	private void OnEnable()
		Star = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Star");
		PlanetSize = GameObject.Find("PlanetSize").GetComponent<InputField>();
		PlanetSpeed = GameObject.Find("PlanetSpeed").GetComponent<InputField>();
		sliders = GameObject.Find("Sliders").GetComponent<Sliders>();

		planetValues = GetComponent<PlanetValues>();
		starValues = Star.GetComponent<StarValues>();
		rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

		planetValues.planetSize = int.Parse(PlanetSize.text);
		planetValues.planetSpeed = int.Parse(PlanetSpeed.text);
		planetValues.oxy = sliders.oxygenValue;
		planetValues.nitro = sliders.nitrogenValue;
		planetValues.carb = sliders.co2Value;

		target = Star.transform;
		Vector3 targetRot = new Vector3(target.transform.position.x, transform.position.y, target.transform.position.z);
		transform.Rotate(0, 90, 0);
		transform.localScale = new Vector3(planetValues.planetSize, planetValues.planetSize, planetValues.planetSize);
		rb.AddForce(rb.transform.forward * int.Parse(PlanetSpeed.text));
		planetValues.planetMass = ((planetValues.planetSize / 5f)* (planetValues.planetSize / 5f));
		rb.mass = planetValues.planetMass;

		coloring = new Gradient();
		colorKey = new GradientColorKey[2];
		colorKey[0].color = Random.ColorHSV();
		colorKey[0].time = 0.0f;
		colorKey[1].color = Random.ColorHSV();
		colorKey[1].time = 1.0f;

		alphaKey = new GradientAlphaKey[2];
		alphaKey[0].alpha = 1.0f;
		alphaKey[0].time = 0.0f;
		alphaKey[1].alpha = 0.0f;
		alphaKey[1].time = 1.0f;

		coloring.SetKeys(colorKey, alphaKey);

		if (texture == null)
			texture = new Texture2D(resolution, resolution, TextureFormat.RGB24, true);
			//texture.name = "Planet Texture";
			texture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
			texture.filterMode = FilterMode.Trilinear;
			texture.anisoLevel = 9;
			GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.mainTexture = texture;

        private static EphemerisResult SwephCalculation(Configuration config, InputCalculation input)
            EphemerisResult result      = new EphemerisResult();
            String          star        = String.Empty;
            List <String>   searchPaths = new List <string>();

            // Initialize paths
            var paths = config.SearchPaths.Where(s => !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)).Union(new String[] { "." });

            foreach (var path in paths.Select(s => s.Trim()))
                if (path == ".")
                    searchPaths.Add(System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "SwephData"));

            using (var sweph = new SweNet.Sweph()) {
                sweph.OnLoadFile += (s, e) => {
                    var f = e.FileName.Replace("[ephe]", "").Trim('\\', '/');
                    foreach (var p in searchPaths)
                        var fName = System.IO.Path.Combine(p, f);
                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(fName))
                            e.File = new System.IO.FileStream(fName, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read, System.IO.FileShare.Read);

                // Prepare result

                // Initialize engine
                sweph.Ephemeris = input.EphemerisMode;
                if (sweph.Ephemeris == EphemerisMode.JPL)
                sweph.PositionCenter = input.PositionCenter;
                if (sweph.PositionCenter == PositionCenter.Topocentric)
                    sweph.swe_set_topo(input.Longitude, input.Latitude, input.Altitude);
                sweph.HouseSystem = input.HouseSystem;

                // Dates and Times
                if (input.DateUT != null)
                    result.JulianDay     = sweph.JulianDay(input.DateUT.Value);
                    result.DateUTC       = sweph.DateUT(result.JulianDay);
                    result.EphemerisTime = sweph.EphemerisTime(result.JulianDay);
                else if (input.DateET != null)
                    result.JulianDay     = sweph.JulianDay(input.DateET.Value);
                    result.DateUTC       = sweph.DateUT(result.JulianDay);
                    result.EphemerisTime = new EphemerisTime(result.JulianDay, 0.0);
                else if (input.JulianDay != null)
                    result.JulianDay     = input.JulianDay.Value;
                    result.DateUTC       = sweph.DateUT(result.JulianDay);
                    result.EphemerisTime = sweph.EphemerisTime(result.JulianDay);
                result.SideralTime = sweph.swe_sidtime(result.JulianDay) + (input.Longitude / 15.0);
                if (result.SideralTime >= 24.0)
                    result.SideralTime -= 24.0;
                if (result.SideralTime < 0.0)
                    result.SideralTime += 24.0;

                // Calculation
                String   serr    = null;
                Double[] x       = new double[24];
                var      iflgret = sweph.swe_calc(result.EphemerisTime, Planet.EclipticNutation, x, ref serr);
                result.TrueEclipticObliquity = x[0];
                result.MeanEclipticObliquity = x[1];
                result.NutationLongitude     = x[2];
                result.NutationObliquity     = x[3];

                // Planets
                foreach (var planet in input.Planets)
                    if (planet == Planet.Earth)
                        continue;                           // Exclude Earth if geo or topo
                    serr = null;
                    var pi = new PlanetValues()
                        Planet = planet
                    // Ecliptic position
                    if (planet == Planet.FixedStar)
                        iflgret       = sweph.swe_fixstar(star, result.EphemerisTime, x, ref serr);
                        pi.PlanetName = star;
                        iflgret       = sweph.swe_calc(result.EphemerisTime, planet, x, ref serr);
                        pi.PlanetName = sweph.swe_get_planet_name(planet);
                        if (planet.IsAsteroid)
                            pi.PlanetName = String.Format("#{0}", planet - Planet.FirstAsteroid);
                    if (iflgret >= 0)
                        pi.Longitude      = x[0];
                        pi.Latitude       = x[1];
                        pi.Distance       = x[2];
                        pi.LongitudeSpeed = x[3];
                        pi.LatitudeSpeed  = x[4];
                        pi.DistanceSpeed  = x[5];
                        pi.HousePosition  = sweph.swe_house_pos(result.ARMC, input.Latitude, result.TrueEclipticObliquity, x, ref serr);
                        if (pi.HousePosition == 0)
                            iflgret = SwissEph.ERR;
                    if (iflgret < 0)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(serr))
                            pi.ErrorMessage = serr;
                    else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(serr) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(pi.WarnMessage))
                        pi.WarnMessage = serr;

                 *  //* equator position * /
                 *  if (fmt.IndexOfAny("aADdQ".ToCharArray()) >= 0) {
                 *      iflag2 = iflag | SwissEph.SEFLG_EQUATORIAL;
                 *      if (ipl == SwissEph.SE_FIXSTAR)
                 *          iflgret = sweph.swe_fixstar(star, tjd_et, iflag2, xequ, ref serr);
                 *      else
                 *          iflgret = sweph.swe_calc(tjd_et, ipl, iflag2, xequ, ref serr);
                 *  }
                 *  //* ecliptic cartesian position * /
                 *  if (fmt.IndexOfAny("XU".ToCharArray()) >= 0) {
                 *      iflag2 = iflag | SwissEph.SEFLG_XYZ;
                 *      if (ipl == SwissEph.SE_FIXSTAR)
                 *          iflgret = sweph.swe_fixstar(star, tjd_et, iflag2, xcart, ref serr);
                 *      else
                 *          iflgret = sweph.swe_calc(tjd_et, ipl, iflag2, xcart, ref serr);
                 *  }
                 *  //* equator cartesian position * /
                 *  if (fmt.IndexOfAny("xu".ToCharArray()) >= 0) {
                 *      iflag2 = iflag | SwissEph.SEFLG_XYZ | SwissEph.SEFLG_EQUATORIAL;
                 *      if (ipl == SwissEph.SE_FIXSTAR)
                 *          iflgret = sweph.swe_fixstar(star, tjd_et, iflag2, xcartq, ref serr);
                 *      else
                 *          iflgret = sweph.swe_calc(tjd_et, ipl, iflag2, xcartq, ref serr);
                 *  }
                 *  spnam = se_pname;

                // Houses
                double[] cusps   = new double[input.HouseSystem == HouseSystem.GauquelinSector ? 37 : 13];
                double[] ascmc   = new double[10];
                var      hNames  = new String[] { "", "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX", "X", "XI", "XII" };
                var      amNames = new String[] { "Ascendant", "MC", "ARMC", "Vertex", "Equatorial ascendant",
                                                  "Co-ascendant (Walter Koch)", "Co-ascendant (Michael Munkasey)", "Polar ascendant (M. Munkasey)" };
                sweph.swe_houses_ex(result.JulianDay, input.Latitude, input.Longitude, cusps, ascmc);
                for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
                    result.Houses.Add(new HouseValues()
                        House     = i,
                        HouseName = hNames[i],
                        Cusp      = cusps[i]
                for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                    result.ASMCs.Add(new HouseValues()
                        House     = i,
                        HouseName = amNames[i],
                        Cusp      = ascmc[i]
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void OnEnable()
     planetValues = GetComponent <PlanetValues>();