public void CommitRollbackTest() { var client = new PhoenixClient(_credentials); string connId = GenerateRandomConnId(); RequestOptions options = RequestOptions.GetGatewayDefaultOptions(); // In gateway mode, url format will be https://<cluster dns name><N>/ // Requests sent to hbasephoenix0/ will be forwarded to PQS on workernode0 options.AlternativeEndpoint = "hbasephoenix0/"; string tableName = "Persons" + connId; OpenConnectionResponse openConnResponse = null; CreateStatementResponse createStatementResponse = null; try { // Opening connection 1 pbc::MapField <string, string> info = new pbc::MapField <string, string>(); openConnResponse = client.OpenConnectionRequestAsync(connId, info, options).Result; // Syncing connection 1 ConnectionProperties connProperties = new ConnectionProperties { HasAutoCommit = true, AutoCommit = false, HasReadOnly = true, ReadOnly = false, TransactionIsolation = 0, Catalog = "", Schema = "", IsDirty = true }; client.ConnectionSyncRequestAsync(connId, connProperties, options).Wait(); createStatementResponse = client.CreateStatementRequestAsync(connId, options).Result; // Running query 1 string sql1 = "CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " (LastName varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY,FirstName varchar(255))"; client.PrepareAndExecuteRequestAsync(connId, sql1, createStatementResponse.StatementId, long.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, options).Wait(); // Commit statement 1 client.CommitRequestAsync(connId, options).Wait(); // Creating statement 2 string sql2 = "UPSERT INTO " + tableName + " VALUES (?,?)"; PrepareResponse prepareResponse = client.PrepareRequestAsync(connId, sql2, int.MaxValue, options).Result; StatementHandle statementHandle = prepareResponse.Statement; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { pbc::RepeatedField <TypedValue> list = new pbc.RepeatedField <TypedValue>(); TypedValue v1 = new TypedValue { StringValue = "d" + i, Type = Rep.String }; TypedValue v2 = new TypedValue { StringValue = "x" + i, Type = Rep.String }; list.Add(v1); list.Add(v2); ExecuteResponse executeResponse = client.ExecuteRequestAsync(statementHandle, list, int.MaxValue, true, options).Result; } // Rollback client.RollbackRequestAsync(connId, options).Wait(); // Commit statement 2 client.CommitRequestAsync(connId, options).Wait(); // Running query 3 string sql3 = "select count(*) from " + tableName; ExecuteResponse execResponse3 = client.PrepareAndExecuteRequestAsync(connId, sql3, createStatementResponse.StatementId, long.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, options).Result; long count3 = execResponse3.Results[0].FirstFrame.Rows[0].Value[0].ScalarValue.NumberValue; Assert.AreEqual(0, count3); // Running query 4 string sql4 = "DROP TABLE " + tableName; client.PrepareAndExecuteRequestAsync(connId, sql4, createStatementResponse.StatementId, long.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, options).Wait(); // Commit statement 4 client.CommitRequestAsync(connId, options).Wait(); } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail(ex.Message); } finally { if (createStatementResponse != null) { client.CloseStatementRequestAsync(connId, createStatementResponse.StatementId, options).Wait(); createStatementResponse = null; } if (openConnResponse != null) { client.CloseConnectionRequestAsync(connId, options).Wait(); openConnResponse = null; } } }
public void QueryManyRowTest() { var client = new PhoenixClient(_credentials); string connId = GenerateRandomConnId(); RequestOptions options = RequestOptions.GetGatewayDefaultOptions(); // In gateway mode, url format will be https://<cluster dns name><N>/ // Requests sent to hbasephoenix0/ will be forwarded to PQS on workernode0 options.AlternativeEndpoint = "hbasephoenix0/"; string tableName = "Persons" + connId; OpenConnectionResponse openConnResponse = null; CreateStatementResponse createStatementResponse = null; try { // Opening connection pbc::MapField <string, string> info = new pbc::MapField <string, string>(); openConnResponse = client.OpenConnectionRequestAsync(connId, info, options).Result; // Syncing connection ConnectionProperties connProperties = new ConnectionProperties { HasAutoCommit = true, AutoCommit = false, HasReadOnly = true, ReadOnly = false, TransactionIsolation = 0, Catalog = "", Schema = "", IsDirty = true }; client.ConnectionSyncRequestAsync(connId, connProperties, options).Wait(); createStatementResponse = client.CreateStatementRequestAsync(connId, options).Result; // Running query 1 string sql1 = "CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " (LastName varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY,FirstName varchar(255))"; client.PrepareAndExecuteRequestAsync(connId, sql1, createStatementResponse.StatementId, long.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, options).Wait(); // Commit statement 1 client.CommitRequestAsync(connId, options).Wait(); // Creating statement 2 string sql2 = "UPSERT INTO " + tableName + " VALUES (?,?)"; PrepareResponse prepareResponse = client.PrepareRequestAsync(connId, sql2, long.MaxValue, options).Result; StatementHandle statementHandle = prepareResponse.Statement; // Insert 300 rows for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++) { pbc::RepeatedField <TypedValue> list = new pbc.RepeatedField <TypedValue>(); TypedValue v1 = new TypedValue { StringValue = "d" + i, Type = Rep.String }; TypedValue v2 = new TypedValue { StringValue = "x" + i, Type = Rep.String }; list.Add(v1); list.Add(v2); ExecuteResponse executeResponse = client.ExecuteRequestAsync(statementHandle, list, long.MaxValue, true, options).Result; } // Commit statement 2 client.CommitRequestAsync(connId, options).Wait(); // Running query 3 string sql3 = "select * from " + tableName; ExecuteResponse execResponse3 = client.PrepareAndExecuteRequestAsync(connId, sql3, createStatementResponse.StatementId, long.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, options).Result; pbc::RepeatedField <Row> rows = execResponse3.Results[0].FirstFrame.Rows; for (int i = 0; i < rows.Count; i++) { Row row = rows[i]; Debug.WriteLine(row.Value[0].ScalarValue.StringValue + " " + row.Value[1].ScalarValue.StringValue); } // 100 is hard coded in server side as default firstframe size // In order to get remaining rows, FetchRequestAsync is used Assert.AreEqual(100, rows.Count); // Fetch remaining rows, offset is not used, simply set to 0 // if FetchResponse.Frame.Done = true, that means all the rows fetched FetchResponse fetchResponse = client.FetchRequestAsync(connId, createStatementResponse.StatementId, 0, int.MaxValue, options).Result; Assert.AreEqual(200, fetchResponse.Frame.Rows.Count); Assert.AreEqual(true, fetchResponse.Frame.Done); // Running query 4 string sql4 = "DROP TABLE " + tableName; client.PrepareAndExecuteRequestAsync(connId, sql4, createStatementResponse.StatementId, long.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, options).Wait(); // Commit statement 4 client.CommitRequestAsync(connId, options).Wait(); } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail(ex.Message); } finally { if (createStatementResponse != null) { client.CloseStatementRequestAsync(connId, createStatementResponse.StatementId, options).Wait(); createStatementResponse = null; } if (openConnResponse != null) { client.CloseConnectionRequestAsync(connId, options).Wait(); openConnResponse = null; } } }