    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow))
            mistakeText.text = "";
            gameStarted      = true;

        Scene currentScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();

        if (currentScene.name == "Gameplay" && gameStarted)
            orderTime -= Time.deltaTime;
            timer     += Time.deltaTime;
            if (timer >= 30.0f && gameMode == 1)
                timer = 0.0f;
                minScore += 100;

                if (level > 3)
                    level      = 3;
                    pizzaTime -= 1.0f;
                    minScore  += 50;
                    if (pizzaTime < 3.0f)
                        pizzaTime = 3.0f;
                        minScore += 100;
                    pizzaTime = levelPizzaTime[level];

            if (gameMode == 1 && minScore > score)

                GetComponent <AudioLowPassFilter>().enabled = false;

            if (curPizza)
                // You sent the order
                if (Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(new Vector2(curPizza.transform.position.x - 1.28f, 0.0f)).x > 1.0f)
                    mistakeText.text = "";

                    bool messedUp       = false;
                    bool forgotToppings = false;
                    bool wrongToppings  = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                        if (curPizzaBehavior.toppings[i].activeInHierarchy != orderedToppings[i])
                            messedUp = true;

                            // Put something on there that doesn't belong
                            if (curPizzaBehavior.toppings[i].activeInHierarchy && !orderedToppings[i])
                                if (gameMode == 0)
                                    score -= 2;
                                if (!wrongToppings)
                                    mistakeText.text += "Wrong Toppings!\n";
                                    wrongToppings     = true;

                            // Forgot something
                                if (gameMode == 0)
                                    score -= 1;
                                if (!forgotToppings)
                                    mistakeText.text += "Forgot Toppings!\n";
                                    forgotToppings    = true;
                    if (!messedUp)
                        if (gameMode == 0)
                            score += (int)levelPizzaTime[level];
                            score += 20;

                        if ((int)orderTime <= 0.0f)
                            mistakeText.text += "Too Slow!";
                            if (gameMode == 1)
                                score -= 20;

                        else if (gameMode == 0)
                            if ((int)orderTime < levelPizzaTime[level] / 3.0f)
                                mistakeText.text += "Good!";
                            else if ((int)orderTime < (2.0f * levelPizzaTime[level]) / 3.0f)
                                mistakeText.text += "Great!";
                                mistakeText.text += "Incredible!";
                            if ((int)orderTime < pizzaTime / 3.0f)
                                mistakeText.text += "Good!";
                            else if ((int)orderTime < (2.0f * pizzaTime) / 3.0f)
                                mistakeText.text += "Great!";
                                mistakeText.text += "Incredible!";

                    if (gameMode == 0)
                        score -= (int)(levelPizzaTime[level] - orderTime);

                    if (pizzasServed >= levelCustomers[level] && gameMode == 0)
                        // Level complete! Add a remaining time bonus!
                        if (level <= maxLevel && score >= levelScores[level - 1])

                        GetComponent <AudioLowPassFilter>().enabled = false;


                    if (gameMode == 0)
                        orderTime = levelPizzaTime[level];
                        orderTime = pizzaTime;

                    for (uint i = 1; i < orderedToppings.Length; i++)
                        orderedToppings[i] = (Random.Range(0, 2) == 1) && levelToppings[level][i];
                        if (i < 3)
                            orderedToppings[i] = !orderedToppings[i];
                    orderedToppings[0] = true;

                    curOrder.transform.Translate(0.0f, 0.0f, -5.0f);
                    curOrder.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(new Vector2(0.0f, -1000.0f));

                    curPizza         = Instantiate(pizzaPF);
                    curPizza.name    = "Pizza";
                    curPizzaBehavior = curPizza.GetComponent <PizzaBehavior>();

                    curOrder      = Instantiate(orderPF);
                    curOrder.name = "Order Sheet";

                    curOrder.GetComponent <OrderBehavior>().pizza = curPizza.GetComponent <PizzaBehavior>();

                // You recycled the pizza
                else if (Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(new Vector2(curPizza.transform.position.x + 1.28f, 0.0f)).x < 0.0f)

                    curPizza         = Instantiate(pizzaPF);
                    curPizza.name    = "Pizza";
                    curPizzaBehavior = curPizza.GetComponent <PizzaBehavior>();

                    curOrder.GetComponent <OrderBehavior>().pizza = curPizza.GetComponent <PizzaBehavior>();

            if (gameMode == 0)
                uiText.text = "Score: " + score + " / " + levelScores[level] + "\n";
                uiText.text = "Score: " + score + " / " + minScore + "\n";

            if (orderTime > 0.0f)
                uiText.text += "Order Time: " + string.Format("{0}:{1:00}", (int)orderTime / 60, (int)orderTime % 60) + "\n";
                uiText.text += "Order Time: 0:00\n";

            if (gameMode == 0)
                customersText.text = "Customers:\n\n" + (levelCustomers[level] - pizzasServed);
                customersText.text = "Customers:\n\n" + float.PositiveInfinity;

        else if (currentScene.name == "Results" || currentScene.name == "WinGame")
            uiText      = GameObject.Find("Stats").GetComponent <Text>();
            uiText.text = "Final Score:\n";

            if (gameMode == 0)
                uiText.text += score + " / " + levelScores[level - 1] + "\n";
                uiText.text += score + "\n";

            if (gameMode == 0)
                if (score < levelScores[level - 1])
                    GameObject.Find("Canvas").transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <Text>().text = "Sorry, your score is too low to proceed.\n";
                    if (currentScene.name == "Results")
                        GameObject.Find("Canvas").transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <Text>().text = "Ready for the next level?";
                        GameObject.Find("Canvas").transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <Text>().text = "Congratulations!\nYou win!\nNow try Survival!";

        else if (currentScene.name == "Cutscene")
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                SceneManager.sceneLoaded += init;

            if (!uiText)
                uiText = GameObject.Find("Canvas").transform.GetChild(0).transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>();

            if (uiText.text == "")
                if (level == 0)
                    uiText.text = "Hey, welcome to the shop! Business around here is pretty slow, so you don't have too much to worry about.\n" +
                                  "Just make the pizzas correctly, that's all I, and the customers, ask.\n" +
                                  "We don't have many toppings here, just pepperoni, so it shouldn't be too hard to mess up anyway!\n" +
                                  "Good luck out there!\n\n";

                    uiText.text += "(Press Left mouse button to continue.)";
                else if (level == 1)
                    uiText.text = "Good job making those pizzas! Not bad at all for your first time on the job.\n" +
                                  "We're getting some more toppings tomorrow though due to popular demand! Onions and Peppers.\n" +
                                  "Hopefully that won't be too tough for you to juggle. Oh, and try not to mix up orders asking " +
                                  "for pepperoni with orders asking for peppers!\n\n";

                    uiText.text += "(Press Left mouse button to continue.)";
                else if (level == 2)
                    uiText.text = "You've been great so far! Business is picking up quite a bit around here.\n" +
                                  "Tomorrow we're getting even more toppings! Anchovies and Mushrooms.\n" +
                                  "Also, with the extra customers, you might have to work a bit quicker to make sure they're all satisifed!\n" +
                                  "You can handle that, right?\n\n";

                    uiText.text += "(Press Left mouse button to continue.)";
                else if (level == 3)
                    uiText.text = "Our shop's on the web now with some remote ordering software! Isn't that great?\n" +
                                  "That means even more customers! The ordering software comes with complete customizability of pizzas.\n" +
                                  "I tested, and if someone wanted to, they could even order a pizza with no cheese or sauce!\n" +
                                  "Not that they'd want to of course. Anyway, good luck today!\n\n";

                    uiText.text += "(Press Left mouse button to continue.)";
    public void init(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode)
        gameStarted = false;

        timer = 0.0f;

        for (uint i = 1; i < orderedToppings.Length; i++)
            orderedToppings[i] = (Random.Range(0, 2) == 1) && levelToppings[level][i];
            if (i < 3)
                orderedToppings[i] = !orderedToppings[i];
        orderedToppings[0] = true;

        score        = 0;
        orderTime    = levelPizzaTime[level];
        pizzaTime    = levelPizzaTime[level];
        pizzasServed = 0;

        if (gameMode == 1)
            minScore = 0;

        uiText        = GameObject.Find("Canvas").transform.GetChild(0).transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>();
        mistakeText   = GameObject.Find("Canvas").transform.GetChild(1).transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>();
        customersText = GameObject.Find("Canvas").transform.GetChild(2).transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>();

        if (gameMode == 0)
            uiText.text = "Score: " + score + " / " + levelScores[level] + "\n";
            uiText.text = "Score: " + score + " / " + minScore + "\n";

        uiText.text += "Order Time: " + string.Format("{0}:{1:00}", (int)orderTime / 60, (int)orderTime % 60) + "\n";

        mistakeText.text = "Press Up Arrow to start!";

        if (gameMode == 0)
            customersText.text = "Customers:\n\n" + levelCustomers[level];
            customersText.text = "Customers:\n\n" + float.PositiveInfinity;

        if (gameMode == 0)
            if (level < 1)
                GameObject.Find("Level 2").SetActive(false);
            if (level < 2)
                GameObject.Find("Level 3").SetActive(false);

        curPizza         = Instantiate(pizzaPF);
        curPizza.name    = "Pizza";
        curPizzaBehavior = curPizza.GetComponent <PizzaBehavior>();

        curOrder      = Instantiate(orderPF);
        curOrder.name = "Order Sheet";

        curOrder.GetComponent <OrderBehavior>().pizza = curPizza.GetComponent <PizzaBehavior>();

        GetComponent <AudioLowPassFilter>().enabled = true;

        SceneManager.sceneLoaded -= init;