public void Construct(PluginConfig config, AssetLoader assetLoader, PlatformSpawner platformSpawner, PlatformManager platformManager) { _config = config; _assetLoader = assetLoader; _platformManager = platformManager; _platformSpawner = platformSpawner; }
void Make_Instance() // can call function in this script { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } }
public void EndGame() { lb.UpdateLeaderBoard((int)s.Getscore()); Platformer2DUserControl puc = transform.GetComponent <Platformer2DUserControl>(); PlatformerCharacter2D pc = transform.GetComponent <PlatformerCharacter2D>(); foreach (GameObject a in sp) { SpawnerScript ss = a.GetComponent <SpawnerScript>(); ss.Stopinvokation(); a.SetActive(false); } PlatformSpawner p = plat_s.GetComponent <PlatformSpawner>(); p.Stopinvokation(); plat_s.SetActive(false); SpawnerScript1 ss1 = sp1.GetComponent <SpawnerScript1>(); ss1.Stopinvokation(); sp1.SetActive(false); puc.enabled = false; pc.enabled = false; s.Setincrement(0); if (robot_explosion) { var explosion = Instantiate(robot_explosion, transform.position, transform.rotation); Destroy(explosion, 1.0f); } anim.SetBool("Destroy", true); Scorecard.SetActive(true); Scorecard.GetComponent <Scorecard> ().SetScore((int)s.Getscore()); }
private void InitializeComponentsInChildren() { environmentTransforms = GetComponentsInChildren <Transform> (); SpriteRenderer groundSprite = environmentTransforms [environmentTransforms.Length - 2].GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> (); npcSpawner = GetComponentInChildren <NPCSpawner> (); npcSpawner.Initialize(3, groundSprite); List <Transform> npcTransforms = npcSpawner.GetNPCTransforms(); platformSpawner = GetComponentInChildren <PlatformSpawner> (); platformSpawner.Initialize(npcTransforms, groundSprite); playerData = SaveSystem.LoadPlayer(); player.Initialize(this, playerData); player.transform.position = platformSpawner.GetPlayerSpawnPoint(); meteorSpawner = GetComponentInChildren <MeteorSpawner> (); meteorSpawner.Initialize(); uiInGameHandler = GetComponentInChildren <UIInGameHandler> (); uiInGameHandler.Initialize(player, npcTransforms); NPCController [] npcControllers = FindObjectsOfType <NPCController> (); foreach (NPCController npc in npcControllers) { npc.Initialize(this, player.playerData.upgradeLevels[1]); } }
private void Start() { _diff = spawnPos.position - target.position; enemyPrefab.GetComponent <EnemyController>().target = target; _pool = new ObjectPool(enemyPrefab.gameObject, 10); _spawner = GetComponent <PlatformSpawner>(); }
private void SetInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } }
private void Start() { leftSpawnerScript = leftSpawner.GetComponent <PlatformSpawner>(); rightSpawnerScript = rightSpawner.GetComponent <PlatformSpawner>(); lastPlatform = SpawnedPlatform.Right; isFirstTime = true; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { ps = GetComponent <PlatformSpawner>(); platformCheckRadiusDict = new Dictionary <string, float>(); sceneObjects = GameObject.Find("SceneObjects"); UpdateDict(); }
void Start() { platformSpawner = PlatformSpawner.GetComponent <PlatformSpawner>(); platfromStartPosition = platformSpawner.spawnStartPoint; platfromEndPosition = platformSpawner.lastEndPoint; StartCoroutine(CharacterSpawnTimer()); }
void Awake() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } }
void Awake() { if (_platformSpawnerInstance == null) { _platformSpawnerInstance = this; } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { _rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); var gm = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Game manager"); _platformSpawner = gm.GetComponent <PlatformSpawner>(); _scoreAndAchievements = gm.GetComponent <ScoreAndAchievements>(); }
public PlatformsGameInstaller(PlatformSpawner platformSpawner, [InjectOptional] PlayerSpaceConvertor?playerSpaceConvertor, [InjectOptional] MultiplayerPlayersManager?multiplayerPlayersManager) { _platformSpawner = platformSpawner; _multiplayerPlayersManager = multiplayerPlayersManager; if (playerSpaceConvertor is not null) { _obstacleSaberSparkleEffectManager = playerSpaceConvertor.GetComponentInChildren <ObstacleSaberSparkleEffectManager>(); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { m_PlatformSpawner = GetComponentInParent <PlatformSpawner>(); if (m_PlatformSpawner == null) { Debug.Log("Platform spawner is null"); } StartCoroutine(DisableAnimator()); m_Animator.enabled = true; }
void Start() { sr = player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> (); controller2d = player.GetComponent <Controller2D> (); platformSpawner = gameObject.GetComponent <PlatformSpawner> (); playerStartPos = player.transform.position; cameraStartPos = camera.transform.position; gameOverUI.SetActive(false); platformSpawner.SpawnInitialPlatforms(); }
void Awake() { rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); if (maxDistance == 0.0f) { PlatformSpawner platformSpawner = FindObjectOfType <PlatformSpawner>(); float halfPlatformSize = platformSpawner.halfPlatformSize; float activeFieldHorizontalSize = platformSpawner.GetActiveFieldHorizontalSize(); maxDistance = activeFieldHorizontalSize - halfPlatformSize; } }
private void Awake() { if (Instance == null) { Instance = this; } else { Destroy(this.gameObject); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { // Get camera object and script camera = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera"); cameraScript = camera.GetComponent <CameraMovement>(); // Get platform spawner object and script platSpawn = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PlatformSpawner"); platSpawnScript = platSpawn.GetComponent <PlatformSpawner>(); // set initial jump force jumpForce = new Vector2(xScale, xScale * xyRatio); }
void Start() { scoreTrackerSc = scoreTracker.GetComponent <ScoreTracker>(); ballControllerSc = ball.GetComponent <BallController>(); platformSpawnerSc = platformSpawner.GetComponent <PlatformSpawner>(); //Can not control the ball. The physics are not enabled untill //the game start Time.timeScale = 0; ballControllerSc.enabled = false; InitializeSession(); }
private void Start() { levelGenerator = FindObjectOfType <LevelGenerator>(); levelGenerator.GenerateLevel(map); spawnPoint = GameObject.Find("StartingPoint(Clone)").transform; liveAdded = false; player = Instantiate(playerInst, spawnPoint.position, Quaternion.identity).GetComponent <Player>(); platforms = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("DestructiblePlatform"); platformSpawner = FindObjectOfType <PlatformSpawner>(); DecoratePlayer(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update private void Start() { level = 1; spawnableIncrementor = 2; currentSpawnablePlatforms = 5; tokensCollected = new List <int>(); IncrementLevelRequiredTokens(); playerObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); player = playerObject.GetComponent <PlayerMover>(); platformSpawner = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PlatformSpawner").GetComponent <PlatformSpawner>(); UpdateUI(); DisableGameOverMenu(); DisablePauseMenu(); DisableContinueMenu(); }
int totalPlatforms = 30; // I would tie this to difficulty in a full version of the game, for now it's constant void Start() { if (psSingleton == null) { psSingleton = this; } else if (psSingleton != null) { Destroy(gameObject); } distanceToEnd = startPlatform.position.y - (endPlatform.position.y + extraSpace);//calculate distance of course startRotation = transform.eulerAngles; LoadPlatform(); }
private Vector2 poolPosition = new Vector2(0, 25); // 초반에 생성된 발판들을 화면 밖에 숨겨둘 위치 void Awake() { // 싱글톤 변수 instance가 비어있는가? if (instance == null) { // instance가 비어있다면(null) 그곳에 자기 자신을 할당 instance = this; } else { // instance에 이미 다른 GameManager 오브젝트가 할당되어 있는 경우 // 씬에 두개 이상의 GameManager 오브젝트가 존재한다는 의미. // 싱글톤 오브젝트는 하나만 존재해야 하므로 자신의 게임 오브젝트를 파괴 Debug.LogWarning("씬에 두개 이상의 게임 매니저가 존재합니다!"); Destroy(gameObject); } }
private bool buildFinish; //used to check if we finish building the levels #region Unity Callbacks private void Awake() { Application.targetFrameRate = 60; //Our singleton pattern if (instance != null && instance != this) { // destroy the gameobject if an instance of this exist already Destroy(gameObject); } else { //Set our instance to this object/instance Application.targetFrameRate = 60; instance = this; GameAnalytics.Initialize(); } platformSpawner = GetComponent <PlatformSpawner>(); levelFloatUp = GetComponent <PlatformTransition>(); }
private void Start() { animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); platformSpawner = FindObjectOfType <PlatformSpawner>(); maxX += transform.position.x; maxY += transform.position.y; minX = transform.position.x - minX; minY = transform.position.y - minY; if (isMoving) { if (isMovingVertical && isMovingHorizontal) { actuallTarget = new Vector2(maxX, maxY); } else if (isMovingHorizontal) { actuallTarget = new Vector2(maxX, transform.position.y); } else if (isMovingVertical) { actuallTarget = new Vector2(transform.position.x, maxY); } } }
void Start() { spawner = (PlatformSpawner)GameObject.Find("PlatformSpawner").GetComponent(typeof(PlatformSpawner)); }
public void SetSpawner(PlatformSpawner spawn) { mySpawn = spawn; }
void OnDestroy() { Instance = null; Platforms = null; }
void Awake() { Instance = this; Platforms = new List<KeyValuePair<int, Platform>>(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Awake() { spawner = GameObject.Find("PlatformSpawner").GetComponent <PlatformSpawner>(); }
public PlatformsGameInstaller(PlatformSpawner platformSpawner, [InjectOptional] MultiplayerPlayersManager multiplayerPlayersManager) { _platformSpawner = platformSpawner; _multiplayerPlayersManager = multiplayerPlayersManager; }
void Start() { m_player = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player"); m_platformSpawner = GetComponent <PlatformSpawner>(); }
private void Awake() { platformSpawner = GetComponent <PlatformSpawner>(); }