 private void AnimateMovement(Piece_PG toMove, float time)
     //animate it
     //Lerp could also be used, but I prefer the MoveTowards approach :)
     toMove.GameObject.transform.position = Vector2.MoveTowards(toMove.GameObject.transform.position,
                                                                screenPositionToAnimate, time * AnimSpeed);
    private void NewPuzzle()
        timer = 0;
        int rdm = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, Puzzles.Length);

        puzzle    = Instantiate(Puzzles[rdm], Puzzles[rdm].transform.position, Puzzles[rdm].transform.rotation);
        go        = puzzle.GetComponent <PiecesScript_PG>().pieces;
        xSpace    = puzzle.GetComponent <PiecesScript_PG>().xSpace;
        ySpace    = puzzle.GetComponent <PiecesScript_PG>().ySpace;
        gameState = GameState.Start;
        CR        = (int)Mathf.Sqrt(go.Length);
        Matrix    = new Piece_PG[CR, CR];
        //random blank piece
        int index = Random.Range(0, go.Length);


        //get the objects from the 1D array,
        //convert them to Piece class and
        //place them in a 2D array
        for (int i = 0; i < CR; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < CR; j++)
                if (go[i * CR + j].activeInHierarchy)
                    Vector3 point = GetScreenCoordinatesFromVieport(i, j);
                    go[i * CR + j].transform.position = point;

                    //place relevant information
                    Matrix[i, j]            = new Piece_PG();
                    Matrix[i, j].GameObject = go[i * CR + j];
                    Matrix[i, j].OriginalI  = i;
                    Matrix[i, j].OriginalJ  = j;
                    //add a box collider the the raycast to work properly
                    if (Matrix[i, j].GameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>() == null)
                        Matrix[i, j].GameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
                    Matrix[i, j] = null; //this will be our "empty" object
    private void Swap(int i, int j, int random_i, int random_j)
        //temp piece, necessary for swapping
        Piece_PG temp = Matrix[i, j];

        Matrix[i, j] = Matrix[random_i, random_j];
        Matrix[random_i, random_j] = temp;

        //set the correct positions to both objects
        if (Matrix[i, j] != null)
            Matrix[i, j].GameObject.transform.position = GetScreenCoordinatesFromVieport(i, j);
        Matrix[random_i, random_j].GameObject.transform.position = GetScreenCoordinatesFromVieport(random_i, random_j);

        //set the required properties
        if (Matrix[i, j] != null)
            Matrix[i, j].CurrentI = i; Matrix[i, j].CurrentJ = j;
        Matrix[random_i, random_j].CurrentI = random_i;
        Matrix[random_i, random_j].CurrentJ = random_j;
    void CheckPieceInput()
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
            Ray          ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
            RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(ray.origin, ray.direction);

            //check if a piece was hit
            if (hit.collider != null)
                string   name  = hit.collider.gameObject.name;
                string[] parts = name.Split('-');
                int      iPart = int.Parse(parts[1]);
                int      jPart = int.Parse(parts[2]);

                int iFound = -1, jFound = -1;
                //find which one was hit, in our 2D array
                //there must be a better way than this one
                for (int i = 0; i < CR; i++)
                    if (iFound != -1)
                    for (int j = 0; j < CR; j++)
                        if (iFound != -1)
                        if (Matrix[i, j] == null)
                        if (Matrix[i, j].OriginalI == iPart &&
                            Matrix[i, j].OriginalJ == jPart)
                            iFound = i; jFound = j;

                Piece_PG foundPiece = Matrix[iFound, jFound];
                //check for the null piece, taking into account the game bounds
                bool pieceFound = false;
                if (iFound > 0 && Matrix[iFound - 1, jFound] == null)
                    pieceFound = true;
                    toAnimateI = iFound - 1; toAnimateJ = jFound;
                else if (jFound > 0 && Matrix[iFound, jFound - 1] == null)
                    pieceFound = true;
                    toAnimateI = iFound; toAnimateJ = jFound - 1;
                else if (iFound < CR - 1 && Matrix[iFound + 1, jFound] == null)
                    pieceFound = true;
                    toAnimateI = iFound + 1; toAnimateJ = jFound;
                else if (jFound < CR - 1 && Matrix[iFound, jFound + 1] == null)
                    pieceFound = true;
                    toAnimateI = iFound; toAnimateJ = jFound + 1;

                if (pieceFound)
                    //get the coordinates of the empty object
                    screenPositionToAnimate = GetScreenCoordinatesFromVieport(toAnimateI, toAnimateJ);
                    PieceToAnimate          = Matrix[iFound, jFound];
                    gameState = GameState.Animating;