public OtherContentDetailPage() { this._constantCollection = new ConstantCollection(); this._otherContentRT = new OtherContentRT(); this._pictureRT = new PictureRT(); this._visitorIPMACAddress = new VisitorIPMACAddress(); }
public DetailPage() { this._constantCollection = new ConstantCollection(); this._customClientRT = new CustomClientRT(); this._pictureRT = new PictureRT(); this._visitorIPMACAddress = new VisitorIPMACAddress(); }
protected void btnDeleteSelectedImage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (Session["seMatPicTempFileName"] != null) { List <string> urlList = new List <string>(); foreach (DataListItem item in datalistMatPic.Items) { if ((item.FindControl("chkImg") as CheckBox).Checked) { Image img = (Image)item.FindControl("imgMatTempImage"); urlList.Add(img.ImageUrl); } } List <ControlAdmin.MaterialWF.ImageUrl> temp = (List <ControlAdmin.MaterialWF.ImageUrl>)Session["seMatPicTempFileName"]; foreach (var url in urlList) { if (url != "App_Themes/Default/images/interface/no-picture.png") { File.Delete(Server.MapPath(url)); } if (!url.StartsWith("~/Image/MatTempImage")) { using (PictureRT aPictureRt = new PictureRT()) { aPictureRt.DeletePictureByUrl(url); } } temp.Remove(temp.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ImageUrlTemp == url)); } Session["seMatPicTempFileName"] = temp; datalistMatPic.DataSource = temp; datalistMatPic.DataBind(); if (temp.Count == 0) { Session["seMatPicTempFileName"] = null; btnDeleteImageTemp.Visible = false; } } labelMessage.Text = string.Empty; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message, ex); } }
private void FillMaterialFormForEdit(Int64 materialIID) { try { using (MaterialRT rt = new MaterialRT()) { hdMaterialID.Value = materialIID.ToString(); Material material = rt.GetMaterialByIID(materialIID); if (material == null) { Response.Redirect("~/ManageYourAds.aspx"); } if (!(material.BrandID == 0 || material.BrandID == null)) { txtBrandID.Text = material.BrandID.ToString(); using (BrandRT brandRt = new BrandRT()) { txtBrand.Text = brandRt.GetBrandByID((long)material.BrandID).Name; } } if (!(material.ModelID != 0 || material.ModelID != null)) { using (ModelRT aModelRt = new ModelRT()) { txtModel.Text = aModelRt.GetModelByID((int)material.ModelID).Name; } } if (!(material.ColorID != 0 || material.ColorID != null)) { using (ColorRT aColorRt = new ColorRT()) { txtModel.Text = aColorRt.GetColorByID((int)material.ColorID).Name; } } using (AdGiverRT adGiverRt = new AdGiverRT()) { txtUserID.Text = material.AdGiverID != 0 ? adGiverRt.GetAdGiverByIID((long)material.AdGiverID).EmailID : string.Empty; } txtTitleName.Text = material.TitleName; txtPrice.Text = material.Price.ToString(); txtDescription.Text = material.Description; txtCode.Text = material.Code; txtWeburl.Text = material.WebSiteUrl; txtYoutubeUrl.Text = material.YoutubeUrl; txtPhoneNumber.Text = material.UserPhoneNumber; chkNegotiable.Checked = material.IsNegotiablePrice; dropDownCategory.SelectedValue = material.CategoryID.ToString(); using (LocationRT aLocationRt = new LocationRT()) { txtLocationID.Text = material.LocationID.ToString(); long districtID = 0, policeStationID = 0; string districtName = string.Empty, polStationName = string.Empty, locationName = string.Empty; bool isReceiveInfo = aLocationRt.GetLocationInfoByIID(material.LocationID, ref districtID, ref districtName, ref policeStationID, ref polStationName, ref locationName); if (isReceiveInfo) { txtDistrictID.Text = districtID.ToString(); txtDistrict.Text = districtName.ToString(); txtPoliceStationID.Text = policeStationID.ToString(); txtPoliceStation.Text = polStationName.ToString(); txtLocation.Text = locationName.ToString(); } } DateTime addDate = material.AdDate; DateTime adDisplayLastDate = (DateTime)(material.AdDisplayLastDate ?? material.AdDate); int adDisplayTotalDate = (int)(adDisplayLastDate - addDate).TotalDays; txtPostVisibilityDay.Text = adDisplayTotalDate.ToString(); List <ControlAdmin.MaterialWF.ImageUrl> matPicTempFileUrlList = new List <ControlAdmin.MaterialWF.ImageUrl>(); using (PictureRT aPictureRt = new PictureRT()) { List <Picture> picList = new List <Picture>(); picList = aPictureRt.GetPictureByMaterialIID(Convert.ToInt64(materialIID)); if (picList.Count > 0) { foreach (var picture in picList) { ControlAdmin.MaterialWF.ImageUrl aImageUrl = new ControlAdmin.MaterialWF.ImageUrl(); aImageUrl.ImageUrlTemp = picture.UrlAddress; matPicTempFileUrlList.Add(aImageUrl); } } } Session["seMatPicTempFileName"] = matPicTempFileUrlList; datalistMatPic.DataSource = matPicTempFileUrlList; datalistMatPic.DataBind(); Session[sessMaterial] = material; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message, ex); } }
protected void btnMatPicUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (Session["seMatPicTempFileName"] == null) { Session["seMatPicTempFileName"] = new List <ControlAdmin.MaterialWF.ImageUrl>(); } List <ControlAdmin.MaterialWF.ImageUrl> matPicTempFileUrlList = new List <ControlAdmin.MaterialWF.ImageUrl>(); using (PictureRT aPictureRt = new PictureRT()) { List <Picture> picList = new List <Picture>(); picList = aPictureRt.GetPictureByMaterialIID(Convert.ToInt64(Session["adGiverMatIID"])); if (picList.Count > 0) { foreach (var picture in picList) { ControlAdmin.MaterialWF.ImageUrl aImageUrl = new ControlAdmin.MaterialWF.ImageUrl(); aImageUrl.ImageUrlTemp = picture.UrlAddress; matPicTempFileUrlList.Add(aImageUrl); } } } if (MatPicUpload.HasFile) { foreach (var file in MatPicUpload.PostedFiles) { string now = ""; now = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ffffff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); //take only letter or digit var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (char t in now.Where(char.IsLetterOrDigit)) { sb.Append(t); } now = sb.ToString();//save to now string var rnd = new Random(100000); var tempMatImageName = now + rnd.Next(); matPicTempFileUrlList = (List <ControlAdmin.MaterialWF.ImageUrl>)Session["seMatPicTempFileName"];//read from sess string path = Server.MapPath("~/Image/MatTempImage/"); FileUploadHelper.BindImage(file, path, tempMatImageName); ControlAdmin.MaterialWF.ImageUrl imageUrl = new ControlAdmin.MaterialWF.ImageUrl(); imageUrl.ImageUrlTemp = "~/Image/MatTempImage/" + tempMatImageName + Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); matPicTempFileUrlList.Add(imageUrl); Session["seMatPicTempFileName"] = matPicTempFileUrlList;//write to sess labelMessage.Text = "File uploaded!"; } datalistMatPic.DataSource = matPicTempFileUrlList; datalistMatPic.DataBind(); btnDeleteImageTemp.Visible = true; } else { labelMessage.Text = "Please browse image(s)...."; labelMessage.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow; labelMessage.Focus(); } } catch (Exception ex) { labelMessage.Text = "error: " + ex.Message; } }
protected void btnUpdatePost_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { hdIsEdit.Value = "true"; int imgCount = 0; int materialID = 0; string matCode = string.Empty; if (!TextControlCheckBeforeSave()) { return; } Material material = CreateMaterial(); if (material == null) { return; } List <ControlAdmin.MaterialWF.ImageUrl> matPicUrlList = new List <ControlAdmin.MaterialWF.ImageUrl>(); btnMatPicUpload_Click(sender, e); var matPicListForTempUrl = (List <ControlAdmin.MaterialWF.ImageUrl>)Session["seMatPicTempFileName"]; matPicUrlList = matPicListForTempUrl.Where(url => url.ImageUrlTemp.StartsWith("~/Image/MatTempImage")).ToList();//Set for temp img update List <Picture> pictureColl = new List <Picture>(); matCode = material.Code; if (matPicUrlList.Count == 0) { Picture aPicture = new Picture(); aPicture.MaterialID = material.IID; string permanentImagePath = new ConstantCollection().noImageUrl; aPicture.UrlAddress = permanentImagePath; pictureColl.Add(aPicture); } else if (matPicUrlList.Count > 0) { int tempImgCount = 0; using (PictureRT aPictureRt = new PictureRT()) { try { var imgList = aPictureRt.GetAllPicturesAccordingToMaterialID(material.IID).ToList(); if (imgList.Count > 0) { var picCount = (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( Server.MapPath( aPictureRt.GetAllPicturesAccordingToMaterialID(material.IID) .OrderByDescending(pic => pic.UrlAddress) .FirstOrDefault() .UrlAddress)).Substring(13)); imgCount = Convert.ToInt32(picCount) + 1; tempImgCount = imgCount; } else { imgCount = 1;//set image number if no image found } } catch (Exception exception) { throw new Exception(exception.Message, exception); } } foreach (var imageUrl in matPicUrlList) { Picture aPicture = new Picture(); aPicture.MaterialID = material.IID; // string permanentImagePathToSave = Server.MapPath("~/Image/MatImage/") + matCode + "_" + count + (Path.GetExtension(imageUrl.ImageUrlTemp));//image path to save folder string permanentImagePath = "~/Image/MatImage/" + matCode + "_" + imgCount + (Path.GetExtension(Server.MapPath(imageUrl.ImageUrlTemp)));//image path to save db aPicture.UrlAddress = permanentImagePath; // File.Move(Server.MapPath(imageUrl.ImageUrlTemp), permanentImagePathToSave);//move pic to permanent folder from tempPic folder pictureColl.Add(aPicture); imgCount++; } imgCount = tempImgCount; } if (material.AdGiverID != -1) { using (MaterialRT aMaterialRt = new MaterialRT()) { aMaterialRt.UpdateMaterial(material); } if (matPicUrlList.Count > 0) { using (PictureRT aPictureRt = new PictureRT()) { foreach (var pic in pictureColl) { aPictureRt.AddMaterialPicture(pic); } } foreach (var imageUrl in matPicUrlList) { Picture aPicture = new Picture(); aPicture.MaterialID = material.IID; string permanentImagePathToSave = Server.MapPath("~/Image/MatImage/") + matCode + "_" + imgCount + (Path.GetExtension(imageUrl.ImageUrlTemp)); //image path to save folder string permanentImagePath = "~/Image/MatImage/" + matCode + "_" + imgCount + (Path.GetExtension(Server.MapPath(imageUrl.ImageUrlTemp))); //image path to save db aPicture.UrlAddress = permanentImagePath; File.Move(Server.MapPath(imageUrl.ImageUrlTemp), permanentImagePathToSave); //move pic to permanent folder from tempPic folder imgCount++; } } Session["seMatPicTempFileName"] = null; Response.Redirect("~/ManageYourAds.aspx"); //labelMessage.Text = "Your post is successfully added, Your Post Code is " + matCode + " ..!!"; //labelMessage.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; //labelMessage.Focus(); ClearField(); } else { labelMessage.Text = String.Format("Please register frist. You can register here. <a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode("UserRegistrationPage.aspx"), HttpUtility.HtmlEncode("Register now")); labelMessage.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; labelMessage.Focus(); } } catch (Exception ex) { labelMessage.Text = "Error : " + ex.Message; labelMessage.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; labelMessage.Focus(); } }