pull Life Check Method from the player collider script if (playerColliderObject != null) { playerCollider = playerColliderObject.GetComponent<PlayerCollider>(); } }