public TestBox(BoxGeometry geometry, float3 translation, quaternion rotation) { Entity = EntityManager.CreateEntity( typeof(PhysicsColliderBlob), typeof(LocalToWorld) ); Geometry = geometry; PhysicsTransform = new PhysicsTransform(translation, rotation); Translation = translation; Rotation = rotation; var colliderBlob = PhysicsBoxCollider.Create(Geometry); Aabb = colliderBlob.Value.CalculateAabb(PhysicsTransform); EntityManager.AddComponentData( Entity, new PhysicsColliderBlob { Collider = colliderBlob } ); EntityManager.AddComponentData( Entity, new LocalToWorld { Value = new float4x4(rotation, translation) } ); }
private static unsafe void DrawConvex( Collider *collider, ref PhysicsTransform worldTransform, ref PhysicsDebugStreamSystem.Context outputStream, Color colliderColor) { var convexCollider = (ConvexCollider *)collider; var vertexCount = convexCollider->VertexCount; var vertices = convexCollider->Vertices; var convexRadius = convexCollider->m_ConvexHull.ConvexRadius; switch (collider->ColliderType) { case ColliderType.Box: case ColliderType.Polygon: { Assert.IsTrue(vertexCount >= 3, "ConvexCollider must have >= 3 vertices."); outputStream.Polygon(vertices, vertexCount, worldTransform, colliderColor); return; } case ColliderType.Circle: { Assert.AreEqual(1, vertexCount, "CircleCollider must have 1 vertex."); var position = PhysicsMath.mul(worldTransform, vertices[0]); outputStream.Circle(position, convexRadius, colliderColor); return; } case ColliderType.Capsule: { Assert.AreEqual(2, vertexCount, "CapsuleCollider must have 2 vertices."); var vertex0 = PhysicsMath.mul(worldTransform, vertices[0]); var vertex1 = PhysicsMath.mul(worldTransform, vertices[1]); var offset = PhysicsMath.perp(math.normalizesafe(vertex1 - vertex0)) * new float2(convexRadius); // Side Edges. { outputStream.Line(vertex0 - offset, vertex1 - offset, colliderColor); outputStream.Line(vertex0 + offset, vertex1 + offset, colliderColor); } // End Caps. { var startAngle = math.atan2(offset.y, offset.x); var endAngle = startAngle + math.PI; outputStream.Arc(vertex0, convexRadius, startAngle, endAngle, colliderColor); outputStream.Arc(vertex1, convexRadius, startAngle + math.PI, endAngle + math.PI, colliderColor); } return; } default: return; } }
public void Execute(ArchetypeChunk chunk, int chunkIndex, int firstEntityIndex) { var entities = chunk.GetNativeArray(EntityType); var localToWorlds = chunk.GetNativeArray(LocalToWorldType); var translations = chunk.GetNativeArray(TranslationType); var rotations = chunk.GetNativeArray(RotationType); var colliders = chunk.GetNativeArray(ColliderType); var hasParentType = chunk.Has(ParentType); var hasLocalToWorldType = chunk.Has(LocalToWorldType); var hasTranslationType = chunk.Has(TranslationType); var hasRotationType = chunk.Has(RotationType); var hasColliderType = chunk.Has(ColliderType); var worldTransform = PhysicsTransform.Identity; var instanceCount = chunk.Count; for (int i = 0, physicsBodyIndex = firstEntityIndex; i < instanceCount; ++i, ++physicsBodyIndex) { if (hasParentType) { if (hasLocalToWorldType) { var localToWorld = localToWorlds[i]; var matrix = localToWorld.Value; var orientation = quaternion.LookRotationSafe(,; worldTransform = new PhysicsTransform(localToWorld.Position, orientation); } } else { if (hasTranslationType) { worldTransform.Translation = translations[i].Value.xy; } else if (hasLocalToWorldType) { worldTransform.Translation = localToWorlds[i].Position.xy; } if (hasRotationType) { worldTransform.SetQuaternionRotation(rotations[i].Value); } else if (hasLocalToWorldType) { var localToWorld = localToWorlds[i]; var matrix = localToWorld.Value; worldTransform.SetQuaternionRotation(quaternion.LookRotationSafe(,; } } var entity = entities[i]; PhysicsBodies[physicsBodyIndex] = new PhysicsBody { Collider = hasColliderType ? colliders[i].Collider : default,
public unsafe void PhysicsBodyOverlapColliderTest() { var geometry = new BoxGeometry { Size = new float2(2f), }; using (var collider = PhysicsBoxCollider.Create(geometry)) { var physicsBody = new PhysicsBody(collider); var queryInput = new OverlapColliderInput() { Filter = CollisionFilter.Default }; var closestHit = new OverlapColliderHit(); var allHits = new NativeList <OverlapColliderHit>(Allocator.Temp); var circleGeometry = new CircleGeometry { Radius = 0.5f }; using (var circleBlob = PhysicsCircleCollider.Create(circleGeometry)) { queryInput.Collider = circleBlob; // OK case. var transformOK = new PhysicsTransform(new float2(1f)); queryInput.Transform = transformOK; Assert.IsTrue(physicsBody.OverlapCollider(queryInput)); Assert.IsTrue(physicsBody.OverlapCollider(queryInput, out closestHit)); Assert.IsTrue(physicsBody.OverlapCollider(queryInput, ref allHits)); // Fail Case. var transformFail = new PhysicsTransform(new float2(-10f)); queryInput.Transform = transformFail; Assert.IsFalse(physicsBody.OverlapCollider(queryInput)); Assert.IsFalse(physicsBody.OverlapCollider(queryInput, out closestHit)); Assert.IsFalse(physicsBody.OverlapCollider(queryInput, ref allHits)); } allHits.Dispose(); } }
public static unsafe void DrawCollider( Collider *collider, ref PhysicsTransform worldTransform, ref PhysicsDebugStreamSystem.Context outputStream, Color colliderColor) { switch (collider->CollisionType) { case CollisionType.Convex: { DrawConvex(collider, ref worldTransform, ref outputStream, colliderColor); return; } case CollisionType.Composite: { DrawComposite(collider, ref worldTransform, ref outputStream, colliderColor); return; } } }
private static unsafe void DrawComposite( Collider *collider, ref PhysicsTransform worldTransform, ref PhysicsDebugStreamSystem.Context outputStream, Color colliderColor) { switch (collider->ColliderType) { case ColliderType.Compound: { var compoundCollider = (PhysicsCompoundCollider *)collider; var children = compoundCollider->Children; for (var i = 0; i < children.Length; ++i) { ref PhysicsCompoundCollider.Child child = ref children[i]; var colliderWorldTransform = PhysicsMath.mul(worldTransform, child.CompoundFromChild); DrawCollider(children[i].Collider, ref colliderWorldTransform, ref outputStream, colliderColor); } return; } }
static unsafe bool CastCollider( Ray ray, ref float2x2 rotation, ref DistanceProxy proxySource, ref DistanceProxy proxyTarget, out ColliderCastHit hit) { hit = default; var transformSource = new PhysicsTransform { Translation = ray.Origin, Rotation = rotation }; // Check we're not initially overlapped. if ((proxySource.VertexCount < 3 || proxyTarget.VertexCount < 3) && OverlapQueries.OverlapConvexConvex(ref transformSource, ref proxySource, ref proxyTarget)) { return(false); } // B = Source // A = Target var radiusSource = proxySource.ConvexRadius; var radiusTarget = proxyTarget.ConvexRadius; var totalRadius = radiusSource + radiusTarget; var invRotation = math.inverse(rotation); var sweepDirection = ray.Displacement; var normal =; var lambda = 0.0f; // Initialize the simplex. var simplex = new Simplex(); simplex.Count = 0; var vertices = &simplex.Vertex1; // Get a support point in the inverse direction. var indexTarget = proxyTarget.GetSupport(-sweepDirection); var supportTarget = proxyTarget.Vertices[indexTarget]; var indexSource = proxySource.GetSupport(PhysicsMath.mul(invRotation, sweepDirection)); var supportSource = PhysicsMath.mul(transformSource, proxySource.Vertices[indexSource]); var v = supportTarget - supportSource; // Sigma is the target distance between polygons var sigma = math.max(PhysicsSettings.Constants.MinimumConvexRadius, totalRadius - PhysicsSettings.Constants.MinimumConvexRadius); const float tolerance = PhysicsSettings.Constants.LinearSlop * 0.5f; var iteration = 0; while ( iteration++ < PhysicsSettings.Constants.MaxGJKInterations && math.abs(math.length(v) - sigma) > tolerance ) { if (simplex.Count >= 3) { SafetyChecks.ThrowInvalidOperationException("ColliderCast Simplex must have less than 3 vertex."); } // Support in direction -supportV (Target - Source) indexTarget = proxyTarget.GetSupport(-v); supportTarget = proxyTarget.Vertices[indexTarget]; indexSource = proxySource.GetSupport(PhysicsMath.mul(invRotation, v)); supportSource = PhysicsMath.mul(transformSource, proxySource.Vertices[indexSource]); var p = supportTarget - supportSource; v = math.normalizesafe(v); // Intersect ray with plane. var vp =, p); var vr =, sweepDirection); if (vp - sigma > lambda * vr) { if (vr <= 0.0f) { return(false); } lambda = (vp - sigma) / vr; if (lambda > 1.0f) { return(false); } normal = -v; simplex.Count = 0; } // Reverse simplex since it works with B - A. // Shift by lambda * r because we want the closest point to the current clip point. // Note that the support point p is not shifted because we want the plane equation // to be formed in un-shifted space. var vertex = vertices + simplex.Count; vertex->IndexA = indexSource; vertex->SupportA = supportSource + lambda * sweepDirection; vertex->IndexB = indexTarget; vertex->SupportB = supportTarget; vertex->W = vertex->SupportB - vertex->SupportA; vertex->A = 1.0f; simplex.Count += 1; switch (simplex.Count) { case 1: break; case 2: simplex.Solve2(); break; case 3: simplex.Solve3(); break; default: SafetyChecks.ThrowInvalidOperationException("Simplex has invalid count."); return(default); } // If we have 3 points, then the origin is in the corresponding triangle. if (simplex.Count == 3) { // Overlap. return(false); } // Get search direction. v = simplex.GetClosestPoint(); } // Ensure we don't process an empty simplex. if (simplex.Count == 0) { return(false); } // Prepare result. var pointSource =; var pointTarget =; simplex.GetWitnessPoints(ref pointSource, ref pointTarget); normal = math.normalizesafe(-v); hit = new ColliderCastHit { Position = pointTarget + (normal * radiusTarget), SurfaceNormal = normal, Fraction = lambda }; return(true); }
public override void Ready() { manager = GetManager<PhysicsManager>(); manager.Add(this); transformComponent = GetComponent<TransformComponent>(); transform = new PhysicsTransform(transformComponent.Transform); transformComponent.Transform = transform; CreateBody(); transform.Body = body; if (def.Speed != 0) { float velocityX = (float)Math.Cos(PhysicsManager.DegreesToRadians(transform.Rotation)) * def.Speed; float velocityY = (float)Math.Sin(PhysicsManager.DegreesToRadians(transform.Rotation)) * def.Speed; body.LinearVelocity = new Vector2(velocityX, velocityY); } }
public unsafe void Polygon(ConvexHull.ConvexArray.Accessor vertices, int vertexCount, PhysicsTransform physicsTransform, Color color) { SafetyChecks.IsTrue(vertexCount <= PhysicsPolygonCollider.Constants.MaxVertexCount); Writer.Write(Type.Polygon); var polygon = new Polygon { Transform = physicsTransform, VertexCount = vertexCount, Color = color }; UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(polygon.Vertices, vertices.GetUnsafePtr(), sizeof(float2) * vertexCount); Writer.Write(polygon); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { _velocity =; _ptransform = gameObject.AddComponent <PhysicsTransform>(); }