        protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
            if (isInitialized == true)

            // trace page navigation
            TraceHelper.AddMessage("Settings: Loaded");

            Email.IsEnabled            = !IsConnected;
            Password.IsEnabled         = !IsConnected;
            accountOperationSuccessful = false;
            accountTextChanged         = false;

            foreach (var setting in PhoneSettings.Settings.Keys)
                // get the source list for the setting, along with any current value
                var phoneSetting = PhoneSettings.Settings[setting];
                //var bindingList = (from l in list select new { Name = l }).ToList();
                var bindingList   = phoneSetting.Values;
                var value         = PhoneSettingsHelper.GetPhoneSetting(App.ViewModel.PhoneClientFolder, setting);
                int selectedIndex = 0;
                if (value != null && bindingList.Any(ps => ps.Name == value))
                    var selectedValue = bindingList.Single(ps => ps.Name == value);
                    selectedIndex = bindingList.IndexOf(selectedValue);

                var template = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(phoneSetting.DisplayTemplate) ?
                               (DataTemplate)App.Current.Resources[phoneSetting.DisplayTemplate] :

                // create a new list picker for the setting
                var listPicker = new ListPicker()
                    Header        = setting,
                    Tag           = setting,
                    SelectedIndex = selectedIndex >= 0 ? selectedIndex : 0
                listPicker.ItemsSource       = bindingList;
                listPicker.DisplayMemberPath = "Name";
                if (template != null)
                    listPicker.FullModeItemTemplate = template;

            CreateUserButton.DataContext   = this;
            CreateButtonLabel.DataContext  = this;
            ConnectUserButton.DataContext  = this;
            ConnectButtonLabel.DataContext = this;
            Email.LostFocus    += new RoutedEventHandler(delegate { accountTextChanged = true; NotifyPropertyChanged("EnableButtons"); });
            Password.LostFocus += new RoutedEventHandler(delegate { accountTextChanged = true; NotifyPropertyChanged("EnableButtons"); });

            isInitialized = true;
        // Event handlers for settings tab
        private void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // if we made changes in the account info but didn't successfully carry them out, put up a warning dialog
            if (accountTextChanged && !accountOperationSuccessful)
                MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show(
                    "account was not successfully created or connected (possibly because you haven't clicked the 'create' or 'connect' button).  " +
                    "click ok to dismiss the settings page and forget the changes to the account page, or cancel to try again.",
                    "exit settings before creating or connecting to an account?",
                if (result == MessageBoxResult.Cancel)

            // get current version of phone settings
            var phoneSettingsItemCopy = new Item(PhoneSettingsHelper.GetPhoneSettingsItem(App.ViewModel.PhoneClientFolder), true);

            // loop through the settings and store the new value
            foreach (var element in SettingsPanel.Children)
                // get the listpicker key and value
                ListPicker listPicker = element as ListPicker;
                if (listPicker == null)
                string key          = (string)listPicker.Tag;
                var    phoneSetting = PhoneSettings.Settings[key];
                string value        = phoneSetting.Values[listPicker.SelectedIndex].Name;

                // store the key/value pair in phone settings (without syncing)
                PhoneSettingsHelper.StorePhoneSetting(App.ViewModel.PhoneClientFolder, key, value);

            // get the new version of phone settings
            var phoneSettingsItem = PhoneSettingsHelper.GetPhoneSettingsItem(App.ViewModel.PhoneClientFolder);

            // queue up a server request
            if (App.ViewModel.PhoneClientFolder.ID != Guid.Empty)
                RequestQueue.EnqueueRequestRecord(RequestQueue.SystemQueue, new RequestQueue.RequestRecord()
                    ReqType = RequestQueue.RequestRecord.RequestType.Update,
                    Body    = new List <Item>()
                        phoneSettingsItemCopy, phoneSettingsItem
                    BodyTypeName    = "Item",
                    ID              = phoneSettingsItem.ID,
                    IsDefaultObject = true

                // sync with the server

            // trace page navigation
            TraceHelper.StartMessage("Settings: Navigate back");

            // notify the view model that some data-bound properties bound to client settings may have changed

            // go back to main page
        // This method is invoked when the application has loaded and is ready to run. In this
        // method you should instantiate the window, load the UI into it and then make the window
        // visible.
        // You have 17 seconds to return from this method, or iOS will terminate your application.
        public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
            // trace event
            TraceHelper.StartMessage("App: Loaded");

            // if data isn't loaded from storage yet, load the app data
            if (!App.ViewModel.IsDataLoaded)
                // Load app data from local storage (user creds, about tab data, constants, item types, folders, etc)

            // create pages
            var add      = new AddPage();
            var calendar = new SchedulePage();
            var folders  = new UINavigationController(new FoldersViewController(UITableViewStyle.Plain));
            var settings = new SettingsPage();
            var more     = new MoreViewController();

            //var more = new UINavigationController(new MoreViewController());

            tabBarController = new UITabBarController();
            tabBarController.ViewControllers = new UIViewController [] {

            tabBarController.ViewControllerSelected += (sender, e) =>
                UITabBarController v = (UITabBarController)sender;

            // if haven't synced with web service yet, try now
            if (initialSyncAlreadyHappened == false)
                initialSyncAlreadyHappened = true;

                // if there's a home tab set, switch to it now
                var homeTab = PhoneSettingsHelper.GetHomeTab(App.ViewModel.PhoneClientFolder);
                if (homeTab != null && homeTab != "Add")

            // create a new window instance based on the screen size
            window = new UIWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
            if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(4, 0))
                window.RootViewController = tabBarController;

            // trace exit
            TraceHelper.AddMessage("Exiting App Loaded");

        private void CreateRoot()
            // create the root for all settings.  note that the RootElement is cleared and recreated, as opposed to
            // new'ed up from scratch.  this is by design - otherwise we don't get correct behavior on page transitions
            // when the theme is changed.
            if (dvc.Root == null)
                dvc.Root = new ThemedRootElement("Settings");
                // clean up any existing state for the existing root element
                if (dvc.Root.Count > 0)
                    // force the dismissal of the keyboard in the account settings page if it was created
                    if (dvc.Root[0].Count > 0)
                        var tableView = dvc.Root[0][0].GetContainerTableView();
                        if (tableView != null)
                // clearing the root will cascade the Dispose call on its children

            // create the account root element
            dvc.Root.Add(new Section()

            // initialize other phone settings by creating a radio element list for each phone setting
            var elements = (from ps in PhoneSettings.Settings.Keys select(Element) new ThemedRootElement(ps, new RadioGroup(null, 0))).ToList();

            // loop through the root elements we just created and create their substructure
            foreach (ThemedRootElement rootElement in elements)
                // set the ViewDisappearing event on child DialogViewControllers to refresh the theme
                rootElement.OnPrepare += (sender, e) =>
                    DialogViewController viewController = e.ViewController as DialogViewController;
                    viewController.ViewDisappearing += delegate
                        var parent = viewController.Root.GetImmediateRootElement() as RootElement;
                        if (parent != null && parent.TableView != null)
                            parent.TableView.BackgroundColor = UIColorHelper.FromString(App.ViewModel.Theme.PageBackground);

                // add a radio element for each of the setting values for this setting type
                var section = new Section();
                section.AddAll(from val in PhoneSettings.Settings[rootElement.Caption].Values select(Element) new RadioEventElement(val.Name));

                // initialize the value of the radio button
                var currentValue  = PhoneSettingsHelper.GetPhoneSetting(App.ViewModel.PhoneClientFolder, rootElement.Caption);
                var bindingList   = PhoneSettings.Settings[rootElement.Caption].Values;
                int selectedIndex = 0;
                if (currentValue != null && bindingList.Any(ps => ps.Name == currentValue))
                    var selectedValue = bindingList.Single(ps => ps.Name == currentValue);
                    selectedIndex = bindingList.IndexOf(selectedValue);
                rootElement.RadioSelected = selectedIndex;

                // attach an event handler that saves the selected setting
                foreach (var ree in rootElement[0].Elements)
                    var radioEventElement = (RadioEventElement)ree;
                    radioEventElement.OnSelected += delegate {
                        // make a copy of the existing version of phone settings
                        var phoneSettingsItemCopy = new Item(PhoneSettingsHelper.GetPhoneSettingsItem(App.ViewModel.PhoneClientFolder), true);

                        // find the key and the valuy for the current setting
                        var    radioRoot    = radioEventElement.GetImmediateRootElement();
                        var    key          = radioRoot.Caption;
                        var    phoneSetting = PhoneSettings.Settings[key];
                        string value        = phoneSetting.Values[radioRoot.RadioSelected].Name;

                        // store the new phone setting
                        PhoneSettingsHelper.StorePhoneSetting(App.ViewModel.PhoneClientFolder, key, value);

                        // get the new version of phone settings
                        var phoneSettingsItem = PhoneSettingsHelper.GetPhoneSettingsItem(App.ViewModel.PhoneClientFolder);

                        // queue up a server request
                        if (App.ViewModel.PhoneClientFolder.ID != Guid.Empty)
                            RequestQueue.EnqueueRequestRecord(RequestQueue.SystemQueue, new RequestQueue.RequestRecord()
                                ReqType = RequestQueue.RequestRecord.RequestType.Update,
                                Body    = new List <Item>()
                                    phoneSettingsItemCopy, phoneSettingsItem
                                BodyTypeName = "Item",
                                ID           = phoneSettingsItem.ID

                        // sync with the server

            // attach the other settings pages to the root element using Insert instead of AddAll so as to disable animation
            foreach (var e in elements)
                dvc.Root[0].Insert(dvc.Root[0].Count, UITableViewRowAnimation.None, e);