        public void ViewOrder()
            //Ensure order information is persisting.
            Console.WriteLine("Retrieve the most recent order submitted.\n");

            var countOrder = _db.OrderList.Count(); //Testing-->Works.

            Console.WriteLine("There are a total of " + countOrder + " orders.");

            OrderEntity LastOrder = _db.OrderList.LastOrDefault();

            //Load the related information in order. (Explicit loading)
            _db.Entry(LastOrder).Reference(o => o.UserInfo).Load();
            _db.Entry(LastOrder).Reference(o => o.LocationIdentifier).Load();
            _db.Entry(LastOrder).Collection(o => o.PizzaList).Load();

            //Load the related information in pizza list related to the order.
            foreach (var pizza in LastOrder.PizzaList)
                //_db.Entry(pizza).Reference( p => p.Name);
                _db.Entry(pizza).Reference(p => p.PizzaSize).Load();
                _db.Entry(pizza).Reference(p => p.PizzaCrust).Load();
                _db.Entry(pizza).Collection(p => p.PizzaTopping).Load();

            Console.WriteLine("The order has been placed by: " + LastOrder.UserInfo.FirstName +
                              " " + LastOrder.UserInfo.LastName);
            Console.WriteLine($"The order was submitted to : {LastOrder.LocationIdentifier.Street}.\n");
            Console.WriteLine($"The order was submitted at : {LastOrder.OrderDate}.\n");

            foreach (var PizzaChoice in LastOrder.PizzaList)
                Console.WriteLine($"The pizza selected is {PizzaChoice.Name}" +
                                  " with the following components: \n");
                Console.WriteLine($"Size: {PizzaChoice.PizzaSize.Name}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Crust: {PizzaChoice.PizzaCrust.Name}");
                foreach (var ToppingChoice in PizzaChoice.PizzaTopping)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Topping: {ToppingChoice.Name}");
                Console.WriteLine($"The cost of the pizza you selected is: {PizzaChoice.Price}");
                Console.WriteLine($"The quantity of pizzas you selected is: {PizzaChoice.Quantity} \n");

            var totalQuantity = LastOrder.PizzaList.Sum(q => q.Quantity);

            Console.WriteLine("The total quantity is: " + totalQuantity);

            var totalCost = (from pizza in LastOrder.PizzaList
                             select pizza.Quantity * pizza.Price).Sum();

            Console.WriteLine("The total cost for this order is: " + totalCost);