        public override void Click(Entity entity, ItemStack item)
            if (!(entity is CharacterEntity))
                // TODO: Non-character support?
            CharacterEntity character = (CharacterEntity)entity;
            double          range     = RangeBase * item.GetAttributeF("range_mod", 1f);
            double          strength  = StrengthBase * item.GetAttributeF("strength_mod", 1f) * GetStrength();
            Location        start     = character.GetEyePosition(); // TODO: ItemPosition?
            Location        forw      = character.ForwardVector();
            Location        mid       = start + forw * range;
            // TODO: base the pull on extent of the entity rather than its center. IE, if the side of a big ent is targeted, it should be rotated by the force.
            List <Entity> ents = character.TheRegion.GetEntitiesInRadius(mid, range);

            foreach (Entity ent in ents)
                if (ent is PhysicsEntity) // TODO: Support for primitive ents?
                    PhysicsEntity pent   = (PhysicsEntity)ent;
                    Location      rel    = (start - ent.GetPosition());
                    double        distsq = rel.LengthSquared();
                    if (distsq < 1)
                        distsq = 1;
                    pent.ApplyForce((rel / distsq) * strength);
        private void SimulateWind()
            // Calculate wind intensity fluctuation by the settings
            float windIntensityFluctuation = settingsWindIntensityFluctuation / 1000.0f;
            float windDirectionFluctuation = settingsWindDirectionFluctuation / 1000.0f;

            // Constant wind
            float constantWind = sngConstantWind.GenerateNext_Between0And1(windIntensityFluctuation);

            constantWind /= 2.0f;
            constantWind *= (settingsWindIntensity / 2.0f);

            // Wind gust
            float windGust = sngWindGust.GenerateNext_OnlyPositive(windIntensityFluctuation * 3.0f);

            windGust *= settingsWindIntensity;

            totalWindIntensity = constantWind + windGust;

            float windDirectionChange = 5.0f * sngWindDirectionFluctuation.GenerateNext(windDirectionFluctuation);

            currentWindDirectionAngle = settingsWindDirection + windDirectionChange;

            // Create a wind force vector with length 1 and rotate so the wind affects the multicopter from a certain direction
            windForceVector = MathHelper.RotateAroundAxis_Y(
                new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
                new Vector3(),
            windForceVector = MathHelper.RotateAroundAxis_X(
                new Vector3(),

            // Generate oscillation of the multicopter arms
            torqueVector.X = sngAttitudeDisturbances.GenerateNext(Globals.RandomGenerator.Next(100, 300) / 10000.0f) / 250.0f;
            torqueVector.Y = sngAttitudeDisturbances.GenerateNext(Globals.RandomGenerator.Next(100, 300) / 10000.0f) / 300.0f;
            torqueVector.Z = sngAttitudeDisturbances.GenerateNext(Globals.RandomGenerator.Next(100, 300) / 10000.0f) / 250.0f;

            // Scale the direction vector with the intensity
            windForceVector = Vector3.Scale(windForceVector, totalWindIntensity);
            torqueVector    = Vector3.Scale(torqueVector, totalWindIntensity + 0.5f);

            // Let the global wind force and torque affect the multicopter
            PhysicsEntity.ApplyForce(windForceVector, false);
            PhysicsEntity.ApplyTorque(torqueVector, false);

            // Sum up for debug display
            totalForceVector += windForceVector;