private PhraseIteration AddTestPhrase(string name, int time)
            testArrangement.Phrases.Add(new Phrase(name, 0, PhraseMask.None));
            var phraseIter = new PhraseIteration(time, testArrangement.Phrases.Count - 1);


        public void Apply(InstrumentalArrangement arrangement, Action <string> Log)
            // Increase the number attribute of any following noguitar sections
            foreach (var section in arrangement.Sections.Where(s => s.Name == "noguitar"))

            // Add the removed noguitar section back
            var newFirstSection = new Section("noguitar", _firstNGSectionTime, 1);

            arrangement.Sections.Insert(0, newFirstSection);

            // Add a new NG phrase as the last phrase
            arrangement.Phrases.Add(new Phrase("NG", maxDifficulty: 0, PhraseMask.None));

            // Recreate the removed phrase iteration (with the phrase id of the new NG phrase)
            var newNGPhraseIteration = new PhraseIteration(_firstNGSectionTime, arrangement.Phrases.Count - 1);

            // Add after the first phraseIteration (COUNT)
            arrangement.PhraseIterations.Insert(1, newNGPhraseIteration);

            Log("Restored first noguitar section.");
        public void GeneratePhraseIterationsData(IAttributes attribute, dynamic song, GameVersion gameVersion)
            if (song.PhraseIterations == null)

            for (int i = 0; i < song.PhraseIterations.Length; i++)
                var phraseIteration = song.PhraseIterations[i];
                var phrase          = song.Phrases[phraseIteration.PhraseId];
                var endTime         = i >= song.PhraseIterations.Length - 1 ? song.SongLength : song.PhraseIterations[i + 1].Time;

                var phraseIt = new PhraseIteration();
                phraseIt.StartTime     = phraseIteration.Time;
                phraseIt.EndTime       = endTime;
                phraseIt.PhraseIndex   = phraseIteration.PhraseId;
                phraseIt.Name          = phrase.Name;
                phraseIt.MaxDifficulty = phrase.MaxDifficulty;

                if (gameVersion == GameVersion.RS2012)
                    phraseIt.MaxScorePerDifficulty = new List <float>();


            var noteCnt = 0;

            foreach (var y in attribute.PhraseIterations)
                if (song.Levels[y.MaxDifficulty].Notes != null)
                    if (gameVersion == GameVersion.RS2012)
                        noteCnt += GetNoteCount(y.StartTime, y.EndTime, song.Levels[y.MaxDifficulty].Notes);
                        noteCnt += GetNoteCount2014(y.StartTime, y.EndTime, song.Levels[y.MaxDifficulty].Notes);
                if (song.Levels[y.MaxDifficulty].Chords != null)
                    noteCnt += GetChordCount(y.StartTime, y.EndTime, song.Levels[y.MaxDifficulty].Chords);

            attribute.Score_MaxNotes = noteCnt;
            attribute.Score_PNV      = ((float)attribute.TargetScore) / noteCnt;

            foreach (var y in attribute.PhraseIterations)
                var phrase = song.Phrases[y.PhraseIndex];
                for (int o = 0; o <= phrase.MaxDifficulty; o++)
                    var multiplier = ((float)(o + 1)) / (phrase.MaxDifficulty + 1);
                    var pnv        = attribute.Score_PNV;
                    var noteCount  = 0;

                    if (song.Levels[o].Chords != null)
                        if (gameVersion == GameVersion.RS2012)
                            noteCnt += GetNoteCount(y.StartTime, y.EndTime, song.Levels[y.MaxDifficulty].Notes);
                            noteCnt += GetNoteCount2014(y.StartTime, y.EndTime, song.Levels[y.MaxDifficulty].Notes);

                    if (song.Levels[o].Chords != null)
                        noteCount += GetChordCount(y.StartTime, y.EndTime, song.Levels[o].Chords);

                    if (gameVersion == GameVersion.RS2012)
                        var score = pnv * noteCount * multiplier;
        private void parsePhraseIterations(Song2014 xml, Sng2014File sng)
            sng.PhraseIterations = new PhraseIterationSection();
            sng.PhraseIterations.Count = xml.PhraseIterations.Length;
            sng.PhraseIterations.PhraseIterations = new PhraseIteration[sng.PhraseIterations.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < sng.PhraseIterations.Count; i++) {
                var piter = xml.PhraseIterations[i];
                var p = new PhraseIteration();
                p.PhraseId = piter.PhraseId;
                p.StartTime = piter.Time;
                if (i + 1 < sng.PhraseIterations.Count)
                    p.NextPhraseTime = xml.PhraseIterations[i + 1].Time;
                    p.NextPhraseTime = xml.SongLength;
                // default to (0, 0, max)
                // they use Medium (previous) value if there is hero=3 missing
                p.Difficulty[2] = xml.Phrases[p.PhraseId].MaxDifficulty;
                if (piter.HeroLevels != null)
                    foreach (var h in piter.HeroLevels)
                        p.Difficulty[h.Hero-1] = h.Difficulty;
                sng.PhraseIterations.PhraseIterations[i] = p;
        public void SlideOutEvent_CreatesHandshape()
            const int chordTime   = 20222;
            const int sustainTime = 3000;

            var phrase = new Phrase("test", (byte)(testArrangement.Levels.Count - 1), PhraseMask.None);


            var phraseIter = new PhraseIteration(chordTime, testArrangement.Phrases.Count - 1);


            var template = new ChordTemplate();

            template.SetFingering(1, 3, 3, -1, -1, -1);
            template.SetFrets(1, 3, 4, -1, -1, -1);

            short chordId = (short)(testArrangement.ChordTemplates.Count - 1);

            var chord = new Chord
                ChordId    = chordId,
                Time       = chordTime,
                ChordNotes = new List <Note>
                    new Note
                        String         = 0,
                        Fret           = 1,
                        SlideUnpitchTo = 5,
                        Sustain        = sustainTime
                    new Note
                        String         = 1,
                        Fret           = 3,
                        SlideUnpitchTo = 7,
                        Sustain        = sustainTime
                    new Note
                        String         = 2,
                        Fret           = 3,
                        SlideUnpitchTo = 7,
                        Sustain        = sustainTime

            var hardestLevel = testArrangement.Levels.Last();

            var handshape = new HandShape(chordId, chordTime, chordTime + sustainTime);

            testArrangement.Events.Add(new Event("so", chordTime));

            int handShapeCount     = hardestLevel.HandShapes.Count;
            int chordTemplateCount = testArrangement.ChordTemplates.Count;

            new CustomEventPostProcessor(new List <ImproverMessage>()).Apply(testArrangement, nullLog);

            testArrangement.Events.Should().NotContain(ev => ev.Code == "so");
            hardestLevel.HandShapes.Should().HaveCount(handShapeCount + 1);
            testArrangement.ChordTemplates.Should().HaveCount(chordTemplateCount + 1);
            handshape.EndTime.Should().BeLessThan(chordTime + sustainTime);
        public void GeneratePhraseIterationsData(IAttributes attribute, dynamic song, GameVersion gameVersion)
            if (song.PhraseIterations == null)

            for (int i = 0; i < song.PhraseIterations.Length; i++)
                var phraseIteration = song.PhraseIterations[i];
                var phrase = song.Phrases[phraseIteration.PhraseId];
                var endTime = i >= song.PhraseIterations.Length - 1 ? song.SongLength : song.PhraseIterations[i + 1].Time;

                var phraseIt = new PhraseIteration();
                phraseIt.StartTime = phraseIteration.Time;
                phraseIt.EndTime = endTime;
                phraseIt.PhraseIndex = phraseIteration.PhraseId;
                phraseIt.Name = phrase.Name;
                phraseIt.MaxDifficulty = phrase.MaxDifficulty;

                if (gameVersion == GameVersion.RS2012)
                    phraseIt.MaxScorePerDifficulty = new List<float>();


            var noteCnt = 0;
            foreach (var y in attribute.PhraseIterations)
                if (song.Levels[y.MaxDifficulty].Notes != null)
                    if (gameVersion == GameVersion.RS2012)
                        noteCnt += GetNoteCount(y.StartTime, y.EndTime, song.Levels[y.MaxDifficulty].Notes);
                        noteCnt += GetNoteCount2014(y.StartTime, y.EndTime, song.Levels[y.MaxDifficulty].Notes);
                if (song.Levels[y.MaxDifficulty].Chords != null )
                    noteCnt += GetChordCount(y.StartTime, y.EndTime, song.Levels[y.MaxDifficulty].Chords);

            attribute.Score_MaxNotes = noteCnt;
            attribute.Score_PNV = ((float)attribute.TargetScore) / noteCnt;

            foreach (var y in attribute.PhraseIterations)
                var phrase = song.Phrases[y.PhraseIndex];
                for (int o = 0; o <= phrase.MaxDifficulty; o++)
                    var multiplier = ((float)(o + 1)) / (phrase.MaxDifficulty + 1);
                    var pnv = attribute.Score_PNV;
                    var noteCount = 0;

                    if (song.Levels[o].Chords != null)
                        if (gameVersion == GameVersion.RS2012)
                            noteCnt += GetNoteCount(y.StartTime, y.EndTime, song.Levels[y.MaxDifficulty].Notes);
                            noteCnt += GetNoteCount2014(y.StartTime, y.EndTime, song.Levels[y.MaxDifficulty].Notes);

                    if (song.Levels[o].Chords != null)
                        noteCount += GetChordCount(y.StartTime, y.EndTime, song.Levels[o].Chords);

                    if (gameVersion == GameVersion.RS2012)
                        var score = pnv * noteCount * multiplier;