    void OnMouseDrag()             // drag the gameobject with the mouse
        gameObject.tag = "Player"; // change gameobject's tag to avoid considering his position in checking close parts
        Vector3 currentScreenPoint = new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, screenPoint.z);
        Vector3 currentPos         = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(currentScreenPoint);

        transform.position = currentPos;
        Debug.Log("moviiiinnngg" + gameObject.name);
        PlaceObject sn = gameObject.GetComponent <PlaceObject>();       //get the script PlaceObject

        Debug.Log("heeyyy" + gameObject.name);
        sn.FixPlace();         // Call the function FixPlace
        Debug.Log("FixPlace" + gameObject.name);

        /*if (children.Length==1){
         *      Debug.Log ("has no children**");
         * foreach (GameObject part in parts){
         *      Vector3 diff = part.transform.position - transform.position;
         *      float curDistance = diff.sqrMagnitude;
         *      if ((curDistance < distance) &&(check)){
         *                      check=false;
         *                      GameScript sn = gameObject.GetComponent<PlaceObject>();
         *                      sn.FixPlace();
         *              /*transform.position=part.transform.position;
         *              Debug.Log ("close to"+part.name);
         *              photo=new GameObject("CompletePhoto");
         *              photo.AddComponent("BoxCollider");
         *              photo.AddComponent ("DragObject");
         *              photo.gameObject.tag = "parts";
         *              transform.parent=photo.transform;
         *              part.transform.parent=photo.transform;
         *              transform.localPosition=Vector3.zero;
         *                      Debug.Log("reset0 transform"+gameObject.name);
         *              part.transform.localPosition=Vector3.zero;
         *                      Debug.Log("reset0 part"+part.name);
         *      }
         * }
         * }
         * else{
         *      foreach (Transform child in children) {
         *              if (child.IsChildOf(transform)){
         *              Debug.Log ("has children*****"+children.Length);
         *              foreach (GameObject part in parts){
         *                      Vector3 diff = part.transform.position - child.position;
         *                      float curDistance = diff.sqrMagnitude;
         *                      if ((curDistance < distance) &&(check)){
         *                              check=false;
         *                              GameScript sn = gameObject.GetComponent<PlaceObject>();
         *                              sn.FixChildPlace();
         *                              /*part.transform.position=child.position;
         *                              Debug.Log ("close to"+part.name);
         *                              photo=new GameObject("CompletePhoto");
         *                              photo.AddComponent("BoxCollider");
         *                              photo.AddComponent ("DragObject");
         *                              photo.gameObject.tag = "parts";
         *                              transform.parent=photo.transform;
         *                              part.transform.parent=photo.transform;
         *                              child.localPosition=Vector3.zero;
         *                              part.transform.localPosition=Vector3.zero;
         *                      }
         *              }
         *      }
         *      }
         * }*/