/// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the current operation succeeded.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <param name="notificationID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static bool Send(string data, Hashtable settings, int notificationID, int ivrID, int alarmID, AlarmObject alarmObject)
            bool   retValue      = false;
            bool   callConnected = false;
            string response      = string.Empty;
            string succeeded     = string.Empty;
            string error         = string.Empty;
            Int16  dailAttempts  = 1;
            string DigitsPressed = string.Empty;

            long QueueID = -1;

            int    TryCount                 = -1;
            bool   CallAnswered             = false;
            bool   Answered                 = false;
            bool   CallComplete             = false;
            string MachineDetection         = string.Empty;
            int    Duration                 = -1;
            string IVRServiceResponseText   = string.Empty;
            int    TTIVRNotifications_RecID = -1;

            NotifyObject      notifyObject      = new NotifyObject();
            NotifyComResponse notifyResponse    = new NotifyComResponse();
            NotifyComResponse notifyComResponse = new NotifyComResponse();

            notifyObject.NotificationType = "Voice";
            notifyObject.NotificationData = data;     //voice message to be played
            notifyObject.NotifierSettings = settings; //hash table of keys and values

            NotificationEndPointElement element;
            string vcElement1;
            string vcElement2;
            string vcElement3;
            string vcElement4;

            /* get end point for voice composer*/

            string method = NotificationClient.GetInstance().WhoAmI("Voice", out element);

            string arguments = null;

            LogBook.Write("Sending voice alert....");
            switch (method.ToLower())
            case "cooperatkins.notificationclient.notifyengine.ivrnotificationcom":

                System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
                if (element == null)
                    arguments = @"-m ""<notification ack='true'><notificationData><![CDATA[" + data + @"]]></notificationData><notificationType><![CDATA[Voice]]></notificationType><notificationSettings><PhoneNo><![CDATA[" + settings["PhoneNo"].ToStr() + @"]]></PhoneNo></notificationSettings></notification>"" ";
                    arguments = @"-c " + element.EndpointAddress + @" -m ""<notification ack='true'><notificationData><![CDATA[" + data + @"]]></notificationData><notificationType><![CDATA[Voice]]></notificationType><notificationSettings><PhoneNo><![CDATA[" + settings["PhoneNo"].ToStr() + @"]]></PhoneNo></notificationSettings></notification>"" ";

                while (!callConnected)
                    IvrAlarmStatus ivrAlarmStatus = new IvrAlarmStatus();
                        LogBook.Write("Checking whether alarm is cleared or not");
                        ivrAlarmStatus.AlarmID        = alarmID;
                        ivrAlarmStatus.NotificationID = notificationID;
                        ivrAlarmStatus.StoreID        = GenStoreInfo.GetInstance().StoreID;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        LogBook.Write(ex, "CooperAtkins.NotificationClient.NotificationComposer.IvrClientHelper", ErrorSeverity.High);

                    if (ivrAlarmStatus.IsAlarmClearedOrBackInRange)

                    /*       analog modem use  */

                    process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
                    process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                    //process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
                    process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
                    process.StartInfo.FileName       = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + @"\Utility.exe";
                    //process.StartInfo.FileName = @"F:\DEV\CooperAtkins\CooperAtkins.NotificationEngine.Utility\bin\Debug\Utility.exe";
                    process.StartInfo.Arguments = arguments;
                    // process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = ;


                    response = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();

                    callConnected = true;
                    if (response.ToLower().Contains("device initialization failed") || response.ToLower().Contains("invalid_device_id") || response.ToLower().Contains("dll_not_found") || response.ToLower().Contains("exception from hresult"))
                        callConnected = false;
                    /*     end  analog modem use  */

            case "cooperatkins.notificationclient.notificationcomposer.cdyneivrnotificationcomposer":
                long     TransactionID = -1;
                DateTime StartTime;
                DateTime EndTime;
                long     AlarmID = -1;

                string CDYNE_ID      = GenStoreInfo.GetInstance().CDYNE_ACCOUNT;//NotificationClient.GetInstance().GetCustomVoiceSettings("CDyneID", out vcElement1);
                string CDYNE_RETRIES = NotificationClient.GetInstance().GetCustomVoiceSettings("CDyneRetries", out vcElement2);
                string CDYNE_VOICEID = NotificationClient.GetInstance().GetCustomVoiceSettings("CDyneVoiceID", out vcElement3);
                string CDYNE_VOLUME  = NotificationClient.GetInstance().GetCustomVoiceSettings("CDyneVolume", out vcElement4);

                notifyObject.NotifierSettings["CDYNE_ID"]      = CDYNE_ID;
                notifyObject.NotifierSettings["CDYNE_RETRIES"] = CDYNE_RETRIES;
                notifyObject.NotifierSettings["CDYNE_VOICEID"] = CDYNE_VOICEID;
                notifyObject.NotifierSettings["CDYNE_VOLUME"]  = CDYNE_VOLUME;
                NotificationStyle  notificationStyle        = new NotificationStyle();
                TTIvrNotifications tTIvrNotificationsObject = new TTIvrNotifications();
                callConnected = false;

                while (!callConnected)
                    notifyComResponse.IsInProcess = true;
                    int QueryCall = 0;
                    int UnivError = 0;

                    //if (!alarmObject.IsFailsafeEscalationNotification)
                    //IvrAlarmStatus ivrAlarmStatus = new IvrAlarmStatus();
                    //    LogBook.Write("Checking whether alarm is cleared or not");
                    //    ivrAlarmStatus.AlarmID = alarmID;
                    //    ivrAlarmStatus.NotificationID = notificationID;
                    //    ivrAlarmStatus.StoreID = GenStoreInfo.GetInstance().StoreID;
                    //    ivrAlarmStatus.Execute();
                    //catch (Exception ex)
                    //    LogBook.Write(ex, "CooperAtkins.NotificationClient.NotificationComposer.CDYNEIvrClientHelper", ErrorSeverity.High);
                    //    ivrAlarmStatus.Dispose();

                    //12/9/15 comment start
                    //AlarmStatus alarmStatus = new AlarmStatus();
                    //    LogBook.Write("IVR Checking whether alarm [" + alarmObject.NotificationID + "] is cleared or not");
                    //    alarmStatus.NotificationID = alarmObject.NotificationID;
                    //    alarmStatus.StoreID = GenStoreInfo.GetInstance().StoreID;
                    //    alarmStatus.Execute();
                    //catch (Exception ex)
                    //    LogBook.Write(ex, "CooperAtkins.NotificationClient.Alarm.AlarmInitializer", ErrorSeverity.High);
                    //    alarmStatus.Dispose();
                    //12/9/15 comment end }

                    int threadID = notifyObject.NotifierSettings["ThreadID"].ToInt();

                    //12/9/15 comment start
                    //if (alarmStatus.IsAlarmClearedOrBackInRange)
                    //    Answered = false;
                    //    callConnected = false;
                    //    notifyComResponse.IsSucceeded = false;
                    //    notifyComResponse.ResponseContent += "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n < Phone Call To " + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["PhoneNo"] + "[" + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["CallerName"] + "]" + " SUSPENDED (Attempt # " + dailAttempts + " of " + (CDYNE_RETRIES.ToInt() + 1) + ")";
                    //    notifyComResponse.ResponseContent += "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nALARM WAS CLEARED OR BACK IN RANGE";

                    //    LogBook.Write("CALL SUSPENDED To " + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["PhoneNo"] + IVRServiceResponseText + " for NotificationID: " + notificationID + " [CDyneTransID: " + TransactionID + "] ALARM WAS CLEARED OR SENSOR IS BACK IN RANGE");

                    //    notificationStyle.RecordNotification(notifyComResponse.ResponseContent.ToString(), notificationID, TransactionID.ToInt(), NotifyStatus.FAIL, NotifyTypes.VOICE);
                    //    UpdateIVRNotification(ivrID, false, false, dailAttempts, TransactionID, threadID);

                    //    break;

                    //12/9/15 comment end }

                    int totalCallAttempts = notifyObject.NotifierSettings["Attempts"].ToInt();

                    if ((totalCallAttempts + dailAttempts) > (CDYNE_RETRIES.ToInt() + 1))
                    //also if a notficicationId is in an alert progress state from another thread,
                    //fall into this code to break out OR if cleared or inprogress check to be sure
                    //we made contatc through our maximum attempts value
                        notifyComResponse.IsInProcess = false;
                        UpdateIVRNotification(ivrID, false, notifyComResponse.IsInProcess, dailAttempts, TransactionID, threadID);

                    UpdateIVRNotification(ivrID, false, true, (totalCallAttempts + dailAttempts), TransactionID, threadID);

                        IVRProcessor maketheIVRCall = new IVRProcessor();
                        notifyResponse = maketheIVRCall.Invoke(notifyObject);
                        //  notifyComResponse = new NotifyComResponse();
                        TransactionID = notifyResponse.TransactionIDReturned;
                        //query for call result

                        Answered = false;
                        PhoneNotify pn2 = new PhoneNotify();
                        while (!Answered)
                            if (QueryCall == 0)        //on first call, wait 1 minute for call to complete before getting call results
                                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1 * 60 * 1000);
                                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5 * 1000);
                            NotifyReturn nr2 = pn2.GetQueueIDStatus(TransactionID);
                            MachineDetection       = nr2.MachineDetection;
                            DigitsPressed          = nr2.DigitsPressed;
                            CallAnswered           = nr2.CallAnswered;
                            CallComplete           = nr2.CallComplete;
                            IVRServiceResponseText = nr2.ResponseText;
                            Duration  = nr2.Duration;
                            StartTime = nr2.StartTime;
                            EndTime   = nr2.EndTime;
                            if (CallAnswered == true && DigitsPressed.Contains("*"))
                                Answered      = true;
                                callConnected = true;
                                notifyComResponse.IsSucceeded = true;
                                //notifyComResponse.ResponseContent += "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n < Phone Call To " + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["PhoneNo"] + "[" + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["CallerName"] + "]" + " Connected (Attempt # " + dailAttempts + " of " + (CDYNE_RETRIES.ToInt() + 1) + ")";
                                notifyComResponse.ResponseContent += "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n < Phone Call To " + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["PhoneNo"] + "[" + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["CallerName"] + "]" + " Connected.  ";
                                notifyComResponse.ResponseContent += "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nAcknowledgement received, " + "'" + DigitsPressed + "' pressed.";
                                notifyComResponse.ResponseContent += "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nCall Complete >";

                                LogBook.Write("Query Call State Try: " + (QueryCall + 1) + ": Phone Call " + (totalCallAttempts + dailAttempts) + " of " + (CDYNE_RETRIES.ToInt() + 1) + " To " + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["PhoneNo"] + " Answered and Digits: " + DigitsPressed + " were pressed: " + IVRServiceResponseText + " for NotificationID: " + notificationID + " [CDyneTransID: " + TransactionID + "]");
                            else if (CallAnswered == true && !DigitsPressed.Contains("*") && MachineDetection == "HUMAN" && CallComplete)
                                Answered = true;
                                notifyComResponse.IsSucceeded = false;
                                //notifyComResponse.ResponseContent += "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n < Phone Call To " + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["PhoneNo"] + "[" + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["CallerName"] + "]" + " Connected (Attempt # " + dailAttempts + " of " + (CDYNE_RETRIES.ToInt() + 1) + ")";
                                notifyComResponse.ResponseContent += "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n < Phone Call To " + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["PhoneNo"] + "[" + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["CallerName"] + "]" + " Connected.  ";
                                notifyComResponse.ResponseContent += "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nNo Acknowledgement received, Digits Pressed: " + DigitsPressed + ">";
                                LogBook.Write("Query Call State Try: " + (QueryCall + 1) + ": Phone Call " + (totalCallAttempts + dailAttempts) + " of " + (CDYNE_RETRIES.ToInt() + 1) + " To " + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["PhoneNo"] + " Answered but no digits were pressed: " + IVRServiceResponseText + " for NotificationID: " + notificationID + " [CDyneTransID: " + TransactionID + "]");
                            else if (CallAnswered == true && DigitsPressed == "" && MachineDetection == "HUMAN" && !CallComplete)
                                notifyComResponse.IsSucceeded = false;
                                //notifyComResponse.ResponseContent += "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n < Phone Call To " + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["PhoneNo"] + "[" + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["CallerName"] + "]" + " Connected (Attempt # " + dailAttempts + " of " + (CDYNE_RETRIES.ToInt() + 1) + ")";
                                notifyComResponse.ResponseContent += "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n < Phone Call To " + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["PhoneNo"] + "[" + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["CallerName"] + "]" + " Connected.  ";
                                notifyComResponse.ResponseContent += "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nNo Acknowledgement received >";
                                LogBook.Write("Query Call State Try: " + (QueryCall + 1) + ": Phone Call " + (totalCallAttempts + dailAttempts) + " of " + (CDYNE_RETRIES.ToInt() + 1) + " To " + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["PhoneNo"] + " Answered but no digits were pressed: " + IVRServiceResponseText + " for NotificationID: " + notificationID + " [CDyneTransID: " + TransactionID + "]");
                                QueryCall += 1;
                            else if (CallAnswered == true && DigitsPressed == "" && MachineDetection == "MACHINE")
                                Answered = false;
                                notifyComResponse.IsSucceeded = false;
                                //notifyComResponse.ResponseContent += "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n < Phone Call To " + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["PhoneNo"] +"["+ notifyObject.NotifierSettings["CallerName"]+"]"+ " Connected (Attempt # " + dailAttempts + " of " + (CDYNE_RETRIES.ToInt() + 1) + ")";
                                notifyComResponse.ResponseContent += "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n < Phone Call To " + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["PhoneNo"] + "[" + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["CallerName"] + "]" + " Connected.  ";
                                notifyComResponse.ResponseContent += "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nAnswering Machine Detected >";
                                LogBook.Write("Query Call State Try: " + (QueryCall + 1) + ": Phone Call " + (totalCallAttempts + dailAttempts) + " of " + (CDYNE_RETRIES.ToInt() + 1) + " To " + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["PhoneNo"] + " Answered by MACHINE: " + IVRServiceResponseText + " for NotificationID: " + notificationID + " [CDyneTransID: " + TransactionID + "]");
                            else if (IVRServiceResponseText == "In Call/Ringing" || IVRServiceResponseText == "Queued" || IVRServiceResponseText == "Universal Error")
                                notifyComResponse.IsSucceeded = false;
                                notifyComResponse.IsError     = true;
                                //if (notifyComResponse.ResponseContent != null)
                                //    if ((!notifyComResponse.ResponseContent.ToString().Contains("Call/Ringing (Attempt # " + dailAttempts)) &&
                                //        (!notifyComResponse.ResponseContent.ToString().Contains("Queued (Attempt # " + dailAttempts)) &&
                                //        (!notifyComResponse.ResponseContent.ToString().Contains("Universal Error  (Attempt # " + dailAttempts)))  //only add line if it has not already been logged for this dial attempt
                                //    {
                                //        notifyComResponse.ResponseContent += "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n < Phone Call To " + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["PhoneNo"] + "[" + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["CallerName"] + "] " + IVRServiceResponseText + " (Attempt # " + dailAttempts + " of " + (CDYNE_RETRIES.ToInt() + 1) + ") >";
                                //    }
                                //    notifyComResponse.ResponseContent += "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n < Phone Call To " + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["PhoneNo"] + "[" + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["CallerName"] + "] " + IVRServiceResponseText + " (Attempt # " + dailAttempts + " of " + (CDYNE_RETRIES.ToInt() + 1) + ") >";
                                //    notifyComResponse.ResponseContent = "";
                                LogBook.Write("Query Call State Try: " + (QueryCall + 1) + ": Phone Call " + (totalCallAttempts + dailAttempts) + " of " + (CDYNE_RETRIES.ToInt() + 1) + " To " + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["PhoneNo"] + " Current Status: " + IVRServiceResponseText + " for NotificationID: " + notificationID + " [CDyneTransID: " + TransactionID + "]");
                                if (IVRServiceResponseText == "Universal Error")
                                    UnivError += 1;        //if it continues to return Universl Error allow a way to get out
                                QueryCall += 1;
                                notifyComResponse.IsSucceeded = false;
                                if (notifyComResponse.ResponseContent != null)
                                    if (!notifyComResponse.ResponseContent.ToString().Contains("ERROR"))         //only add line if it has not already been logged
                                        //notifyComResponse.ResponseContent += "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n < Phone Call To " + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["PhoneNo"] + "[" + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["CallerName"] + "]" + " ERROR: " + IVRServiceResponseText + " (Attempt # " + dailAttempts + " of " + (CDYNE_RETRIES.ToInt() + 1) + ") >";
                                        notifyComResponse.ResponseContent += "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n < Phone Call To " + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["PhoneNo"] + "[" + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["CallerName"] + "]" + " ERROR: " + IVRServiceResponseText + " >";
                                    //notifyComResponse.ResponseContent += "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n < Phone Call To " + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["PhoneNo"] + "[" + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["CallerName"] + "]" + " ERROR: " + IVRServiceResponseText + " (Attempt # " + dailAttempts + " of " + (CDYNE_RETRIES.ToInt() + 1) + ") >";
                                    notifyComResponse.ResponseContent += "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n < Phone Call To " + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["PhoneNo"] + "[" + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["CallerName"] + "]" + " ERROR: " + IVRServiceResponseText + " >";
                                LogBook.Write("Query Call State Try: " + (QueryCall + 1) + ": Phone Call " + (totalCallAttempts + dailAttempts) + " of " + (CDYNE_RETRIES.ToInt() + 1) + " To " + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["PhoneNo"] + " Current Status: " + IVRServiceResponseText + " for NotificationID: " + notificationID + " [CDyneTransID: " + TransactionID + "]");
                                QueryCall += 1;
                            if (QueryCall > 2 || Answered || (UnivError > 10))
                    }catch (Exception ex)
                        LogBook.Write(ex, "CooperAtkins.NotificationClient.NotificationComposer.CDYNEIvrClientHelper MAkeTheCall", ErrorSeverity.High);

                    if (!callConnected || !Answered)
                        //write to TTNotificationLog

                        if (notifyComResponse.ResponseContent != null)
                            if (notifyComResponse.ResponseContent.ToString() != "")
                                notificationStyle.RecordNotification(notifyComResponse.ResponseContent.ToString(), notificationID, TransactionID.ToInt(), NotifyStatus.FAIL, NotifyTypes.VOICE);
                        notifyComResponse.ResponseContent = "";

                        //write to TTIVRNotifications
                        UpdateIVRNotification(ivrID, notifyComResponse.IsSucceeded, notifyComResponse.IsInProcess, (totalCallAttempts + dailAttempts), TransactionID, threadID);
                        // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(30 * 1000); //wait and try that number 1 more time before trying next person
                        dailAttempts += 1;
                        retValue      = false;
                        if (((totalCallAttempts + dailAttempts.ToInt())) > CDYNE_RETRIES.ToInt16() + 1)
                        {        //try each person X times from config
                            LogBook.Write("Exhausted  " + (CDYNE_RETRIES.ToInt()) + " Re-Try Attempts To: " + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["PhoneNo"] + " for NotificationID: " + notificationID + " [CDyneTransID: " + TransactionID + "]");
                            notifyComResponse.IsInProcess = false;

                            if (UnivError >= 10)         //reset call counter, so it will re-attempt to call person has CDyne never truly made a call
                            {                            //4th param in below function
                                UpdateIVRNotification(ivrID, notifyComResponse.IsSucceeded, notifyComResponse.IsInProcess, 0, TransactionID, threadID);
                                UpdateIVRNotification(ivrID, notifyComResponse.IsSucceeded, notifyComResponse.IsInProcess, (totalCallAttempts + dailAttempts), TransactionID, threadID);
                            retValue = false;
                            alarmObject.IVRSuccess = false;
                            LogBook.Write("Trying Retry Call Attempt " + (totalCallAttempts + dailAttempts) + " of " + (CDYNE_RETRIES.ToInt() + 1) + " Attempts To: " + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["PhoneNo"] + " for NotificationID: " + notificationID);
                        LogBook.Write("Call Complete.  Alert Success during call " + (totalCallAttempts + dailAttempts) + " of " + (CDYNE_RETRIES.ToInt() + 1) + " attempts To: " + notifyObject.NotifierSettings["PhoneNo"] + " for NotificationID: " + notificationID + " [CDyneTransID: " + TransactionID + "]");
                        notifyComResponse.IsInProcess = false;
                        notificationStyle.RecordNotification(notifyComResponse.ResponseContent.ToString(), notificationID, TransactionID.ToInt(), NotifyStatus.PASS, NotifyTypes.VOICE);
                        notifyComResponse.ResponseContent = "";
                        UpdateIVRNotification(ivrID, notifyComResponse.IsSucceeded, notifyComResponse.IsInProcess, (totalCallAttempts + dailAttempts), TransactionID, threadID);
                        retValue = true;
                        alarmObject.IVRSuccess = true;
                break;         //end call attempts


            if (method.ToLower() == "cooperatkins.notificationserver.notifyengine.ivrnotificationcom")
                NotificationStyle notificationStyle = new NotificationStyle();

                foreach (string responseLine in response.Split(new string[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None))
                    if (responseLine.ToLower().Contains("succeeded"))
                        succeeded = responseLine.ToLower().Replace("succeeded :", string.Empty);
                    else if (responseLine.ToLower().Contains("error"))
                        error = responseLine.ToLower().Replace("error :", string.Empty);

                LogBook.Write("ResponseContent:" + response + ", IsSucceeded:" + succeeded + ", IsError:" + error);

                /* record the notification information to the database. */
                if (succeeded == "no")
                    notificationStyle.RecordNotification(response.Remove(0, 60).Replace("\n", "\r\n"), notificationID, 0, NotifyStatus.FAIL, NotifyTypes.VOICE);
                    notificationStyle.RecordNotification(response.Remove(0, 60).Replace("\n", "\r\n"), notificationID, 0, NotifyStatus.PASS, NotifyTypes.VOICE);

                retValue = succeeded == "yes";

        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (CommandLineExec(args))

            string userInput;

            Console.Title = "Cooper Atkins Notification Utility";

            WriteLine("Notification Engine Utility Program\n");
            WriteLine("(C) Cooper Atkins 2015\n");

            bool exitFlag = false;

            while (true)
                string[] commandArray = new string[1];
                if (args.Length > 0)
                    commandArray = args;
                    WriteLine("\r\nNotification>" + args[0], false);
                    args = null;
                    userInput    = Console.ReadLine();
                    commandArray = userInput.Split(' ');
                    WriteLine("\r\nNotification>" + userInput, false);

                IniHelp iniHelp = new IniHelp();

                string settingsXml = string.Empty;
                string inputYN     = "";
                switch (commandArray[0].ToLower())
                case "help":

                case "removeprocessall":
                    WriteLine("Are you sure you want to stop all the notification process?(Y/N):");
                    inputYN = Console.ReadLine();
                    WriteLine(inputYN, false);

                    if (inputYN.ToUpper() != "Y")

                    foreach (Process pro in Process.GetProcessesByName("CooperAtkins.NotificationClient.Service"))
                        catch { }

                case "removeprocess":

                    //if (commandArray.Length <= 2) {

                    //  WriteLine("Invalid arguments. Syntax: process [-r] [-s][-a] <processid>\n -r  remove \n -s single process or -a all processes");

                    //if (commandArray[1].ToLower() == "-r")
                    WriteLine("Are you sure you want to stop notification process?(Y/N):");
                    inputYN = Console.ReadLine();
                    WriteLine(inputYN, false);

                    if (inputYN.ToUpper() != "Y")

                    int result;
                    if (!int.TryParse(commandArray[1], out result))
                        WriteLine("Invalid argument. Enter valid process id.");
                    int pid = Convert.ToInt32(result);
                    foreach (Process pro in Process.GetProcessesByName("CooperAtkins.NotificationClient.Service"))
                        if (pro.Id == pid)
                            catch { }

                case "ping":
                    Send("command ping");

                case "exit":
                case "quit":
                    exitFlag = true;

                case "testivr":
                    PhoneNotify notify      = new PhoneNotify();
                    string      phoneNumber = "";

                    if (commandArray.Length == 2)
                        if (commandArray[1].Length != 10)
                            WriteLine("Please provide valid phone number.\n");
                        phoneNumber = commandArray[1].Trim();
                        WriteLine("Invalid notification command.\n");

                    AdvancedNotifyRequest anr = new AdvancedNotifyRequest();
                    PhoneNotify           pn  = new PhoneNotify();

                    anr.CallerIDName      = "TempTrak Alert System";
                    anr.CallerIDNumber    = "888-533-6900";      //TT registration #
                    anr.PhoneNumberToDial = phoneNumber;
                    //anr.TextToSay = "This is a test call from TempTrak for,, <say-as type=\"number:digits\">" + phoneNumber + "</say-as>" + ",,,Press the star key to acknowlege this call,, Thank You,,,This is a test call from TempTrak for,, <say-as type=\"number:digits\">" + phoneNumber + "</say-as>" + ",,,Press the star key to acknowlege this call,, Thank You,,,This is a test call from TempTrak for,, <say-as type=\"number:digits\">" + phoneNumber + "</say-as>" + ",,,Press the star key to acknowlege this call,, Thank You,,,";
                    //anr.TextToSay = /*"~\\ActOnFeature(false)~*/ "~\\SetVar(Attempt|1)~ ~\\ActOnDigitPress(false)~   ~\\Label(Menu)~ ~\\AssignDTMF(*|Ack)~ ~\\ActOnDigitPress(true)~ ~\\Beep()~ ~\\PlaySilence(0.1)~" + sensorInfo + " ~\\WaitForDTMF(1)~" + "Press the star key to acknowledge receipt of this alert.  Press 1 to repeat this message. ~\\PlaySilence(0.1)~   ~\\WaitForDTMF(10)~ ~\\IncreaseVariable(Attempt|1)~ ~\\GotoIf(Attempt|1|Menu)~ ~\\GotoIf(Attempt|2|Menu)~ ~\\GotoIf(Attempt|3|AttemptEnd)~ ~\\Label(AttemptEnd)~ Good Bye ~\\EndCall()~ ~\\Label(Ack)~ ~\\PlaySilence(0.1)~ Thank you for acknowledging receipt of this alert. ~\\PlaySilence(0.1)~ Log into TempTrak to take corrective action and officially clear alert. ~\\PlaySilence(0.1)~ Good Bye. ~\\EndCall()~";
                    string promptMessage = @"This is the Temp Track voice notification system  ~\\PlaySilence(0.2)~ There is an alarm with a sensor named "
                                           + "Research Specimen Freezer 696" + " ~\\PlaySilence(0.2)~ The Last Reading was " + "-5 degrees C"
                                           + " ~\\PlaySilence(0.2)~ Sensor has been operating out of range for  ~\\PlaySilence(0.1)~ " + "30 minutes";

                    anr.TextToSay            = /*"~\\ActOnFeature(false)~*/ "~\\SetVar(Attempt|1)~ ~\\ActOnDigitPress(false)~   ~\\Label(Menu)~ ~\\AssignDTMF(*|Ack)~ ~\\ActOnDigitPress(true)~ ~\\Beep()~ ~\\PlaySilence(0.1)~" + promptMessage + " ~\\WaitForDTMF(1)~" + "Press the star key to acknowledge receipt of this alert.  Press 1 to repeat this message. ~\\PlaySilence(0.1)~   ~\\WaitForDTMF(10)~ ~\\IncreaseVariable(Attempt|1)~ ~\\GotoIf(Attempt|1|Menu)~ ~\\GotoIf(Attempt|2|Menu)~ ~\\GotoIf(Attempt|3|AttemptEnd)~ ~\\Label(AttemptEnd)~ Good Bye ~\\EndCall()~ ~\\Label(Ack)~ ~\\PlaySilence(0.1)~ Thank you for acknowledging receipt of this alert. ~\\PlaySilence(0.1)~ Log into TempTrak to take corrective action and officially clear alert. ~\\PlaySilence(0.1)~ Good Bye. ~\\EndCall()~";
                    anr.VoiceID              = 6;
                    anr.UTCScheduledDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    anr.LicenseKey           = "b9eec503-0308-46f0-b5f2-01d3ae1182ea"; //stored in config file for now
                    anr.TryCount             = 1;
                    anr.NextTryInSeconds     = 0;
                    anr.TTSvolume            = 5;

                    NotifyReturn nr = pn.NotifyPhoneAdvanced(anr);

                    Console.WriteLine("Call Server Response Text: " + nr.ResponseText);
                    //     Console.WriteLine("Call Server Response Code: " + nr.ResponseCode);
                    Console.WriteLine("Call QueueID: " + nr.QueueID);
                    Console.WriteLine("After Call is Complete: type 'getivrstatus " + nr.QueueID + "' to see call results");

                    for (int f = 0; f < 40; f++)
                        if (f == 0)
                            Console.Write("- ");


                case "getivrstatus":
                    string commandlineInput = commandArray[1].ToString();
                    long   TransactionID    = Convert.ToInt64(commandlineInput);

                    PhoneNotify  notify2       = new PhoneNotify();
                    NotifyReturn notifyResult2 = notify2.GetQueueIDStatus(TransactionID);

                    Console.WriteLine("Ans Machine Detection: " + notifyResult2.MachineDetection);
                    Console.WriteLine("Demo: " + notifyResult2.Demo);

                    Console.WriteLine("Digits Pressed: " + notifyResult2.DigitsPressed);
                    Console.WriteLine("Call Duration: " + notifyResult2.Duration);
                    Console.WriteLine("Call Start Time: " + notifyResult2.StartTime);
                    Console.WriteLine("Call End Time: " + notifyResult2.EndTime);
                    Console.WriteLine("Call QueueID: " + notifyResult2.QueueID);
                    Console.WriteLine("Try Count: " + notifyResult2.TryCount);
                    Console.WriteLine("Text To Say: " + notifyResult2.TextToSay);
                    Console.WriteLine("Call Answered: " + notifyResult2.CallAnswered);
                    Console.WriteLine("Call Complete: " + notifyResult2.CallComplete);

                    if ((notifyResult2.MachineDetection == "MACHINE") || (notifyResult2.DigitsPressed == ""))
                        string[] commandArray2 = new string[] { "testivr" };


                case "report":
                    FileStream logFileStream = File.Create(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Log.txt");
                    logFileStream.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + "\r\n"), 0, (DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + "\r\n").Length);
                    logFileStream.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(logBuilder.ToString().Replace("\\n", " ")), 0, logBuilder.ToString().Length);
                    logFileStream = null;
                    Process process1 = new Process();
                    process1.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Log.txt");

                case "connect":
                    if (commandArray.Length > 2)
                        bool flag = ValidateIpPort(commandArray[1].Trim(), commandArray[2].Trim());
                        if (!flag)
                            WriteLine("Please provide valid IP Address and port.\n");
                        _server = commandArray[1].Trim();
                        _port   = Convert.ToInt32(commandArray[2].Trim());
                        Send("command ping");
                        localNEObj = null;
                        if (localNEObj == null)
                            //string notificationInstallationPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NotifyServerPath", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine); ;

                            WriteLine("Invalid notification command.\n");

                case "clear":
                case "cls":

                case "open":
                    Process process = new Process();
                    process.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Commands.ini");

                    string[] keys = null;

                    if (commandArray[0].ToLower() != "utilitymessageformats")
                        keys = iniHelp.IniReadKeys(commandArray[0].ToLower());

                    if (keys != null)
                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                        if (commandArray.Length == 1)
                            string[] format = GetMessageFormat(commandArray[0].ToLower());
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(format[0]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(format[1]))
                                string[] arrayVars = format[1].Split(',');
                                string   message   = format[0];
                                for (int i = 0; i < arrayVars.Length; i++)
                                    Console.Write("Enter " + arrayVars[i].Trim() + ":");
                                    message = message.Replace("{" + i.ToString() + "}", Console.ReadLine());
                                if (commandArray[0].ToLower() == "remotepopup" || commandArray[0].ToLower() == "serverpopup")
                                    string temp      = "00000000";
                                    int    strLength = temp.Length - message.Length.ToString().Length;
                                    message = temp.Substring(0, strLength) + message.Length + message;
                                    sb      = new StringBuilder(message);
                                Console.WriteLine("\nPlease enter message to send (Press ctrl+z to end the message):\n");
                                string line = string.Empty;
                                    line = Console.ReadLine();
                                } while (line != null);
                            sb = new StringBuilder(string.Join(" ", commandArray, 1, commandArray.Length - 1));

                        settingsXml = WriteKeyValue(commandArray[0].ToLower(), sb.ToString());
                        if (settingsXml != null)
                            if (localNEObj == null)
                        WriteLine("Invalid notification command. \nPlease use open command to check available commands.\nSyntax: open\n\n");

                if (exitFlag)