         * Associates a collection of picked objects with a range of pick colors. PickSupport uses the factory to delay
         * PickedObject construction until a matching pick color is identified by getTopObject or resolvePick. This
         * eliminates the overhead of creating and managing a large collection of PickedObject instances when only a few may
         * actually be picked.
         * @param colorCode the first color code associated with the range of sequential color codes.
         * @param count     the number of sequential color codes in the range of sequential color codes.
         * @param factory   the PickedObjectFactory to use when creating a PickedObject for a color in the specified range.
        public void addPickableObjectRange(int colorCode, int count, PickedObjectFactory factory)
            Range range = new Range(colorCode, count);

            this.pickableObjectRanges.put(range, factory);
            this.adjustExtremeColorCodes(colorCode + count - 1); // max code is last element in sequence of count codes
        protected PickedObject lookupPickableObject(int colorCode)
            // Try looking up the color code in the pickable object map.
            PickedObject po = this.getPickableObjects().get(colorCode);

            if (po != null)

            // Try matching the color code to one of the pickable object ranges.
            foreach (Map.Entry <Range, PickedObjectFactory> entry in this.getPickableObjectRanges().entrySet())
                Range range = entry.getKey();
                PickedObjectFactory factory = entry.getValue();

                if (range.contains(colorCode) && factory != null)
