        //button detail to show datail product
        private void btnDetail_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
            if (pmIDSelected != "")
                DetailMedicine   dmd = new DetailMedicine();
                PetMedicineModel pmm = new PetMedicineModel();

                PetMedicine med = pmm.getPetMedicine(pmIDSelected);

                dmd.txtPmdId.Text         = med.pm_id;
                dmd.txtPmdName.Text       = med.pm_name;
                dmd.txtPmdSaleprices.Text = med.pm_salePrice.ToString();
                dmd.txtPmdAmount.Text     = med.pm_amount.ToString();
                dmd.txtPmdDescript.Text   = med.pm_description;

                if (med.pm_status == "Active")
                    dmd.txtPmdStatus.ForeColor = Color.Green;
                    dmd.txtPmdStatus.ForeColor = Color.Red;

                dmd.txtPmdStatus.Text = med.pm_status;

                dmd.lbldetail.Text = "Pet's Medicine detail for '" + med.pm_name + "'";

                String projectPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "..\\.."));
                String pathImage   = projectPath + "\\img\\" + med.pm_image;
                Image  img         = Image.FromFile(pathImage);
                dmd.ptbimage.Image = pmm.ResizeImage(img, 200, 200);

                MessageBox.Show("Please choose a Medicine to view detail !!!", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
        private void bbiAccept_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
            if (selectedID != -1)
                Bill bill;

                UserModel um = new UserModel();
                using (var db = new PetStoreEntities())
                    var u = db.Bills.Find(selectedID);
                    bill       = u;
                    u.b_status = "Acitve";
                DataGridView grvPrint = new DataGridView();
                DataTable    dt       = new DataTable();
                dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Name", typeof(string)));
                dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Price", typeof(int)));
                dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Quantity", typeof(int)));
                using (var db = new PetStoreEntities())
                    var               list = db.BillDetails.Where(x => x.b_id == selectedID);
                    PetModel          pm   = new PetModel();
                    PetFoodModel      pfm  = new PetFoodModel();
                    PetMedicineModel  pmm  = new PetMedicineModel();
                    PetToyModel       ptm  = new PetToyModel();
                    PetAccessoryModel pam  = new PetAccessoryModel();
                    int               d    = 0;
                    while (d != list.Count())
                        var bd = list.ToList()[d];
                        if (bd.p_id != null)
                            var p   = pm.getPet(bd.p_id);
                            var qty = list.Where(x => x.p_id == bd.p_id).Count();
                            dt.Rows.Add(p.p_name, p.p_salePrice, qty);
                            d += qty;
                        else if (bd.pt_id != null)
                            var pt  = ptm.getPetToy(bd.pt_id);
                            var qty = list.Where(x => x.pt_id == bd.pt_id).Count();
                            dt.Rows.Add(pt.pt_name, pt.pt_salePrice, qty);
                            d += qty;
                        else if (bd.pf_id != null)
                            var pf  = pfm.getPetFood(bd.pf_id);
                            var qty = list.Where(x => x.pf_id == bd.pf_id).Count();
                            dt.Rows.Add(pf.pf_name, pf.pf_salePrice, qty);
                            d += qty;
                        else if (bd.pm_id != null)
                            var pmd = pmm.getPetMedicine(bd.pm_id);
                            var qty = list.Where(x => x.pm_id == bd.pm_id).Count();
                            dt.Rows.Add(pmd.pm_name, pmd.pm_salePrice, qty);
                            d += qty;
                        else if (bd.pa_id != null)
                            var pa  = pam.getPetAccessory(bd.pa_id);
                            var qty = list.Where(x => x.pa_id == bd.pa_id).Count();
                            dt.Rows.Add(pa.pa_name, pa.pa_salePrice, qty);
                            d += qty;
                grvPrint.DataSource = dt;
                GridControl gc = new GridControl();
                gc.DataSource = grvPrint.DataSource;
                BillReport report = new BillReport();
                report.Parameters["pGuest"].Value   = um.getUName(bill.u_id);
                report.Parameters["pAddress"].Value = bill.b_address;
                report.Parameters["pDate"].Value    = bill.b_purchaseDate;
                report.Parameters["pTotal"].Value   = bill.b_total;
                report.Parameters["pID"].Value      = bill.b_id;
                SelectGift sg = new SelectGift();
                report.Parameters["pGift"].Value = sg.cbbGift.Text;
                report.GridControl = gc;
                ReportPrintTool printTool = new ReportPrintTool(report);
                printTool.AutoShowParametersPanel = true;
        private void barButtonItem1_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
            DataGridView grvPrint = new DataGridView();
            DataTable    dt       = new DataTable();

            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Name", typeof(string)));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Price", typeof(int)));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Quantity", typeof(int)));
            using (var db = new PetStoreEntities())
                var               list = db.BillDetails.Where(x => x.b_id == selectedID);
                PetModel          pm   = new PetModel();
                PetFoodModel      pfm  = new PetFoodModel();
                PetMedicineModel  pmm  = new PetMedicineModel();
                PetToyModel       ptm  = new PetToyModel();
                PetAccessoryModel pam  = new PetAccessoryModel();
                int               d    = 0;
                while (d != list.Count())
                    var bd = list.ToList()[d];
                    if (bd.p_id != null)
                        var p   = pm.getPet(bd.p_id);
                        var qty = list.Where(x => x.p_id == bd.p_id).Count();
                        dt.Rows.Add(p.p_name, p.p_salePrice, qty);
                        d += qty;
                    else if (bd.pt_id != null)
                        var pt  = ptm.getPetToy(bd.pt_id);
                        var qty = list.Where(x => x.pt_id == bd.pt_id).Count();
                        dt.Rows.Add(pt.pt_name, pt.pt_salePrice, qty);
                        d += qty;
                    else if (bd.pf_id != null)
                        var pf  = pfm.getPetFood(bd.pf_id);
                        var qty = list.Where(x => x.pf_id == bd.pf_id).Count();
                        dt.Rows.Add(pf.pf_name, pf.pf_salePrice, qty);
                        d += qty;
                    else if (bd.pm_id != null)
                        var pmd = pmm.getPetMedicine(bd.pm_id);
                        var qty = list.Where(x => x.pm_id == bd.pm_id).Count();
                        dt.Rows.Add(pmd.pm_name, pmd.pm_salePrice, qty);
                        d += qty;
                    else if (bd.pa_id != null)
                        var pa  = pam.getPetAccessory(bd.pa_id);
                        var qty = list.Where(x => x.pa_id == bd.pa_id).Count();
                        dt.Rows.Add(pa.pa_name, pa.pa_salePrice, qty);
                        d += qty;
            DetailBill dbf = new DetailBill();

            dbf.grvDetail.DataSource = dt;