public UnoView(IScheduler dispatcher, IReport log, IRenderTarget renderTarget) : base(v => dispatcher.Schedule(v), new CGRect(0, 0, 0, 0)) { _renderTarget = renderTarget; _log = log; _unoWindow = new PlatformWindowHandleImpl(this); _unoGraphics = new GraphicsContextHandleImpl(_unoWindow); Reshape(); }
public UnoControl(DpiAwareForm form, IReport log) { _form = form; _log = log; SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque, true); SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); DoubleBuffered = false; Dock = DockStyle.Fill; // set up an OpenTK context Toolkit.Init(new ToolkitOptions { Backend = PlatformBackend.PreferNative }); var windowInfo = Utilities.CreateWindowsWindowInfo(Handle); _glContext = ContextFactory.CreateContext(windowInfo); _glContext.SwapInterval = 0; _unoWindow = new PlatformWindowHandleImpl(this); _unoGraphics = new GraphicsContextHandleImpl(_unoWindow); _form.PreviewKeyDown += (sender, e) => { // TODO: By doing this the tab key will not be sent to wpf at all, it should be treated as IsInputKey only when not handled by Uno. A better solution could be done by reading and var codeWithoutModifiers = e.KeyCode & (~Keys.Control) & (~Keys.Shift); switch (codeWithoutModifiers) { case Keys.Left: case Keys.Right: case Keys.Up: case Keys.Down: case Keys.Tab: e.IsInputKey = true; break; } }; Focus(); }