//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void ClearPlan() { m_activeStrategyPlan.ClearPlan(); StopSync(); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public Plan HandleAgentPlanRequest(AgentPlanRequest request) { int currentIndex = request.m_nextTaskIndex; // plan finished if (IsPlanFinished(currentIndex)) { return(null); } // Can't get a new plan if syncing if (m_isSyncing && (currentIndex > m_syncIndex)) { return(null); } Plan agentPlan = new Plan(); bool canGetNewTask = true; while (canGetNewTask) { PrimitiveTask taskToGet = m_activeStrategyPlan.TaskList[currentIndex]; if (taskToGet.IsClaimed) { ++currentIndex; continue; } // Handle modifiers on task uint taskMods = taskToGet.ModifierMask; // Blocking tasks mean we can't get more tasks until we're done if ((taskMods & (byte)Task.eModifier.BLOCKING_MODIFIER) != 0) { canGetNewTask = false; } // Sync tasks require everyone to reach the task before continuing if ((taskMods & (byte)Task.eModifier.SYNC_MODIFIER) != 0) { m_isSyncing = true; m_syncIndex = currentIndex; ++m_syncCount; // extra check to see if done syncing if (m_syncCount == m_numActiveAgents) { StopSync(); ++currentIndex; agentPlan.ClearPlan(); continue; } else { canGetNewTask = false; } } // Reservable tasks can be claimed and ran only once if ((taskMods & (byte)Task.eModifier.RESERVABLE_MODIFIER) != 0) { taskToGet.Claim(); } // Add task to plan and increment index PrimitiveTask taskClone = taskToGet.Clone() as PrimitiveTask; taskClone.Op.AssignVariables(request.m_agent); agentPlan.AddTask(taskClone); ++currentIndex; if (m_activeStrategyPlan.IsIndexOutOfPlan(currentIndex)) { canGetNewTask = false; } } request.m_agent.CurrentPlanIndex = currentIndex; return(agentPlan); }