        /// <summary>
        /// event is fired when On Text Changed
        /// </summary>
        public void OnTextChanged(Control sender, string text)
            // if this is the NumberSlicesControl
            if (sender.Name == NumberSlicesControl.Name)
                // Set the NumberSlices
                this.NumberSlices = NumberSlicesControl.IntValue;
                // if this is the SliceImageControl
                if (sender.Name == SliceImageControl.Name)
                    // Store the property
                    SliceImagePath = text;

                    // Load the Slice
                    this.SliceImageViewer.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(text);

                    // load the pixelDatabase of the slice image
                    this.SliceDatabase = PixelDatabaseLoader.LoadPixelDatabase(SliceImageControl.Text, this.Callback);
                else if (sender.Name == TargetImageControl.Name)
                    // createa a fileInfo
                    FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(text);

                    // Get the output path
                    OutputPath = fileInfo.Directory.FullName;

                    // create a shuffler
                    LargeNumberShuffler shuffler = new LargeNumberShuffler(6, 1, 100000, DataJuggler.RandomShuffler.Enumerations.NumberOutOfRangeOptionEnum.ReturnModulus);

                    // remove the extension add the random number put the extension back
                    string name = fileInfo.Name.Replace(fileInfo.Extension, "") + shuffler.PullNumber() + fileInfo.Extension;

                    // set the Text
                    this.NewFileNameControl.Text = name;

                    // Set the property
                    TargetImagePath = text;

                    // Load the Target
                    TargetImageViewer.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(text);

                    // load the pixelDatabase of the target image
                    this.TargetDatabase = PixelDatabaseLoader.LoadPixelDatabase(TargetImageControl.Text, this.Callback);

                // if both databases exist
                if ((HasSliceDatabase) && (HasTargetDatabase))
                    double slices = targetDatabase.Height / sliceDatabase.Height;
                    this.NumberSlicesControl.Text = Math.Floor(slices).ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// event is fired when On Text Changed
        /// </summary>
        public void OnTextChanged(Control sender, string text)
                if (sender.Name == this.SourceImageControl.Name)
                    // Load the PixelDatabase
                    this.PixelDatabase = PixelDatabaseLoader.LoadPixelDatabase(text, Refresh);

                    // if the value for HasPixelDatabase is true
                    if (HasPixelDatabase)
                        // display the height and width
                        this.ImageHeightControl.Text = PixelDatabase.Height.ToString();
                        this.ImageWidthControl.Text  = PixelDatabase.Width.ToString();

                        // Display the name as a helper
                        FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(text);
                        this.ImageNameControl.Text = fileInfo.Name;
                else if (sender.Name == this.WidthControl.Name)
                    if (HasPixelDatabase)
                        // get the rows
                        double rows = PixelDatabase.Width / WidthControl.IntValue;

                        // Display the rows
                        this.RowsControl.Text = this.Text = Math.Floor(rows).ToString();
                else if (sender.Name == this.HeightControl.Name)
                    // if the value for HasPixelDatabase is true
                    if (HasPixelDatabase)
                        // get the columns
                        double columns = PixelDatabase.Height / HeightControl.IntValue;

                        // Display the columns
                        this.ColumnsControl.Text = this.Text = Math.Floor(columns).ToString();
            catch (Exception error)
                // for debugging only for now
                DebugHelper.WriteDebugError("OnTextChanged", this.Name, error);

            // Show or hide controls
        /// <summary>
        /// This method Loads the Pixel Database
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadPixelDatabase()
            // if we do not have a BackgroundImage yet
            if (this.Canvas.BackgroundImage == null)
                // to do: Show message

                // bail

            // Set to true
            this.Analyzing = true;

            // Reset the Graph
            this.Graph.Visible = true;
            this.Graph.Value   = 0;

            // Enable or disable controls

            // Load the PixelDatabase
            this.PixelDatabase = PixelDatabaseLoader.LoadPixelDatabase(this.Canvas.BackgroundImage, StatusUpdate);

            // Set to False
            this.Analyzing = false;

            // Set the value for the property 'ImageLoaded' to true
            this.ImageLoaded = true;

            // display the layers
            // LayersControl.DisplayLayers();

            // Enable controls now that we are done analyzing
        /// <summary>
        /// event is fired when the 'RandomizeButton' is clicked.
        /// </summary>
        private void RandomizeButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // setup our images
            string sliceImage       = SliceImageControl.Text;
            string targetImage      = TargetImageControl.Text;
            int    rowHeight        = 0;
            int    rowWidth         = 0;
            bool   isValid          = false;
            int    offSetX          = 0;
            int    offSetY          = 0;
            int    increment        = 0;
            int    incrementedValue = 0;

            // load the target database
            PixelDatabase targetDatabase = PixelDatabaseLoader.LoadPixelDatabase(targetImage, this.Callback);

            // verify both objects exist
            if (NullHelper.Exists(sliceDatabase, targetDatabase))
                // Set the height and width
                rowHeight = sliceDatabase.Height;
                rowWidth  = sliceDatabase.Width;
                int min    = MinValueControl.IntValue;
                int max    = MaxValueControl.IntValue;
                int startX = StartXControl.IntValue;
                int startY = StartYControl.IntValue;
                increment = IncrementControl.IntValue;
                int indent = 0;
                LargeNumberShuffler shuffler = null;

                // verify everything is in rage
                if ((min > 0) && (max > 0) && (max > min) || (max == 0))
                    // valid
                    isValid = true;

                    // setup the ProgressBar
                    this.Graph.Visible = true;
                    this.Graph.Minimum = 0;
                    this.Graph.Maximum = NumberSlicesControl.IntValue;

                    // If the value for max is greater than zero
                    if (max > 0)
                        // Create a new instance of a 'RandomShuffler' object.
                        shuffler = new LargeNumberShuffler(6, 1, 375894, NumberOutOfRangeOptionEnum.ReturnModulus);

                    // setup the section
                    for (int section = 0; section < NumberSlices; section++)
                        // Update the graph
                        Graph.Value = section;

                        // Add the increment to the incrementedValue
                        incrementedValue += increment;

                        // if max is set, else we do not need indent
                        if (max > 0)
                            // pull the next item
                            indent = (shuffler.PullNumber() % 86) + 1;

                        // now we need to copy the entire sourceImage onto the target, using this indent

                        // iterate the y pixels
                        for (int x = 0; x < rowWidth; x++)
                            for (int y = 0; y < rowHeight; y++)
                                // get this pixel
                                PixelInformation pixel = sliceDatabase.GetPixel(x, y);

                                // If the pixel object exists
                                if (NullHelper.Exists(pixel))
                                    // get the new x
                                    offSetX = indent + startX + x;
                                    offSetY = (section * rowHeight) + y + startY + incrementedValue;

                                    if (offSetY < (targetDatabase.Height - 1))
                                        // Set the pixel color
                                        targetDatabase.SetPixelColor(offSetX, offSetY, pixel.Color, false, 0);

                    // Set the image
                    TargetImageViewer.BackgroundImage = targetDatabase.DirectBitmap.Bitmap;

                    // UPdate this UI
                    // not valid
                    isValid = false;
                // not valid
                isValid = false;

            // Show the user a message
            if (!isValid)
                // show a message to the user
                MessageBox.Show("Not valid", "Invalid");
        /// <summary>
        /// event is fired when the 'CreateSubImagesButton' is clicked.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateSubImagesButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // locals
                string        imagePath   = this.SourceImageControl.Text;
                int           imageNumber = 0;
                int           top         = 0;
                int           left        = 0;
                string        fileName    = "";
                Point         topLeft;
                Rectangle     size          = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.WidthControl.IntValue, this.HeightControl.IntValue);
                PixelDatabase pixelDatabase = PixelDatabaseLoader.LoadPixelDatabase(imagePath, Refresh);
                int           rows          = RowsControl.IntValue;
                int           columns       = ColumnsControl.IntValue;
                Graph.Maximum = rows * columns;
                int height = HeightControl.IntValue;
                int width  = WidthControl.IntValue;

                // Get the extension
                FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(imagePath);

                // iterate the rows
                for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++)
                    // iterate the columns
                    for (int column = 0; column < 6; column++)
                        // Increment the value for imageNumber

                        left    = column * width;
                        top     = row * width;
                        topLeft = new Point(left, top);
                        size    = new Rectangle(left, top, width, height);

                        // create the subImage
                        Image image = pixelDatabase.CreateSubImage(topLeft, size);

                        // get the new file name without the extension
                        string imageName = this.ImageNameControl.Text.Replace(fileInfo.Extension, "");

                        // set the fileName
                        fileName = Path.Combine(this.OutputFolderControl.Text, imageName + imageNumber + fileInfo.Extension);

                        // Save the file

                        Graph.Value = imageNumber;

                // Show the user a message
                MessageBox.Show("The sub images have been created.", "Success");
            catch (Exception error)
                // show the user a message
                MessageBox.Show("An error occurred processing your image", "Oops. Something went wrong.");

                // for debugging only
                DebugHelper.WriteDebugError("CreateSubImagesButton_Click", this.Name, error);