public void AddsSelectedRenderings()
            ID[] ids;
            var  layoutDefinition = new LayoutDefinition()
                Devices = new ArrayList()
                    new DeviceDefinition()

            using (var db = GetDatabase(out ids))
                var item = db.GetItem("/sitecore/home/page");
                var args = new GetPlaceholderRenderingsArgs("placeholder", layoutDefinition.ToXml(), db.Database)
                    PlaceholderRenderings = new List <Item>()
                var ctx = new PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext(args, item);

                var action = new AddRenderingAction <PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext>()
                    RenderingItemIds = string.Join("|", ids.Select(x => x.ToString()))


        public void AddsAllRenderingsFromFolder()
            ID[] renderingIds;
            ID[] folderIds;
            var  layoutDefinition = new LayoutDefinition()
                Devices = new ArrayList()
                    new DeviceDefinition()

            using (var db = GetDatabase(out renderingIds, out folderIds))
                var item = db.GetItem("/sitecore/home/page");
                var args = new GetPlaceholderRenderingsArgs("placeholder", layoutDefinition.ToXml(), db.Database)
                    PlaceholderRenderings = new List <Item>()
                var ctx = new PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext(args, item);

                var action = new AddRenderingFolderAction <PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext>()
                    RenderingFolderItemId = folderIds[0].ToString()


                args.PlaceholderRenderings.Select(x => x.ID)
        private void ProcessIndividualPlaceholder(Item placeholderItem, GetPlaceholderRenderingsArgs args)
            PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext context = this.EvaluatePlaceholderRules(placeholderItem, args.PlaceholderKey);
            List <Item> smallList = new List <Item>();

            if (context.AllowSelectedControls)
                // Add any additional renderings to the args.PlaceholderRenderings list
                smallList = this.GetRenderings(placeholderItem, out allowedControlsSpecified);
                if (smallList.Count > 0)
                    string infoMessage = "\n\tContextItem: " + GetContextItem(args.PlaceholderKey).Paths.Path +
                                         "\n\tSmart Placeholder Item: " + placeholderItem.Paths.Path +
                                         "\n\tKey: " + args.PlaceholderKey +
                                         "\n\tRenderings: " + smallList.Select(i => i.Paths.Path).Aggregate((i, j) => i + "; " + j);
                    Log.Info("Smart Placeholder Settings: Renderings Added" + infoMessage, this);

                    args.PlaceholderRenderings.AddRange((IEnumerable <Item>)smallList);
                    if (allowedControlsSpecified)
                        args.Options.ShowTree = false;
            else if (context.DisallowSelectedControls)
                // Create list of disallowed renderings to remove at the end.
                smallList = this.GetRenderings(placeholderItem, out allowedControlsSpecified);
                if (smallList.Count > 0)
                    disAllowList.AddRange((IEnumerable <Item>)smallList);
        public void ClearsAllRenderings()
            ID[] ids;
            var  layoutDefinition = new LayoutDefinition()
                Devices = new ArrayList()
                    new DeviceDefinition()

            using (var db = GetDatabase(out ids))
                var item = db.GetItem("/sitecore/home/page");
                var args = new GetPlaceholderRenderingsArgs("placeholder", layoutDefinition.ToXml(), db.Database)
                    PlaceholderRenderings = db.Database.SelectItems("//Layouts/*").ToList()


                var ctx = new PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext(args, item);

                var action = new ClearRenderingsAction <PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext>();


        /// <summary>
        /// Overrides the base class implementation and adds execution of rules to determine allowed renderings.
        /// </summary>
        protected override List <Sitecore.Data.Items.Item> GetRenderings(Sitecore.Data.Items.Item placeholderItem, out bool allowedControlsSpecified)
            // Get the initial list of renderings from the base implementation.
            var list = base.GetRenderings(placeholderItem, out allowedControlsSpecified);

            // Get the rules from the placeholder item.
            string rulesXml = placeholderItem[Constants.RulesFieldId];

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rulesXml))

            // Parse the rules.
            var parsedRules = RuleFactory.ParseRules <PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext>(placeholderItem.Database, rulesXml);

            // Construct the context.
            PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext context = new PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext();

            context.Item = placeholderItem;
            context.AllowedRenderingItems = list;
            context.DeviceId         = DeviceId;
            context.PlaceholderKey   = PlaceholderKey;
            context.ContentDatabase  = ContentDatabase;
            context.LayoutDefinition = LayoutDefinition;

            // Execute the rules.
            RuleList <PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext> rules = new RuleList <PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext>();

            rules.Name = placeholderItem.Paths.Path;

            // Did the rules specify if the selection tree should be displayed?
            if (context.DisplaySelectionTree.HasValue)
                allowedControlsSpecified = !context.DisplaySelectionTree.Value;
            // If not, only display the tree if there are no allowed renderings.
                allowedControlsSpecified = context.AllowedRenderingItems.Count > 0;

            // Return the list.
        private PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext EvaluateRules(Item placeholder)
            PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext ruleContext = new PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext();

            ruleContext.Item = _contextItem;
            foreach (Rule <PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext> rule in RuleFactory.GetRules <PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext>(new[] { placeholder }, AllowedModulesRulesField).Rules)
                if (rule.Condition != null)
                    var passed = rule.Evaluate(ruleContext);
                    if (passed)

        private PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext EvaluatePlaceholderRules(Item placeholder, string placeholderKey)
            PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext context = new PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext();

            context.Item = this.GetContextItem(placeholderKey);

            foreach (
                Rule <PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext> rule in
                RuleFactory.GetRules <PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext>(new[] { placeholder }, Allowed_Controls_Rules_Field).Rules)
                if (rule.Condition != null)
                    var passed = rule.Evaluate(context);
                    if (passed)

        /// <summary>
        /// Overrides the base class implementation and adds execution of rules to determine allowed renderings.
        /// </summary>
        protected override List<Sitecore.Data.Items.Item> GetRenderings(Sitecore.Data.Items.Item placeholderItem, out bool allowedControlsSpecified)
            // Get the initial list of renderings from the base implementation.
            var list = base.GetRenderings(placeholderItem, out allowedControlsSpecified);

            // Get the rules from the placeholder item.
            string rulesXml = placeholderItem[Constants.RulesFieldId];
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rulesXml)) return list;

            // Parse the rules.
            var parsedRules = RuleFactory.ParseRules<PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext>(placeholderItem.Database, rulesXml);

            // Construct the context.
            PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext context = new PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext();
            context.Item = placeholderItem;
            context.AllowedRenderingItems = list;
            context.DeviceId = DeviceId;
            context.PlaceholderKey = PlaceholderKey;
            context.ContentDatabase = ContentDatabase;
            context.LayoutDefinition = LayoutDefinition;

            // Execute the rules.
            RuleList<PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext> rules = new RuleList<PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext>();
            rules.Name = placeholderItem.Paths.Path;

            // Did the rules specify if the selection tree should be displayed?
            if (context.DisplaySelectionTree.HasValue)
                allowedControlsSpecified = !context.DisplaySelectionTree.Value;
            // If not, only display the tree if there are no allowed renderings.
                allowedControlsSpecified = context.AllowedRenderingItems.Count > 0;

            // Return the list.
            return context.AllowedRenderingItems;
        private void ProcessPlaceholder(Item placeholderItem, GetPlaceholderRenderingsArgs args)
            if (placeholderItem == null)
                Log.Info("ProcessPlaceholder: placeholderItem empty, stopping execution of Rule", this);
            if (args == null)
                Log.Info("ProcessPlaceholder: args empty, stopping execution of Rule", this);

            PlaceholderSettingsRuleContext context = null;
            List <Item> controlsToAllow            = null;
            List <Item> controlsToBlock            = null;

                context = this.EvaluateRules(placeholderItem);
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Info(string.Format("ProcessPlaceholder: unable to EvaluateRules (placeholderItem {0}, args {1})", placeholderItem.ID, string.Join(",", args.PlaceholderRenderings.Select(r => r.ID))), this);

                if (context != null)
                    controlsToAllow = context.ControlsToAllow;
                    controlsToBlock = context.ControlsToBlock;
                    bool allowedControlsFieldSpecified = false;
                    if (allowedControlsFieldSpecified)
                        args.Options.ShowTree = false;

                    foreach (var controlToBlock in controlsToBlock)
                        if (args.PlaceholderRenderings != null && args.PlaceholderRenderings.Any())
                            args.PlaceholderRenderings.RemoveAll(c => c.ID == controlToBlock.ID);
                            Log.Info(string.Format("GetActiveModules: {0} blocked for {1}", controlToBlock.Name, _contextItem.Name), this);

                    foreach (var controlToAllow in controlsToAllow)
                        if (args.PlaceholderRenderings == null)
                            args.PlaceholderRenderings = new List <Item>();
                        Log.Info(string.Format("GetActiveModules: {0} allowed for {1}", controlToAllow.Name, _contextItem.Name), this);
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Info(string.Format("ProcessPlaceholder: unable to process BlockedModules (placeholderItem {0}, controlsToAllow {1}, controlsToBlock {2})", placeholderItem.ID, string.Join(",", controlsToAllow.Select(r => r.ID)), string.Join(",", controlsToBlock.Select(r => r.ID))), this);