    /// <summary>
    /// Serverside: Play sound at given position for particular player.
    /// ("Doctor, there are voices in my head!")
    /// Accepts "#" wildcards for sound variations. (Example: "Punch#")
    /// </summary>
    public static void PlayNetworkedForPlayerAtPos(GameObject recipient, Vector3 worldPos, string sndName,
                                                   float pitch      = -1,
                                                   bool polyphonic  = false,
                                                   bool shakeGround = false, byte shakeIntensity = 64, int shakeRange = 30, GameObject sourceObj = null)
        ShakeParameters shakeParameters = null;

        if (shakeGround)
            shakeParameters = new ShakeParameters
                ShakeGround    = shakeGround,
                ShakeIntensity = shakeIntensity,
                ShakeRange     = shakeRange

        AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = null;

        if (pitch > 0)
            audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters
                Pitch = pitch

        sndName = Instance.ResolveSoundPattern(sndName);
        PlaySoundMessage.Send(recipient, sndName, worldPos, polyphonic, sourceObj, shakeParameters, audioSourceParameters);
 /// <summary>
 /// Serverside: Play sound at given position for particular player.
 /// ("Doctor, there are voices in my head!")
 /// Accepts "#" wildcards for sound variations. (Example: "Punch#")
 /// </summary>
 public static void PlayNetworkedForPlayerAtPos(GameObject recipient, Vector3 pos, string sndName, float pitch = -1,
                                                bool polyphonic  = false,
                                                bool shakeGround = false, byte shakeIntensity = 64, int shakeRange = 30)
     sndName = Instance.ResolveSoundPattern(sndName);
     PlaySoundMessage.Send(recipient, sndName, pos, pitch, polyphonic, shakeGround, shakeIntensity, shakeRange);
    /// <summary>
    /// Serverside: Play sound at given position for particular player.
    /// ("Doctor, there are voices in my head!")
    /// If more than one is specified, one will be picked at random.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="addressableAudioSources">The sound to be played.  If more than one is specified, one will be picked at random.</param>
    public static async Task PlayNetworkedForPlayerAtPos(GameObject recipient, Vector3 worldPos, List <AddressableAudioSource> addressableAudioSources,
                                                         float pitch      = -1,
                                                         bool polyphonic  = false,
                                                         bool shakeGround = false, byte shakeIntensity = 64, int shakeRange = 30, GameObject sourceObj = null)
        ShakeParameters shakeParameters = null;

        if (shakeGround)
            shakeParameters = new ShakeParameters
                ShakeGround    = shakeGround,
                ShakeIntensity = shakeIntensity,
                ShakeRange     = shakeRange

        AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = null;

        if (pitch > 0)
            audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters
                Pitch = pitch

        AddressableAudioSource addressableAudioSource = await GetAddressableAudioSourceFromCache(addressableAudioSources);

        PlaySoundMessage.Send(recipient, addressableAudioSource, worldPos, polyphonic, sourceObj, shakeParameters, audioSourceParameters);
 /// <summary>
 /// Serverside: Play sound for particular player.
 /// ("Doctor, there are voices in my head!")
 /// Accepts "#" wildcards for sound variations. (Example: "Punch#")
 /// </summary>
 public static void PlayNetworkedForPlayer(GameObject recipient, string sndName, float pitch = -1,
                                           bool polyphonic  = false,
                                           bool shakeGround = false, byte shakeIntensity = 64, int shakeRange = 30, GameObject sourceObj = null)
     sndName = Instance.ResolveSoundPattern(sndName);
     PlaySoundMessage.Send(recipient, sndName, TransformState.HiddenPos, pitch, polyphonic, shakeGround,
                           shakeIntensity, shakeRange, sourceObj);
 /// <summary>
 /// Play sound for particular player.
 /// ("Doctor, there are voices in my head!")
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="recipient">The player that will receive the sound</param>
 /// <param name="addressableAudioSource">The sound to be played.</param>
 /// <param name="audioSourceParameters">Extra parameters of the audio source.</param>
 /// <param name="polyphonic">Is the sound to be played polyphonic</param>
 /// <param name="shakeParameters">Camera shake effect associated with this sound</param>
 /// <param name="sourceObj">The object that is the source of the sound</param>
 public static async Task PlayNetworkedForPlayer(GameObject recipient, AddressableAudioSource addressableAudioSource,
                                                 AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters(), bool polyphonic = false,
                                                 ShakeParameters shakeParameters             = new ShakeParameters(), GameObject sourceObj = null)
     if (addressableAudioSource == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(addressableAudioSource.AssetAddress) ||
         addressableAudioSource.AssetAddress == "null")
         Logger.LogWarning($"SoundManager received a null AudioSource to be played for: {recipient.name}",
     PlaySoundMessage.Send(recipient, addressableAudioSource, TransformState.HiddenPos, polyphonic,
                           sourceObj, shakeParameters, audioSourceParameters);
    /// <summary>
    /// Serverside: Play sound at given position for particular player.
    /// ("Doctor, there are voices in my head!")
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="recipient">The player that will receive the sound</param>
    /// <param name="addressableAudioSource">The sound to be played.</param>
    /// <param name="audioSourceParameters">Extra parameters of the audio source.</param>
    /// <param name="polyphonic">Is the sound to be played polyphonic</param>
    /// <param name="shakeParameters">Camera shake effect associated with this sound</param>
    /// <param name="sourceObj">The object that is the source of the sound</param>
    public static async Task PlayNetworkedForPlayerAtPos(GameObject recipient, Vector3 worldPos,
                                                         AddressableAudioSource addressableAudioSource, AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters(),
                                                         bool polyphonic = false, ShakeParameters shakeParameters = new ShakeParameters(), GameObject sourceObj = null)
        if (addressableAudioSource == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(addressableAudioSource.AssetAddress) ||
            addressableAudioSource.AssetAddress == "null")
            Logger.LogWarning($"SoundManager received a null AudioSource to be played for: {recipient.name} at position: {worldPos}",
        addressableAudioSource = await AudioManager.GetAddressableAudioSourceFromCache(addressableAudioSource);

        PlaySoundMessage.Send(recipient, addressableAudioSource, worldPos, polyphonic, sourceObj, shakeParameters,
    /// <summary>
    /// Play sound for particular player.
    /// ("Doctor, there are voices in my head!")
    /// If more than one is specified, one will be picked at random.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="recipient">The player that will receive the sound</param>
    /// <param name="addressableAudioSources">The sound to be played.  If more than one is specified, one will be picked at random.</param>
    /// <param name="pitch">The pitch variation of the sound.  -1 for default pitch.</param>
    public static async Task PlayNetworkedForPlayer(GameObject recipient,
                                                    List <AddressableAudioSource> addressableAudioSources, float pitch = 0,
                                                    bool polyphonic  = false,
                                                    bool shakeGround = false, byte shakeIntensity = 64, int shakeRange = 30, GameObject sourceObj = null)
        ShakeParameters shakeParameters = new ShakeParameters(shakeGround, shakeIntensity, shakeRange);

        AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters();

        audioSourceParameters.Pitch = pitch;

        AddressableAudioSource addressableAudioSource =
            await GetAddressableAudioSourceFromCache(addressableAudioSources);

        PlaySoundMessage.Send(recipient, addressableAudioSource, TransformState.HiddenPos, polyphonic,
                              sourceObj, shakeParameters, audioSourceParameters);
 /// <summary>
 /// Serverside: Play sound for particular player
 /// ("Doctor, there are voices in my head!")
 /// </summary>
 public static void PlayNetworkedForPlayer(GameObject recipient, string sndName, float pitch = -1,
                                           bool shakeGround = false, byte shakeIntensity = 64, int shakeRange = 30)
     PlaySoundMessage.Send(recipient, sndName, TransformState.HiddenPos, pitch, shakeGround, shakeIntensity, shakeRange);