        public async Task AddOrUpdatePlayerGameAsync(string playerId, Player.Game game)
            // First try to add it, if not there yet
            var updateResult = await _players.UpdateOne()
                               .Filter(b => b.Match(p => p.Id == playerId && !p.Games.Any(g => g.Id == game.Id)))
                               .Update(b => b.Modify(p => p.Push(g => g.Games, game)))

            if (updateResult.MatchedCount == 0) // game is already part of Games array, so we need to update it
                var command = _players.UpdateOne()
                              .Filter(b => b.Match(p => p.Id == playerId))
                              .Options(b => b.WithArrayFilter($"{{ 'x._id' : '{game.Id}' }}"))
                              .Update(b => b
                                      .Modify($"{{ $set : {{ 'Games.$[x].Status' : {(int)game.Status} }} }}")
                                      .Modify($"{{ $set : {{ 'Games.$[x].PlayerGameStatus' : {(int)game.PlayerGameStatus} }} }}"));

                if (game.StartedAt.HasValue)
                    command = command.Update(b => b.Modify($"{{ $set : {{ 'Games.$[x].StartedAt' : '{game.StartedAt.Value.ToIso()}' }} }}"));

                if (game.EndedAt.HasValue)
                    command = command.Update(b => b.Modify($"{{ $set : {{ 'Games.$[x].EndedAt' : '{game.EndedAt.Value.ToIso()}' }} }}"));

                updateResult = await command.ExecuteAsync();

                if (updateResult.MatchedCount == 0)
                    throw new UpdateException();
        public Task AddOrUpdatePlayerGameAsync(string playerId, Player.Game game)
            if (Players.TryGetValue(playerId, out var player))
                player.Games.RemoveAll(g => g.Id == game.Id);

            if (player == null)
                throw new UpdateException();
