public void PerformTest8() { PgpPublicKeyRingBundle pubRings = new PgpPublicKeyRingBundle(pub8); int count = 0; byte[] encRing = pubRings.GetEncoded(); pubRings = new PgpPublicKeyRingBundle(encRing); foreach (PgpPublicKeyRing pgpPub1 in pubRings.GetKeyRings()) { count++; int keyCount = 0; byte[] bytes = pgpPub1.GetEncoded(); PgpPublicKeyRing pgpPub2 = new PgpPublicKeyRing(bytes); foreach (PgpPublicKey o in pgpPub2.GetPublicKeys()) { if (o == null) Fail("null key found"); keyCount++; } if (keyCount != 2) { Fail("wrong number of public keys"); } } if (count != 2) { Fail("wrong number of public keyrings"); } PgpSecretKeyRingBundle secretRings1 = new PgpSecretKeyRingBundle(sec8); count = 0; encRing = secretRings1.GetEncoded(); PgpSecretKeyRingBundle secretRings2 = new PgpSecretKeyRingBundle(encRing); foreach (PgpSecretKeyRing pgpSec1 in secretRings1.GetKeyRings()) { count++; int keyCount = 0; byte[] bytes = pgpSec1.GetEncoded(); PgpSecretKeyRing pgpSec2 = new PgpSecretKeyRing(bytes); foreach (PgpSecretKey k in pgpSec2.GetSecretKeys()) { keyCount++; k.ExtractPrivateKey(sec8pass); } if (keyCount != 2) { Fail("wrong number of secret keys"); } } if (count != 1) { Fail("wrong number of secret keyrings"); } }
public void PerformTest3() { PgpPublicKeyRingBundle pubRings = new PgpPublicKeyRingBundle(pub3); int count = 0; byte[] encRing = pubRings.GetEncoded(); pubRings = new PgpPublicKeyRingBundle(encRing); foreach (PgpPublicKeyRing pgpPub1 in pubRings.GetKeyRings()) { count++; int keyCount = 0; byte[] bytes = pgpPub1.GetEncoded(); PgpPublicKeyRing pgpPub2 = new PgpPublicKeyRing(bytes); foreach (PgpPublicKey pubK in pgpPub2.GetPublicKeys()) { keyCount++; pubK.GetSignatures(); } if (keyCount != 2) { Fail("wrong number of public keys"); } } if (count != 1) { Fail("wrong number of public keyrings"); } PgpSecretKeyRingBundle secretRings2 = new PgpSecretKeyRingBundle(sec3); count = 0; encRing = secretRings2.GetEncoded(); PgpSecretKeyRingBundle secretRings = new PgpSecretKeyRingBundle(encRing); foreach (PgpSecretKeyRing pgpSec1 in secretRings2.GetKeyRings()) { count++; int keyCount = 0; byte[] bytes = pgpSec1.GetEncoded(); PgpSecretKeyRing pgpSec2 = new PgpSecretKeyRing(bytes); foreach (PgpSecretKey k in pgpSec2.GetSecretKeys()) { keyCount++; k.ExtractPrivateKey(sec3pass1); } if (keyCount != 2) { Fail("wrong number of secret keys"); } } if (count != 1) { Fail("wrong number of secret keyrings"); } }
public void PerformTest6() { PgpPublicKeyRingBundle pubRings = new PgpPublicKeyRingBundle(pub6); foreach (PgpPublicKeyRing pgpPub in pubRings.GetKeyRings()) { foreach (PgpPublicKey k in pgpPub.GetPublicKeys()) { if (k.KeyId == 0x5ce086b5b5a18ff4L) { int count = 0; foreach (PgpSignature sig in k.GetSignaturesOfType(PgpSignature.SubkeyRevocation)) { if (sig == null) Fail("null signature found"); count++; } if (count != 1) { Fail("wrong number of revocations in test6."); } } } } byte[] encRing = pubRings.GetEncoded(); }
public void PerformTest2() { PgpPublicKeyRingBundle pubRings = new PgpPublicKeyRingBundle(pub2); int count = 0; byte[] encRing = pubRings.GetEncoded(); pubRings = new PgpPublicKeyRingBundle(encRing); foreach (PgpPublicKeyRing pgpPub1 in pubRings.GetKeyRings()) { count++; int keyCount = 0; byte[] bytes = pgpPub1.GetEncoded(); PgpPublicKeyRing pgpPub2 = new PgpPublicKeyRing(bytes); foreach (PgpPublicKey pk in pgpPub2.GetPublicKeys()) { byte[] pkBytes = pk.GetEncoded(); PgpPublicKeyRing pkR = new PgpPublicKeyRing(pkBytes); keyCount++; } if (keyCount != 2) { Fail("wrong number of public keys"); } } if (count != 2) { Fail("wrong number of public keyrings"); } PgpSecretKeyRingBundle secretRings2 = new PgpSecretKeyRingBundle(sec2); count = 0; encRing = secretRings2.GetEncoded(); PgpSecretKeyRingBundle secretRings = new PgpSecretKeyRingBundle(encRing); foreach (PgpSecretKeyRing pgpSec1 in secretRings2.GetKeyRings()) { count++; int keyCount = 0; byte[] bytes = pgpSec1.GetEncoded(); PgpSecretKeyRing pgpSec2 = new PgpSecretKeyRing(bytes); foreach (PgpSecretKey k in pgpSec2.GetSecretKeys()) { keyCount++; PgpPublicKey pk = k.PublicKey; if (pk.KeyId == -1413891222336124627L) { int sCount = 0; foreach (PgpSignature pgpSignature in pk.GetSignaturesOfType(PgpSignature.SubkeyBinding)) { int type = pgpSignature.SignatureType; if (type != PgpSignature.SubkeyBinding) { Fail("failed to return correct signature type"); } sCount++; } if (sCount != 1) { Fail("failed to find binding signature"); } } pk.GetSignatures(); if (k.KeyId == -4049084404703773049L || k.KeyId == -1413891222336124627L) { k.ExtractPrivateKey(sec2pass1); } else if (k.KeyId == -6498553574938125416L || k.KeyId == 59034765524361024L) { k.ExtractPrivateKey(sec2pass2); } } if (keyCount != 2) { Fail("wrong number of secret keys"); } } if (count != 2) { Fail("wrong number of secret keyrings"); } }