    public void CanNowBlowFire()
        PetInteractionManager.Instance.isInteractable = false;

        //once pet is in position for fire breathing. Idle animations need to be turn off
        //otherwise it might break the breathe fire animation

        // if the pet is happy and healthy, add the fire button
        PetHealthStates healthState = DataManager.Instance.GameData.Stats.GetHealthState();
        PetMoods        moodState   = DataManager.Instance.GameData.Stats.GetMoodState();

        if (healthState == PetHealthStates.Healthy && moodState == PetMoods.Happy)

            //if can't breathe fire show message
            bool canBreatheFire = DataManager.Instance.GameData.PetInfo.CanBreathFire();
            if (!canBreatheFire)
    void OnTap(TapGesture gesture)
        if (isInteractable)
            try {
                string colliderName = gesture.Selection.GetComponent <Collider>().name;

                if (colliderName == this.gameObject.name)
                    if (colliderName == "HeadCollider")
                        PetMoods        moodState   = DataManager.Instance.GameData.Stats.GetMoodState();
                        PetHealthStates healthState = DataManager.Instance.GameData.Stats.GetHealthState();
                        if (moodState == PetMoods.Sad || healthState == PetHealthStates.Sick ||
                            healthState == PetHealthStates.VerySick)
                    else if (colliderName == "HighFiveCollider")
            catch (NullReferenceException e) {
    // CheckForHealthTransition()
    // Checks to see if a health transition is appropriate,
    // and if so, kicks it off on the pet animator.  This
    // is kind of messy.
    private void CheckForHealthTransition(PetHealthStates oldHealth, PetHealthStates newHealth)
        // there are a bunch of cases here

        //HealthyHappySick --> SickVerySick or HealthySadSick --> SickVerySick
        if (oldHealth == PetHealthStates.Healthy && newHealth == PetHealthStates.VerySick)
            if (OnHealthyToVerySick != null)
                OnHealthyToVerySick(this, EventArgs.Empty);

        // Healthy --> HappySick or Healthy --> SadSick
        else if (oldHealth == PetHealthStates.Healthy && newHealth == PetHealthStates.Sick)
            if (OnHealthyToSick != null)
                OnHealthyToSick(this, EventArgs.Empty);

        // VerySick --> HealthyHappy or VerySick --> HealthySad
        else if (oldHealth == PetHealthStates.VerySick && newHealth == PetHealthStates.Healthy)
            if (GatingManager.Instance.activeGates.ContainsKey(scriptPan.currentLocalPartition))
            if (OnVerySickToHealthy != null)
                OnVerySickToHealthy(this, EventArgs.Empty);

        // Sick --> HealthyHappy or Sick --> HealthySad
        else if (oldHealth == PetHealthStates.Sick && newHealth == PetHealthStates.Healthy)
            if (GatingManager.Instance.activeGates.ContainsKey(scriptPan.currentLocalPartition))
            if (OnSickToHealthy != null)
                OnSickToHealthy(this, EventArgs.Empty);

        // Sick --> VerySick
        else if (oldHealth == PetHealthStates.Sick && newHealth == PetHealthStates.VerySick)
            if (OnSickToVerySick != null)
                OnSickToVerySick(this, EventArgs.Empty);
    // StoreData()
    // Storing data for pet animations is a little complex,
    // so I created this function for it.
    private static void StoreData(DataPetAnimation data)
        // first let's just put it in the unrestricted hash based on the categories of the data
        StoreCategories(hashDataUnrestricted, data);

        // second store the data in a plain hash table for a list of all animations
        string strID = data.GetID();

        if (hashDataList.ContainsKey(strID))
            Debug.LogError("Warning!  Multiple pet animations with the same ID!");
            hashDataList[strID] = data;

        // now let's do the real complex stuff...
        // the first hash for data is based on health
        PetHealthStates eHealth = data.GetHealth();

        // create hashtable for the healt if it doesn't exist
        if (!hashData.ContainsKey(eHealth))
            hashData[eHealth] = new Hashtable();

        Hashtable hashHealth = (Hashtable)hashData[eHealth];

        // next is mood
        PetMoods eMood = data.GetMood();

        // slightly special case-y here...if the mood is "any", we want to duplicate the data across all hashes
        if (eMood == PetMoods.Any)
            // iterate through all the moods, -1 (for any)
            for (int i = 0; i < System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(PetMoods)).Length - 1; ++i)
                Hashtable hashMood = GetMoodHash(hashHealth, (PetMoods)i);

                // store the categories for this mood
                StoreCategories(hashMood, data);
            Hashtable hashMood = GetMoodHash(hashHealth, eMood);

            // store the categories for this mood
            StoreCategories(hashMood, data);
    public DataPetAnimation(string id, Hashtable hashAttr, Hashtable hashData, string strError)
        // set id
        strID = id;

        // get the animation state that this animation reflects
        string strState = HashUtils.GetHashValue <string>(hashAttr, "state", "Idling", strError);

        eAnimState = (PetAnimStates)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(PetAnimStates), strState);

        // get the clip name
        strClipName = XMLUtils.GetString(hashData["Clip"] as IXMLNode, id);

        if (hashData.ContainsKey("Sound"))
            soundClip = XMLUtils.GetString(hashData["Sound"] as IXMLNode, strError);

        // get whether or not this animation can be interrupted
        bCanInterrupt = XMLUtils.GetBool(hashData["CanInterrupt"] as IXMLNode, true);

        // get the weight
        nWeight = XMLUtils.GetInt(hashData["Weight"] as IXMLNode, 1, strError);

        // get the health state
        string strHealth = XMLUtils.GetString(hashData["Health"] as IXMLNode, "Healthy", strError);

        eHealthState = (PetHealthStates)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(PetHealthStates), strHealth);

        // get the mood
        // NOTE if the health for this anim is NOT set to healthy, the mood should be "Any"
        if (eHealthState != PetHealthStates.Healthy)
            eMood = PetMoods.Any;
            string strMood = XMLUtils.GetString(hashData["Mood"] as IXMLNode, "Happy", strError);
            eMood = (PetMoods)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(PetMoods), strMood);

        //Debug.Log("Loading pet anim data: " + strID + " - " + eAnimState + " - " + strClipName + " - " + nWeight + " - " + eMood + " - " + eHealthState);

        // get the list of categories
        string strCats = XMLUtils.GetString(hashData["Categories"] as IXMLNode, "Idle", strError);

        string[] arrayCats = strCats.Split(","[0]);
        for (int i = 0; i < arrayCats.Length; ++i)
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the state of the health. Based on the numerical value of the Health stat,
    /// returns an enum of the pet's health.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The health state.</returns>
    public PetHealthStates GetHealthState()
        PetHealthStates eHealth = PetHealthStates.Healthy;

        if (Health <= VERY_SICK_THRESH)
            eHealth = PetHealthStates.VerySick;
        else if (Health <= SICK_THRESH)
            eHealth = PetHealthStates.Sick;
    /// <summary>
    /// Shows the no fire notification. Calling this function assumes the player
    /// cannot breathe fire
    /// </summary>
    private void ShowUnhealthyNoFireSpeech()
        PetHealthStates healthState = DataManager.Instance.GameData.Stats.GetHealthState();
        PetMoods        moodState   = DataManager.Instance.GameData.Stats.GetMoodState();

        if (healthState != PetHealthStates.Healthy)
        else if (moodState != PetMoods.Happy)
    // GetRestrictedData()
    // Get a random animation for a category that is
    // restricted; i.e. based on the pet's current mood,
    // health, etc.
    public static DataPetAnimation GetRestrictedData(string strCat, bool bUseWeights = true)
        if (hashData == null)

        // get the pet's mood and health states
        PetMoods        eMood   = DataManager.Instance.GameData.Stats.GetMoodState();
        PetHealthStates eHealth = DataManager.Instance.GameData.Stats.GetHealthState();

        // if the pet is NOT healthy, their mood does not matter
        //if ( eHealth != PetHealthStates.Healthy )
        //	eMood = PetMoods.Any;

        DataPetAnimation data = null;

        // this is a little complex...there are a bunch of checks we need to do so that we don't access any null objects
        if (hashData.ContainsKey(eHealth))
            Hashtable hashHealth = (Hashtable)hashData[eHealth];

            if (hashHealth.ContainsKey(eMood))
                Hashtable hashMood = (Hashtable)hashHealth[eMood];

                if (hashMood.ContainsKey(strCat))
                    List <DataPetAnimation> listAnims = (List <DataPetAnimation>)hashMood[strCat];

                    // if we get here, all the data existed just right...so return a random, weighted animation
                    data = GetRandomData(listAnims, true);

        if (data == null)
            Debug.LogError("A query for a restricted animation(" + eMood + ", " + eHealth + ", " + strCat + ") came up with nothing!");

    // CheckForMoodTransition()
    // Checks to see if a mood transition is appropriate,
    // and if so, kicks it off on the pet animator.
    private void CheckForMoodTransition(PetMoods oldMood, PetMoods newMood)
        if (bBeingDestroyed)

        // if, at this moment, the pet is not healthy, there will be no mood transitions
        PetHealthStates health = DataManager.Instance.GameData.Stats.GetHealthState();

        if (health != PetHealthStates.Healthy)

        // otherwise, let's actually check for a transition
        if (oldMood == PetMoods.Happy && newMood == PetMoods.Sad)
            // fire event to notify listeners
            if (OnHappyToSad != null)
                OnHappyToSad(this, EventArgs.Empty);
        else if (oldMood == PetMoods.Sad && newMood == PetMoods.Happy)
            if (GatingManager.Instance.activeGates.ContainsKey(scriptPan.currentLocalPartition))
            // fire event
            if (OnSadToHappy != null)
                OnSadToHappy(this, EventArgs.Empty);
    private void RefreshNotificationListener()
        //listen to health -> sick  or start out sick
        //we will check this only once every play period for 3 consecutive play period
        bool isRemindedThisPlayPeriod = DataManager.Instance.GameData.SickNotification.IsRemindedThisPlayPeriod;
        bool isReminderActive         = DataManager.Instance.GameData.SickNotification.IsReminderActive;

        PetHealthStates healthState = DataManager.Instance.GameData.Stats.GetHealthState();

        if (healthState == PetHealthStates.Sick || healthState == PetHealthStates.VerySick)
            if (isReminderActive && !isRemindedThisPlayPeriod)
                Invoke("ShowPopupPetSick", 0.25f);
        //else register for health state change and check if mood needs a notification
            if (isReminderActive && !isRemindedThisPlayPeriod)
                StatsManager.OnHealthyToSick     += OnHealthyToSickHandler;
                StatsManager.OnHealthyToVerySick += OnHealthyToSickHandler;

            PetMoods moodState = DataManager.Instance.GameData.Stats.GetMoodState();
            if (moodState == PetMoods.Sad && SceneUtils.CurrentScene == SceneUtils.BEDROOM)
                bool isMoodDecayTutorialDone = DataManager.Instance.GameData.Tutorial.IsTutorialFinished(TutorialManagerBedroom.TUT_MOOD_DEGRADE);
                if (!isMoodDecayTutorialDone)
                    Invoke("ShowPopupNoEnergy", 0.25f);
    /// <summary>
    /// Pets the reached destination. It is critical this function is only
    /// called if the pet is entering a gated room.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender">Sender.</param>
    /// <param name="args">Arguments.</param>
    private void PetReachedDest(object inhasender, EventArgs args)
        if (OnReachedGate != null)
            OnReachedGate(this, EventArgs.Empty);

        PetInteractionManager.Instance.isInteractable = false;

        //once pet is in position for fire breathing. Idle animations need to be turn off
        //otherwise it might break the breathe fire animation

        // if the pet is happy and healthy, add the fire button
        PetHealthStates healthState = DataManager.Instance.GameData.Stats.GetHealthState();
        PetMoods        moodState   = DataManager.Instance.GameData.Stats.GetMoodState();

        if (healthState == PetHealthStates.Healthy && moodState == PetMoods.Happy)

            //if can't breathe fire show message
            bool canBreatheFire = DataManager.Instance.GameData.PetInfo.CanBreathFire();
            if (!canBreatheFire)

        // regardless, stop listening for the callback now that we've received it
    /// <summary>
    /// Changes the stats.
    /// Locations are on screen space
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="xpDelta">Delta points.</param>
    /// <param name="xpPos">Points location.</param>
    /// <param name="coinsDelta">Delta stars.</param>
    /// <param name="coinsPos">Stars location.</param>
    /// <param name="healthDelta">Delta health.</param>
    /// <param name="healthPos">Health location.</param>
    /// <param name="hungerDelta">Delta mood.</param>
    /// <param name="hungerPos">Mood location.</param>
    /// <param name="bFloaty">If set to <c>true</c> spawn floaty on the pet. (this will not play sound)</param>
    /// <param name="isInternal">If set to <c>true</c> skip all animations + rewarding</param>
    public void ChangeStats(int xpDelta     = 0, Vector3 xpPos       = default(Vector3),
                            int coinsDelta  = 0, Vector3 coinsPos    = default(Vector3),
                            int healthDelta = 0, Vector3 healthPos   = default(Vector3),
                            int hungerDelta = 0, Vector3 hungerPos   = default(Vector3),
                            bool isFloaty   = false, bool is3DObject = false, float animDelay = 0f,
                            bool isInternal = false)
        // Make necessary changes in the DataManager and HUDAnimator
        if (xpDelta != 0)
            if (xpDelta > 0)
            else if (xpDelta < 0)               // Invalid case
                Debug.LogError("Subtracting experience points");

        if (coinsDelta != 0)

        // NOTE: so that the pet animations play properly, make sure to change and check mood BEFORE health
        if (hungerDelta != 0)
            PetMoods oldMood = DataManager.Instance.GameData.Stats.GetMoodState();
            PetMoods newMood = DataManager.Instance.GameData.Stats.GetMoodState();

            if (isPetAnimationManagerPresent)
                CheckForMoodTransition(oldMood, newMood);

        if (healthDelta != 0)
            PetHealthStates oldHealth = DataManager.Instance.GameData.Stats.GetHealthState();
            PetHealthStates newHealth = DataManager.Instance.GameData.Stats.GetHealthState();

            if (isPetAnimationManagerPresent)
                CheckForHealthTransition(oldHealth, newHealth);

        // If internal checked, skip all animations and reward checking
        if (isInternal == false)
            if (isFloaty && !bBeingDestroyed && PetFloatyUIManager.Instance)
                PetFloatyUIManager.Instance.CreateStatsFloaty(xpDelta, healthDelta, hungerDelta, coinsDelta);

            //when stats are modified make sure PetAnimationManager knows about it
            if (isPetAnimationManagerPresent)

            // Adjust for custom positions using screen position for 3D objects
            if (is3DObject)
                if (xpPos != default(Vector3))
                    // WorldToScreen returns screen coordinates based on 0,0 being bottom left, so we need to transform those into respective NGUI Anchors
                    xpPos = CameraManager.Instance.WorldToScreen(CameraManager.Instance.CameraMain, xpPos);
                    Debug.LogWarning("COMMENTED OUT THINGS HERE, fix");
                    //InterfaceAnchors endAnchor = (InterfaceAnchors)Enum.Parse(typeof(InterfaceAnchors), Constants.GetConstant<String>("Points_Anchor"));
                    //xpPos = CameraManager.Instance.TransformAnchorPosition(xpPos, InterfaceAnchors.BottomLeft, endAnchor);
                if (coinsPos != default(Vector3))
                    coinsPos = CameraManager.Instance.WorldToScreen(CameraManager.Instance.CameraMain, coinsPos);
                    Debug.LogWarning("COMMENTED OUT THINGS HERE, fix");
                    //InterfaceAnchors endAnchor = (InterfaceAnchors)Enum.Parse(typeof(InterfaceAnchors), Constants.GetConstant<String>("Stars_Anchor"));
                    //coinsPos = CameraManager.Instance.TransformAnchorPosition(coinsPos, InterfaceAnchors.BottomLeft, endAnchor);
                if (healthPos != default(Vector3))
                    healthPos = CameraManager.Instance.WorldToScreen(CameraManager.Instance.CameraMain, healthPos);
                    Debug.LogWarning("COMMENTED OUT THINGS HERE, fix");
                    //InterfaceAnchors endAnchor = (InterfaceAnchors)Enum.Parse(typeof(InterfaceAnchors), Constants.GetConstant<String>("Health_Anchor"));
                    //healthPos = CameraManager.Instance.TransformAnchorPosition(healthPos, InterfaceAnchors.BottomLeft, endAnchor);
                if (hungerPos != default(Vector3))
                    hungerPos = CameraManager.Instance.WorldToScreen(CameraManager.Instance.CameraMain, hungerPos);
                    Debug.LogWarning("COMMENTED OUT THINGS HERE, fix");
                    //InterfaceAnchors endAnchor = (InterfaceAnchors)Enum.Parse(typeof(InterfaceAnchors), Constants.GetConstant<String>("Mood_Anchor"));
                    //hungerPos = CameraManager.Instance.TransformAnchorPosition(hungerPos, InterfaceAnchors.BottomLeft, endAnchor);
            // Adjust for custom position using screen position for NGUI objects
                // Not needed yet

            // Tell HUDAnimator to animate and change
            List <StatPair> listStats = new List <StatPair>();
            listStats.Add(new StatPair(StatType.Xp, xpDelta, xpPos, xpDelta > 0 ? "XpSingleTick" : null));
            listStats.Add(new StatPair(StatType.Coin, coinsDelta, coinsPos, coinsDelta > 0 ? "CoinSingleTick" : null));
            listStats.Add(new StatPair(StatType.Health, healthDelta, healthPos, healthDelta > 0 ? "HealthSingleTick" : null));
            listStats.Add(new StatPair(StatType.Hunger, hungerDelta, hungerPos, hungerDelta > 0 ? "HungerSingleTick" : null));

            if (hudAnimator != null && !bBeingDestroyed)
                // Push this into the reward queue
                RewardQueueData.GenericDelegate function1 = delegate {
                    StartCoroutine(hudAnimator.StartCurveStats(listStats, isFloaty, animDelay));

            //Check if there are enough coins/stars to unlock badge, we want to do this last after reward
            BadgeManager.Instance.CheckSeriesUnlockProgress(BadgeType.Coin, DataManager.Instance.GameData.Stats.TotalStars, true);
    void Update()
        meshCollider.enabled = canMove ? true : false;

        if (moving && petSprite != null)
            //move the pet location if allowed
            if (ClickManager.Instance.CanRespondToTap(gameObject, ClickLockExceptions.Moving))
                PetMoods        mood          = DataManager.Instance.GameData.Stats.GetMoodState();
                PetHealthStates health        = DataManager.Instance.GameData.Stats.GetHealthState();
                float           movementSpeed = normalSpeed;

                //show pet movement down if pet is sick
                if (health == PetHealthStates.Sick || mood != PetMoods.Happy)
                    movementSpeed = sickSpeed;
                else if (health == PetHealthStates.VerySick)
                    movementSpeed = verySickSpeed;

                petSprite.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(petSprite.transform.position,
                                                                   destinationPoint, movementSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
            else if (moving && gateDestroyed)
                petSprite.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(petSprite.transform.position,
                                                                   destinationPoint, normalSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
            else if (movingToAccessory)
                PetMoods        mood          = DataManager.Instance.GameData.Stats.GetMoodState();
                PetHealthStates health        = DataManager.Instance.GameData.Stats.GetHealthState();
                float           movementSpeed = normalSpeed;

                //show pet movement down if pet is sick
                if (health == PetHealthStates.Sick || mood != PetMoods.Happy)
                    movementSpeed = sickSpeed;
                else if (health == PetHealthStates.VerySick)
                    movementSpeed = verySickSpeed;

                petSprite.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(petSprite.transform.position,
                                                                   destinationPoint, movementSpeed * Time.deltaTime);

            //when the sprite reaches destination. stop transform and animation
            if (petSprite.transform.position == destinationPoint)
                // send out an event because the pet has reached their destination
                if (OnReachedDest != null)
                    OnReachedDest(this, EventArgs.Empty);
                if (movingToAccessory)
                    movingToAccessory = false;
        if (!isWandering && ClickManager.Instance.CanRespondToTap())
            isWandering = true;