public static List <MemberInfo> GetFieldsAndProperties(Type type, PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags bindingAttr) { List <MemberInfo> targetMembers = new List <MemberInfo>(); targetMembers.AddRange(GetFields(type, bindingAttr)); targetMembers.AddRange(GetProperties(type, bindingAttr)); // for some reason .NET returns multiple members when overriding a generic member on a base class // // filter members to only return the override on the topmost class // update: I think this is fixed in .NET 3.5 SP1 - leave this in for now... List <MemberInfo> distinctMembers = new List <MemberInfo>(targetMembers.Count); foreach (var groupedMember in targetMembers.GroupBy(m => m.Name)) { int count = groupedMember.Count(); IList <MemberInfo> members = groupedMember.ToList(); if (count == 1) { distinctMembers.Add(members.First()); } else { var resolvedMembers = members.Where(m => !IsOverridenGenericMember(m, bindingAttr) || m.Name == "Item"); distinctMembers.AddRange(resolvedMembers); } } return(distinctMembers); }
private static bool IsOverridenGenericMember(MemberInfo memberInfo, PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags bindingAttr) { MemberTypes memberType = memberInfo.MemberType(); if (memberType != MemberTypes.Field && memberType != MemberTypes.Property) { throw new ArgumentException("Member must be a field or property."); } Type declaringType = memberInfo.DeclaringType; if (!declaringType.IsGenericType()) { return(false); } Type genericTypeDefinition = declaringType.GetGenericTypeDefinition(); if (genericTypeDefinition == null) { return(false); } MemberInfo[] members = genericTypeDefinition.GetMember(memberInfo.Name, bindingAttr); if (members.Length == 0) { return(false); } Type memberUnderlyingType = GetMemberUnderlyingType(members[0]); if (!memberUnderlyingType.IsGenericParameter) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static IEnumerable <PropertyInfo> GetProperties(this Type type, PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags bindingFlags) { IList <PropertyInfo> properties = (bindingFlags.HasFlag(PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)) ? type.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredProperties.ToList() : type.GetTypeInfo().GetPropertiesRecursive(); return(properties.Where(p => TestAccessibility(p, bindingFlags))); }
public static IEnumerable <FieldInfo> GetFields(Type targetType, PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags bindingAttr) { ValidationUtils.ArgumentNotNull(targetType, "targetType"); List <MemberInfo> fieldInfos = new List <MemberInfo>(targetType.GetFields(bindingAttr)); return(fieldInfos.Cast <FieldInfo>()); }
public static IEnumerable <FieldInfo> GetFields(this Type type, PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags bindingFlags) { IList <FieldInfo> fields = (bindingFlags.HasFlag(PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)) ? type.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredFields.ToList() : type.GetTypeInfo().GetFieldsRecursive(); return(fields.Where(f => TestAccessibility(f, bindingFlags)).ToList()); }
private static bool TestAccessibility(MethodBase member, PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags bindingFlags) { bool visibility = (member.IsPublic && bindingFlags.HasFlag(PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags.Public)) || (!member.IsPublic && bindingFlags.HasFlag(PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags.NonPublic)); bool instance = (member.IsStatic && bindingFlags.HasFlag(PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags.Static)) || (!member.IsStatic && bindingFlags.HasFlag(PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags.Instance)); return(visibility && instance); }
public static ConstructorInfo GetDefaultConstructor(Type t, bool nonPublic) { PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags bindingFlags = PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags.Instance | PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags.Public; if (nonPublic) { bindingFlags = bindingFlags | PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags.NonPublic; } return(t.GetConstructors(bindingFlags).SingleOrDefault(c => !c.GetParameters().Any())); }
private static bool TestAccessibility(PropertyInfo member, PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags bindingFlags) { if (member.GetMethod != null && TestAccessibility(member.GetMethod, bindingFlags)) { return(true); } if (member.SetMethod != null && TestAccessibility(member.SetMethod, bindingFlags)) { return(true); } return(false); }
public static MethodInfo GetMethod(this Type type, string name, PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags bindingFlags, object placeHolder1, IList <Type> parameterTypes, object placeHolder2) { return(type.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredMethods.Where(m => { if (name != null && m.Name != name) { return false; } if (!TestAccessibility(m, bindingFlags)) { return false; } return m.GetParameters().Select(p => p.ParameterType).SequenceEqual(parameterTypes); }).SingleOrDefault()); }
private static bool TestAccessibility(MemberInfo member, PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags bindingFlags) { if (member is FieldInfo) { return(TestAccessibility((FieldInfo)member, bindingFlags)); } else if (member is MethodBase) { return(TestAccessibility((MethodBase)member, bindingFlags)); } else if (member is PropertyInfo) { return(TestAccessibility((PropertyInfo)member, bindingFlags)); } throw new Exception("Unexpected member type."); }
private static IEnumerable <ConstructorInfo> GetConstructors(this Type type, PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags bindingFlags, IList <Type> parameterTypes) { return(type.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredConstructors.Where(c => { if (!TestAccessibility(c, bindingFlags)) { return false; } if (parameterTypes != null && !c.GetParameters().Select(p => p.ParameterType).SequenceEqual(parameterTypes)) { return false; } return true; })); }
public static MemberInfo GetMemberInfoFromType(Type targetType, MemberInfo memberInfo) { const PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags bindingAttr = PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags.Instance | PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags.Static | PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags.Public | PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags.NonPublic; switch (memberInfo.MemberType()) { case MemberTypes.Property: PropertyInfo propertyInfo = (PropertyInfo)memberInfo; Type[] types = propertyInfo.GetIndexParameters().Select(p => p.ParameterType).ToArray(); return(targetType.GetProperty(propertyInfo.Name, bindingAttr, null, propertyInfo.PropertyType, types, null)); default: return(targetType.GetMember(memberInfo.Name, memberInfo.MemberType(), bindingAttr).SingleOrDefault()); } }
private static void GetChildPrivateFields(IList <MemberInfo> initialFields, Type targetType, PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags bindingAttr) { // fix weirdness with private FieldInfos only being returned for the current Type // find base type fields and add them to result if ((bindingAttr & PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags.NonPublic) != 0) { // modify flags to not search for public fields PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags nonPublicBindingAttr = bindingAttr.RemoveFlag(PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags.Public); while ((targetType = targetType.BaseType()) != null) { // filter out protected fields IEnumerable <MemberInfo> childPrivateFields = targetType.GetFields(nonPublicBindingAttr).Where(f => f.IsPrivate).Cast <MemberInfo>(); initialFields.AddRange(childPrivateFields); } } }
public static IEnumerable <PropertyInfo> GetProperties(Type targetType, PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags bindingAttr) { ValidationUtils.ArgumentNotNull(targetType, "targetType"); List <PropertyInfo> propertyInfos = new List <PropertyInfo>(targetType.GetProperties(bindingAttr)); GetChildPrivateProperties(propertyInfos, targetType, bindingAttr); // a base class private getter/setter will be inaccessable unless the property was gotten from the base class for (int i = 0; i < propertyInfos.Count; i++) { PropertyInfo member = propertyInfos[i]; if (member.DeclaringType != targetType) { PropertyInfo declaredMember = (PropertyInfo)GetMemberInfoFromType(member.DeclaringType, member); propertyInfos[i] = declaredMember; } } return(propertyInfos); }
public static PropertyInfo GetProperty(this Type type, string name, PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags bindingFlags, object placeholder1, Type propertyType, IList <Type> indexParameters, object placeholder2) { return(type.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredProperties.Where(p => { if (name != null && name != p.Name) { return false; } if (propertyType != null && propertyType != p.PropertyType) { return false; } if (indexParameters != null) { if (!p.GetIndexParameters().Select(ip => ip.ParameterType).SequenceEqual(indexParameters)) { return false; } } return true; }).SingleOrDefault()); }
public static PropertyInfo GetProperty(this Type type, string name, PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags bindingFlags) { return(type.GetTypeInfo().GetDeclaredProperty(name)); }
public static IEnumerable <ConstructorInfo> GetConstructors(this Type type, PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags bindingFlags) { return(type.GetConstructors(bindingFlags, null)); }
public static IEnumerable <MemberInfo> GetMember(this Type type, string name, MemberTypes memberType, PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags bindingFlags) { return(type.GetTypeInfo().GetMembersRecursive().Where(m => { if (name != null && name != m.Name) { return false; } if (m.MemberType() != memberType) { return false; } if (!TestAccessibility(m, bindingFlags)) { return false; } return true; })); }
public static ConstructorInfo GetConstructor(this Type type, PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags bindingFlags, object placeholder1, IList <Type> parameterTypes, object placeholder2) { return(type.GetConstructors(bindingFlags, parameterTypes).SingleOrDefault()); }
public static MemberInfo[] GetMember(this Type type, string member, PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags bindingFlags) { return(type.GetTypeInfo().GetMembersRecursive().Where(m => m.Name == member && TestAccessibility(m, bindingFlags)).ToArray()); }
public static MemberInfo GetField(this Type type, string member, PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags bindingFlags) { return(type.GetTypeInfo().GetDeclaredField(member)); }
public static IEnumerable <MethodInfo> GetMethods(this Type type, PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags bindingFlags) { return(type.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredMethods); }
public static PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags RemoveFlag(this PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags bindingAttr, PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags flag) { return(((bindingAttr & flag) == flag) ? bindingAttr ^ flag : bindingAttr); }
private static void GetChildPrivateProperties(IList <PropertyInfo> initialProperties, Type targetType, PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags bindingAttr) { // fix weirdness with private PropertyInfos only being returned for the current Type // find base type properties and add them to result // also find base properties that have been hidden by subtype properties with the same name while ((targetType = targetType.BaseType()) != null) { foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in targetType.GetProperties(bindingAttr)) { PropertyInfo subTypeProperty = propertyInfo; if (!IsPublic(subTypeProperty)) { // have to test on name rather than reference because instances are different // depending on the type that GetProperties was called on int index = initialProperties.IndexOf(p => p.Name == subTypeProperty.Name); if (index == -1) { initialProperties.Add(subTypeProperty); } else { // replace nonpublic properties for a child, but gotten from // the parent with the one from the child // the property gotten from the child will have access to private getter/setter initialProperties[index] = subTypeProperty; } } else { if (!subTypeProperty.IsVirtual()) { int index = initialProperties.IndexOf(p => p.Name == subTypeProperty.Name && p.DeclaringType == subTypeProperty.DeclaringType); if (index == -1) { initialProperties.Add(subTypeProperty); } } else { int index = initialProperties.IndexOf(p => p.Name == subTypeProperty.Name && p.IsVirtual() && p.GetBaseDefinition() != null && p.GetBaseDefinition().DeclaringType.IsAssignableFrom(subTypeProperty.DeclaringType)); if (index == -1) { initialProperties.Add(subTypeProperty); } } } } } }
public static MethodInfo GetMethod(this Type type, string name, PlayFab.Json.Utilities.BindingFlags bindingFlags) { return(type.GetTypeInfo().GetDeclaredMethod(name)); }