public ActionResult insertPlan(/*[FromQuery] TokenSignature token*/) { PlansModel model = new PlansModel() { address = "test", planName = "test", regionID = 1, serializedPlan = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes("TestTEST") }; try { DBCommands.PlansInsertValues("Plans", new object[] { "test", 1, "test", false, Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes("TestTest") }); return(Ok("ok")); } catch (Exception e) { return(Ok(e.Message)); } }
public ResultModel Update(PlansModel obj) { ResultModel oOutput = new ResultModel(); try { Plans oPlans = dbSet.Where(m => m.ID == obj.ID).FirstOrDefault(); if (oPlans == null) { oOutput.Status = 0; oOutput.Msg = "Record not exist"; } else { // Removing Already Added Mapper.Map(obj, oPlans); oDB.SaveChanges(); oOutput.Data = Mapper.Map <PlansModel>(oPlans); } } catch (Exception ex) { oOutput.Status = 0; oOutput.Msg = "Data access error"; Services.Utitilty.Error(ex); } return(oOutput); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the plan detail by plan gu identifier. /// </summary> /// <param name="planGuId">The plan gu identifier.</param> /// <returns> Plans.</returns> public PlansModel GetPlanDetailByPlanGuId(Guid planGuId) { var existingPlan = this.plansRepository.GetByInternalReference(planGuId); var planAttributes = this.plansRepository.GetPlanAttributes(planGuId, existingPlan.OfferId); var planEvents = this.plansRepository.GetEventsByPlan(planGuId, existingPlan.OfferId); var offerDetails = this.offerRepository.GetOfferById(existingPlan.OfferId); PlansModel plan = new PlansModel { Id = existingPlan.Id, PlanId = existingPlan.PlanId, IsmeteringSupported = existingPlan.IsmeteringSupported, OfferID = existingPlan.OfferId, DisplayName = existingPlan.DisplayName, Description = existingPlan.Description, PlanGUID = existingPlan.PlanGuid, OfferName = offerDetails.OfferName, }; plan.PlanAttributes = new List <PlanAttributesModel>(); foreach (var attribute in planAttributes) { PlanAttributesModel planAttributesmodel = new PlanAttributesModel() { OfferAttributeId = attribute.OfferAttributeId, PlanAttributeId = attribute.PlanAttributeId, PlanId = existingPlan.PlanGuid, DisplayName = attribute.DisplayName, IsEnabled = attribute.IsEnabled, Type = attribute.Type, }; plan.PlanAttributes.Add(planAttributesmodel); } plan.PlanEvents = new List <PlanEventsModel>(); foreach (var events in planEvents) { PlanEventsModel planEventsModel = new PlanEventsModel() { Id = events.Id, PlanId = events.PlanId, Isactive = events.Isactive, SuccessStateEmails = events.SuccessStateEmails, FailureStateEmails = events.FailureStateEmails, EventName = events.EventsName, EventId = events.EventId, CopyToCustomer = events.CopyToCustomer, }; plan.PlanEvents.Add(planEventsModel); } return(plan); }
/// <summary> /// Indexes this instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="planGuId">The plan gu identifier.</param> /// <returns> /// return All subscription. /// </returns> public IActionResult PlanDetails(Guid planGuId) { this.logger.LogInformation("Plans Controller / PlanDetails: planGuId {0}", planGuId); try { PlansModel plans = new PlansModel(); this.TempData["ShowWelcomeScreen"] = "True"; var currentUserDetail = this.usersRepository.GetPartnerDetailFromEmail(this.CurrentUserEmailAddress); plans = this.plansService.GetPlanDetailByPlanGuId(planGuId); return(this.PartialView(plans)); } catch (Exception ex) { this.logger.LogError(ex, ex.Message); return(this.View("Error", ex)); } }
public ResultModel Insert(PlansModel obj, ApplicationUser appUser) { ResultModel oOutput = new ResultModel(); try { // obj.CompanyID = appUser.CompanyId; Plans oPlans = Mapper.Map <Plans>(obj); dbSet.Add(oPlans); oDB.SaveChanges(); oOutput.Data = Mapper.Map <PlansModel>(oPlans); } catch (Exception ex) { oOutput.Data = obj; oOutput.Status = 0; oOutput.Msg = "Data access error"; Services.Utitilty.Error(ex); } return(oOutput); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the plans. /// </summary> /// <returns>List of plans.</returns> public List <PlansModel> GetPlans() { List <PlansModel> plansList = new List <PlansModel>(); var allPlansData = this.plansRepository.GetPlansByUser(); foreach (var item in allPlansData) { PlansModel plans = new PlansModel(); plans.PlanId = item.PlanId; plans.DisplayName = item.DisplayName; plans.Description = item.Description; plans.IsmeteringSupported = item.IsmeteringSupported; plans.OfferID = item.OfferId; plans.PlanGUID = item.PlanGuid; plansList.Add(plans); } var offerDetails = this.offerRepository.GetAll(); plansList.ForEach(x => x.OfferName = offerDetails.Where(s => s.OfferGuid == x.OfferID).FirstOrDefault().OfferName); return(plansList); }
public IActionResult PlanDetails(PlansModel plans) { this.logger.LogInformation("Plans Controller / PlanDetails: plans {0}", JsonSerializer.Serialize(plans)); try { var currentUserDetail = this.usersRepository.GetPartnerDetailFromEmail(this.CurrentUserEmailAddress); if (plans != null) { if (plans.PlanAttributes != null) { var inputAtttributes = plans.PlanAttributes.Where(s => s.Type.ToLower() == "input").ToList(); foreach (var attributes in inputAtttributes) { attributes.UserId = currentUserDetail.UserId; this.plansService.SavePlanAttributes(attributes); } } if (plans.PlanEvents != null) { foreach (var events in plans.PlanEvents) { events.UserId = currentUserDetail.UserId; this.plansService.SavePlanEvents(events); } } } this.ModelState.Clear(); return(this.RedirectToAction(nameof(this.PlanDetails), new { @planGuId = plans.PlanGUID })); } catch (Exception ex) { this.logger.LogError(ex, ex.Message); return(this.PartialView("Error", ex)); } }
public ActionResult VianetBillInquiry(VianetBillInquiryModel wpm) { VianetBillInquiryCommon wpc = wpm.MapObject <VianetBillInquiryCommon>(); var productdetails = GetVianetproductDetails(); wpm.ProductLogo = productdetails.ProductLogo; wpm.CommissionType = productdetails.CommissionType; wpm.CommissionValue = productdetails.CommissionValue; wpc.IpAddress = ApplicationUtilities.GetIP(); wpc.UserId = ApplicationUtilities.GetSessionValue("userid").ToString(); var inquiry = _vianet.CheckVianetAccount(wpc); VianetBillInquiryResponseModel vnet = new VianetBillInquiryResponseModel(); vnet.ProductLogo = productdetails.ProductLogo; vnet.CommissionType = productdetails.CommissionType; vnet.CommissionValue = productdetails.CommissionValue; vnet.ProductId = productdetails.ProductId.EncryptParameter(); if (inquiry.GatewayName.ToUpper() == "PRABHUPAY") { if (inquiry.Code == shared.Models.ResponseCode.Success) { var obj = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(inquiry.Data); var prabhupayinqresp = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PrabhuPayVianetBillInquiryResponseModel>(obj); vnet.CustomerName = prabhupayinqresp.CustomerName; vnet.VianetCustomerId = prabhupayinqresp.VianetCustomerId; vnet.PaymentMessage = prabhupayinqresp.PaymentMessage; List <PlansModel> lst = new List <PlansModel>(); foreach (var item in prabhupayinqresp.RenewalPlans) { PlansModel plan = new PlansModel() { PlanId = item.PlanId, PlanAmount = item.PlanAmount, PlanName = item.PlanName, PlanDescription = item.PlanDescription }; lst.Add(plan); } //wlink.RenewalPlans = lst; //var planlst = DropdownPlan(lst); //if (planlst == null) //{ // ViewBag.Planlist = null; //} ViewBag.Planlist = ApplicationUtilities.SetDDLValue(DropdownPlan(lst), "", "--Select--"); vnet.Encryptioncontent = (prabhupayinqresp.VianetCustomerId + prabhupayinqresp.BillAmount).EncryptParameter(); string AgentId = Session["AgentId"].ToString(); var TxnLimit = _transactionLimit.GetTransactionLimitForUser(AgentId); var trangrid = ProjectGrid.TransactionLimit(TxnLimit); ViewData["trangrid"] = trangrid; return(View("VianetBillPayment", vnet)); } else { string AgentId = Session["AgentId"].ToString(); var TxnLimit = _transactionLimit.GetTransactionLimitForUser(AgentId); var trangrid = ProjectGrid.TransactionLimit(TxnLimit); ViewData["trangrid"] = trangrid; this.ShowPopup(1, inquiry.Message); return(View(wpm)); } } this.ShowPopup(1, "Service Unavaliable"); return(View(wpm)); }
public ResultModel Put([FromBody] PlansModel obj) { return(_svr.Update(obj)); }
public ResultModel Post([FromBody] PlansModel obj) { return(_svr.Insert(obj, AppUser)); }