protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); RequestWindowFeature(WindowFeatures.NoTitle); Window.AddFlags(WindowManagerFlags.KeepScreenOn); // Create your application here SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Contract); FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.caCloseB).Click += (s, e) => { Finish(); }; var pharmacyUUID = Intent.GetStringExtra(C_PHARMACY_UUID); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pharmacyUUID)) { return; } Pharmacy = MainDatabase.GetPharmacy(pharmacyUUID); FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.caInfoTV).Text = "КОНТРАКТЫ АПТЕКИ: " + Pharmacy.GetName(); ContractTable = FindViewById <ListView>(Resource.Id.caContractTable); var header = LayoutInflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.ContractTableHeader, ContractTable, false); ContractTable.AddHeaderView(header); }
private bool EditAccount() { if (!GetAllPharmacies().Where(p => p.PharmacyID != Authenticator.CurrentUser.PharmacyID).Contains(Pharmacy)) { if (Pharmacy.IsValid()) { _uow.PharmacyRepo.Edit(Pharmacy); int ok = _uow.Save(); if (ok > 0) { Authenticator.CurrentUser = Pharmacy; return(true); } MessageBox.Show("Er is iets misgegaan bij het wijzigen van je profiel!", "Foutmelding", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return(false); } else { MessageBox.Show(Pharmacy.Error, "Foutmelding", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return(false); } } MessageBox.Show("Deze gebruikersnaam bestaat al!", "Foutmelding", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return(false); }
public void SavePharmacy(Pharmacy pharmacy, string connectionString, string sessionTicket, out TransactionalInformation transaction) { var request = HttpContext.Current.Request; var method = MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod(); var ipInfo = Util.GetIPInfo(request); transaction = new TransactionalInformation(); var userSecurityTicket = VerifySessionToken(sessionTicket); try { cls_Save_Pharmacy.Invoke(connectionString, new P_PH_SP_1124 { Pharmacy = pharmacy }, userSecurityTicket); Logger.LogInfo(new LogEntry(ipInfo.address, ipInfo.agent, connectionString, method, userSecurityTicket, pharmacy)); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogInfo(new LogEntry(ipInfo.address, ipInfo.agent, connectionString, method, userSecurityTicket, ex)); transaction.ReturnMessage = new List <string>(); string errorMessage = ex.Message; transaction.ReturnStatus = false; transaction.ReturnMessage.Add(errorMessage); transaction.IsAuthenicated = true; transaction.IsException = true; } }
public ActionResult SavePharmacy(string massage, Pharmacy pharmacy) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View("NewPharmacy", pharmacy)); } if (pharmacy.Id == 0) { if (User.IsInRole(UserRoles.CanApproveAndDeleteRecord)) { pharmacy.IsApproved = true; } _context.Pharmacies.Add(pharmacy); } else { var pharmacyInDb = _context.Pharmacies.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == pharmacy.Id); Mapper.Map(pharmacy, pharmacyInDb); } _context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { massage = massage })); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("PharmID,PharmName,PharmAddress,PharmPhone,Time_at")] Pharmacy pharmacy) { if (id != pharmacy.PharmID) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(pharmacy); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!PharmacyExists(pharmacy.PharmID)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(pharmacy)); }
//Excel reader private bool ReadPharmaciesFromExcel(string Path) { string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\ExcellDocs\1.xlsx"; FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(path); if (fileInfo != null) { using (var package = new ExcelPackage(fileInfo)) { var Sheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.First(); //var table = Sheet.Tables.First(); int rowCount = Sheet.Dimension.End.Row; for (int i = 2; i < rowCount; ++i) { //Console.WriteLine(); Pharmacy pharmacy = new Pharmacy() { Name = Sheet.Cells[i, 2].Value.ToString(), Address = Sheet.Cells[i, 3].Value.ToString(), Location = Sheet.Cells[i, 4].Value.ToString(), WorkAllTime = false }; _service.AddPharmacy(pharmacy); } return(true); } } return(false); }
public ActionResult Edit(Pharmacy pharmacy, String NewName) { var action = new CheckController().CheckStatus("Pharmacy_Info"); if (action != null) { return(action); } if (_Info.Get() != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(NewName)) { Pharmacy ph = new Pharmacy() { Name = NewName, Email = pharmacy.Email, Address = pharmacy.Address, Phone = pharmacy.Phone }; _Info.NewName(ph); } else { _Info.Update(pharmacy); } Config.CheckData(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); }
public static Pharmacy citireTastatura() { Console.WriteLine("Introduceti numele medicamentului pe care doriti sa-l inserati in baza de date:"); string nume = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Introduceti pretul:"); int pret = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Introduceti locatia unde se poate gasi:"); string locatie = Console.ReadLine(); Pharmacy m = new Pharmacy(nume, pret, locatie); Console.WriteLine("Introduceti daca medicamentul este Valabilitate. [1-Valabilitate] [2-nevalabil] [3-necunoscut]"); m.Valabilitate = (valability)Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Introduceti tipul medicamentului :"); Console.WriteLine("1.Analgezic"); Console.WriteLine("2.Pilula"); Console.WriteLine("3.Sirop"); Console.WriteLine("4.Unguesnt"); Console.WriteLine("5.Injectie"); Console.WriteLine("6.Nu se stie tipul"); m.Tip = (tip)Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); return(m); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "Id,PharmacyName,Description,Latitude,Longitude,Email,Address,FK_Category,Phone,Image,FK_AreaId,Website")] Pharmacy pharmacy, HttpPostedFileBase img) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { string file_name = ""; if (img != null && img.ContentLength > 0) { try { file_name = Guid.NewGuid() + Path.GetFileName(img.FileName); string path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/images"), file_name); img.SaveAs(path); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Message = "ERROR:" + ex.Message.ToString(); } } pharmacy.Image = file_name; db.Pharmacies.Add(pharmacy); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.FK_AreaId = new SelectList(db.Areas, "Id", "AreaName", pharmacy.FK_AreaId); ViewBag.FK_Category = new SelectList(db.Categories, "Id", "CategoryName", pharmacy.FK_Category); return(View(pharmacy)); }
public IActionResult Signup(SignupViewModel createAccount) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var isNameAlreadyExists = context.Pharmacies.Any(X => X.PharmacyName == createAccount.PharmacyName); var isPasswordAlredyExists = context.Pharmacies.Any(x => x.Password == createAccount.Password); var isDEANumberAlredyExists = context.Pharmacies.Any(x => x.DEANumber == createAccount.DEANumber); if (isNameAlreadyExists && isPasswordAlredyExists && isDEANumberAlredyExists) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "User with this Account already exists so plase go to signin"); return View(createAccount); } Pharmacy newPharmacy = new Pharmacy { PharmacyName = createAccount.PharmacyName, Email = createAccount.Email, Password = createAccount.Password, DEANumber = createAccount.DEANumber, NPINumber = createAccount.NPINumber, StreetNumberAndName = createAccount.StreetNumberAndName, City = createAccount.City, State = createAccount.State, ZipCode = createAccount.ZipCode }; context.Pharmacies.Add(newPharmacy); context.SaveChanges(); return Redirect("/Account/Signin"); } return View(createAccount); }
public static long Insert(Pharmacy pharmacy) { using (var db = DatabaseService.Connection) { Dapper.SqlMapper.SetTypeMap(typeof(Pharmacy), new ColumnAttributeTypeMapper <Pharmacy>()); return(db.Query <long>(ScriptService.Scripts["pharmacy_insert"], pharmacy).Single()); } }
public static void InsertOrUpdate(Pharmacy pharmacy) { using (var db = DatabaseService.Connection) { Dapper.SqlMapper.SetTypeMap(typeof(Pharmacy), new ColumnAttributeTypeMapper <Pharmacy>()); db.Execute(ScriptService.Scripts["pharmacy_insert_or_update"], pharmacy); } }
public List <Pharmacy> GetStudenti() { List <Pharmacy> medicamente = new List <Pharmacy>(); try { // instructiunea 'using' va apela sr.Close() using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(NumeFisier)) { string line; //citeste cate o linie si creaza un obiect de tip Student pe baza datelor din linia citita while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { Pharmacy s = new Pharmacy(line); medicamente.Add(s); } } } catch (IOException eIO) { throw new Exception("Eroare la deschiderea fisierului. Mesaj: " + eIO.Message); } catch (Exception eGen) { throw new Exception("Eroare generica. Mesaj: " + eGen.Message); } return(medicamente); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.PharmacyRegister); // Create your application here EditText pharmacyName = FindViewById<EditText>(Resource.Id.pharmacyText); EditText zipcode = FindViewById<EditText>(Resource.Id.pharmacyZipcodeText); EditText address = FindViewById<EditText>(Resource.Id.pharmacyAddressText); EditText state = FindViewById<EditText>(Resource.Id.stateText); Button button = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.resgisterPharmacy); button.Click += delegate { Pharmacy pharmacy = new Pharmacy(); Location location = new Location(); pharmacy.PharmacyName = pharmacyName.Text.ToString(); int zip; int.TryParse(zipcode.Text.ToString(), out zip); location.Zipcode = zip; location.AddressLine1 = address.Text.ToString(); location.State = state.Text.ToString(); // location.LocationID = 1; LocationLibrary locationLib = new LocationLibrary(); locationLib.AddLocation(location, pharmacy); PharmacyLibrary pharmacyLib = new PharmacyLibrary(); pharmacyLib.AddPharmacy(pharmacy); }; }
/// <summary> /// AddLocation will accept a Location object and creates an Item on Amazon DynamoDB /// </summary> /// <param name="pharmacy"></param> public async void AddPharmacy(Pharmacy pharmacy) { Task<int> idTask = _dynamoDBService.GetAllPharmacy<Pharmacy>("Pharmacy"); int id = await idTask; pharmacy.PharmacyID = id; _dynamoDBService.Store(pharmacy); }
private async Task TryAddProduct(Pharmacy pharmacy, TransactionProductDTO dto, Transaction transaction) { var productInPharmacy = pharmacy.Products.FirstOrDefault(pb => pb.Id == dto.ProductBalanceId); if (productInPharmacy == null) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException("productBalance"); } if (productInPharmacy.Amount < dto.Amount) { throw new ArgumentException("amount"); } productInPharmacy.Amount -= dto.Amount; var requiredAmount = pharmacy.RequiredMedicamentAmounts .FirstOrDefault(rma => rma.MedicamentId == productInPharmacy.MedicamentId); if (IsRestockRequired(requiredAmount, productInPharmacy)) { await Restock(pharmacy, requiredAmount, productInPharmacy); } transaction.AddProduct(productInPharmacy, dto.Amount); }
public ActionResult Create(Pharmacy pharmacy) { try { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(pharmacy.Name) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pharmacy.Name)) { throw new Exception($"Cannot Create Pharmacy By Empty Name"); } if (_Info.Get() == null) { _Info.Add(pharmacy); return(RedirectToAction("Edit")); } var action = new CheckController().CheckStatus("Pharmacy_Info"); if (action != null) { return(action); } throw new Exception(); } catch (Exception ex) { ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message); return(View(pharmacy)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("Id,Name,Eik,PharmacyLicense,DrugsLicense,CityId,Address,Manager,Telefon,Email")] Pharmacy pharmacy) { if (id != pharmacy.Id) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(pharmacy); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!PharmacyExists(pharmacy.Id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } ViewData["CityId"] = new SelectList(_context.Cities, "Id", "Id", pharmacy.CityId); return(View(pharmacy)); }
public async Task <ActionResult <Pharmacy> > PostPharmacy(Pharmacy pharmacy) { _context.Pharmacies.Add(pharmacy); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(CreatedAtAction("GetPharmacy", new { id = pharmacy.Id }, pharmacy)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PutPharmacy([FromRoute] int id, [FromBody] Pharmacy pharmacy) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != pharmacy.PharmacyId) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.PharmacyContext().Entry(pharmacy).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await _context.PharmacyContext().SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!PharmacyExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(NoContent()); }
public List <Pharmacy> GetMedicamente() { List <Pharmacy> medicamente = new List <Pharmacy>(); try { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(NumeFisier)) { string line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { Pharmacy s = new Pharmacy(line); medicamente.Add(s); } } } catch (IOException eIO) { throw new Exception("Eroare la deschiderea fisierului. Mesaj: " + eIO.Message); } catch (Exception eGen) { throw new Exception("Eroare generica. Mesaj: " + eGen.Message); } return(medicamente); }
private async void btnSave_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { GC.Collect(); overlay.IsVisible = true; Pharmacy objPharmacy = await App.TodoManager.PharmacyPlaceOrder(; if (objPharmacy.status == "success") { await DisplayAlert("Order successfully placed", "Our partner retailer/pharmacist will contact you shortly to verify your order and update you with the relevant information. Once confirmed , you will receive a formal order confirmation along with an estimated delivery time ", "OK"); App.SetupRedirection(new Wellogo.Tabbedpage.TabbedPage1()); App.Current.MainPage = App.MasterDetailPage; } else { DependencyService.Get <IMessage>().LongAlert(objPharmacy.message); } overlay.IsVisible = false; } catch (Exception ex) { overlay.IsVisible = false; DependencyService.Get <IMessage>().LongAlert(); } }
private int GetId() { int IdStudent = 1; try { // instructiunea 'using' va apela sr.Close() using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(NumeFisier)) { string line; //citeste cate o linie si creaza un obiect de tip Student pe baza datelor din linia citita while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { Pharmacy s = new Pharmacy(line); IdStudent = s.IdMedicament + INCREMENT; } } } catch (IOException eIO) { throw new Exception("Eroare la deschiderea fisierului. Mesaj: " + eIO.Message); } catch (Exception eGen) { throw new Exception("Eroare generica. Mesaj: " + eGen.Message); } return(IdStudent); }
public Pharmacy[] GetM(out int nr) { Pharmacy[] medicamente = new Pharmacy[PAS_ALOCARE]; try { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("Medicamente.txt")) { string line; nr = 0; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { medicamente[nr++] = new Pharmacy(line); if (nr == PAS_ALOCARE) { Array.Resize(ref medicamente, nr + PAS_ALOCARE); } } } } catch (IOException eIO) { throw new Exception("Eroare la deschiderea fisierului. Mesaj: " + eIO.Message); } catch (Exception eGen) { throw new Exception("Eroare generica. Mesaj: " + eGen.Message); } return(medicamente); }
///<summary>Inserts one Pharmacy into the database. Provides option to use the existing priKey.</summary> internal static long Insert(Pharmacy pharmacy,bool useExistingPK) { if(!useExistingPK && PrefC.RandomKeys) { pharmacy.PharmacyNum=ReplicationServers.GetKey("pharmacy","PharmacyNum"); } string command="INSERT INTO pharmacy ("; if(useExistingPK || PrefC.RandomKeys) { command+="PharmacyNum,"; } command+="PharmID,StoreName,Phone,Fax,Address,Address2,City,State,Zip,Note) VALUES("; if(useExistingPK || PrefC.RandomKeys) { command+=POut.Long(pharmacy.PharmacyNum)+","; } command+= "'"+POut.String(pharmacy.PharmID)+"'," +"'"+POut.String(pharmacy.StoreName)+"'," +"'"+POut.String(pharmacy.Phone)+"'," +"'"+POut.String(pharmacy.Fax)+"'," +"'"+POut.String(pharmacy.Address)+"'," +"'"+POut.String(pharmacy.Address2)+"'," +"'"+POut.String(pharmacy.City)+"'," +"'"+POut.String(pharmacy.State)+"'," +"'"+POut.String(pharmacy.Zip)+"'," +"'"+POut.String(pharmacy.Note)+"')"; //DateTStamp can only be set by MySQL if(useExistingPK || PrefC.RandomKeys) { Db.NonQ(command); } else { pharmacy.PharmacyNum=Db.NonQ(command,true); } return pharmacy.PharmacyNum; }
public async Task <IActionResult> PutPharmacy(int id, Pharmacy pharmacy) { if (id != pharmacy.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.Entry(pharmacy).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!PharmacyExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(NoContent()); }
//update new Pharmacy public Boolean UpdatePharmacy(Pharmacy pharmacy) { var result = false; var l = new LoginRequest(); PHARMACIST updatePHARMACIST = new PHARMACIST(); string strID =; LinqToSQL.updatePHARMACIST(strID, updatePHARMACIST); listp.ForEach(c => { if (c.userName == pharmacy.userName) { listp.Insert(listp.IndexOf(c), pharmacy); result = true; } }); login.ForEach(c => { if (c.userName == pharmacy.userName) { l.userName = c.userName; l.password = c.password; login.Insert(login.IndexOf(c), l); } }); return result; }
///<summary>Inserts one Pharmacy into the database. Returns the new priKey.</summary> internal static long Insert(Pharmacy pharmacy) { if(DataConnection.DBtype==DatabaseType.Oracle) { pharmacy.PharmacyNum=DbHelper.GetNextOracleKey("pharmacy","PharmacyNum"); int loopcount=0; while(loopcount<100){ try { return Insert(pharmacy,true); } catch(Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException ex){ if(ex.Number==1 && ex.Message.ToLower().Contains("unique constraint") && ex.Message.ToLower().Contains("violated")){ pharmacy.PharmacyNum++; loopcount++; } else{ throw ex; } } } throw new ApplicationException("Insert failed. Could not generate primary key."); } else { return Insert(pharmacy,false); } }
public void NewName(Pharmacy pharmacy) { Pharmacy org = Get(); Add(pharmacy); Remove(org); }
private List <Pharmacy> ParseList(string html) { List <Pharmacy> pharmacies = new List <Pharmacy>(); HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(html); var divs = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='panel panel-default']"); if (divs.Count == 0) { return(pharmacies); } foreach (var div in divs) { Pharmacy pharmacy = new Pharmacy(); pharmacy.Name = div.SelectSingleNode(".//div[@class='panel-heading']").InnerText.Trim().SoftClearText(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pharmacy.Name)) { continue; } string body = div.SelectSingleNode(".//div[@class='panel-body pharmacyonduty']").InnerHtml; body = body.Substring(body.IndexOf("</b>") + 4); pharmacy.Address = body.Substring(body.IndexOf("<br>")).Replace("<br>", ""); pharmacy.Address = pharmacy.Address.Substring(0, pharmacy.Address.IndexOf("<b>")).Replace("<b>", ""); pharmacy.Phone = body.Substring(body.IndexOf("</b>")).Replace("</b>", ""); pharmacy.Phone = pharmacy.Phone.Replace(":", "").Replace("<br>", "").Trim(); pharmacies.Add(pharmacy); } return(pharmacies); }
public Delete(Pharmacy p, DataGridView d) { InitializeComponent(); pharmacy = p; dgv = d; cmbMedicine.DataSource = pharmacy.GetMedicines(); }
///<summary>Inserts one Pharmacy into the database. Returns the new priKey.</summary> internal static long Insert(Pharmacy pharmacy) { if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle) { pharmacy.PharmacyNum = DbHelper.GetNextOracleKey("pharmacy", "PharmacyNum"); int loopcount = 0; while (loopcount < 100) { try { return(Insert(pharmacy, true)); } catch (Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException ex) { if (ex.Number == 1 && ex.Message.ToLower().Contains("unique constraint") && ex.Message.ToLower().Contains("violated")) { pharmacy.PharmacyNum++; loopcount++; } else { throw ex; } } } throw new ApplicationException("Insert failed. Could not generate primary key."); } else { return(Insert(pharmacy, false)); } }
public UploadPrescription(Pharmacy _Pharmacy = null) { InitializeComponent(); try { //if (Device.RuntimePlatform == "iOS") //{ // ToolbarItems.Add(new ToolbarItem("Back", "", () => { App.SetupRedirection(new index()); App.Current.MainPage = App.MasterDetailPage; })); //} //if (Device.RuntimePlatform == "Android") //{ // ToolbarItems.Add(new ToolbarItem("Home", "back.png", () => { App.SetupRedirection(new index()); App.Current.MainPage = App.MasterDetailPage; })); //} objPharmacy = _Pharmacy; if (objPharmacy != null) { if ( >= 4) { btnUpload.IsEnabled = false; } else { btnUpload.IsEnabled = true; } } var tgr = new TapGestureRecognizer(); tgr.Tapped += Tgr_Tapped; lblschedule.GestureRecognizers.Add(tgr); } catch (Exception ex) { DependencyService.Get <IMessage>().LongAlert(); } }
public Pharmacy GetStudent(string nume) { try { // instructiunea 'using' va apela sr.Close() using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(NumeFisier)) { string line; //citeste cate o linie si creaza un obiect de tip Student pe baza datelor din linia citita while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { Pharmacy p = new Pharmacy(line); if (p.Nume.Equals(nume)) { return(p); } } } } catch (IOException eIO) { throw new Exception("Eroare la deschiderea fisierului. Mesaj: " + eIO.Message); } catch (Exception eGen) { throw new Exception("Eroare generica. Mesaj: " + eGen.Message); } return(null); }
public int InsertTonKho(Pharmacy.QuanLy.Info.TonkhoInfo info) { int id = 0; try { id = cn.ExecuteInsert("sp_InsertTONKHO", new string[] { "@MAKHO", "@NGAY", "@TINHTRANG"}, new object[] { info.MAKHO, info.NGAY, info.TINHTRANG}); return id; } catch (Exception ex) { //ghi log return id; } }
public int InsertCTTonKho(Pharmacy.QuanLy.Info.CTTonkhoInfo info) { int id = 0; try { id = cn.ExecuteInsert("sp_InsertCT_TonKho", new string[] { "@MAHH", "@MATONKHO", "@SOLUONGTON", "@TINHTRANG" }, new object[] { info.Mahh, info.Matonkho, info.Soluongton,1 }); return id; } catch (Exception ex) { //ghi log return id; } }
///<summary>Converts a DataTable to a list of objects.</summary> public static List<Pharmacy> TableToList(DataTable table){ List<Pharmacy> retVal=new List<Pharmacy>(); Pharmacy pharmacy; for(int i=0;i<table.Rows.Count;i++) { pharmacy=new Pharmacy(); pharmacy.PharmacyNum= PIn.Long (table.Rows[i]["PharmacyNum"].ToString()); pharmacy.PharmID = PIn.String(table.Rows[i]["PharmID"].ToString()); pharmacy.StoreName = PIn.String(table.Rows[i]["StoreName"].ToString()); pharmacy.Phone = PIn.String(table.Rows[i]["Phone"].ToString()); pharmacy.Fax = PIn.String(table.Rows[i]["Fax"].ToString()); pharmacy.Address = PIn.String(table.Rows[i]["Address"].ToString()); pharmacy.Address2 = PIn.String(table.Rows[i]["Address2"].ToString()); pharmacy.City = PIn.String(table.Rows[i]["City"].ToString()); pharmacy.State = PIn.String(table.Rows[i]["State"].ToString()); pharmacy.Zip = PIn.String(table.Rows[i]["Zip"].ToString()); pharmacy.Note = PIn.String(table.Rows[i]["Note"].ToString()); pharmacy.DateTStamp = PIn.DateT (table.Rows[i]["DateTStamp"].ToString()); retVal.Add(pharmacy); } return retVal; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public static void FillPharmacyDropdown(DropDownList ddPharmacy) { Pharmacy pharmacy = new Pharmacy(); DataSet dsPharmacy = pharmacy.GetPharmacyList(); ddPharmacy.DataSource = dsPharmacy; ddPharmacy.DataTextField = "PharmacyName"; ddPharmacy.DataValueField = "PharmacyID"; ddPharmacy.DataBind(); ListItem itemPharmacy = new ListItem(); itemPharmacy.Value = "0"; itemPharmacy.Text = "-Select Pharmacy -"; ddPharmacy.Items.Insert(0, itemPharmacy); }
///<summary>Updates one Pharmacy in the database.</summary> internal static void Update(Pharmacy pharmacy) { string command="UPDATE pharmacy SET " +"PharmID = '"+POut.String(pharmacy.PharmID)+"', " +"StoreName = '"+POut.String(pharmacy.StoreName)+"', " +"Phone = '"+POut.String(pharmacy.Phone)+"', " +"Fax = '"+POut.String(pharmacy.Fax)+"', " +"Address = '"+POut.String(pharmacy.Address)+"', " +"Address2 = '"+POut.String(pharmacy.Address2)+"', " +"City = '"+POut.String(pharmacy.City)+"', " +"State = '"+POut.String(pharmacy.State)+"', " +"Zip = '"+POut.String(pharmacy.Zip)+"', " +"Note = '"+POut.String(pharmacy.Note)+"' " //DateTStamp can only be set by MySQL +"WHERE PharmacyNum = "+POut.Long(pharmacy.PharmacyNum); Db.NonQ(command); }
///<summary>Converts one Pharmacy object to its mobile equivalent. Warning! CustomerNum will always be 0.</summary> internal static Pharmacym ConvertToM(Pharmacy pharmacy){ Pharmacym pharmacym=new Pharmacym(); //CustomerNum cannot be set. Remains 0. pharmacym.PharmacyNum=pharmacy.PharmacyNum; pharmacym.StoreName =pharmacy.StoreName; pharmacym.Phone =pharmacy.Phone; pharmacym.Fax =pharmacy.Fax; pharmacym.Address =pharmacy.Address; pharmacym.Address2 =pharmacy.Address2; pharmacym.City =pharmacy.City; pharmacym.State =pharmacy.State; pharmacym.Zip =pharmacy.Zip; pharmacym.Note =pharmacy.Note; return pharmacym; }
///<summary>Updates one Pharmacy in the database. Uses an old object to compare to, and only alters changed fields. This prevents collisions and concurrency problems in heavily used tables.</summary> internal static void Update(Pharmacy pharmacy,Pharmacy oldPharmacy) { string command=""; if(pharmacy.PharmID != oldPharmacy.PharmID) { if(command!=""){ command+=",";} command+="PharmID = '"+POut.String(pharmacy.PharmID)+"'"; } if(pharmacy.StoreName != oldPharmacy.StoreName) { if(command!=""){ command+=",";} command+="StoreName = '"+POut.String(pharmacy.StoreName)+"'"; } if(pharmacy.Phone != oldPharmacy.Phone) { if(command!=""){ command+=",";} command+="Phone = '"+POut.String(pharmacy.Phone)+"'"; } if(pharmacy.Fax != oldPharmacy.Fax) { if(command!=""){ command+=",";} command+="Fax = '"+POut.String(pharmacy.Fax)+"'"; } if(pharmacy.Address != oldPharmacy.Address) { if(command!=""){ command+=",";} command+="Address = '"+POut.String(pharmacy.Address)+"'"; } if(pharmacy.Address2 != oldPharmacy.Address2) { if(command!=""){ command+=",";} command+="Address2 = '"+POut.String(pharmacy.Address2)+"'"; } if(pharmacy.City != oldPharmacy.City) { if(command!=""){ command+=",";} command+="City = '"+POut.String(pharmacy.City)+"'"; } if(pharmacy.State != oldPharmacy.State) { if(command!=""){ command+=",";} command+="State = '"+POut.String(pharmacy.State)+"'"; } if(pharmacy.Zip != oldPharmacy.Zip) { if(command!=""){ command+=",";} command+="Zip = '"+POut.String(pharmacy.Zip)+"'"; } if(pharmacy.Note != oldPharmacy.Note) { if(command!=""){ command+=",";} command+="Note = '"+POut.String(pharmacy.Note)+"'"; } //DateTStamp can only be set by MySQL if(command==""){ return; } command="UPDATE pharmacy SET "+command +" WHERE PharmacyNum = "+POut.Long(pharmacy.PharmacyNum); Db.NonQ(command); }